Mondrian olap - DriverManager.getConnection error - mondrian

In my gwt web-app i'm using Mondrian. I have a method:
private Result executeMdxQuery(String queryString, Schema schema) throws InterruptedException {
CatalogLocatorImpl locator = new CatalogLocatorImpl();
Connection mdxConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(createConnectString(schema), locator);
return executeMdxQuery(queryString, mdxConnection);
result of createConnectString(schema) is
all data within it is seems to be correct (at least db credentials and path to the file), this method throws no exception, it just silently dies and doesn't tell anything. Where should i loock to?

You should use the olap4j API to get a connection. This will allow you to let the application server manage and pool the connections to Mondrian.
If you require more control on the Mondrian server instance, you should take a look at the class MondrianServer.

add the following snippet to your code and try again:


unable to connect to back4app using parse4cn1 lib

Good day all, I tried connecting to the back4app back end service using the new parse4cn1 lib .....I supplied the keys required but my app could not connect to the backend for some strange reasons.kept reporting (unable to connect to back end.........codename one revisions some long numbers)
Some help or direction will be appreciated.Thanks all
What keys are you using? You need to pass your App Id and Client Key to parse4cn1. I just ran the regression tests against back4app and I didn't get any connection error. Can you provide more details (e.g. a dump) of the error you're getting?
Where are you putting your Parse.initialize? Just went for some digging on parse4cn1 and it seems that it needs to be inside a "initVars" function, usually created within a state machine as you can see in the example below:
public class StateMachine extends StateMachineBase {
* this method should be used to initialize variables instead of
* the constructor/class scope to avoid race conditions
protected void initVars(Resources res) {
Maybe that can help you on this connection issue. Also check the link below (A very useful guide) for further info:

How to speed up the restlet client to get response?

I use restlet client to send rest request to the server.
public class RestHandler {
protected ClientResource resource = null;
protected Client client = null;
public void connect(final String address,
final Protocol protocol){
final Context context = new Context();
if (client == null) {"Create Client.");
client = new Client(context, protocol);
resource = new ClientResource(context, new Reference(protocol, address));
In its child class, use resource.get()/post/put/delete to send rest request.
I found the response come back so slow at the first time(5-10s).
And then it go faster in the next few requests.
But after waiting about 10min I send the request again, it become slow again.
Is there any way to make the response come back faster?
You can try to use another client connector. It can be the cause of your problem, especially if you use the default one. Notice that the default one should be used for development only.
This page gives you all the available client connectors:
Regarding client connectors, you can configure properties to tune them. To use a client connector, simply put the corresponding Restlet extension within your classpath. Perhaps can you make a try with the extension org.restlet.ext.httpclient.
This answer could help you regarding connector configuration and properties: Restlet HTTP Connection Pool.
Hope it helps you,

I want my Domino Servlet to get an authenticated user session

It seems a like a pretty fundamental question, in a running Servlet hosted on Domino I want to access Domino resources that I have wisely protected using the the very fine security of IBM Notes and Domino.
I want the Servlet to be able to read and write data to Domino whilst keeping that data from the client that called the Servlet (or xAgent) and preventing the client from writing directly.
I'd be happy to be able to get a session that represented the signer of the application. I can get a session for a registered user by calling the Servlet using ?open&login and signing in. That's not practical.
I've looked here: How can you use SessionAsSigner in a Java Bean called from an XPage? where Mark Leusink ( implies the use of ExtLib's getCurrentSessionAsSigner() could be used. I've tried it, having signed the whole application with a single user id and it doesn't return a session. The answer seems to lie in the Servlet's inability to get a FacesContext object.
This feels like the answer should be obvious but it isn't to me. Any ideas?
FacesContext is JSF stuff and can be used from XAgent (=XPage).
In a servlet you can do this:
Session session = NotesFactory.createSession(null, "user", "password");
Server ID usually has no password and doing this will use the server ID:
Session session = NotesFactory.createSession();
Check the source of the WebDav project on OpenNTF. It has all the code you need
There have been lots of good answers to the original question. Thanks very much.
The solution I propose to use is to port the code I have to OSGi plugins. It appears that java code/Servlets within the NSF context are subject to security controls that are relaxed when the same code runs within the OSGi context. The code:
try {
Session s = NotesFactory.createSession("","<my username>","<my password>");
session = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Runs fine in the OSGI context, but within in an NSF produc
Jason - I assume you basically want the same functionality you would get running a Web Query Save agent if you didn't select run as Web User selected, in other words as the signer of the code.
You could try setting up a internet site rule to allow basic authentication for the specific application path you wanted to use - might be worth using a subdomain for this.
Then within the Servlet call this URL, whilst setting the Basic authorization parameters (username & password).
Something like this.
URL url = new URL(URL_TO_CALL);
String authStr = "USERNAME:PASSWORD";
String authEncoded = Base64.encodeBytes(authStr.getBytes());
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + authEncoded);
InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();

How can a client query a db4o server?

