GWT RequestFactory Performance - performance

I have a question regarding the performance of RequestFactory and GWT. I have a Domain Entity with 8 fields that returns around 1000 EntityProxies. The time between the request fires and it responds is around 20 seconds. I do the same but returning 10 EntityProxies and the time is 17 seconds, almost the same.
Is this because I'm working in development mode, or when I release the code to the web the time will be the same?
Is there any way to improve the performance? , I'm only reading data so perhaps something that only read and doesn't writes may be the solution?
I read this post with something similar to my problem:
GWT Requestfactory performance suggestions
Thanks a lot.
PD: I read somewhere that one solution could be to create an xml in the server, send it to the client and recreate the object there, I don't want to do this because it would really change the design of my app.

Thank you all for the help, I realize now that perhaps using Request Factory to retrieve thousands of records was a mistake.
I initially used a Locator to override isLive() and Find() methods according to this post:
The response time was reduced to about 13 seconds, but it is still too high.
But I solved it easily. Instead of returning 1000+ Entities , I created a new database table which each field has all the same field records (1000+) concatenated by a separator (each db field has a length of about 10000 ) and I only have one record in the table with around 8 fields.
Something like this:
Field1 | Field2 | Field3
Field1val;Field1val;Field1val;....... | Field2val;Field2val;Field2val;...... | Field3val;Field3val;Field3val;......
I return that One record through RequestFactory to my client and it reduced the speed a lot!, around 1 second. I parse this large String in the client and the duration of that is about 500ms. So instead of wasting around 20 seconds now it takes around 1-2 seconds to accomplish the same.
By the way I am only displaying information, it is not necessary to Insert, Delete or Update records so this solution works for me.
Thought I could share this solution.

Performance Profiling and Fixing issues in GWT is tricky. Avoid all profiling in GWT Hosted mode. They do not mean anything useful.
You should profile only in WEB mode.
GWT RequestFactory by design is slower than GWT RPC and GWT JSON etc. This is a trade off w.r.t GWT RF ability to calculate delta and send only small amount information to server on save.
You should recheck you application design to avoid loading 1000's of proxies. RF is mean for "Form" like applications. The only reason you might need 1000's of proxies is for a Grid display. You probably can use paginated async grid in that scenario.

You should profile your app in order to find out how much time is spent on following steps:
Entities retrieved from the database (server): This can be improved using second level cache and optimized queries
Entities serialized to JSON (server): There is a overhead here because RequestFactory and AutoBean respectively rely on reflections. You can try to only transmit the Entities that you are also going to display on the client. Another optimization which greatly reduces latency is to override the isLive method of your EntitiyLocator and to return true
HTTP request from server to client to tranmit the data (wire): You can think about using gzip compression to reduce the amount of data that has to be transferred (important if you send a lof of objects over the wire).
De-serialization on the client (client): This should be quite fast. There was a benchmark that showed that AutoBean serialization was one of the fastest ways to serialize JSON. Again this will benefit from not sending the whole object graph over the wire.
One way to improve performance is to use caching. You can use HTML5 localstorage to cache data on the client. This applies specifically to data that doesn't change often.


How can i track AJAX performance using Google Analytics?

Since my web application using many AJAX request so categorize as Single Page Application.
what i want is to track AJAX technical performance using Google Analytics.
Regarding to GA document, it suggest to implement Virtual Pageviews Tracking as detail in this link
After implement virtual pageviews tracking, Pageviews stats and Page URI seem to be feed into GA correctly. But Timing Stats such as Avg.Page Load Time (sec) are not. all of them have no value!
I tried these 3 senario to implement Virtual Page Tracking but non of them is working.
do i miss something ? or it's GA limitation so we can not collect Timing stats of Virtual Page just like Real Pageview ?
any others Tools suggestion to track AJAX performance ?
GA is not meant to be used to track page performance and the Value in ga implies monetary value.
When it says "tracking pageviews" it's not about measuring performance, it's about tracking user activity. As in, how many pages per session, what pages, what led to conversions, where they have troubles going through and so forth. Not a technical tool, but an analytics/marketing tool.
Technically, you still could use it to track page performance and people do it. But not as you've done it. You have to remove any network influence on your timestamps since normal fluctuation there would exceed the useful timing of page performance.
I think the most elegant way of doing it would be creating a custom metric in GA interface and then populate it with performance measuring events (or pageviews). So:
You take a new Date() timestamp (or whatever you do in jquery to get current timestamp) right before the post request
You get another new Date() in the post callback
You calculate the difference in milliseconds and send that as the value of the custom metric with the pageview
You wait for two days for the new data to get processed and build a custom report using your custom metric.
Now when you improve performance of your endpoint, you will be able to see statistical improvements in that report.
This is usually done on the backend though, with the datadog or a similar tool with endpoint monitoring functionality.
When performance is measured on the front-end, we usually use the native performance API, so the window.performance object. Or whatever your front-end rendering library suggests using for that. Here's a bit more on this: That way you're taking into account a bit more data, not just one endpoint response time.

