Xcode Maven Plugin : adding extra headers - xcode

The Xcode Maven Plugin from http://sap-production.github.io/xcode-maven-plugin/site is a nice maven plugin for people who like maven and wan't to avoid some pain with xcode dependencies, framework creation and such.
It creates and installs lib and headers in the repository.
The headers are bundled in a .tar file during the process.
For some reason, I need to edit the tar file and add a few files in it before installing.
But as I'm quite the noob regarding maven, I need some help !
How can I modify on a byproduct of Maven before it is installed ? I suppose I can write some script that add some files to the .taf, but how can I be sure it's executed prior the installation ?

#Redwarp - It's been a while since this question was asked, but I'll offer up an answer.
You can configure a Maven plug-in's goal to be executed during a particular phase in the Maven build lifecycle.
Pick a phase that's executed before the install phase. Package may be the best phase for you to edit your tar file and add your required files.
The following is just a generalized example (the focus should be on phase and goal):
Find the plug-ins that suit your needs and bind their goals to the appropriate Maven lifecycle phases...which there's a good chance that you have already figured out by this point.


Deployment deploys twice or not at all

I managed to build a Maven project in a way that makes the release deploy artifacts either double or not at all.
Since the project uses an abstract parent pom of our company it's a bit hard to post the relevant code, but I'll try.
First things first. The parent pom has the following definition:
With nothing defined in the actual project, the release will fail after these lines:
[INFO] [INFO] Uploaded to our_repo: http://acme.org/nexus/content/repositories/org.acme.project/1.0.0/org.acme.project-1.0.0-sources.jar (14 kB at 3.8 kB/s)
[INFO] [INFO] Uploading to our_repo: http://acme.org/nexus/content/repositories/org.acme.project/1.0.0/org.acme.project-1.0.0-sources.jar
Our repo doesn't like having two release JARs with the same version, so everything fails. The weird part here is that the deployment is NOT at the end. In fact the project build fails halfway through.
However if I copy the above plug-in in the project, the build will print Deploying repo:org.acme.repo:1.0.0 at end at the same position and then not deploy anothing at the end.
But I'm not even sure that's part of the problem. Still I think both builds should work exactly the same no matter where the plug-in definition is.
I found this question, which made me check the maven-source-plugin in the effective pom. However there are no duplicates there:
Nothing is defined in the maven-assembly-plugin either, so no JAR is added for deployment (suggested in this question).
It might have to do with us using Java 10 or Maven 3.5.2, though I'm honestly stumped on what to test and where to progress.
How do I fix this mess? (If you'd like more information about the build, just ask. The pom.xml is way to big to share them here.)
Inspired by that question I tried to disable the release profile, and now it works somehow. I'm not able to conjure any kind of explanation for that behavior.
Snippet for removing the release profile:

ant to maven conversion: correct approach?

I am tasked with converting a java project which is created with ant to maven.
This is how the project is set up.
All the sources are stored in src directory.
ant's compiling target is to compile the entire src directory.
ant's packaging target has several sub-targets.
Each target has different jars which has include or exclude directories.
This is the approach that I took.
Find out all dependencies. Store them in DependencyManagement section of parent pom
Create a module and copy entire src directory.
compiled it.
Tried to create separate modules for different jar files.
Problem: the files are in-separable. Most of the files are depending on other files. I tried separating them. It results in creating cyclic dependencies. Hence, this step failed.
Use different profiles and maven-jar-plugin to include or exclude packages.
Question 1 when I tried this mvn install -P profile1,profile2, target has only jar file for profile2. They both have maven-jar-plugin and each has different finalName.
Is there a different command or am I doing something wrong?
Question 2 one of the lib has several image files in it.
The above approach does not copy the image files in the result jar.
I understand maven wants all resources in resources directory. I will move the images, but for now I am trying to include them in the jar.
I added maven-resources-plugin.
When I run mvn install -P profile1, I can see the logs saying Copying # resources.
I can also see them being copied to target/classes. the path that I gave to the plug-in. But they are all copied to that directory.
I want to retain the structure, and the result jar still doesn't have it.
Answer: I have to move them to resources directory. maven is strict.
Anything that I should be doing differently?
Extra Question Am I using the correct plug-ins? Or is there more efficient plug-ins that I should be using?
Thank you.
Answer to Question1 : You have missed the </includes> tag.(Probably because of the stackoverflow formatting!). I am not sure whether you can execute a maven command on two profiles at a time. when you do so, only the second profile gets executed. Try executing the command on each profile separately.
Answer to Question2: You have missed the <resources> opening tag.(Probably because of the stackoverflow formatting!). Moreover, if you want to retain the structure, you can mention the structure too in the <outputDirectory> tag, something like the below:
This may look insane!, but may work if you have few resources directory. If you have more resources, then this may become cumbersome. But anyways, check whether this can be helpful!

Cannot resolve maven dependency

I have written a custom plugin and I deploy it to an internal company repository. I have another project that uses the plugin (here is the pom.xml snippet):
I deploy my custom plugin to our internal repo and my local one successfully. If I remove it from my local repo, however, when I run "mvn clean install" in the dependent project I get the following output:
[ERROR] Plugin com.mycompan.mypackage:json-schema-generator-main:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact com.mycompany.mypackage:json-schema-generator-main:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT ->
What could be causing this behavior? I'm happy to provide more information, such as the details of my custom plugin, which uses a lot of reflection and classpath hackery to generate Json Schema text files, or it's pom.xml, but I'm not sure what would be relevant without turning this into a wall of text. As best I can tell it is correctly deployed in the repo, and this problem only occurs if you remove the custom plugin from your local repository.
Answered in comments:
I had a versioning issue in my deployment to the internal repository.
The files were not being properly named and therefore obviously could
not be found. I apologize. – Jesse Aug 14 '14 at 19:12

Setup Intellij to hot update jars and run Maven Appassembler

I want to setup Intellij to automatically do what I am doing from the command-line with maven repeatedly, which is to run mvn package -DskipTests to rebuild my jar and run the Appassembler Maven plugin to produce my runnable scripts. Ideally, all I want it to do is hot update the classes within the jar which I have changed.
I have figured out how to tell Intellij to create jars with the Artifact tab in Project Structure, but can I get Intellij to import this artifact information from the pom instead of me setting it up manually?
It does auto-import pom changes, but never imported this artifact info.
This would enable it to use the exact output name of what maven produces, so that whether I'm working from the command-line or IDE I can work with one set of outputs. (reason below)
Appassembler adds an additional step, which includes it copying all the dependencies into its target folder and producing the scripts. If Intellij can't trigger Appassembler, I was thinking maybe Appassembler could use symlinks instead and the when the jar as updated, my runnable app scripts would immediately be using that version. Or in the worse case, I only need to run this particular step from the command-line, the jar having already been built.
In case it helps, here's how I use Appassembler in my pom.xml:
Thanks for the advice on the best way to achieve this.

How to execute maven plugin _after_ all module builds finish

Specifically I am trying to run maven-javadoc-plugin but whenever I change the version numbers on the parent/aggregator pom and all of the children, the first time I run the build it fails because javadoc runs first and can't find any of the new version packages from the modules because they haven't been built yet.
I usually end up having to comment javadoc out for one build and then add it back in once the packages are available in nexus for the new version. However, this likely means that I've been building javadoc on one build old source jars all the time.
I've read suggestions of putting another module in that depends on the other ones but I don't think i can get a module to build the javadoc for peer modules. Having it in the parent builds all of the javadoc for all of the modules, I just need it to happen later. Thanks. Here's my javadoc plugin config.
-inferrel -inferdep -outputencoding utf8 -hide
java.* -collpackages
-qualify -postfixpackage
-nodefontsize 9 -nodefontpackagesize 7
One way to get around this problem is not to invoke javadoc plugin in the normal maven lifecycle phase; instead run it separately.
To be specific, remove <phase> tag from the above plugin definition.
Run mvn install javadoc:javadoc from parent.
This will build and install all the modules and the parent and then run javadoc on them.
Is your javadoc plugin declaration in the <build> part of your pom. You should consider moving it to the <reporting> part see this link.
