Best way for implement scroll in Kinetic - scroll

I need to implement scrolling in my application developed with Kinetic.
I see two options:
Put the main div inside another div and use the scroll bars of the browser.
Perform the scroll funcionality with kinetick.
Considering that I have to add zoom functionality (which will change the scroll bars), what do you think will be the best way?.
Thank you very much.


In React Native, Can I bind swipe/scroll of a SectionList to another View

I have a SectionList which scrolls/swipes vertically. Can I bind a swipe gesture on it, so that it results in swiping a completely separate View which is behind it? Furthermore, is there an example someone could lead me to, in which a swipe gesture on a SectionList is bound to the animation of another object or objects? Here is a good example of what I am trying to achieve:
When the view is scrolled vertically in the example above it causes a menu to animate in from the top. That is close to the desired effect I'm seeking. I'd also love to know how to achieve that rotational animation tied to the horizontal swipe. I'm thinking that I will likely need the Animated API for this kind of behavior. Any tutorials or code examples you have would really help.

Magnification of items during scrolling in Xamarin.Forms

We need to implement a horizontal scroll control in Xamarin.Forms, that would not just allow scrolling through items via swipe, but would magnify elements in the row as they approach a center of the scroll control. The design of the layout desired is this:
Thus far I wasn't able to find any control for Xamarin or Xamarin.Forms that implements such behaviour.
Please either provide a hint on how to approach the implementation of such functionality via extending the UIScrollView, or point to a control or example that related to the requirement. Thank you.
You can use the CarouselView, but it's still in the preview. So, the best way to implement it at the moment is to use the CustomRenderers

vaadin floating(dynamic ?) layout

I use vaadin 7. I am not sure whether the "floating layout" is the proper term so let me describe what I want.
I have more panels inside a layout. The size of those panels are fixed. If the browser window is large enough they are arranged next to each other horizontally. If the window does not have enough space for all of them horizontally, then the panels should be arranged vertically.
1, What is this kind of layout called? Floating? Dynamic?
2, How to achieve this with vaadin 7?
Neither horizontalLayout.setSizeUndefined() nor horizontalLayout.setSizeFull() work.
I am not even sure whether I need HorizontalLayout or something else.
You could either use the CSSLayout with width:100% and put your components inside this,
or you can look at the responsive addon.
And some more about the add on

Scroll management for LongListMultiSelector

In my WP8 application I use LongListMultiSelector and I would like to save it's scroll position when application is closed or tombstoned and then restore it when application is opened again. I will also need to scroll it programmatically to a specified item or specified position with animation when application is active.
The problem is that so far I can't find any methods on LongListMultiSelector that will allow me to scroll it with or without animation to a specified item or position. I also can't find methods that will allow me to get a list of all current items so I could choose of them to which one to scroll.
It can't be that scrolling is unmanageable on LongListMultiSelector so I'd like to get your advice on how I can get to this scroll functionality.
LongListSelector is kind of a "smart" controls. It means it has very complex behaviour but if you need to change it - better you shouldn't...
You have two options:
Write your own behavior on top of the content of the LongListMultiSelector. It contains primitives:ScrollBox control inside it.
Use standard LongListSelector and implement native ScrollTo method and your own multiselection. Multiselection is a simple task, ScrollTo is quite tricky since you basically can't scroll to position, only to item.

ckEditor autogrow usability

I am using CKeditor with autogrow plugin. But there is a problem when I am working with large text. I want to apply some style. So I need to scroll to the top of the page, click on the button and then scroll back to the bottom. This is very inconvenient.
Is there some plugin which can help to improve usability is such situations? Or I need to write it by myself?
I would limit the growth size to a maximum value with something like autoGrow_maxHeight : 800 - or whatever size works for you. I very much prefer the ckeditor content scrolling instead of the page scrolling.
Another option would be to separate the toolbar in a fixed element to make sure it always stays in sight. See for an example; there is an editor there where the toolbar is statically visible and the editable area is apart from the toolbar.
