User Mode to Kernel Mode debugging in GDB - linux-kernel

I was debugging a program in which I hit
int 0x80
I know this means a system call and then the kernel executed it. However, GDB does not allow me to look at the instructions run by the kernel while executing this system call. It just executes the system call and takes me to the next instruction.
Is there anyway I can look into the kernel mode code while debugging a user mode program? If not, then what are the over best alternatives available to me?

Is there anyway I can look into the kernel mode code while debugging a user mode program?
(Actually, you could do that if you use UML, but that is likely too complicated for you to set up.)


How OS protects against malicious memory access from assembly level code?

I know about the system calls that OS provides to protect programs from accessing other programs memory. But that can only help if I have used the system call library provided by OS. What if I write a assembly code myself that sets CPU bit for kernel mode and executes a privileged instruction ( let's say modify OS' program segment in memory ). Can OS protect against that ?
P.S. Out of curiosity question. If any good blog or book reference can be provided, that would be helpful as I want to study OS in as much detail as possible.
The processor protects again such malicious mischief by (1) requiring you to be in an elevated mode (for our example here, KERNEL); and (2) limiting access to kernel mode.
In order to enter kernel mode from user mode there either has to be an interrupt (not applicable here) or an exception. Usually both are handled the same way but there are some bizarre processors (Did anyone say Intel?) that do things a bit differently
The operating system exception and interrupt handlers must limits what the user mode program can do.
What if I write a assembly code myself that sets CPU bit for kernel mode and executes a privileged instruction
You cant just set the kernel mode bit in the processor status register to enter kernel mode.
Can OS protect against that ?
The CPU protects against that.
If any good blog or book reference can be provided, that would be helpful as I want to study OS in as much detail as possible.
The VAX/VMS Systems Internals book is old but it is cheap and shows how a real OS has been implemented.
This blog clearly explains what my confusion was.
Even though user programs can switch to kernel mode, but they have to do it through a interrupt instruction ( int in case x86) and for this interrupt, the interrupt handler is written by the OS. ( probably when it was in kernel mode at bootup time). So this way all priviliged instructions can only be executed by the OS code only.

how to set a memory breakpoint in windbg kernel mode?

I would like to set a memory breakpoints on access in windbg in the kernel mode debugger
I want the debugger breaks everytime a specific module in usermode is hit with the kernel debugger.
but I've read somewhere its impossible to set it, in order to make a memory breakpoints I have to write a plugin to make it
I tried to use SDbgExt plugin with the !vprotect command, but it fails to set memory bp
If I have to write a plugin to allow memory bp in kernel mode It has to be a driver?
I've read some chapters in windows internals book, but it doesn't help me at all.
I couldn't find too much info how to start deal with it
You can set breakpoints on user mode addresses from kernel mode. The only thing you should take care is to switch to the right process with ".process /i " command
If it is a one-off breakpoint -- that is, you are content with process being destroyed by debugging -- zero out the entire module using e command (edit memory). Set the whole thing to cc (which is int 3 as far as I remember)... zeros will do as well. You will break as soon as you touch any of the module's code.
Next step, remember where you were (relative to the module) and set a proper breakpoint.
Hope that helps.
(editing) Do you have full symbols? If you do, did you try bm module!*
Sounds like you want to set a "breakpoint on access" but instead of specifying an address you want to specify a range? I have never seen it done in windbg. The BA breakpoints uses HW debug registers instead of inserting INTs like SW breakpoints so this is definitely HW platform specific.
I have done this on an ARM chipset once using a HW debugger. ETM on ARM allows you to set triggers on address ranges.

In Linux kernel mode, how to execute a user space command

I hook execve in kernel mode(change system_call_table entry __NR_execve to my function). I want to check the ELF's assembly code. If it harmful, I'll return directly without executing it.
I am writing a linux module. In Linux kernel mode, I want to use objdump to disassembly the ELF file.
I want to go user mode to execute objdump, and go back to kernel mode. Is this possible?
Thank you.
Maybe you can split your project into two parts: kernel module and user-space application. So you can hook execve() in kernel, then tell your application about hook triggered, then do disassembling and checking in your application, send computed result back to kernel module, and then either continue or break execve() execution.
If you still want to run objdump from kernel -- check out call_usermodhelper().
See also this related question.

ARM Gdb break on processor mode change

Im currently debugging Linux ARM kernel, and have always wondered if it is possible in gdb to break when the cpu mode change (usr, svc, abt etc). Currently, when i'm not sure which mode we are in, I usually have to look at the psr register multiple times, but maybe there is a more effective way, such as break on mode change?
I know I can put breakpoints on the exception vector, but that means I only detect mode changes to privileged mode and not the other way around. Maybe there is a command to check if the psr changes to 0x10(usr mode) ?
All processes are scheduled in entry-common.S. This file has a macro named arch_ret_to_user. Define it to be a BKPT instruction, perhaps conditional on a global set via /proc.
You can not detect a switch to user mode generically using the CPU alone (you need support code), as the supervisor code can change anything. ETM may have some means if your CPU has the functionality.
There are also thread_nofity.h which has call-backs for when a user task is re-scheduled. You can hook this with your own logic if you don't need the debugger or put some breakpoint on a null(){} function which you only call from the notifier when the condition is meant.

.ASM file debugging tool

I am wondering which debugging tool I can use for an assembly program and how to use it.
I have written a simple bootloader in assembly. However, it is not quite working properly as I wished, even though I think the logic is correct. So, I am trying to use a debugger so that I can step through the bootloader, checking the register status and etc.
I tried GDB on Ubuntu, compiling my .asm to .elf and .o (Do I need to do it? If yes, what is the next step?) Also, I read that there is an internal debugger in Bochs simulator, but I can't quite find any document how to use it. I also have Visual Studio 2010, windbg, but I don't know how to use it for .asm file debugging.
If you have done this before, it would be an easy answer. Any help would be really appreciated.
If you want to debug bootloader code, you obviously need to run it in the same environment that the code itself is going to run in. As I'm sure you already know, bootloader code is executed in real mode once the BIOS finishes doing the POST. The bootloader is then loaded into memory at 7c00h and a jump to that address is executed.
Obviously, this kind of environment cannot be reliably emulated once you've got your computer running and a "real" operating system already loaded, since by that time your CPU is in protected mode (or long mode, if it's AMD64). Your only option at this point is to use QEMU or Bochs in order to emulate a real PC inside your operating system. I've used Bochs to debug some bootloader code I've written in the past and it worked quite well. Check the manual pages for more detailed instructions.
