Searching in bash shell - bash

I have a text file.
Info in text file is
First one is book name, second is author name, third is the price, fourth is the quantity and fifth is the quantity sold.
Currently I have this set of codes
function search_book
read -p $'Title: ' Title
read -p $'Author: ' Author
if grep -Fq "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt
record=grep -c "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt
echo "Found '" $record "' record(s)"
echo "Book not found"
for $record, I am trying the count the number of lines that is found. Did I do the right thing for it because when I run this code, it just shows error command -c.
When i did this
echo "Found"
grep -c "${Title}" BookDB.txt
echo "record(s)"
It worked, but the output is
I would like them to be together
Can I also add grep -i to grep -Fq in order to make all into small letters for better searching?
Lets say if I want to search Book1 and Author1, if I enter 'ok' for title and 'uth' for author, is there any % command to add to the title to search in the middle of the title and author?
The expected output is also expected to be..
Found 1 record(s)
Is there any where I can change the : delimiter to ,?
And also adding $ to the 3rd column which is the rice?
Please help..

Changing record=grep -c "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt to record=$(grep -c "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt) will fix the error. record=$(cmd) means assigning the output of command cmd to the variable record. Without that, shell will interpret record=grep -c ... as a command -c prepended by a environment variable setting(record=grep).
BTW, since your DB format is column-oriented text data, awk should be a better tool. Sample code:
function search_book
read -p $'Title: ' Title
read -p $'Author: ' Author
awk -F: '{if ($1 == "'"$Title"'" && $2 ~ "'"$Author"'") {count+=1; output=output "\n" $0} }
if (count > 0) {print "found", count, "record(s)\n", output}
else {print "Book not found";}}' BookDB.txt
As you can see, using awk makes it easier to change delimiter(e.g. awk -F, for comma delimiter), and also makes the program more robust(e.g. it restricts the matching string to the first two fields). If you only need fuzzy match instead of exact match, you could change == to ~ in condition.

The "unnamed command -c" error can be avoided by enclosing the right part of the assignment in backticks or "$()", e.g.:
record=`grep -ic "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt`
record=$(grep -ic "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt)
Also, this snippet shows that -i is perfectly fine. However, please note that both grep commands should use the same list of flags (-F is missing in the 2nd one) - except for -q, of course.
Anyway, performing grep twice is probably not the best way to go. What about...
record=`grep -ic "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt 2>/dev/null`
if [ ! -z "$record" ]; then ...
... or something like that?
By the way: If you omit -F you allow the user to operate with regular expressions. This would not only provide wildcards but also the possibility for more complex patterns. You could also apply an option to your script that decides whether to use -F or not..
Last but not least: To modify the lines, in order to change the delimiter or manipulate the columns at all, you could look into the manual pages or awk(1) or cut(1), at least. Although I believe that a more sophisticated language is more suitable here, e.g. perl(1) or python(1), especially when the script is to be extended with more features.

to add to the answer(s) above (this started as a comment, but it grew...) :
the $() form is preferred:
- it allows nesting,
- and it simplifies a lot the use of " and ' (each "level" of nesting see them at their level, so to speak). Tough to do with as using nested quotes and single-quotes becomes a nightmare of` and \\... depending on the "level of subshell" they are to be interpreted in...
ex: (trying to only grep once)
export results="$(grep -i "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt)" ;
export nbresults=$(echo "${results}" | wc -l) ;
printf "Found %8s record(s)\n" "nbresults" ;
echo "$nbresults" ;
or, if too many results to fit in variable:
export tmpresults="/tmp/results.$$"
grep -i "${Title}:${Author}" BookDB.txt > "${tmpresults}"
export nbresults=$(wc -l "${tmpresults}") ;
printf "Found %8s record(s)\n" "nbresults" ;
cat "${tmpresults}" ;
rm -f "${tmpresults}" ;
Note: I use " a lot (except on the wc -l line) to illustrate it could be needed sometimes (not in all the cases above!) to keep spaces, newlines, etc. (And I purposely drop it for nbresults so that it only contain the number of lines, not the preceding spaces).