Incremental updates using browser cache

The client (an AngularJS application) gets rather big lists from the server. The lists may have hundreds or thousands of elements, which can mean a few megabytes uncompressed (and some users (admins) get much more data).
I'm not planning to let the client get partial results as sorting and filtering should not bother the server.
Compression works fine (factor of about 10) and as the lists don't change often, 304 NOT MODIFIED helps a lot, too. But another important optimization is missing:
As a typical change of the lists are rather small (e.g., modifying two elements and adding a new one), transferring the changes only sounds like a good idea. I wonder how to do it properly.
Something like GET /offer/123/items should always return all the items in the offer number 123, right? Compression and 304 can be used here, but no incremental update. A request like GET /offer/123/items?since=1495765733 sounds like the way to go, but then browser caching does not get used:
either nothing has changed and the answer is empty (and caching it makes no sense)
or something has changed, the client updates its state and does never ask for changes since 1495765733 anymore (and caching it makes even less sense)
Obviously, when using the "since" query, nothing will be cached for the "resource" (the original query gets used just once or not at all).
So I can't rely on the browser cache and I can only use localStorage or sessionStorage, which have a few downsides:
it's limited to a few megabytes (the browser HTTP cache may be much bigger and gets handled automatically)
I have to implement some replacement strategy when I hit the limit
the browser cache stores already compressed data which I don't get (I'd have to re-compress them)
it doesn't work for the users (admins) getting bigger lists as even a single list may already be over limit
it gets emptied on logout (a customer's requirement)
Given that there's HTML 5 and HTTP 2.0, that's pretty unsatisfactory. What am I missing?
Is it possible to use the browser HTTP cache together with incremental updates?
I think there is one thing you are missing: in short, headers. What I'm thinking you could do and that would match (most) of your requirements, would be to:
First GET /offer/123/items is done normally, nothing special.
Subsequents GET /offer/123/items will be sent with a Fetched-At: 1495765733 header, indicating your server when the initial request has been sent.
From this point on, two scenarios are possible.
Either there is no change, and you can send the 304.
If there is a change however, return the new items since the time stamp previously sent has headers, but set a Cache-Control: no-cache from your response.
This leaves you to the point where you can have incremental updates, with caching of the initial megabytes-sized elements.
There is still one drawback though, that the caching is only done once, it won't cache updates. You said that your lists are not updated often so it might already work for you, but if you really want to push this further, I could think of one more thing.
Upon receiving an incremental update, you could trigger in the background another request without the Fetched-At header that won't be used at all by your application, but will just be there to update your http cache. It should not be as bad as it sounds performance-wise since your framework won't update its data with the new one (and potentially trigger re-renders), the only notable drawback would be in term of network and memory consumption. On mobile it might be problematic, but it doesn't sounds like an app intended to be displayed on them anyway.
I absolutely don't know your use-case and will just throw that out there, but are you really sure that doing some sort of pagination won't work? Megabytes of data sounds a lot to display and process for normal humans ;)
I would ditch the request/response cycle entirely and move to a push model.
Specifically, WebSockets.
This is the standard technology used on financial trading websites serving tables of real-time ticker data. Here is one such production application demonstrating the power of WebSockets:
WebSocket applications have two types of state: global and user. The above link will show three tables of global data. When you're logged in, two aditional tables of user data are displayed at the bottom.
This is not HTTP; you won't be able to just slap this into a Java Servlet. You'll need to run a separate process on your server which communicates over TCP. The good news is, there are mature solutions readily available. A Java-based solution with a very decent free licensing option, which includes both client and server APIs (and does integrate with Angular2) is Lightstreamer. They have a well-organized demo page too. There are also adapters available to integrate with your data sources.
You may be hesitant to ditch your existing servlet approach, but this will be less headaches in the long run, and scales marvelously. HTTP polling, even with well-designed header-only requests, do not scale well with large lists which update frequently.
---------- EDIT ----------
Since the list updates are infrequent, WebSockets are probably overkill. Based on the further details provided by comments on this answer, I would recommend a DOM-based, AJAX-updated sorter and filterer such as DataTables, which has some built-in options for caching. In order to reuse client data across sessions, ajax requests in the previous link should be modified to save the current data in the table to localStorage after every ajax request, and when the client starts a new session, populate the table with this data. This will allow the plugin to manage the filtering, sorting, caching and browser-based persistence.
I'm thinking about something similar to Aperçu's idea, but using two requests. The idea is yet incomplete, so bear with me...
The client asks for GET /offer/123/items, possibly with the ETag and Fetched-At headers.
The server answers with
200 and a full list if either header is missing, or when there are too many changes since the Fetched-At timestamp
304 if nothing has changed since then
304 and a special Fetch-More header telling the client that more data is to be fetched otherwise
The last case is violating how HTTP should work, but AFAIK it's the only way letting the browser cache everything what I want it to cache. Since the whole communication is encrypted, proxies can't punish me for violating the spec.
The client reacts to Fetch-Errata by requesting GET /offer/123/items/errata. This way, the resource has got split into two requests. The split is ugly, but an angular $http interceptor can hide the ugliness from the application.
The second request is cacheable, too, and there can be also a Fetched-At header. The details are unclear, but some strong handwavium makes me believe that it can work. Actually, the errata could itself be inaccurate but still useful and get an errata itself.... etc.
With HTTP/1.1, more requests may mean more latency, but having a couple of them should still be profitable because of the saved bandwidth. The server can decide when to stop.
With HTTP/2, multiple requests could be send at once. The server could be make to handle them efficiently as it knows that they belong together. Some more handwavium...
I find the idea strange, but interesting and I'm looking forward to comments. Feel free to downvote me, but please leave an explanation.

