How do they do that? Transparent foreground on a web page - ajax

You know how sometimes you are on a good site and you click a button (like to submit a form) and the form doesn't go away, instead, the foreground becomes transparent and it contains a message of some kind, or another page. The message is at the forefront but the previous page is still mostly visible behind it - how do they do that? I'm assuming it's an Ajax-esque trick.

This is called a light box modal. There are quite a few JS plugins that can do this including Lightbox and the JQuery UI Dialog to name a couple. I just recently started using Fancybox and have been very impressed with its speed and configurability.
Here is a pretty good (not all inclusive) list of them:

One way is to use GreyBox. I think this similar to the effect that you're talking about.


KendoUI version of JQUERY animated side navigation

I am fond of the type of side navigation menu that is common in mobile apps. An example is:
Which works also for web pages. However, the vast majority of my page is in KendoUI, and I don't want to load another framework just for that.
Is there a combination of tricks with Kendo (draw control for example) that I could use to get the same effect?
Alternatively, I am all wet. I just want a quick way to have a "pop-up" of settings that are only occasionally used, and most of the time save the screen real-estate. So maybe just a button and a pop-up window is the correct approach?
Any advice?

Creating a Typing Assist in Firefox addon

I want to create a typing assisting addon to my Firefox such that whatever the user is typing currently appears on a small window on the right hand side bottom in bigger fonts.
This will help slow typists to type at a faster rate.
For example, when the user is on yahoo sign-up page and text box name, a small window should appear on the bottom right corner and should display the text he is entering in larger fonts. In this manner, the user can keep typing without moving his head up.
I have no experience with firefox addons, so I would like to know whether this project is feasible. If it is, then I would like to know whether it's possible to do with only JavaScript; or if I will have to use jQuery.
It will be much appreciated if you can provide some guidance in this matter.
Sure it's feasible. You never have to use jQuery and it's not very useful when writing an add-on anyway, since you don't care about differences between browsers.
I suggest you start with , try to get a page-mod running, make it handle keystrokes and display them in a <div> on the web page it's running in.

SketchFlow wizard-like window

Is there a way to create a wizard-like window in SketchFlow 4?
it needs the standard prev/next buttons, and of course the "Finish" button on the last page.
Are you having problems creating that? Sounds like a straightforward use of the prototyping features in SketchFlow. Simply link the sequence of screens together and use buttons with navigation behaviors to navigate between the screens.
I'm doing the same thing right now. We came at it two different ways - up to you which you prefer.
One is to use a TabControl and use the tabs as the steps of the wizard. This means you don't have to deal with adding the nav links back and forth, but you might have trouble getting the look you're hoping for.
The other way, as Chuck mentions, is just to essentially clone each step of the wizard screen as its own individual SketchFlow screen, with just the content section changed. Then you can link up each screen with the navigation hooks in the SketchFlow Map.
The latter is certainly more customizable, and once you get the hang of how to reuse sections of your design, tends to work better.

RadMenu Performance Issues

I have a page that has a RadMenu and a RadGrid used together. The RadGrid is used in client-side mode. This means that the loading, saving, editing and creation of new records is done via ajax. The grid seems to work fine but after sometime it appears that The menu dropdowns tend to be slower and after more use the entire page freezes. I am not sure whether it is this combo that causes this effect or either of the controls since a lot of js is being used to automate the menu dropdown and the ajax calls to the. This is the order in which the error is reproduced.
The menu control is located up above in a separate iframe and the grid is below in a separate iframe. This makes the scenario more peculiar since different js files are loaded in two iframes and there is no interaction between the two.
What could be the cause of the sudden freezing, a memory leak perhaps? Better still could it be a general problem when a lot of ajax interactions occur and other events are fired before the callbacks return?
On the video once can see that when the grid page loads everything seems fine, but after firing some events and performing some actions, the menu starts taking a lot of time to load. It reaches a point that it takes such a long time for the drop downs to display and eventually the entire browser tab freezes.
I have uploaded a video of the effects and here is the link:
"Better still could it be a general problem when a lot of ajax interactions occur and other events are fired before the callbacks return?"
- that's most of your problem. Telerik's JavaScript is thrown together, just view source and check out how many scripts are on the page, as well as the inlineJS. Contacting Telerik couldn't hurt, but I doubt it'll help. If you have a float based layout, when you go into edit Telerik, the tools don't work because they're relying on absolute positioning. I had to find my own solution. Good luck.

AJAX Thumbnails

Does anyone know of any free frameworks that help you create thumbnails for web pages, that when clicked, the original image loads ontop of the page (modal like), as oppossed to opening a separate page.
This is really 2 questions in 1. The "lightbox" display of the original, larger sized, images in a modal box is handled in JavaScript with a library such as ThickBox. The resizing of the images can be done manually, or via some kind of code on the server side. Sitepoint has a decent guide on how to resize server side with PHP. I hope this helps point you in the right direction.
I've used DhoniShow a few times in the past, and clients really liked it. It's not AJAX, as it loads all the full sized images on page load, but if you were motivated I'm sure you could make that change pretty easily.
As have been already said, you can use Lightbox to get the effect to the user, I would use it with its ajax mode, loading the thumbnail as its contents.
Now for the thumbnail, I would recommend you something like wich you can use for free.
Good luck.