How to print matching all names given as a argument?

I want to write a script for any name given as an argument and prints the list of paths
to home directories of people with the name.
I am new at scripts. Is there any simple way to do this with awk or egrep command?
$ show names jakub anna (as an argument)
Here is the my friend's code but I have to write it from a different way and it has to be simple like this code
for name in $#
awk -v n="$name" -F ':' 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1};$5~n{print $6}' /etc/passwd | while read line
echo $line
Possible to use a simple awk script to look for matching names.
The list of names can be passed as a space separated list to awk, which will construct (in the BEGIN section) a combined pattern (e.g. '(names|jakub|anna)'). The pattern is used for testing the user name column ($5) of the password file.
#! /bin/sh
awk -v "L=$*" -F: '
name_pat = "(" gensub(" ", "|", "g", L) ")"
$5 ~ name_pat { print $6 }
' /etc/passwd
Since at present the question as a whole is unclear, this is more of a long comment, and only a partial answer.
There is one easy simplification, since the sample code includes:
... | while read line
echo $line
All of the code shown above after and including the | is needless, and does nothing, (like a UUoC), and should therefore be removed. (Actually echo $line with an unquoted $line would remove formatting and repeated spaces, but that's not relevant to the task at hand, so we can say the code above does nothing.)

Bash script to add double quotes in .CSV comma delimited file

I need to add double quotes to the csv file. My sample data is like this..
378478,COMPLETED,Tracfone,,,"2020/03/29 09:39:22",,2787,,356074101197544,89148000005748235454,75176540
378328,COMPLETED,"Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)",50,"2020/03/29 06:10:01",200890899011202395,0899,0279395,356058102052972,89148000005117597971,67756296
I have tried some code available online with awk and sed, it is resulting as below , Error - **First digit in the number is being trimmed like for ex. in '378478' it is only displaying '78478'.
Also it is adding double quotes to already existing double quotes too!** nothing seems to be perfectly working. Please guide me!
"78478","COMPLETED","Tracfone","","",""2020/03/29 09:39:22"","","2787","","356074101197544","89148000005748235454","75176540"
"78328","COMPLETED",""Total Wireless"",""Unlimited Talk"," Text"," & Data (First 25GB High Speed"," then unlimited 2GB)"","50",""2020/03/29 06:10:01"","200890899011202395","0899","0279395","356058102052972","89148000005117597971","67756296"
"78329","COMPLETED",""Cricket Wireless"",""Unlimited Talk"," Text"," & 4G LTE Data w/ 15GB Hotspot"","60",""2020/03/29""
This is the code I am using:
awk -F"'?,'?" -v OFS='","' '{$1=$1; gsub(/^.|$/,"\"")} 1' file # or
sed -E 's/([^,]*) , (.*)/"\1" , "\2"/' file
My total code is the below one. my Intention was to first convert all .xlsx to .csv and then add double quotes to same csv and save it in the same file.i know the $file.csv part is wrong, hence i need some help
find "$Src_Dir" -type f -iname "*.xlsx" -print>path/temp
cat path/temp | while IFS="" read -r -d $'\0' file;
echo $file
ssconvert "${file}" --export-type=Gnumeric_stf:stf_csv
awk -F"'?,'?" -v OFS='","' '{$1=$1; gsub(/^.|$/,"\"")} 1' $file > $file.csv
If you want to handle anything other than the simplest CSV files, you should probably move away from sed and awk. There are much better tools available.
For example, if you sudo apt install csvtool (or equivalent) on your favourite distro, you can use its call-per-line functionality to process each line in the input file. See the following script for an example:
function quotify {
# Start empty line, process every field.
while [[ $# -ne 0 ]] ; do
# Append comma for all but first field, then quoted field.
[[ -n "${line}" ]] && line="${line},"
# Output the fully quoted line.
echo "${line}"
# Needed to call functions. Also, ensure link: /bin/sh -> /bin/bash.
export -f quotify
# Pretty-print input and output.
echo "Input file:"
sed 's/^/ /' inputFile.csv
echo "Output file:"
csvtool call quotify inputFile.csv | sed 's/^/ /'
Note the quotify function which is called for each line in the CSV file, with the arguments set to each field within that line (sans quotes, whether the original fields had quotes or not).
It basically constructs a string of all the fields in the line, with quotes around them, then writes that to standard output, as shown below in the output from that script:
Input file:
378478,COMPLETED,Tracfone,,,"2020/03/29 09:39:22",,2787,,356074101197544,89148000005748235454,75176540
378328,COMPLETED,"Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)",50,"2020/03/29"
Output file:
"378478","COMPLETED","Tracfone","","","2020/03/29 09:39:22","","2787","","356074101197544","89148000005748235454","75176540"
"378328","COMPLETED","Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)","50","2020/03/29"
Even though using a separate tool is probably the easiest way to go, if you absolutely cannot install other packages, then you're going to have to code up something in a package you already have. The following bash script is a good place to start, as it uses no other tools to achieve its goal.