Java8 Stream or Reactive / Observer for Database Requests

I'm rethinking our Spring MVC application behavior, whether it's better to pull (Java8 Stream) data from the database or let the database push (Reactive / Observable) it's data and use backpressure to control the amount.
Current situation:
User requests the 30 most recent articles
Service does a database query and puts the 30 results into a List
Jackson iterates over the List and generates the JSON response
Why switch the implementation?
It's quite memory consuming, because we keep those 30 objects in memory all the time. That's not needed, because the application processes one object at a time. Though the application should be able to retrieve one object, process it, throw it away, and get the next one.
Java8 Streams? (pull)
With java.util.Stream this is quite easy: The Service creates a Stream, which uses a database cursor behind the scenes. And each time Jackson has written the JSON String for one element of the Stream, it will ask for the next one, which then triggers the database cursor to return the next entry.
RxJava / Reactive / Observable? (push)
Here we have the opposite scenario: The database has to push entry by entry and Jackson has to create the JSON String for each element until the onComplete method has been called.
i.e. the Controller tells the Service: give me an Observable<Article>. Then Jackson can ask for as many database entries as it can process.
Differences and concern:
With Streams there's always some delay between asking for next database entry and retrieving / processing it. This could slow down the JSON response time if the network connection is slow or there is a huge amount of database requests that have to be made to fulfill the response.
Using RxJava there should be always data available to process. And if it's too much, we can use backpressure to slow down the data transfer from database to our application. In the worst case scenario the buffer/queue will contain all requested database entries. Then the memory consumption will be equal to our current solution using a List.
Why am I asking / What am I asking for?
What did I miss? Are there any other pros / cons?
Why did (especially) the Spring Data Team extend their API to support Stream responses from the database, if there's always a (short) delay between each database request/response? This could sum up to some noticeable delay for a huge amount of requested entries.
Is it recommended to go for RxJava (or some other reactive implementation) for this scenario? Or did I miss any drawbacks?
You seem to be talking about the fetch size for an underlying database engine.
If you reduce it to one (fetching and processing one row at a time), yes you will save some space during the request time...
But it usually makes sense to have a reasonable chunk size.
If it is too small you will have a lot of expensive network roundtrips. If the chunk size is too large, you are risking to run out of memory or introduce too much of a latency per fetch. So it is a compromise, and the right chunk/fetch size depends on your specific use case.
Regarding reactive approach or not, I believe it is not relevant. Like with RxJava and say Cassandra, one can create an Observable from an asynchronous result set, and it is up to the query (configuration) how many items should be fetched and pushed at a time.