I've set up a db4o server and client. My client calls are not working.
What's puzzling to me is that the db4o examples show how the client can close the server, but not how to get and save data. See:
If I start the db4o server, and run netstat, I can see that the port is open. And on the client, I can do things like this:
And that returns False, which is good.
But when I try to get or save data, it doesn't work. When saving data, it appears to work, but I don't see the data in the DB. When trying to retrieve the object, I get this error:
Db4objects.Db4o.Ext.Db4oException: Exception of type 'Db4objects.Db4o.Ext.Db4oException' was thrown. ---> System.ArgumentException: Field '_delegateType' defined on type 'Db4objects.Db4o.Internal.Query.DelegateEnvelope' is not a field on the target object which is of type 'Db4objects.Db4o.Reflect.Generic.GenericObject'.
Here are the client calls to save, then get:
Server server = new Server() { Name = "AppServerFoo" };
IObjectContainer db = GetDatabase();
Here's the only line in the GetDatabase() method:
return Db4oClientServer.OpenClient(Db4oClientServer.NewClientConfiguration(), "DellXps", 8484, "user", "password");
And here's the call to get from the DB:
IObjectContainer db = GetDatabase();
Server testServer = db.Query<Server>(server => server.Name == "AppServerFoo").FirstOrDefault();
What am I missing?
Well a server without a reference the persisted classes is a 'risky' thing. A lot of functionally doesn't work and the error which occur are cryptic. I highly recommend to always reference the assembly with the persisted classes on the server.
Another tip: Use LINQ instead of native queries. It works better and has less problems.
A ha! I got it. It took some googling, but the problem was that the server didn't have a reference to the entities. As soon as my server project referenced my client project, it worked. So, it looks like I just need to move my entities to a common project that both the client and server can reference.
Thanks to this link:
This link looks like a gateway to having the server work without referencing the entities:

How to use new database instance of each MSTest unit test run

I'm using MSTest under Visual Studio 2010 to test an ASP.NET MVC 3 project. I have a SQL Express 2005 DB that I'd like it to use and I want a fresh instance of the DB every time, copied from a template I've included in the project. Pretty standard requirements, I would have though, but I can't get this to work.
I've created a .testsettings file which enables deployment and my connection string looks like this:
<add name="MyDb" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS2005;Database=MyDbTest;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|MyDbTest.mdf;User Instance=true;Integrated Security=SSPI;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
The test runs OK the first time, but after that it fails with errors like this:
Test method ... threw exception: System.Data.DataException: An exception occurred while initializing the database. See the InnerException for details. ---> System.Data.EntityException: The underlying provider failed on Open.
---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Database '...\bin\Debug\MyDbTest.mdf' already exists. Choose a different database name. Cannot attach the file '...\Out\MyDbTest.mdf' as database 'MyDbTest'.
The accepted answer in this MSDN thead says to remove the "Database=" connection string parameter. However, if I do that it fails with this error:
Test method ... threw exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to complete operation. The supplied SqlConnection does not specify an initial catalog.
How do I get this to work?
So far I've come up with a hack to change the DB name at runtime, at test assembly initialization time. This requires a further hack - using Reflection to enable modifying the configuration at runtime (thanks to David Gardiner).
public static class TestHelper
public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context)
private static void RandomizeDbName()
// Get the DB connection string setting
var connStringSetting = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TheDbSetting"];
// Hack it using Reflection to make it writeable
var readOnlyField = typeof(ConfigurationElement).GetField("_bReadOnly",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
readOnlyField.SetValue(connStringSetting, false);
// Randomize the DB name, so that SQL Express doesn't complain that it's already in use
connStringSetting.ConnectionString = connStringSetting.ConnectionString.Replace(
"Database=MyTestDb", "Database=MyTestDb_" + new Random().Next());
Edit: It's actually even a bit worse than this: I'm having to call TestHelper.RandomizeDbName() at the start of every test that requires a fresh DB, otherwise it gets data left over from previous tests.