At the moment, it's tied to a very specific set of rules, as follows:
White space matters. Anything between the commas is considered part of the field. This especially matters when detecting a quoted field, it must have the quote as the first character, no abc, "d,e,f",ghi stuff since the "d,e,f" won't be handled correctly.
Quoted fields are allowed to contain commas, and "" sequences within them are turned into ".
It's probably not a good idea to supply ill-formatted CSV files :-)
But, with that in mind, here we go. I'll offer a brief textual description of each section but hopefully the comments in the code will be enough to figure out what's going on.
First, a function for finding the position if some string within another string, useful for working out the field bounds:
function findPos {
# Remove everything past the needle.
# If nothing was removed, it wasn't found, so supply massive number.
# Otherwise, it was found at the length of the string with removed stuff.
[[ ${#prefix} -ne ${#haystack} ]] && position=${#prefix}
echo ${position}
Then we can use that in the function that works out the length of the next field. This basically just looks for the next comma for unquoted fields, and does special handling for quoted fields by building up the field from segments (it has to handle quotes within quotes and commas):
function getNextFieldLen {
# Empty line means all work done.
[[ -z "${line}" ]] && echo -1 && return
# Handle unquoted first, this is easy.
[[ "${line:0:1}" != '"' ]] && { echo $(findPos "${line}" ","); return; }
# Now handle quoted. Loop over all segments where a segment is defined as
# the text up to the next <"">, assuming it's before the next <",>.
nextQuoteComma=$(findPos "${line}" '",')
nextDoubleQuote=$(findPos "${line}" '""')
while [[ ${nextDoubleQuote} -lt ${nextQuoteComma} ]]; do
# Append segment to the field and go back for next segment.
nextQuoteComma=$(findPos "${line}" '",')
nextDoubleQuote=$(findPos "${line}" '""')
# Add final segment (up to the comma) and output entire field.
echo "${#field}"
Finally, there's the top-level function which will quotify whatever comes in via standard input:
function quotifyStdIn {
# Process file line by line.
while read -r line; do
# Start with empty output line and non-comma separator.
outLine="" ; sep=""
# Place terminator to make processing easier, start field loop.
fieldLen=$(getNextFieldLen "${line}")
while [[ ${fieldLen} -ge 0 ]]; do
# Get field and quotify if needed, adjust line (remove field and comma).
[[ "${field:0:1}" = '"' ]] || field="\"${field}\""
# Append to output line and prepare for next field.
outLine="${outLine}${sep}${field}"; sep=","
fieldLen=$(getNextFieldLen "${line}")
# Output built line.
echo "${outLine}"
And, on the off-chance you want to read directly from a file (though providing a file name that's empty or "-" will use standard input so you can probably just use the file-based function for everything):
function quotifyFile {
# Empty file or "-" means standard input, otherwise take input from real file.
[[ ${#file} -eq 0 ]] && { quotifyStdIn; return; }
[[ "${file}" = "-" ]] && { quotifyStdIn; return; }
quotifyStdIn < "${file}"
And, finally, because every program that's not a "Hello, world" one deserves some form of test harness, this is what you can use to test the various capabilities:
echo 'paxdiablo,was here'
echo 'and,"then, strangely,",he,was,not'
echo '50,"My name is ""Pax"", and yours is ""Bob""",42'
echo '17,"""Love"" is grand",19'
) > harness.csv
echo "Before:"
sed "s/^/ /" harness.csv
echo "After:"
quotifyFile harness.csv | sed "s/^/ /"
rm -rf harness.csv
And, since a test harness is of little use unless you run the tests, here's the results of the first run:
paxdiablo,was here
and,"then, strangely,",he,was,not
50,"My name is ""Pax"", and yours is ""Bob""",42
17,"""Love"" is grand",19
"paxdiablo","was here"
"and","then, strangely,","he","was","not"
"50","My name is ""Pax"", and yours is ""Bob""","42"
"17","""Love"" is grand","19"
Hopefully, that will be enough to get you going in the absence of being able to install packages. Of course, if one of the packages you can't install in bash itself, then you have problems that I can't help you with :-)
Your starting CSV is not a good CSV: the 2 rows have different number of columns
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| 378478 | COMPLETED | Tracfone | - | - | 2020/03/29 09:39:22 | - | 2787 | - | 356074101197544 | 89148000005748235454 | 75176540 |
| 378328 | COMPLETED | Total Wireless | Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB) | 50 | 2020/03/29 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Using Miller ( you could run
mlr --csv --quote-all -N unsparsify input >output
to have
"378478","COMPLETED","Tracfone","","","2020/03/29 09:39:22","","2787","","356074101197544","89148000005748235454","75176540"
"378328","COMPLETED","Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)","50","2020/03/29","","","","","",""
You can use it downloading the executable

Convert multi-line csv to single line using Linux tools

I have a .csv file that contains double quoted multi-line fields. I need to convert the multi-line cell to a single line. It doesn't show in the sample data but I do not know which fields might be multi-line so any solution will need to check every field. I do know how many columns I'll have. The first line will also need to be skipped. I don't how much data so performance isn't a consideration.
I need something that I can run from a bash script on Linux. Preferably using tools such as awk or sed and not actual programming languages.
The data will be processed further with Logstash but it doesn't handle double quoted multi-line fields hence the need to do some pre-processing.
I tried something like this and it kind of works on one row but fails on multiple rows.
sed -e :0 -e '/,.*,.*,.*,.*,/b' -e N -e '1n;N;N;N;s/\n/ /g' -e b0 file.csv
CSV example
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
The output I want is
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,Country City Street,12345
Jane,Doe,Country City Street,67890
First my apologies for getting here 7 months late...
I came across a problem similar to yours today, with multiple fields with multi-line types. I was glad to find your question but at least for my case I have the complexity that, as more than one field is conflicting, quotes might open, close and open again on the same line... anyway, reading a lot and combining answers from different posts I came up with something like this:
First I count the quotes in a line, to do that, I take out everything but quotes and then use wc:
quotes=`echo $line | tr -cd '"' | wc -c` # Counts the quotes
If you think of a single multi-line field, knowing if the quotes are 1 or 2 is enough. In a more generic scenario like mine I have to know if the number of quotes is odd or even to know if the line completes the record or expects more information.
To check for even or odd you can use the mod operand (%), in general:
even % 2 = 0
odd % 2 = 1
For the first line:
Odd means that the line expects more information on the next line.
Even means the line is complete.
For the subsequent lines, I have to know the status of the previous one. for instance in your sample text:
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
You can say line 1 (John,Doe,"Country) has 1 quote (odd) what means the status of the record is incomplete or open.
When you go to line 2, there is no quote (even). Nevertheless this does not mean the record is complete, you have to consider the previous status... so for the lines following the first one it will be:
Odd means that record status toggles (incomplete to complete).
Even means that record status remains as the previous line.
What I did was looping line by line while carrying the status of the last line to the next one:
cat file.csv | while read line; do
quotes=`echo $line | tr -cd '"' | wc -c` # Counts the quotes
incomplete=$((($quotes+$incomplete)%2)) # Check if Odd or Even to decide status
if [ $incomplete -eq 1 ]; then
echo -n "$line " >> new.csv # If line is incomplete join with next
echo "$line" >> new.csv # If line completes the record finish
Once this was executed, a file in your format generates a new.csv like this:
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,"Country City Street",12345
I like one-liners as much as everyone, I wrote that script just for the sake of clarity, you can - arguably - write it in one line like:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
I would appreciate it if you could go back to your example and see if this works for your case (which you most likely already solved). Hopefully this can still help someone else down the road...
Recovering the multi-line fields
Every need is different, in my case I wanted the records in one line to further process the csv to add some bash-extracted data, but I would like to keep the csv as it was. To accomplish that, instead of joining the lines with a space I used a code - likely unique - that I could then search and replace:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l ~newline~ " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
the code is ~newline~, this is totally arbitrary of course.
Then, after doing my processing, I took the csv text file and replaced the coded newlines with real newlines:
sed -i 's/ ~newline~ /\n/g' new.csv
Ternary operator:
Count char occurrences:
Other peculiar cases:
Run this:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
... and collect results in new.csv
I hope it helps!
If Perl is your option, please try the following:
perl -e '
while (<>) {
$str .= $_;
while ($str =~ /("(("")|[^"])*")|((^|(?<=,))[^,]*((?=,)|$))/g) {
if (($el = $&) =~ /^".*"$/s) {
$el =~ s/^"//s; $el =~ s/"$//s;
$el =~ s/""/"/g;
$el =~ s/\s+(?!$)/ /g;
push(#ary, $el);
foreach (#ary) {
print /\n$/ ? "$_" : "$_,";
}' sample.csv
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,Country City Street,12345
John,Doe,Country City Street,67890
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;s/[^,]\+/&/4;tb;N;ba;:b;s/\n\+/ /g;s/"//g' file
Test each line to see that it contains the correct number of fields (in the example that was 4). If there are not enough fields, append the next line and repeat the test. Otherwise, replace the newline(s) by spaces and finally remove the "'s.
N.B. This may be fraught with problems such as ,'s between "'s and quoted "'s.
Try cat -v file.csv. When the file was made with Excel, you might have some luck: When the newlines in a field are a simple \n and the newline at the end is a \r\n (which will look like ^M), parsing is simple.
# delete all newlines and replace the ^M with a new newline.
tr -d "\n" < file.csv| tr "\r" "\n"
# Above two steps with one command
tr "\n\r" " \n" < file.csv
When you want a space between the joined line, you need an additional step.
tr "\n\r" " \n" < file.csv | sed '2,$ s/^ //'
EDIT: #sjaak commented this didn't work is his case.
When your broken lines also have ^M you still can be a lucky (wo-)man.
When your broken field is always the first field in double quotes and you have GNU sed 4.2.2, you can join 2 lines when the first line has exactly one double quote.
sed -rz ':a;s/(\n|^)([^"]*)"([^"]*)\n/\1\2"\3 /;ta' file.csv
-z don't use \n as line endings
:a label for repeating the step after successful replacement
(\n|^) Search after a newline or the very first line
([^"]*) Substring without a "
ta Go back to label a and repeat
awk pattern matching is working.
answer in one line :
awk '/,"/{ORS=" "};/",/{ORS="\n"}{print $0}' YourFile
if you'd like to drop quotes, you could use:
awk '/,"/{ORS=" "};/",/{ORS="\n"}{print $0}' YourFile | sed 's/"//gw NewFile'
but I prefer to keep it.
to explain the code:
/Pattern/ : find pattern in current line.
ORS : indicates the output line record.
$0 : indicates the whole of the current line.
's/OldPattern/NewPattern/': substitude first OldPattern with NewPattern
/g : does the previous action for all OldPattern
/w : write the result to Newfile

Print line after the match in grep [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to show only next line after the matched one?
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to get the current track running from 'cmus-remote -Q'
Its always underneath of this line
tag genre Various
<some track>
Now, I need to keep it simple because I want to add it to my i3 bar. I used
cmus-remote -Q | grep -A 1 "tag genre"
but that grep's the 'tag' line AND the line underneath.
I want ONLY the line underneath.
With sed:
sed -n '/tag genre/{n;p}'
$ cmus-remote -Q | sed -n '/tag genre/{n;p}'
<some track>
If you want to use grep as the tool for this, you can achieve it by adding another segment to your pipeline:
cmus-remote -Q | grep -A 1 "tag genre" | grep -v "tag genre"
This will fail in cases where the string you're searching for is on two lines in a row. You'll have to define what behaviour you want in that case if we're going to program something sensible for it.
Another possibility would be to use a tool like awk, which allows for greater compexity in the line selection:
cmus-remote -Q | awk '/tag genre/ { getline; print }'
This searches for the string, then gets the next line, then prints it.
Another possibility would be to do this in bash alone:
while read line; do
[[ $line =~ tag\ genre ]] && read line && echo "$line"
done < <(cmus-remote -Q)
This implements the same functionality as the awk script, only using no external tools at all. It's likely slower than the awk script.
You can use awk instead of grep:
awk 'p{print; p=0} /tag genre/{p=1}' file
<some track>
/tag genre/{p=1} - sets a flag p=1 when it encounters tag genre in a line.
p{print; p=0} when p is non-zero then it prints a line and resets p to 0.
I'd suggest using awk:
awk 'seen && seen--; /tag genre/ { seen = 1 }'
when seen is true, print the line.
when seen is true, decrement the value, so it will no longer true after the desired number of lines are printed
when the pattern matches, set seen to the number of lines to be printed

UNIX - Replacing variables in sql with matching values from .profile file

I am trying to write a shell which will take an SQL file as input. Example SQL file:
Now the script should extract all variables, which in this case everything starting with %%. So the output file will be something as below:
Now I should be able to extract the matching values from the user's .profile file for these variables and create the SQL file with the proper values.
FROM tempdb.TBL_abc
WHERE CITY = 'Chicago'
As of now I am trying to generate the file1 which will contain all the variables. Below code sample -
sed "s/[(),']//g" "T:/work/shell/sqlfile1.sql" | awk '/%%/{print $NF}' | awk '/%%/{print $NF}' > sqltemp2.sql
takes me till
Can someone help me in getting to file1 listing the variables?
You can use grep and sort to get a list of unique variables, as per the following transcript:
$ echo "SELECT *
WHERE CITY = '%%CITY'" | grep -o '%%[A-Za-z0-9_]*' | sort -u
The -o flag to grep instructs it to only print the matching parts of lines rather than the entire line, and also outputs each matching part on a distinct line. Then sort -u just makes sure there are no duplicates.
In terms of the full process, here's a slight modification to a bash script I've used for similar purposes:
# Define all translations.
declare -A xlat
# Check all variables in input file.
for key in $(grep -o '%%[A-Za-z0-9_]*' input.sql | sort -u) ; do
if [[ "${xlat[$key]}" == "" ]] ; then
echo "Bad key ($key) in file:"
grep -n "${key}" input.sql | sed 's/^/ /'
if [[ ${okay} -eq 0 ]] ; then
exit 1
# Process input file doing substitutions. Fairly
# primitive use of sed, must change to use sed -i
# at some point.
# Note we sort keys based on descending length so we
# correctly handle extensions like "NAME" and "NAMESPACE",
# doing the longer ones first makes it work properly.
cp input.sql output.sql
for key in $( (
for key in ${!xlat[#]} ; do
echo ${key}
) | awk '{print length($0)":"$0}' | sort -rnu | cut -d':' -f2) ; do
sed "s/${key}/${xlat[$key]}/g" output.sql >output2.sql
mv output2.sql output.sql
cat output.sql
It first checks that the input file doesn't contain any keys not found in the translation array. Then it applies sed substitutions to the input file, one per translation, to ensure all keys are substituted with their respective values.
This should be a good start, though there may be some edge cases such as if your keys or values contain characters sed would consider important (like / for example). If that is the case, you'll probably need to escape them such as changing:
