Bash script to add double quotes in .CSV comma delimited file - bash

I need to add double quotes to the csv file. My sample data is like this..
378478,COMPLETED,Tracfone,,,"2020/03/29 09:39:22",,2787,,356074101197544,89148000005748235454,75176540
378328,COMPLETED,"Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)",50,"2020/03/29 06:10:01",200890899011202395,0899,0279395,356058102052972,89148000005117597971,67756296
I have tried some code available online with awk and sed, it is resulting as below , Error - **First digit in the number is being trimmed like for ex. in '378478' it is only displaying '78478'.
Also it is adding double quotes to already existing double quotes too!** nothing seems to be perfectly working. Please guide me!
"78478","COMPLETED","Tracfone","","",""2020/03/29 09:39:22"","","2787","","356074101197544","89148000005748235454","75176540"
"78328","COMPLETED",""Total Wireless"",""Unlimited Talk"," Text"," & Data (First 25GB High Speed"," then unlimited 2GB)"","50",""2020/03/29 06:10:01"","200890899011202395","0899","0279395","356058102052972","89148000005117597971","67756296"
"78329","COMPLETED",""Cricket Wireless"",""Unlimited Talk"," Text"," & 4G LTE Data w/ 15GB Hotspot"","60",""2020/03/29""
This is the code I am using:
awk -F"'?,'?" -v OFS='","' '{$1=$1; gsub(/^.|$/,"\"")} 1' file # or
sed -E 's/([^,]*) , (.*)/"\1" , "\2"/' file
My total code is the below one. my Intention was to first convert all .xlsx to .csv and then add double quotes to same csv and save it in the same file.i know the $file.csv part is wrong, hence i need some help
find "$Src_Dir" -type f -iname "*.xlsx" -print>path/temp
cat path/temp | while IFS="" read -r -d $'\0' file;
echo $file
ssconvert "${file}" --export-type=Gnumeric_stf:stf_csv
awk -F"'?,'?" -v OFS='","' '{$1=$1; gsub(/^.|$/,"\"")} 1' $file > $file.csv

If you want to handle anything other than the simplest CSV files, you should probably move away from sed and awk. There are much better tools available.
For example, if you sudo apt install csvtool (or equivalent) on your favourite distro, you can use its call-per-line functionality to process each line in the input file. See the following script for an example:
function quotify {
# Start empty line, process every field.
while [[ $# -ne 0 ]] ; do
# Append comma for all but first field, then quoted field.
[[ -n "${line}" ]] && line="${line},"
# Output the fully quoted line.
echo "${line}"
# Needed to call functions. Also, ensure link: /bin/sh -> /bin/bash.
export -f quotify
# Pretty-print input and output.
echo "Input file:"
sed 's/^/ /' inputFile.csv
echo "Output file:"
csvtool call quotify inputFile.csv | sed 's/^/ /'
Note the quotify function which is called for each line in the CSV file, with the arguments set to each field within that line (sans quotes, whether the original fields had quotes or not).
It basically constructs a string of all the fields in the line, with quotes around them, then writes that to standard output, as shown below in the output from that script:
Input file:
378478,COMPLETED,Tracfone,,,"2020/03/29 09:39:22",,2787,,356074101197544,89148000005748235454,75176540
378328,COMPLETED,"Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)",50,"2020/03/29"
Output file:
"378478","COMPLETED","Tracfone","","","2020/03/29 09:39:22","","2787","","356074101197544","89148000005748235454","75176540"
"378328","COMPLETED","Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)","50","2020/03/29"
Even though using a separate tool is probably the easiest way to go, if you absolutely cannot install other packages, then you're going to have to code up something in a package you already have. The following bash script is a good place to start, as it uses no other tools to achieve its goal.
At the moment, it's tied to a very specific set of rules, as follows:
White space matters. Anything between the commas is considered part of the field. This especially matters when detecting a quoted field, it must have the quote as the first character, no abc, "d,e,f",ghi stuff since the "d,e,f" won't be handled correctly.
Quoted fields are allowed to contain commas, and "" sequences within them are turned into ".
It's probably not a good idea to supply ill-formatted CSV files :-)
But, with that in mind, here we go. I'll offer a brief textual description of each section but hopefully the comments in the code will be enough to figure out what's going on.
First, a function for finding the position if some string within another string, useful for working out the field bounds:
function findPos {
# Remove everything past the needle.
# If nothing was removed, it wasn't found, so supply massive number.
# Otherwise, it was found at the length of the string with removed stuff.
[[ ${#prefix} -ne ${#haystack} ]] && position=${#prefix}
echo ${position}
Then we can use that in the function that works out the length of the next field. This basically just looks for the next comma for unquoted fields, and does special handling for quoted fields by building up the field from segments (it has to handle quotes within quotes and commas):
function getNextFieldLen {
# Empty line means all work done.
[[ -z "${line}" ]] && echo -1 && return
# Handle unquoted first, this is easy.
[[ "${line:0:1}" != '"' ]] && { echo $(findPos "${line}" ","); return; }
# Now handle quoted. Loop over all segments where a segment is defined as
# the text up to the next <"">, assuming it's before the next <",>.
nextQuoteComma=$(findPos "${line}" '",')
nextDoubleQuote=$(findPos "${line}" '""')
while [[ ${nextDoubleQuote} -lt ${nextQuoteComma} ]]; do
# Append segment to the field and go back for next segment.
nextQuoteComma=$(findPos "${line}" '",')
nextDoubleQuote=$(findPos "${line}" '""')
# Add final segment (up to the comma) and output entire field.
echo "${#field}"
Finally, there's the top-level function which will quotify whatever comes in via standard input:
function quotifyStdIn {
# Process file line by line.
while read -r line; do
# Start with empty output line and non-comma separator.
outLine="" ; sep=""
# Place terminator to make processing easier, start field loop.
fieldLen=$(getNextFieldLen "${line}")
while [[ ${fieldLen} -ge 0 ]]; do
# Get field and quotify if needed, adjust line (remove field and comma).
[[ "${field:0:1}" = '"' ]] || field="\"${field}\""
# Append to output line and prepare for next field.
outLine="${outLine}${sep}${field}"; sep=","
fieldLen=$(getNextFieldLen "${line}")
# Output built line.
echo "${outLine}"
And, on the off-chance you want to read directly from a file (though providing a file name that's empty or "-" will use standard input so you can probably just use the file-based function for everything):