BreezeJS: Indexed Cache

I'm working on a SPA utilising BreezeJS and AngularJS, handling lots of entities (one of the types has ~60k entities). This is not an ordinary website, it's made for a specific purpose.
Most of the time the entities are shown in sortable, paged lists.
The above mentioned mass of entities gets cached and queried in a worker thread, so that the UI doesn't get blocked. We want to keep client-server communication to a minimum after application initialisation, hence the need for caching lots of data.
The results from the entityManager in the worker thread get imported to the entityManager in the UI thread and further processing follows. This all works fine, my only problem is that performing an orderBy on such a huge dataset takes too long for Breeze to complete (2.5-3.5 secs) without indexes.
This means that showing the next page is unacceptably slow if ordering is in place.
Is there a way to equip the Breeze cache with indexes and get Breeze to use them somehow?
If not, is this feature planned to be implemented?
I could of course craft indexes for this particular model and amend the query to be run against the cache, but it wouldn't be easy to maintain, considering the dataset is allowed to change.
Breeze cache does not have indexes (indices?) today ... not even for the primary key. It would require a substantial increase in code base size and complexity to support them and we haven't felt that would be worthwhile for the workloads we usually see.
60K items clearly changes that equation.
I think indexing would be a cool optional module, a plugin of some sort. I don't think it would be that hard to maintain, given that the EntityManager raises events when anything changes in the cache. If you feel like taking it on as a community contribution ... perhaps to Breeze Labs, I'd be happy to advise and help a little.

Large number of concurrent ajax calls and ways to deal with it

I have a web page which, upon loading, needs to do a lot of JSON fetches from the server to populate various things dynamically. In particular, it updates parts of a large-ish data structure from which I derive a graphical representation of the data.
So it works great in Chrome; however, Safari and Firefox appear to suffer somewhat. Upon the querying of the numerous JSON requests, the browsers become sluggish and unusable. I am under the assumption that this is due to the rather expensive iteration of said data structure. Is this a valid assumption?
How can I mitigate this without changing the query language so that it's a single fetch?
I was thinking of applying a queue that could limit the number of concurrent Ajax queries (and hence also limit the number of concurrent updates to the data structure)... Any thoughts? Useful pointers? Other suggestions?
In browser-side JS, create a wrapper around (or whichever method you are using)
that appends the requests to a queue.
Also create a function 'queue_send' that will actually call passing the entire queue structure.
On server create a proxy function called 'queue_receive' that replays the JSON to your server interfaces as though it came from the browser, collects the results into a single response, sends back to browser.
Browser-side queue_send_success() (success handler for queue_send) must decode this response and populate your data structure.
With this, you should be able to reduce your initialization traffic to one actual request, and maybe consolidate some other requests on your website as well.
in particular, it updates parts of a largish data structure from which i derive a graphical representation of the data.
I'd try:
Queuing responses as they come in, then update the structure once
Hiding the representation invisible until the responses are in
Magicianeer's answer is also good - but I'm not sure if it fits your definition of "without changing the query language so that it's a single fetch" - it would avoid re-engineering existing logic.
