Using CodeNarc with Maven - maven

I am trying to integrate CodeNarc with a Maven-based Groovy project. The documentation on the site for the CodeNarc Maven plugin is minimal. The usage aspects I am trying to understand are:
How to point to the custom rule sets and where in the project to place them?
How to fail the Jenkins build if any of the rules are violated.
Currently I am able to run CodeNarc using command
mvn codenarc:codenarc
When I add the 'reporting' section to the POM file (as described at and run
mvn site
no CodeNarc report is generated. I get this warning
[WARNING] No URL defined for the project - decoration links will not
be resolved
but it is not clear where it is related to CodeNarc.
What is the proper way of using CodeNarc with Maven?

I just did it, in case you still need the tip. You can hook the execution of the plugin by creating a "plugin" entry under "build"->"plugins"->"plugin". Here is what I have.
Note the "maxPriority_Violations" values. This is what makes the build fail in case of violations.
I dont use any custom rules, but it seems you can define your own rules by setting the "rulesetfiles" configuration option. See configuration options here:
Example of project with this configuration:


How to specify a default goal for a Maven plugin?

I've defined a Maven plugin with multiple goals. Currently users run my plugin as follows:
but I've seen other plugins, like maven-compiler-plugin and Flyway, that don't require specifying an execution:
How do I specify the goal that should run by default when users exclude the <executions> block?
AFAIK, there are not default goals for Maven plugins.
You can configure a plugin without adding a goal. But this does not execute the plugin.
The plugin must be either executed explicitly on command line (like flyway:migrate) or is executed automatically through the lifecycle (like compile:compile or jar:jar).
I assume you are using the Java5 Annotations to mark your plugin as available mojo? (and not the javadoc way of living).
The #Mojo annotation has a defaultPhase attribute.
Once a user adds the plugin into the build these defaults (if set) will be used.
The Flyway Migrate Mojo does it this way too.
The compiler plugin is a bit of a bad example, as it is part of the default plugin bindings of the maven life-cycle itself. So the phase itself will know what mojo to run.
These are the docs for the maven plugin api, the one for using annotations is nearby.
If it is not your plugin, you can put the configs you want into a parent pom into the pluginManagement section.

How to add test-jar as aspectLibrary in Maven

I have an aspect that I want to use in my test-classes. I don't want to add it to the main jar, as it would pull in test libraries like junit and mockito. While there's a configuration setting to add an aspectLibrary, it always adds the main jar, there's no way to specify the test-jar.
My aspectj plugin looks like this:
I actually want to specify test-jar but that doesn't seem possible. Without the it defaults to the jar (obviously).
I also might have to configure aspectj-maven-plugin for the compile and test-compile goal... but first I need to know how to specify the test-jar. Any suggestions are welcome.
Please read the Maven JAR Plugin documentation, chapter How to create a jar containing test classes. There are two options listed:
the easy way: using type "test-jar" (will not work here)
the preferred way: creating a normal JAR containing only test classes, then importing it with scope "test"
We will choose the preferred way because it solves your problem. So basically you do the following:
Create a separate module for test helper aspects/classes, put everything under src/main/java, not src/test/java. AspectJ Maven plugin should have an execution with <goal>compile</goal> for that module.
Add that module as a test-scoped dependency wherever you need the test aspects
Refer to the module as an <acpectLibrary> from AspectJ Maven plugin and also be careful to only use <goal>test-compile</goal> in your plugin execution for that module so as to avoid to have the aspects woven into production code or to get error messages because the dependency has test scope and is unavailable for normal compile.
Because I do not want to fully quote 3 POMs and several classes here, I have created a little GitHub sample project for you. Just clone it, inspect all the files and their respective locations and - be happy. ;-)

Xcode Maven Plugin : adding extra headers

The Xcode Maven Plugin from is a nice maven plugin for people who like maven and wan't to avoid some pain with xcode dependencies, framework creation and such.
It creates and installs lib and headers in the repository.
The headers are bundled in a .tar file during the process.
For some reason, I need to edit the tar file and add a few files in it before installing.
But as I'm quite the noob regarding maven, I need some help !
How can I modify on a byproduct of Maven before it is installed ? I suppose I can write some script that add some files to the .taf, but how can I be sure it's executed prior the installation ?
#Redwarp - It's been a while since this question was asked, but I'll offer up an answer.
You can configure a Maven plug-in's goal to be executed during a particular phase in the Maven build lifecycle.
Pick a phase that's executed before the install phase. Package may be the best phase for you to edit your tar file and add your required files.
The following is just a generalized example (the focus should be on phase and goal):
Find the plug-ins that suit your needs and bind their goals to the appropriate Maven lifecycle phases...which there's a good chance that you have already figured out by this point.

Multi-module maven : test coverage jacoco sonar

I have a basic maven multi-module, with a parent being the POM and three children modules : domain, service and web.
I have added in the pom parent the jacoco plugin and the required configuration to append the test coverage report to a single file easily located by sonar.
My issue is that Sonar shows only the test coverage of the first module (being domain) (even though I open the file with an editor and I see the class names of the others modules being append in it.
What could wrong in this configuration ?
For what it's worth, sonar analysis is called from Jenkins, and not from mvn sonar:sonar
Jenkins configuration is the key : There is no need to append everything in a single file when the configuration is right.
I added this to the config :
and I deleted the configuration tag in the pom.xml given in the question.
It works like a charm
For those who struggle with this, look for anything useful to specify the jenkins project configuration for sonar
You can check our sample application here:
You should be able to find what's wrong with your configuration then.

What is meant by plugin goal in Maven speak?

I am a newbie to Maven . I am reading up Maven - The complete reference and came across the term Plugin Goals under the Build settings category of a pom.xml file :
In this section, we customize the behavior of the default Maven build.
We can change the location of source and tests, we can add new
plugins, we can attach plugin goals to the lifecycle, and we can
customize the site generation parameters.
Can you please explain with an example what is meant by attaching plugin goal to the lifecycle?
A plugin goal is a thing that a plugin does. Attaching a plugin goal to the lifecycle is saying to maven: when you are going through the lifecycle and are in this phase, trigger this plugin to do whatever the plugin does. This might sound rather confusing, so let's go through an example:
I want to deploy my application to the server each time I call mvn install. For this, in the build section of the pom , I add the following configuration:
Take a look at the execution part: this describes how to attach the deploy goal of the jboss-as-maven-plugin to the install phase of the build lifecycle.
For further explanation of the maven lifecycle and it's phases, read this
