In Linux kernel mode, how to execute a user space command - linux-kernel

I hook execve in kernel mode(change system_call_table entry __NR_execve to my function). I want to check the ELF's assembly code. If it harmful, I'll return directly without executing it.
I am writing a linux module. In Linux kernel mode, I want to use objdump to disassembly the ELF file.
I want to go user mode to execute objdump, and go back to kernel mode. Is this possible?
Thank you.

Maybe you can split your project into two parts: kernel module and user-space application. So you can hook execve() in kernel, then tell your application about hook triggered, then do disassembling and checking in your application, send computed result back to kernel module, and then either continue or break execve() execution.
If you still want to run objdump from kernel -- check out call_usermodhelper().
See also this related question.


Is it possible to use gdb and qemu to debug linux user space programs and kernel space simultaneously?

So far, with gdb + qemu, I can step into/over linux kernel source code. Is it possible to debug the user space programs simultaneously? For example, single step a program from user space to kernel space so I can observe the changes of registers on the qemu monitor by issuing info registers?
Minimal step-by-setep setup
Mahouk is right, but here is a fully automated QEMU + Buildroot example which presuposes that you already know how to debug the kernel with QEMU + gdb and a more detailed exaplanation:
readelf -h myexecutable | grep Entry
Entry point address: 0x4003a0
So inside GDB we need to do:
add-symbol-file myexecutable 0x4003a0
b main
And only then start the executable in QEMU:
A more reliable way to do that is to set myexecutable as the init process if you can do that.
add-symbol-file is also mentioned at: How to load multiple symbol files in gdb
Why would you ever want to do this instead of gdbserver?
I can only see one use case for this so far: debugging init: Debug init on Qemu using gdb
Otherwise, why not just use the following more reliable method, e.g. to step into a syscall:
start two remote GDBs:
one with qemu-system-* -s
the other gdbserver myexecutable as explained at:
step in gdbserver's GDB as close as possible to the system call, which often mean stepping into the libc
on the QEMU's GDB, do e.g. b sys_read for the read syscall
back on gdbserver, do continue
I propose this because:
using the QEMU GDB for userland can lead to random jumps as the kernel context switches to another process that uses the same virtual addresses
I was not able to load shared libraries properly without gdbserver: attempting sharedlibrary directly gives:
(gdb) sharedlibrary ../../staging/lib/
No loaded shared libraries match the pattern `../../staging/lib/'.
As a consequence, since most kernel interactions go through the stdib, you would need to do a lot of smart assembly stepping to find the kernel entry, which could be impractical.
Until, that is, someone writes a smarter GDB scripts that steps every instruction until a context switch happens or until source become available. I wonder if such scripts would't be too slow, as the naive approach has the overhead of communication to-from GDB for every instruction.
This might get you started: Tell gdb to skip standard files
Parsing Linux kernel data structures
To do userland process debug properly, that's what we would have to do eventually: thread-aware gdb for the Linux kernel
I achieve it by using the gdb command add-symbol-file to add userspace programs debugging information. But you must know these programs loading addresses. so to be precise, you have to launch the kernel debugging by connecting gdb to gdbserver as usual; and then, you can add those program debugging information. You can also use .gdbinit script though. Read this

User Mode to Kernel Mode debugging in GDB

I was debugging a program in which I hit
int 0x80
I know this means a system call and then the kernel executed it. However, GDB does not allow me to look at the instructions run by the kernel while executing this system call. It just executes the system call and takes me to the next instruction.
Is there anyway I can look into the kernel mode code while debugging a user mode program? If not, then what are the over best alternatives available to me?
Is there anyway I can look into the kernel mode code while debugging a user mode program?
(Actually, you could do that if you use UML, but that is likely too complicated for you to set up.)

ARM Gdb break on processor mode change

Im currently debugging Linux ARM kernel, and have always wondered if it is possible in gdb to break when the cpu mode change (usr, svc, abt etc). Currently, when i'm not sure which mode we are in, I usually have to look at the psr register multiple times, but maybe there is a more effective way, such as break on mode change?
I know I can put breakpoints on the exception vector, but that means I only detect mode changes to privileged mode and not the other way around. Maybe there is a command to check if the psr changes to 0x10(usr mode) ?
All processes are scheduled in entry-common.S. This file has a macro named arch_ret_to_user. Define it to be a BKPT instruction, perhaps conditional on a global set via /proc.
You can not detect a switch to user mode generically using the CPU alone (you need support code), as the supervisor code can change anything. ETM may have some means if your CPU has the functionality.
There are also thread_nofity.h which has call-backs for when a user task is re-scheduled. You can hook this with your own logic if you don't need the debugger or put some breakpoint on a null(){} function which you only call from the notifier when the condition is meant.

how to call the kernel module from a user space Terminal into an application this link describes the user space and kernel space communication.
could anyone explain it with a simple user space application program in c that links & communicates(send / receives values) to the kernel object.?
The program insmod, available on most Linux machines (but requiring sudo privileges to run) instructs the kernel to load a specified module (kernel object) through the system call init_module.
More generally, user-space programs communicate with the kernel through these system calls, which are essentially requests to the kernel from user space. Any application you write in C must use system calls in some way to interact with the system (for example, printf uses the write system call under the hood to put characters on the screen).
Just open a file with open(2). The compiler will add code to the application for this call which will put the function arguments on the stack and make it crash in a certain way (see system call). The kernel catches all the crashes and handles them.
Since this is a "good" crash, the kernel will look up which function to invoke, get the arguments from the stack and invoke the function.
The reason for this complicated approach is security: By "crashing", the application completely relinquishes control. The CPU will switch to a different mode, too. In this mode, it can access the hardware (in "application" mode, any access to the hardware leads to an "illegal access" crash which terminates your app).
The open(2) function itself can't do much. Instead, it will check which file system can handle the request and invoke the open function of the file system. File systems are implemented as kernel modules.

How to hook syscall table at runtime on PPC Linux?

Subject: PPC Assembly Language - Linux Loadble Kernel Module
Detail: How access local TOC area (r2) when called from kernel in syscall table hook?
I have written a loadable kernel module for Linux that uses syscall table hooking to intercept system calls and log information about them before passing the call on to the original handler. This is part of a security product. My module runs well and is in production code running on a large variety of Linux kernel versions and distributions with both 32 and 64 bit kernels all running on x86 hardware.
I am trying to port this code to run on Linux for PPC processors and ran into a few problems. Using the Linux kernel source, it is easy enough to see how the system call table is implemented differently on PPC. I can replace entries in the table with function addresses from my own compiled handlers, no problem.
But, here's the issue I'm having trouble with. The PPC ABI uses this thing called a Table Of Contents (TOC) address which is stored in the CPU's R2 register and expects to address a module's global and local data by using an offset from the address (TOC address) contained in that register. This works fine in normal cases where a function call is made because the compiler knows to load the module's TOC address into the register before making the call (or its already there becasue normally your functions are called by your own code).
However, when I place the address of my own function (from my loaded kernel module at runtime) into the system call table, the kernel calls my handler with an R2 value that is not the one my compiled C code expects, so my code gets control without being able to access its data.
Does anybody know of any example code out there showing how to handle this situation? I cannot recompile the kernel. This should be a straightforward case of runtime syscall table hooking, but I have yet to figure it out, or find any examples specific to PPC.
Ideas include:
Hand coding an assembly language stub that saves the R2 value, loads the register with my local TOC address, executes my code, then restores the old value before calling the original handler. I don't have the depth of PPC assembly experience to do this, nor am I sure it would work.
Some magic gcc option that will generate my code without using TOC. There is a documented gcc option "-mno-toc" that doesn't work on my PPC6 Linux. It looks like it may only be an option for system V.4 and embedded PowerPC.
Any help is greatly appreciated !
Linux has a generic syscall audit infrastructure which works on powerpc and you can access from user space. Have you considered using that rather than writing a kernel module?
You need a stub to load r2. There are examples in the kernel source.