function quotifyFile {
# Empty file or "-" means standard input, otherwise take input from real file.
[[ ${#file} -eq 0 ]] && { quotifyStdIn; return; }
[[ "${file}" = "-" ]] && { quotifyStdIn; return; }
quotifyStdIn < "${file}"
And, finally, because every program that's not a "Hello, world" one deserves some form of test harness, this is what you can use to test the various capabilities:
echo 'paxdiablo,was here'
echo 'and,"then, strangely,",he,was,not'
echo '50,"My name is ""Pax"", and yours is ""Bob""",42'
echo '17,"""Love"" is grand",19'
) > harness.csv
echo "Before:"
sed "s/^/ /" harness.csv
echo "After:"
quotifyFile harness.csv | sed "s/^/ /"
rm -rf harness.csv
And, since a test harness is of little use unless you run the tests, here's the results of the first run:
paxdiablo,was here
and,"then, strangely,",he,was,not
50,"My name is ""Pax"", and yours is ""Bob""",42
17,"""Love"" is grand",19
"paxdiablo","was here"
"and","then, strangely,","he","was","not"
"50","My name is ""Pax"", and yours is ""Bob""","42"
"17","""Love"" is grand","19"
Hopefully, that will be enough to get you going in the absence of being able to install packages. Of course, if one of the packages you can't install in bash itself, then you have problems that I can't help you with :-)

Your starting CSV is not a good CSV: the 2 rows have different number of columns
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| 378478 | COMPLETED | Tracfone | - | - | 2020/03/29 09:39:22 | - | 2787 | - | 356074101197544 | 89148000005748235454 | 75176540 |
| 378328 | COMPLETED | Total Wireless | Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB) | 50 | 2020/03/29 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Using Miller ( you could run
mlr --csv --quote-all -N unsparsify input >output
to have
"378478","COMPLETED","Tracfone","","","2020/03/29 09:39:22","","2787","","356074101197544","89148000005748235454","75176540"
"378328","COMPLETED","Total Wireless","Unlimited Talk, Text, & Data (First 25GB High Speed, then unlimited 2GB)","50","2020/03/29","","","","","",""
You can use it downloading the executable


Bash while read line and sed combination to replace values in certain columns

Good day all,
Prosperous new year to all.
I have a file using the pipe character as field delimiter. The aim is to prepend a certain field, in this case field 4, with either a C or R depending on the values of the fields 2 and 3.
File in question:
11975528|0202|INVOICES| 211311|2020/12/11|00893139P| | 34.90 | .00 | 5.24 | 40.14 |MRS L JAMES |Pr#:558392 M/Aid:PR
11975529|0202|INVOICES| 211312|2020/12/11|00893140P| | 34.90 | .00 | 5.24 | 40.14 |MISS M KHOZA |Pr#:558393 M/Aid:PR
11975530|0202|INVOICES| 211311|2020/12/11|00893142P| | 34.90 | .00 | 5.24 | 40.14 |MRS L JAMES |Pr#:558392 M/Aid:PR
11975531|0202|C/NOTES | 211311|2020/12/11|00893142P|20/12/11 | 34.90-| .00 | 5.24-| 40.14-|MRS L JAMES |Pr#:558392 M/Aid:PR
11975532|0202|C/NOTES | 211310|2020/12/11|00893136P|20/12/11 | 115.90-| .00 | 17.39-| 133.29-|MR S ERASMUS |Pr#:558391 M/Aid:PR
I have passed passed the file into a while read loop, using awk to separate the fields and sed to replace the values:
if [ -f $datext ]; #Check if the extract file exits
cat $datext | while IFS= read line
BCHNO=`echo $line | awk -F"|" '{print $2}'` #Get BRANCH Number
TYPE=`echo $line | awk -F"|" '{print $3}'` #Get Transation type e.g. invoice/credit note
DEBNO=`echo $line | awk -F"|" '{print $4}'` #Get debtor account number
if [ $BCHNO -eq 0202 ] && [ "$TYPE" == "INVOICES" ];
sed -i "s/$DEBNO/C$DEBNO/" $datext
elif [ $BCHNO -eq 0202 ] && [ "$TYPE" == "C/NOTES" ];
sed -i "s/$DEBNO/R$DEBNO/" $datext
When running the above, where there are multiple transactions for the same debtor it keeps prepending the C:
11975534|0202|INVOICES| CCCCCC 911202|2020/12/11|00893144P| | 21.17 | .00 | 3.18 | 24.35 |LEVY CONTROL |Pr#:558384 M/Aid:PR
And the C/NOTES are ignored and also prepended with a C:
11975540|0202|C/NOTES | C 558379|2020/12/11|00893149P|20/12/11 | 173.52-| .00 | 26.03-| 199.55-|MR D MCCARTHY |Pr#:558379 M/Aid:PR
I have resorted to grep the INVOICES and C/NOTES strings to separate files then doing the substitution on each file which works for the C/NOTES but still have the same issue with INVOICES where it keeps prepending the Cs where there are multiple transactions for the same debtor.
Am I on the correct path in using the combinations, just not using them correctly, or is there a better way to achieve this?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
In this case a sed solution can work without additional loops or too much magic:
if [ -f $datext ]; #Check if the extract file exits
sed -i 's/^[^|]*|0202|INVOICES|/&C/;s/^[^|]*|0202|C\/NOTES |/&R/' "${datext}"
^[^|]*|: Starting at the beginning of the line, match everything until the first pipe.
&C: Replace the matched string with the match (the &) followed by a C.
C\/N: Escape the forward slash with a backslash. An alternative is using s#...#...#.
When you want to avoid repeating inserts when you repeat the command, add a space in the match:
sed -i 's/^[^|]*|0202|INVOICES| /&C /;s/^[^|]*|0202|C\/NOTES | /&R /' "${datext}"
Below you find a quick fix of your script. Here are a couple of issues I found:
you extract the values of BCHNO, TYPE and DEBNO using awk of the form: awk -F"|" '{print $n}'. Because you use a vertical-bar as a delimiter, the field will include spaces. That is why comparisons of the form [ "$TYPE" == "C/NOTES" ] might fail because TYPE might contain extra spaces at the end.
In your conditional statements, you perform sed on the entire file and not just the line of interest, That is why you encounter multiple substitutions on the same line when you have multiple matches (i.e. the multiple C values). You could fix this by adding a simple line counter and instruct sed to only update that one line.
Use [ string1 = string2 ] and not [ string1 == string2 ], this is POSIX compliant. Eventhough bash allows the use of ==, it might be that the use of #!/bin/sh could make this fail. (cfr comment of Charles Duffy)
Using a cat file to send input into a while loop places the loop in a subshell, which means any state changes you make (changing variables, cd, opening, and closing files, etc.) will be lost when the loop finishes. To avoid that, you may use redirection. So don't do cat file | while read line; do ...; done, but rather while read line; do ...; done <file. See BashFAQ 001
Below you find a quick update of your script.
if [ -f $datext ]; #Check if the extract file exits
while IFS= read -r line
# read variables from $line
IFS="|" read -r _ BCHNO TYPE DEBNO _ <<<"$line"
# remove pre and postpend blanks
BCHNO="${BCHNO//^[:blank:]*}"; BCHNO="${BCHNO//[:blank:]*$}"
if [ $BCHNO -eq 0202 ] && [ "$TYPE" = "INVOICES" ]; then
elif [ $BCHNO -eq 0202 ] && [ "$TYPE" = "C/NOTES" ]; then
echo "$line" > "${datext}.new"
done < "$datext"
mv "${datext}.new" "${datext}"
While the above does exactly what you request it to do, it is written in pure bash. It is strongly recommended to not use bash for data-manipulation of this form. Use tools that have been designed for it. Below you find a simple awk program that does exactly the same.
if [ -f "$datext" ]; then
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}
{BCHNO=$2; TYPE=$3; DEBNO=$4}
(BCHNO=="0202") && (TYPE ~ " *INVOICES *") { $4 = "C"$4 }
(BCHNO=="0202") && (TYPE ~ " *C/NOTES *") { $4 = "R"$4 }
1' "$datext" > "${datext}.new"
mv "${datext}.new" "${datext}"
Since you are already using awk within the loop, it would make more sense to use awk as a complete solution:
awk -F \| '$2=="0202" && $3 == "INVOICES" { # Process where the 4th pipe delimited field is equal to 0202 and the third field is equal to INVOICES
$4="C"$4 # Prefix the fourth field with C
$2=="0202" && $3 == "C/NOTES " { # Process where the 4th pipe delimited field is equal to 0202 and the third field is equal to C/NOTES
$4="R"$4 # Prefix the fourth field with C
}1' $datext # Use short hand 1 to print the lines (amended or otherwise)
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E '1{x;s#^#INVOICESC/NOTESR#;x};G;s#((.+)\s*\|)\s(.*\n.*\2)(.)#\1\4\3#;P;d' file
Create a lookup table for invoices and notes.
Append the lookup to each line and pattern match replacing the first space of the following field by the lookup.
N.B. Extend or shorten the lookup table if maintenance is required.

Unix bash - using cut to regex lines in a file, match regex result with another similar line

I have a text file: file.txt, with several thousand lines. It contains a lot of junk lines which I am not interested in, so I use the cut command to regex for the lines I am interested in first. For each entry I am interested in, it will be listed twice in the text file: Once in a "definition" section, another in a "value" section. I want to retrieve the first value from the "definition" section, and then for each entry found there find it's corresponding "value" section entry.
The first entry starts with ' gl_ ', while the 2nd entry would look like ' "gl_ ', starting with a '"'.
This is the code I have so far for looping through the text document, which then retrieves the values I am interested in and appends them to a .csv file:
while read -r line
if [[ $line == gl_* ]] ; then (param=$(cut -d'\' -f 1 $line) | def=$(cut -d'\' -f 2 $line) | type=$(cut -d'\' -f 4 $line) | prompt=$(cut -d'\' -f 8 $line))
while read -r glline
if [[ $glline == '"'$param* ]] ; then val=$(cut -d'\' -f 3 $glline) |
"$project";"$param";"$val";"$def";"$type";"$prompt" >> /filepath/file.csv
done < file.txt
done < file.txt
This seems to throw some syntax errors related to unexpected tokens near the first 'done' statement.
Example of text that needs to be parsed, and paired:
gl_one\User Defined\1\String\1\\1\Some Text
gl_two\User Defined\1\String\1\\1\Some Text also
gl_three\User Defined\1\Time\1\\1\Datetime now
So effectively, the while loop reads each line until it hits the first line that starts with 'gl_', which then stores that value (ie. gl_one) as a variable 'param'.
It then starts the nested while loop that looks for the line that starts with a ' " ' in front of the gl_, and is equivalent to the 'param' value. In other words, the
script should couple the lines gl_one and "gl_one, gl_two and "gl_two, gl_three and "gl_three.
The text file is large, and these are settings that have been defined this way. I need to collect the values for each gl_ parameter, to save them together in a .csv file with their corresponding "gl_ values.
Wanted regex output stored in variables would be something like this:
first while loop:
$param = gl_one, $def = User Defined, $type = String, $prompt = Some Text
second while loop:
$val = Value1
Then it stores these variables to the file.csv, with semi-colon separators.
Currently, I have an error for the first 'done' statement, which seems to indicate an issue with the quotation marks. Apart from this,
I am looking for general ideas and comments to the script. I.e, not entirely sure I am looking for the quotation mark parameters "gl_ correctly, or if the
semi-colons as .csv separators are added correctly.
Edit: Overall, the script runs now, but extremely slow due to the inner while loop. Is there any faster way to match the two lines together and add them to the .csv file?
Any ideas and comments?
This will generate a file containing the data you want:
cat file.txt | grep gl_ | sed -E "s/\"//" | sort | sed '$!N;s/\n/\\/' | awk -F'\' '{print $1"; "$5"; "$7"; "$NF}' > /filepath/file.csv
It uses grep to extract all lines containing 'gl_'
then sed to remove the leading '"' from the lines that contain one [I have assumed there are no further '"' in the line]
The lines are sorted
sed removes the return from each pair of lines
awk then prints
the required columns according to your requirements
Output routed to the file.
LANG=C sort -t\\ -sd -k1,1 <file.txt |\
sed '
/^gl_/{ # if definition
N; # append next line to buffer
s/\n"gl_[^\\]*//; # if value, strip first column
t; # and start next loop
D; # otherwise, delete the line
' |\
awk -F\\ -v p="$project" -v OFS=\; '{print p,$1,$10,$2,$4,$8 }' \
sort lines so gl_... appears immediately before "gl_... (LANG fixes LC_TYPE) - assumes definition appears before value
sed to help ensure matching definition and value (may still fail if duplicate/missing value), and tidy for awk
awk to pull out relevant fields

How can extract a value from .ini using sed [duplicate]

I have a parameters.ini file, such as:
database_user = user
database_version = 20110611142248
I want to read in and use the database version specified in the parameters.ini file from within a bash shell script so I can process it.
# Need to get database version from parameters.ini file to use in script
php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate $DATABASE_VERSION
How would I do this?
How about grepping for that line then using awk
version=$(awk -F "=" '/database_version/ {print $2}' parameters.ini)
You can use bash native parser to interpret ini values, by:
$ source <(grep = file.ini)
Sample file:
IPS=( "" "" )
To access variables, you simply printing them: echo $var1. You may also use arrays as shown above (echo ${IPS[#]}).
If you only want a single value just grep for it:
source <(grep var1 file.ini)
For the demo, check this recording at asciinema.
It is simple as you don't need for any external library to parse the data, but it comes with some disadvantages. For example:
If you have spaces between = (variable name and value), then you've to trim the spaces first, e.g.
$ source <(grep = file.ini | sed 's/ *= */=/g')
Or if you don't care about the spaces (including in the middle), use:
$ source <(grep = file.ini | tr -d ' ')
To support ; comments, replace them with #:
$ sed "s/;/#/g" foo.ini | source /dev/stdin
The sections aren't supported (e.g. if you've [section-name], then you've to filter it out as shown above, e.g. grep =), the same for other unexpected errors.
If you need to read specific value under specific section, use grep -A, sed, awk or ex).
source <(grep = <(grep -A5 '\[section-b\]' file.ini))
Note: Where -A5 is the number of rows to read in the section. Replace source with cat to debug.
If you've got any parsing errors, ignore them by adding: 2>/dev/null
See also:
How to parse and convert ini file into bash array variables? at serverfault SE
Are there any tools for modifying INI style files from shell script
Sed one-liner, that takes sections into account. Example file:
Say you want param2 from section2. Run the following:
sed -nr "/^\[section2\]/ { :l /^param2[ ]*=/ { s/[^=]*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" ./file.ini
will give you
Bash does not provide a parser for these files. Obviously you can use an awk command or a couple of sed calls, but if you are bash-priest and don't want to use any other shell, then you can try the following obscure code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cfg_parser ()
ini="$(<$1)" # read the file
ini="${ini//[/\[}" # escape [
ini="${ini//]/\]}" # escape ]
IFS=$'\n' && ini=( ${ini} ) # convert to line-array
ini=( ${ini[*]//;*/} ) # remove comments with ;
ini=( ${ini[*]/\ =/=} ) # remove tabs before =
ini=( ${ini[*]/=\ /=} ) # remove tabs after =
ini=( ${ini[*]/\ =\ /=} ) # remove anything with a space around =
ini=( ${ini[*]/#\\[/\}$'\n'cfg.section.} ) # set section prefix
ini=( ${ini[*]/%\\]/ \(} ) # convert text2function (1)
ini=( ${ini[*]/=/=\( } ) # convert item to array
ini=( ${ini[*]/%/ \)} ) # close array parenthesis
ini=( ${ini[*]/%\\ \)/ \\} ) # the multiline trick
ini=( ${ini[*]/%\( \)/\(\) \{} ) # convert text2function (2)
ini=( ${ini[*]/%\} \)/\}} ) # remove extra parenthesis
ini[0]="" # remove first element
ini[${#ini[*]} + 1]='}' # add the last brace
eval "$(echo "${ini[*]}")" # eval the result
cfg_writer ()
IFS=' '$'\n'
fun="$(declare -F)"
fun="${fun//declare -f/}"
for f in $fun; do
[ "${f#cfg.section}" == "${f}" ] && continue
item="$(declare -f ${f})"
eval $f
echo "[${f#cfg.section.}]"
for var in $vars; do
echo $var=\"${!var}\"
# parse the config file called 'myfile.ini', with the following
# contents::
# [sec2]
# var2='something'
cfg.parser 'myfile.ini'
# enable section called 'sec2' (in the file [sec2]) for reading
# read the content of the variable called 'var2' (in the file
# var2=XXX). If your var2 is an array, then you can use
# ${var[index]}
echo "$var2"
Bash ini-parser can be found at The Old School DevOps blog site.
Just include your .ini file into bash body:
File example.ini:
#Including .ini file
. example.ini
All of the solutions I've seen so far also hit on commented out lines. This one didn't, if the comment code is ;:
awk -F '=' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /database_version/) print $2}' file.ini
You may use crudini tool to get ini values, e.g.:
DATABASE_VERSION=$(crudini --get parameters.ini '' database_version)
one of more possible solutions
dbver=$(sed -n 's/.*database_version *= *\([^ ]*.*\)/\1/p' < parameters.ini)
echo $dbver
Display the value of my_key in an ini-style my_file:
sed -n -e 's/^\s*my_key\s*=\s*//p' my_file
-n -- do not print anything by default
-e -- execute the expression
s/PATTERN//p -- display anything following this pattern
In the pattern:
^ -- pattern begins at the beginning of the line
\s -- whitespace character
* -- zero or many (whitespace characters)
$ cat my_file
# Example INI file
something = foo
my_key = bar
not_my_key = baz
my_key_2 = bing
$ sed -n -e 's/^\s*my_key\s*=\s*//p' my_file
Find a pattern where the line begins with zero or many whitespace characters,
followed by the string my_key, followed by zero or many whitespace characters, an equal sign, then zero or many whitespace characters again. Display the rest of the content on that line following that pattern.
Similar to the other Python answers, you can do this using the -c flag to execute a sequence of Python statements given on the command line:
$ python3 -c "import configparser; c = configparser.ConfigParser();'parameters.ini'); print(c['parameters.ini']['database_version'])"
This has the advantage of requiring only the Python standard library and the advantage of not writing a separate script file.
Or use a here document for better readability, thusly:
python << EOI
import configparser
c = configparser.ConfigParser()'params.txt')
print c['chassis']['serialNumber']
serialNumber=$(python << EOI
import configparser
c = configparser.ConfigParser()'params.txt')
print c['chassis']['serialNumber']
echo $serialNumber
You can use sed to parse the ini configuration file, especially when you've section names like:
# last modified 1 April 2001 by John Doe
name=John Doe
organization=Acme Widgets Inc.
# use IP address in case network name resolution is not working
so you can use the following sed script to parse above data:
# Configuration bindings found outside any section are given to
# to the default section.
1 {
# Lines starting with a #-character are comments.
# Sections are unpacked and stored in the hold space.
/\[/ {
# Bindings are unpacked and decorated with the section
# they belong to, before being printed.
/=/ {
this will convert the ini data into this flat format:
owner|name|John Doe
owner|organization|Acme Widgets Inc.
so it'll be easier to parse using sed, awk or read by having section names in every line.
Credits & source: Configuration files for shell scripts, Michael Grünewald
Alternatively, you can use this project: chilladx/config-parser, a configuration parser using sed.
For people (like me) looking to read INI files from shell scripts (read shell, not bash) - I've knocked up the a little helper library which tries to do exactly that: (MIT license, do with it as you please. I've linked above including it inline as the code is quite lengthy.)
It's somewhat more "complicated" than the simple sed lines suggested above - but works on a very similar basis.
Function reads in a file line-by-line - looking for section markers ([section]) and key/value declarations (key=value).
Ultimately you get a callback to your own function - section, key and value.
Here is my version, which parses sections and populates a global associative array g_iniProperties with it.
Note that this works only with bash v4.2 and higher.
function parseIniFile() { #accepts the name of the file to parse as argument ($1)
#declare syntax below (-gA) only works with bash 4.2 and higher
unset g_iniProperties
declare -gA g_iniProperties
while read -r line
if [[ $line = [* ]] ; then
if [[ $line = [* ]] ; then
currentSection=$(echo $line | sed -e 's/\r//g' | tr -d "[]")
if [[ $line = *=* ]] ; then
cleanLine=$(echo $line | sed -e 's/\r//g')
key=$currentSection.$(echo $cleanLine | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,0,st-1)}')
value=$(echo $cleanLine | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,"=");print substr($0,st+1)}')
done < $1
And here is a sample code using the function above:
parseIniFile "/path/to/myFile.ini"
for key in "${!g_iniProperties[#]}"; do
echo "Found key/value $key = ${g_iniProperties[$key]}"
Yet another implementation using awk with a little more flexibility.
function parse_ini() {
cat /dev/stdin | awk -v section="$1" -v key="$2" '
if (length(key) > 0) { params=2 }
else if (length(section) > 0) { params=1 }
else { params=0 }
match($0,/#/) { next }
current=substr($0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
if (params==0) { print current }
match($0,/(.+)=(.+)/) {
if (found) {
if (params==2 && key==$1) { print $3 }
if (params==1) { printf "%s=%s\n",$1,$3 }
You can use calling passing between 0 and 2 params:
cat myfile1.ini myfile2.ini | parse_ini # List section names
cat myfile1.ini myfile2.ini | parse_ini 'my-section' # Prints keys and values from a section
cat myfile1.ini myfile2.ini | parse_ini 'my-section' 'my-key' # Print a single value
complex simplicity
ini file
name2 = value_2
bash script with read and execute
set +a
while read p; do
#reNV='[ ]*([^ ]*)+[ ]*=(.*)' #Remove only spaces around name
reNV='[ ]*([^ ]*)+[ ]*=[ ]*(.*)' #Remove spaces around name and spaces before value
if [[ $p =~ $reSec ]]; then
elif [[ $p =~ $reNV ]]; then
set -a
eval "$(echo "$sNm"=\""$sVa"\")"
set +a
done < $1
then in another script I source the results of the command and can use any variables within
source parseini test.ini
echo $section2_name2
finally from command line the output is thus
# ./
Some of the answers don't respect comments. Some don't respect sections. Some recognize only one syntax (only ":" or only "="). Some Python answers fail on my machine because of differing captialization or failing to import the sys module. All are a bit too terse for me.
So I wrote my own, and if you have a modern Python, you can probably call this from your Bash shell. It has the advantage of adhering to some of the common Python coding conventions, and even provides sensible error messages and help. To use it, name it something like (do NOT call it or it may try to import itself,) make it executable, and call it like
value=$( something.ini sectionname value)
Here's my code for Python 3.5 on Linux:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Last Modified: Thu Aug 3 13:58:50 PDT 2017
"""A program that Bash can call to parse an .ini file"""
import sys
import configparser
import argparse
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A program that Bash can call to parse an .ini file")
parser.add_argument("inifile", help="name of the .ini file")
parser.add_argument("section", help="name of the section in the .ini file")
parser.add_argument("itemname", help="name of the desired value")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
print(config.get(args.section, args.itemname))
I wrote a quick and easy python script to include in my bash script.
For example, your ini file is called food.ini
and in the file you can have some sections and some lines:
Oranges = 14
Apples = 6
Copy this small 6 line Python script and save it as
import configparser
import sys
config = configparser.ConfigParser()[1])
print config.get(sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3])
Now, in your bash script you could do this for example.
OrangeQty=$(python food.ini FRUIT Oranges)
ApplesQty=$(python food.ini FRUIT Apples)
echo $ApplesQty
This presupposes:
you have Python installed
you have the configparser library installed (this should come with a std python installation)
Hope it helps
The explanation to the answer for the one-liner sed.
sed -nr "/^\[section2\]/ { :l /^\s*[^#].*/ p; n; /^\[/ q; b l; }" ./file.ini
To understand, it will be easier to format the line like this:
sed -nr "
# start processing when we found the word \"section2\"
/^\[section2\]/ { #the set of commands inside { } will be executed
#create a label \"l\" (
:l /^\s*[^#].*/ p;
# move on to the next line. For the first run it is the \"param1=abc\"
# check if this line is beginning of new section. If yes - then exit.
/^\[/ q
#otherwise jump to the label \"l\"
b l
" file.ini
This script will get parameters as follow :
meaning that if your ini has :
pars_ini.ksh < path to ini file > < name of Sector in Ini file > < the name in name=value to return >
eg. how to call it :
[ environment ]
[ DataBase_Sector ]
DSN = something
Then calling :
pars_ini.ksh /users/bubu_user/parameters.ini DataBase_Sector DSN
this will retrieve the following "something"
the script "pars_ini.ksh" :
alias sed=/usr/local/bin/sed
eval `sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*\=[[:space:]]*/=/g' \
-e 's/;.*$//' \
-e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' \
-e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' \
-e "s/^\(.*\)=\([^\"']*\)$/\1=\"\2\"/" \
| sed -n -e "/^\[$INI_SECTION\]/,/^\s*\[/{/^[^;].*\=.*/p;}"`
echo `eval echo $TEMP_VALUE`
This implementation uses awk and has the following advantages:
Will only return the first matching entry
Ignores lines that start with a ;
Trims leading and trailing whitespace, but not internal whitespace
Formatted version:
awk -F '=' '/^\s*database_version\s*=/ {
sub(/^ +/, "", $2);
sub(/ +$/, "", $2);
print $2;
}' parameters.ini
awk -F '=' '/^\s*database_version\s*=/ { sub(/^ +/, "", $2); sub(/ +$/, "", $2); print $2; exit; }' parameters.ini
You can use a CSV parser xsv as parsing INI data.
cargo install xsv
$ cat /etc/*release
$ xsv select -d "=" - <<< "$( cat /etc/*release )" | xsv search --no-headers --select 1 "DISTRIB_CODENAME" | xsv select 2
or from a file.
$ xsv select -d "=" - file.ini | xsv search --no-headers --select 1 "DISTRIB_CODENAME" | xsv select 2
My version of the one-liner
#Reader for MS Windows 3.1 Ini-files
# e.g.: win.ini ERRORS DISABLE
# would return value "no" from the section of win.ini
cat $INIFILE | sed -n /^\[$SECTION\]/,/^\[.*\]/p | grep "^[:space:]*$ITEM[:space:]*=" | sed s/.*=[:space:]*//
Just finished writing my own parser. I tried to use various parser found here, none seems to work with both ksh93 (AIX) and bash (Linux).
It's old programming style - parsing line by line. Pretty fast since it used few external commands. A bit slower because of all the eval required for dynamic name of the array.
The ini support 3 special syntaxs:
includefile=ini file -->
Load an additionnal ini file. Useful for splitting ini in multiple files, or re-use some piece of configuration
includedir=directory -->
Same as includefile, but include a complete directory
includesection=section -->
Copy an existing section to the current section.
I used all thoses syntax to have pretty complex, re-usable ini file. Useful to install products when installing a new OS - we do that a lot.
Values can be accessed with ${ini[$section.$item]}. The array MUST be defined before calling this.
Have fun. Hope it's useful for someone else!
function Show_Debug {
[[ $DEBUG = YES ]] && echo "DEBUG $#"
function Fatal {
echo "$#. Script aborted"
exit 2
# This function load an ini file in the array "ini"
# The "ini" array must be defined in the calling program (typeset -A ini)
# It could be any array name, the default array name is "ini".
# There is heavy usage of "eval" since ksh and bash do not support
# reference variable. The name of the ini is passed as variable, and must
# be "eval" at run-time to work. Very specific syntax was used and must be
# understood before making any modifications.
# It complexify greatly the program, but add flexibility.
function Load_Ini {
Show_Debug "$0($#)"
typeset ini_file="$1"
# Name of the array to fill. By default, it's "ini"
typeset ini_array_name="${2:-ini}"
typeset section variable value line my_section file subsection value_array include_directory all_index index sections pre_parse
typeset LF="
if [[ ! -s $ini_file ]]; then
Fatal "The ini file is empty or absent in $0 [$ini_file]"
include_directory=$(dirname $ini_file)
Show_Debug "include_directory=$include_directory"
# Since this code support both bash and ksh93, you cannot use
# the syntax "echo xyz|while read line". bash doesn't work like
# that.
# It forces the use of "<<<", introduced in bash and ksh93.
Show_Debug "Reading file $ini_file and putting the results in array $ini_array_name"
pre_parse="$(sed 's/^ *//g;s/#.*//g;s/ *$//g' <$ini_file | egrep -v '^$')"
while read line; do
if [[ ${line:0:1} = "[" ]]; then # Is the line starting with "["?
# Replace [section_name] to section_name by removing the first and last character
eval "sections=\${$ini_array_name[sections_list]}"
sections="$sections${sections:+ }$section"
eval "$ini_array_name[sections_list]=\"$sections\""
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[sections_list]=\"$sections\""
eval "$ini_array_name[$section.exist]=YES"
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[$section.exist]='YES'"
variable=${line%%=*} # content before the =
value=${line#*=} # content after the =
if [[ $variable = includefile ]]; then
# Include a single file
Load_Ini "$include_directory/$value" "$ini_array_name"
elif [[ $variable = includedir ]]; then
# Include a directory
# If the value doesn't start with a /, add the calculated include_directory
if [[ $value != /* ]]; then
# go thru each file
for file in $(ls $value/*.ini 2>/dev/null); do
if [[ $file != *.ini ]]; then continue; fi
# Load a single file
Load_Ini "$file" "$ini_array_name"
elif [[ $variable = includesection ]]; then
# Copy an existing section into the current section
eval "all_index=\"\${!$ini_array_name[#]}\""
# It's not necessarily fast. Need to go thru all the array
for index in $all_index; do
# Only if it is the requested section
if [[ $index = $value.* ]]; then
# Evaluate the subsection [section.subsection] --> subsection
# Get the current value (source section)
eval "value_array=\"\${$ini_array_name[$index]}\""
# Assign the value to the current section
# The $value_array must be resolved on the second pass of the eval, so make sure the
# first pass doesn't resolve it (\$value_array instead of $value_array).
# It must be evaluated on the second pass in case there is special character like $1,
# or ' or " in it (code).
eval "$ini_array_name[$section.$subsection]=\"\$value_array\""
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[$section.$subsection]=\"$value_array\""
# Add the value to the array
eval "current_value=\"\${$ini_array_name[$section.$variable]}\""
# If there's already something for this field, add it with the current
# content separated by a LF (line_feed)
# Assign the content
# The $new_value must be resolved on the second pass of the eval, so make sure the
# first pass doesn't resolve it (\$new_value instead of $new_value).
# It must be evaluated on the second pass in case there is special character like $1,
# or ' or " in it (code).
eval "$ini_array_name[$section.$variable]=\"\$new_value\""
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[$section.$variable]=\"$new_value\""
done <<< "$pre_parse"
Show_Debug "exit $0($#)\n"
When I use a password in base64, I put the separator ":" because the base64 string may has "=". For example (I use ksh):
> echo "Abc123" | base64
In parameters.ini put the line pass:QWJjMTIzCg==, and finally:
> PASS=`awk -F":" '/pass/ {print $2 }' parameters.ini | base64 --decode`
> echo "$PASS"
If the line has spaces like "pass : QWJjMTIzCg== " add | tr -d ' ' to trim them:
> PASS=`awk -F":" '/pass/ {print $2 }' parameters.ini | tr -d ' ' | base64 --decode`
> echo "[$PASS]"
This uses the system perl and clean regular expressions:
cat parameters.ini | perl -0777ne 'print "$1" if /\[\s*parameters\.ini\s*\][\s\S]*?\sdatabase_version\s*=\s*(.*)/'
The answer of "Karen Gabrielyan" among another answers was the best but in some environments we dont have awk, like typical busybox, i changed the answer by below code.
local trimmed="$1"
# Strip leading space.
trimmed="${trimmed## }"
# Strip trailing space.
trimmed="${trimmed%% }"
echo "$trimmed"
function parseIniFile() { #accepts the name of the file to parse as argument ($1)
#declare syntax below (-gA) only works with bash 4.2 and higher
unset g_iniProperties
declare -gA g_iniProperties
while read -r line
if [[ $line = [* ]] ; then
if [[ $line = [* ]] ; then
currentSection=$(echo $line | sed -e 's/\r//g' | tr -d "[]")
if [[ $line = *=* ]] ; then
cleanLine=$(echo $line | sed -e 's/\r//g')
key=$(trim $currentSection.$(echo $cleanLine | cut -d'=' -f1'))
value=$(trim $(echo $cleanLine | cut -d'=' -f2))
done < $1
If Python is available, the following will read all the sections, keys and values and save them in variables with their names following the format "[section]_[key]". Python can read .ini files properly, so we make use of it.
eval $(python3 << EOP
from configparser import SafeConfigParser
config = SafeConfigParser()"config.ini"))
for section in config.sections():
for (key, val) in config.items(section):
print(section + "_" + key + "=\"" + val + "\"")
echo "Environment_type: ${Environment_type}"
echo "Environment_name: ${Environment_name}"
type = DEV
name = D01
If using sections, this will do the job :
Example raw output :
$ ./settings
SETTING_ONE=this is setting one
SETTING_TWO=This is the second setting
ANOTHER_SETTING=This is another setting
Regexp parsing :
$ ./settings | sed -n -E "/^\[.*\]/{s/\[(.*)\]/\1/;h;n;};/^[a-zA-Z]/{s/#.*//;G;s/([^ ]*) *= *(.*)\n(.*)/\3_\1='\2'/;p;}"
section_SETTING_ONE='this is setting one'
section_SETTING_TWO='This is the second setting'
section_ANOTHER_SETTING='This is another setting'
Now all together :
$ eval "$(./settings | sed -n -E "/^\[.*\]/{s/\[(.*)\]/\1/;h;n;};/^[a-zA-Z]/{s/#.*//;G;s/([^ ]*) *= *(.*)\n(.*)/\3_\1='\2'/;p;}")"
$ echo $section_SETTING_TWO
This is the second setting
I have nice one-liner (assuimng you have php and jq installed):
cat file.ini | php -r "echo json_encode(parse_ini_string(file_get_contents('php://stdin'), true, INI_SCANNER_RAW));" | jq '.section.key'
This thread does not have enough solutions to choose from, thus here my solution, it does not require tools like sed or awk :
grep '^\[section\]' -A 999 config.ini | tail -n +2 | grep -B 999 '^\[' | head -n -1 | grep '^key' | cut -d '=' -f 2
If your are to expect sections with more than 999 lines, feel free to adapt the example above. Note that you may want to trim the resulting value, to remove spaces or a comment string after the value. Remove the ^ if you need to match keys that do not start at the beginning of the line, as in the example of the question. Better, match explicitly for white spaces and tabs, in such a case.
If you have multiple values in a given section you want to read, but want to avoid reading the file multiple times:
CONFIG_SECTION=$(grep '^\[section\]' -A 999 config.ini | tail -n +2 | grep -B 999 '^\[' | head -n -1)
KEY1=$(echo ${CONFIG_SECTION} | tr ' ' '\n' | grep key1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)
echo "KEY1=${KEY1}"
KEY2=$(echo ${CONFIG_SECTION} | tr ' ' '\n' | grep key2 | cut -d '=' -f 2)
echo "KEY2=${KEY2}"

How to split a string by a defined string with multiple characters in bash?

Following output consisting of several devices needs to be parsed:
0 interface=ether1 address= address4=
address6=fe80::ce2d:e0ff:fe00:05 mac-address=CC:2D:E0:00:00:08
identity="myrouter1" platform="MikroTik" version="6.43.8 (stable)"
1 interface=ether2 address= address4=
address6=fe80::ce2d:e0ff:fe00:07 mac-address=CC:2D:E0:00:00:05
identity="myrouter4" platform="MikroTik" version="6.43.8 (stable)"
3 interface=ether4 address=fe80::ba69:f4ff:fe00:0017
address6=fe80::ba69:f4ff:fe00:0017 mac-address=B8:69:F4:00:00:07
identity="myrouter2" platform="MikroTik" version="6.43.8 (stable)"
10 interface=ether5 address= address4=
address6=fe80::ba69:f4ff:fe00:0039 mac-address=B8:69:F4:00:00:04
identity="myrouter3" platform="MikroTik" version="6.43.8 (stable)"
11 interface=ether3 address= address4=
address6=fe80::ce2d:e0ff:fe00:f00 mac-address=CC:2D:E0:00:00:09
identity="myrouter5" platform="MikroTik" version="6.43.8 (stable)"
edit: for ease of things I shortened and anonymized the output, first block has 7 lines, second block has 5 lines, third block has 7 lines, fourth block 4 lines, so the number of lines is inconsistent.
Basically its the output from a Mikrotik device: "/ip neighbor print detail"
Optimal would be to access every device(=number) on its own, then further access all setting=value (of one device) seperately to finally access settings like $device[0][identity] or similar.
I tried to set IFS='\d{1,2} ' but seems IFS only works for single character seperation.
Looking on the web I didn't find a way to accomplish this, am I looking for the wrong way and there is another way to solve this?
Thanks in advance!
edit: Found this solution Split file by multiple line breaks which helped me to get:
while read LINE
[ "$LINE" ] && devices[$COUNT]+="$LINE " || { (( ++COUNT )); }
done < devices.txt
then i could use #Kamil's solution to easily access values.
While your precise output format is a bit unclear, bash offers an efficient way to parse the data making use of process substitution. Similar to command substitution, process substitution allows redirecting the output of commands to stdin. This allows you to read the result of a set of commands that reformat your mikrotik file into a single line for each device.
While there are a number of ways to do it, one of the ways to handle the multiple gymnastics needed to reformat the multi-line information for each device into a single line is by using tr and sed. tr to first replace each '\n' with an '_' (or pick your favorite character not used elsewhere), and then again to "squeeze" the leading spaces to a single space (technically not required, but for completeness). After replacing the '\n' with '_' and squeezing spaces, you simply use two sed expressions to change the "__" (resulting from the blank line) back into a '\n' and then to remove all '_'.
With that you can read your device number n and the remainder of the line holing your setting=value pairs. To ease locating your "identity=" line, simply converting the line into an array and looping using parameter expansions (for substring removal), you can save and store the "identity" value as id (trimming the double-quotes is left to you)
Now it is simply a matter of outputting the value (or doing whatever you wish with them). While you can loop again and output the array values, it is just a easy to pass the intentionally unquoted line to printf and let the printf-trick handle separating the setting=value pairs for output. Lastly, you form your $device[0][identity] identifier and output as the final line in the device block.
Putting it altogether, you could do something like the following:
while read n line; do ## read each line from process substitution
a=( $line ) ## split line into array
for i in ${a[#]}; do ## search array, set id
[ "${i%=*}" = "identity" ] && id="${i##*=}"
echo "device=$n" ## output device=
printf " %s\n" ${line[#]} ## output setting=value (unquoted on purpose)
printf " \$device[%s][%s]\n" "$n" "$id" ## $device[0][identity]
done < <(tr '\n' '_' < "$1" | tr -s ' ' | sed -e 's/__/\n/g' -e 's/_//g')
Example Use/Output
Note, the script takes the filename to parse as the first input.
$ bash mikrotik
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions. As mentioned at the beginning, you haven't defined an explicit output format you are looking for, but gleaning what information was in the question, this should be close.
I think you're on the right track with IFS.
Try piping IFS=$'\n\n' (to break apart the line groups by interface) through cut (to extract the specific field(s) you want for each interface).
Bash likes single long rows with delimter separated values. So first we need to convert your file to such format.
Below I read 4 lines at a time from input. I notices that the output spans over 4 lines only - I just concatenate the 4 lines and act as if it is a single line.
IFS= read -r line1 &&
IFS= read -r line2 &&
IFS= read -r line3 &&
IFS= read -r line4 &&
line="$line1 $line2 $line3 $line4"
if [ -n "$line4" ]; then
echo "ERR: 4th line should be empt - $line4 !" >&2
exit 4
if ! num=$(printf "%d" ${line:0:3}); then
echo "ERR: reading number" >&2
exit 1
# bash variables can't have `-`
# unsafe magic
vars=(interface address address4
address6 mac_address identity platform version)
for v in "${vars[#]}"; do
unset "$v"
if ! <<<"$line" grep -q "$v="; then
echo "ERR: line does not have $v= part!" >&2
exit 1
# eval call
if ! eval "$line"; then
echo "ERR: eval line=$line" >&2
exit 1
for v in "${vars[#]}"; do
if [ -z "${!v}" ]; then
echo "ERR: variable $v was not set in eval!" >&2
exit 1;
echo "$num: $interface $address $address4 $address6 $mac_address $identity $platform $version"
done < file
then I retrieve the leading number from the line, which I suspect was printed with printf "%3d" so I just slice the line ${line:0:3}
for the rest of the line I indent to use eval. In this case I trust upstream, but I try to assert some cases (variable not defined in the line, some syntax error and similar)
then the magic eval "$line" happens, which assigns all the variables in my shell
after that I can use variables from the line like normal variables
live example at tutorialspoint
Eval command and security issues

UNIX - Replacing variables in sql with matching values from .profile file

I am trying to write a shell which will take an SQL file as input. Example SQL file:
Now the script should extract all variables, which in this case everything starting with %%. So the output file will be something as below:
Now I should be able to extract the matching values from the user's .profile file for these variables and create the SQL file with the proper values.
FROM tempdb.TBL_abc
WHERE CITY = 'Chicago'
As of now I am trying to generate the file1 which will contain all the variables. Below code sample -
sed "s/[(),']//g" "T:/work/shell/sqlfile1.sql" | awk '/%%/{print $NF}' | awk '/%%/{print $NF}' > sqltemp2.sql
takes me till
Can someone help me in getting to file1 listing the variables?
You can use grep and sort to get a list of unique variables, as per the following transcript:
$ echo "SELECT *
WHERE CITY = '%%CITY'" | grep -o '%%[A-Za-z0-9_]*' | sort -u
The -o flag to grep instructs it to only print the matching parts of lines rather than the entire line, and also outputs each matching part on a distinct line. Then sort -u just makes sure there are no duplicates.
In terms of the full process, here's a slight modification to a bash script I've used for similar purposes:
# Define all translations.
declare -A xlat
# Check all variables in input file.
for key in $(grep -o '%%[A-Za-z0-9_]*' input.sql | sort -u) ; do
if [[ "${xlat[$key]}" == "" ]] ; then
echo "Bad key ($key) in file:"
grep -n "${key}" input.sql | sed 's/^/ /'
if [[ ${okay} -eq 0 ]] ; then
exit 1
# Process input file doing substitutions. Fairly
# primitive use of sed, must change to use sed -i
# at some point.
# Note we sort keys based on descending length so we
# correctly handle extensions like "NAME" and "NAMESPACE",
# doing the longer ones first makes it work properly.
cp input.sql output.sql
for key in $( (
for key in ${!xlat[#]} ; do
echo ${key}
) | awk '{print length($0)":"$0}' | sort -rnu | cut -d':' -f2) ; do
sed "s/${key}/${xlat[$key]}/g" output.sql >output2.sql
mv output2.sql output.sql
cat output.sql
It first checks that the input file doesn't contain any keys not found in the translation array. Then it applies sed substitutions to the input file, one per translation, to ensure all keys are substituted with their respective values.
This should be a good start, though there may be some edge cases such as if your keys or values contain characters sed would consider important (like / for example). If that is the case, you'll probably need to escape them such as changing:
