mov eax, large fs:30h - debugging

I was analyzing some x86 binary and found the following instruction which I can not understand. Can someone please explain me following instruction?
mov eax, large fs:30h
I googled this, and it turns out it is some anti-debugging stuff... but that's all I know.
what does large means?? And what does fs:30 means??
I know about segmentation but I don't know when the fs register is used. For say cs:, ds: are implicitly skipped when instruction is referencing code or data. But what is fs, and what is gs?

Looks like it's Windows code, loading the address of the Process Environment Block (PEB), via the Thread Information Block, which can be accessed via the FS segment.
The PEB contains, amongest other things, a flag indicating if the process is being debugged.
MSDN has a page about it here


What does write_cr0(read_cr0() | 0x10000) do?

I searched the web a lot but didn't find a short explanation about what write_cr0(read_cr0() | 0x10000) really do. It is related to the Linux kernel and I curios about developing LKM's. I want to know what this really do and what are the security issues with this.
It used to remove the write protection on the syscall table.
But how it is really works? and what does each thing in this line?
CR0 is one of the control registers available on x86 CPUs, which contains flags controlling CPU features related to memory protection, multitasking, paging, etc. You can find a full description in Volume 3, Section 2.5 of Intel's Software Developer's Manual.
These registers are accessed by special instructions that the compiler doesn't normally generate, so read_cr0() is a function which executes the instruction to read this register (via inline assembly) and returns the result in a general-purpose register. Likewise, write_cr0() writes to this register.
The function calls are likely to be inlined, so that the generated code would be something like
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x10000
mov cr0, eax
The OR with 0x10000 sets bit 16, the Write Protect bit. On early 32-bit x86 CPUs, code running at supervisor level (like the kernel) was always allowed to write all of virtual memory, regardless of whether the page was marked read-only. This bit makes that optional, so that when it is set, such accesses will cause page faults. This line of code probably follows an earlier line which temporarily cleared the bit.

The value is sent to system call function, don't match with the valid system call code

When I was investigating in an executable file,I reached to the piece of code below:
This is used to demand a system call. Until here, there is no problem.
I searched within the whole system call code of Windows OS, but none of them is equal to 11B9 in the instruction in the first row "MOV EAX,11B9".
Could everybody guide me, what it means here exactly?
Syscalls numbered 0x1XXX are calls to win32k.sys.
Here is a great table created and updated by j00ru showing the win32k syscall IDs for different versions of Windows:

writing a !address equivalent in WinAPI

Implementing !address feature of Windbg...
I am using VirtualQueryEx to query another Process memory and using getModuleFileName on the base addresses returned from VirtualQueryEx gives the module name.
What is left are the other non-module regions of a Process. How do I determine if a file is mapped to a region, or if the region represents the stack or the heap or PEB/TEB etc.
Basically, How do I figure out if a region represents Heap, the stack or PEB. How does Windbg do it?
One approach is to disassemble the code in the debugger extension DLL that implements !address. There is documentation within the Windbg help file on writing an extension. You could use that documentation to reverse engineer where the handler of !address is located. Then browsing through the disassembly you can see what functions it calls.
Windbg has support for debugging another instance of Windbg, specifically to debug an extension DLL. You can use this facility to better delve into the implementation of !address.
While the reverse engineering approach may be tedious, it will be more deterministic than theorizing how !address is implemented and trying out each theory.
To add to #Χpẘ answer, the reverse of the command shouldn't be really hard as debugger extensions DLLs come with symbols (I already reversed one to explain the internal flag of the !heap command).
Note that it is just a quick overview, I haven't perused inside it too much.
According to the !address documentation the command is located in exts.dll library. The command itself is located in Extension::address.
There are two commands handled there, a kernel mode (KmAnalyzeAddress) and a user mode one (UmAnalyzeAddress).
Inside UmAnalyzeAddress, the code:
Parse the command line: UmParseCommandLine(CmdArgs &,UmFilterData &)
Check if the process PEB is available IsTypeAvailable(char const *,ulong *) with "${$ntdllsym}!_PEB"
Allocate a std::list of user mode ranges: std::list<UmRange,std::allocator<UmRange>>::list<UmRange,std::allocator<UmRange>>(void)
Starts a loop to gather the required information:
Finally the results are finally output to screen using UmPrintResults.
Each of the above function can be simplfied to basic components, e.g. UmFileMappingshas the following central code:
.text:101119E0 push edi ; hFile
.text:101119E1 push offset LibFileName ; "psapi.dll"
.text:101119E6 call ds:LoadLibraryExW(x,x,x)
.text:101119EC mov [ebp+hLibModule], eax
.text:101119F2 test eax, eax
.text:101119F4 jz loc_10111BC3
.text:101119FA push offset ProcName ; "GetMappedFileNameW"
.text:101119FF push eax ; hModule
.text:10111A00 mov byte ptr [ebp+var_4], 1
.text:10111A04 call ds:GetProcAddress(x,x)
Another example, to find each stacks, the code just loops trhough all threads, get their TEB and call:
.text:1010F44C push offset aNttib_stackbas ; "NtTib.StackBase"
.text:1010F451 lea edx, [ebp+var_17C]
.text:1010F457 lea ecx, [ebp+var_CC]
.text:1010F45D call ExtRemoteTyped::Field(char const *)
There is a lot of fetching from _PEB, _TEB, _HEAP and other internal structures so it's not probably doable without going directly through those structures. So, I guess that some of the information returned by !address are not accessible through usual / common APIs.
You need to determine if the address you are interested in lies within a memory mapped file. Check out --> GetMappedFileName. Getting the heap and stack addresses of a process will be a little more problematic as the ranges are dynamic and don't always lie sequentially.
Lol, I don't know, I would start with a handle to the heap. If you can spawn/inherit a process then you more than likely can access the handle to the heap. This function looks promising: GetProcessHeap . That debug app runs as admin, it can walk the process chain and spy on any user level process. I don't think you will be able to access protected memory of kernel mode apps such as File System Filters, however, as they are dug down a little lower by policy.

understanding system call dispatcher for windows?

I am trying to do some reversing to find out a function call behind the scene.
While debugging using windbg I came across a call,
mov edx,offset SharedUserData!SystemCallStub
call dword ptr [edx]
call leads to code below,
8bd4 mov edx,esp
0f34 sysenter
According to this documentation, eax contains the system call ordinal.
and the value in eax is 11CC.
I am trying to figure out, what actually is this function which will be called. Does anyone has any idea how can I proceed further?
Basically you need a way of dumping the SSDT - on x32 this can be done easily. Probably the easiest way is do look for a utility which would dump the SSDT along the necessary indexes and you will see what corresponds to this particular index. Basically eax would store an index in a function table so the system disaptcher would at some point do call FunctionTable[eax] A up-to-date listing of call tables can be found here
0x1xxx range is for Win32k syscalls. See here for a list.

grdb not working variables

i know this is kinda retarded but I just can't figure it out. I'm debugging this:
xor eax,eax
mov ah,[var1]
mov al,[var2]
call addition
stop: jmp stop
var1: db 5
var2: db 6
add ah,al
the numbers that I find on addresses var1 and var2 are 0x0E and 0x07. I know it's not segmented, but that ain't reason for it to do such escapades, because the addition call works just fine. Could you please explain to me where is my mistake?
I see the problem, dunno how to fix it yet though. The thing is, for some reason the instruction pointer starts at 0x100 and all the segment registers at 0x1628. To address the instruction the used combination is i guess [cs:ip] (one of the segment registers and the instruction pointer for sure). The offset to var1 is 0x10 (probably because from the begining of the code it's the 0x10th byte in order), i tried to examine the memory and what i got was:
1628:100 8 bytes
1628:108 8 bytes
1628:110 <- wtf? (assume another 8 bytes)
1628:118 ...
whatever tricks are there in the memory [cs:var1] points somewhere else than in my code, which is probably where the label .data would usually address ds.... probably.. i don't know what is supposed to be at 1628:10
ok, i found out what caused the assness and wasted me whole fuckin day. the behaviour described above is just correct, the code is fully functional. what i didn't know is that grdb debugger for some reason sets the begining address to 0x100... the sollution is to insert the directive ORG 0x100 on the first line and that's the whole thing. the code was working because instruction pointer has the right address to first instruction and goes one by one, but your assembler doesn't know what effective address will be your program stored at so it pretty much remains relative to first line of the code which means all the variables (if not using label for data section) will remain pointing as if it started at 0x0. which of course wouldn't work with DOS. and grdb apparently emulates some DOS features... sry for the language, thx everyone for effort, hope this will spare someone's time if having the same problem...
heheh.. at least now i know the reason why to use .data section :))))
Assuming that is x86 assembly, var1 and var2 must reside in the .data section.
Explanation: I'm not going to explain exactly how the executable file is structured (not to mention this is platform-specific), but here's a general idea as to why what you're doing is not working.
Assembly code must be divided into data sections due to the fact that each data section corresponds directly (or almost directly) to a specific part of the binary/executable file. All global variables must be defined in the .data sections since they have a corresponding location in the binary file which is where all global data resides.
Defining a global variable (or a globally accessed part of the memory) inside the code section will lead to undefined behavior. Some x86 assemblers might even throw an error on this.
