understanding system call dispatcher for windows? - windows

I am trying to do some reversing to find out a function call behind the scene.
While debugging using windbg I came across a call,
mov edx,offset SharedUserData!SystemCallStub
call dword ptr [edx]
call leads to code below,
8bd4 mov edx,esp
0f34 sysenter
According to this documentation, eax contains the system call ordinal.
and the value in eax is 11CC.
I am trying to figure out, what actually is this function which will be called. Does anyone has any idea how can I proceed further?

Basically you need a way of dumping the SSDT - on x32 this can be done easily. Probably the easiest way is do look for a utility which would dump the SSDT along the necessary indexes and you will see what corresponds to this particular index. Basically eax would store an index in a function table so the system disaptcher would at some point do call FunctionTable[eax] A up-to-date listing of call tables can be found here

0x1xxx range is for Win32k syscalls. See here for a list.


The value is sent to system call function, don't match with the valid system call code

When I was investigating in an executable file,I reached to the piece of code below:
This is used to demand a system call. Until here, there is no problem.
I searched within the whole system call code of Windows OS, but none of them is equal to 11B9 in the instruction in the first row "MOV EAX,11B9".
Could everybody guide me, what it means here exactly?
Syscalls numbered 0x1XXX are calls to win32k.sys.
Here is a great table created and updated by j00ru showing the win32k syscall IDs for different versions of Windows:

Why use the GetModuleHandleA function to get a handle to the executable?

As I am learning reverse engineering, I'm doing Lena's tutorials on the matter. On the third exercice, I don't understand why the GetModuleHandleA function is called to get a handle of the current file. Just after that, the program checks if it failed and show the bad boy. (Pop-up we want to remove.)
Because ASM code worth a thounsand words, here's more details:
PUSH 0 // Entry point!
CALL <JMP.&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA> // Returns 00400000 (RegisterMe.<STRUCT IMAGE_DOS_HEADER>)
,- JE SHORT RegisterMe.00401024
| [...] // Annoying pop-up
`-> [...] // Rest of the program
According to the MSDN page for GetModuleHandleA, :
If this parameter is NULL, GetModuleHandle returns a handle to the file used to create the calling process (.exe file).
I have two questions:
Why does the GetModuleHandleA returns a pointer to IMAGE_DOS_HEADER? I expected it to return a handle to a file.
In which cicumstances would the jump have been taken? (In other words, how could the GetModuleHandleA fail?)
To me, the only scenario that can skip the annoying pop-up is if the function fails. Am I wrong or is this not realistic?

Compiler generated unexpected `IN AL, DX` (opcode `EC`) while setting up call stack

I was looking at some compiler output, and when a function is called it usually starts setting up the call stack like so:
So we save the base pointer of the calling routine on the stack, move our own base pointer up, and then store the contents of a few registers on the stack. These are then restored to their original values at the end of the routine, like so:
So far, so good. However, I noticed that in one routine the code that sets up the call stack looks a little different. In fact, it looks like this:
This is quite confusing for a number of reasons. For one thing, the end-of-method code is identical to that quoted above for the other method, and in particular seems to expect a saved copy of EBP to be available on the stack.
For another, if I understand correctly the command IN AL, DX reads into the AL register, which is the same as the EAX register, and as it so happens the very next command here is
as the program wants to zero a few things it allocated on the stack.
Question: I'm wondering exactly what's going on here that I don't understand. The machine code being translated as IN AL, DX is the single byte EC, whereas the pair of instructions
would correspond to three byte 55 88 EC. Is the disassembler misreading this somehow? Or is something relying on a side effect I don't understand?
If anyone's curious, this machine code was generated by the CLR's JIT compiler, and I'm viewing it with the Visual Studio debugger. Here's a minimal reproduction in C#:
class C {
string s = "";
public void f(string s) {
this.s = s;
However, note that this seems to be non-deterministic; sometimes I seem to get the IN AL, DX version, while other times there's a PUSH EBP followed by a MOV EBP, ESP.
EDIT: I'm starting to strongly suspect a disassembler bug -- I just got another situation where it shows IN AL, DX (opcode EC) and the two preceding bytes in memory are 55 88. So perhaps the disassembler is simply confused about the entry point of the method. (Though I'd still like some insight as to why that's happening!)
Sounds like you are using VS2015. Your conclusion is correct, its debugging engine has a lot of bugs. Yes, wrong address. Not the only problem, it does not restore breakpoints properly and you are apt to see the INT3 instruction still in the code. And it can't correctly refresh the disassembly when the jitter has re-generated the code and replace stub calls. You can't trust anything you see.
I recommend you use Tools > Options > Debugging > General and tick the "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" checkbox. That forces the debugger to use an older debugging engine, VS2010 vintage. It is much more stable.
You'll lose some features with this engine, like return value inspection and 64-bit Edit+Continue. Won't be missed when you do this kind of debugging. You will however see fake code addresses, as was always common before, so all CALL addresses are wrong and you can't easily identify calls into the CLR. Flipping the engine back-and-forth is a workaround of sorts, but of course a big annoyance.
This has not been worked on either, I saw no improvements in the Updates. But they no doubt had a big bug list to work through, VS2015 shipped before it was done. Hopefully VS2017 is better, we'll find out soon.
As Hans's answered, it's a bug in Visual Studio.
To confirm the same, I disassembled a binary using IDA 6.5 and Visual Studio 2019. Here is the screenshot:
Visual Studio 2019 missed 2 bytes (0x55 0x8B) while considering the start of main.
Note: 'Use managed compatibility mode' mentioned by Hans didn't fix the issue in VS2019.

Windows 64 ABI, correct register use if i do NOT call windows API?

As suggested to me in another question i checked the windows ABI and i'm left a little confused about what i can and cannot do if i'm not calling windows API myself.
My scenario is i'm programming .NET and need a small chunk of code in asm targeting a specific processor for a time critical section of code that does heavy multi pass processing on an array.
When checking the register information in the ABI at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9z1stfyw.aspx
I'm left a little confused about what applies to me if i
1) Don't call the windows API from the asm code
2) Don't return a value and take a single parameter.
Here is what i understand, am i getting all of it right?
RAX : i can overwrite this without preserving it as the function doesn't expect a return value
RCX : I need to preserve this as this is where the single int parameter will be passed, then i can overwrite it and not restore it
RDX/R8/R9 : Should not be initialized as there are no such parameters in my method, i can overwrite those and not restore them
R10/R11 : I can overwrite those without saving them, if the caller needs it he is in charge of preserving them
R12/R13/R14/R15/RDI/RSI/RBX : I can overwrite them but i first need to save them (or can i just not save them if i'm not calling the windows API?)
RBP/RSP : I'm assuming i shouldn't touch those?
If so am i correct that this is the right way to handle this (if i don't care about the time taking to preserve data and need as many registers available as possible)? Or is there a way to use even more registers?
; save required registers
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
push rdi
push rsi
push rbx
; my own array processing code here, using rax as the memory address passed as the first parameter
; safe to use rax rbx rcx rdx r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 rdi rsi giving me 14 64bit registers
; 1 for the array address 13 for processing
; should not touch rbp rsp
; restore required registers
pop rbx
pop rsi
pop rdi
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
TL;DR: if you need registers that are marked preserved, push/pop them in proper order. With your code you can use those 14 registers you mention without issues. You may touch RBP if you preserve it, but don't touch RSP basically ever.
It does matter if you call Windows APIs but not in the way I assume you think. The ABI says what registers you must preserve. The preservation information means that the caller knows that there are registers you will not change. You don't need to call any Windows API functions for that requirement to be there.
The idea as an analogue (yeah, I know...): Here are five different colored stacks of sticky notes. You can use any of them, but if you need the red or the blue ones, could you keep the top one in a safe place and put it back when you stop since I need the phone numbers on them. About the other colors I don't care, they were just scratch paper and I've written the information elsewhere.
So if you call an external function you know that no function will ever change the value of the registers marked as preserved. Any other register may change their values and you have to make sure you don't have anything there that needs to be preserved.
And when your function is called, the caller expects the same: if they put a value in a preserved register, it will have the same value after the call. But any non-preserved registers may be whatever and they will make sure they store those values if they need to keep them.
The return value register you may use however you want. If the function doesn't return a value the caller must not expect it to have any specific value and also will not expect it to preserve its value.
You only need to preserve the registers you use. If you don't use all of these, you don't need to preserve all of them.
You can freely use RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10 and R11. The latter two must be preserved by the caller, if necessary, not by your function.
Most of the time, these registers (or their subregisters like EAX) are enough for my purposes. I hardly ever need more.
Of course, if any of these (e.g. RCX) contain arguments for your function, it is up to you to preserve them for yourself as long as you need them. How you do that is also up to you. But if you push them, make sure that there is a corresponding pop somewhere.
Use This MSDN page as a guide.

writing a !address equivalent in WinAPI

Implementing !address feature of Windbg...
I am using VirtualQueryEx to query another Process memory and using getModuleFileName on the base addresses returned from VirtualQueryEx gives the module name.
What is left are the other non-module regions of a Process. How do I determine if a file is mapped to a region, or if the region represents the stack or the heap or PEB/TEB etc.
Basically, How do I figure out if a region represents Heap, the stack or PEB. How does Windbg do it?
One approach is to disassemble the code in the debugger extension DLL that implements !address. There is documentation within the Windbg help file on writing an extension. You could use that documentation to reverse engineer where the handler of !address is located. Then browsing through the disassembly you can see what functions it calls.
Windbg has support for debugging another instance of Windbg, specifically to debug an extension DLL. You can use this facility to better delve into the implementation of !address.
While the reverse engineering approach may be tedious, it will be more deterministic than theorizing how !address is implemented and trying out each theory.
To add to #Χpẘ answer, the reverse of the command shouldn't be really hard as debugger extensions DLLs come with symbols (I already reversed one to explain the internal flag of the !heap command).
Note that it is just a quick overview, I haven't perused inside it too much.
According to the !address documentation the command is located in exts.dll library. The command itself is located in Extension::address.
There are two commands handled there, a kernel mode (KmAnalyzeAddress) and a user mode one (UmAnalyzeAddress).
Inside UmAnalyzeAddress, the code:
Parse the command line: UmParseCommandLine(CmdArgs &,UmFilterData &)
Check if the process PEB is available IsTypeAvailable(char const *,ulong *) with "${$ntdllsym}!_PEB"
Allocate a std::list of user mode ranges: std::list<UmRange,std::allocator<UmRange>>::list<UmRange,std::allocator<UmRange>>(void)
Starts a loop to gather the required information:
Finally the results are finally output to screen using UmPrintResults.
Each of the above function can be simplfied to basic components, e.g. UmFileMappingshas the following central code:
.text:101119E0 push edi ; hFile
.text:101119E1 push offset LibFileName ; "psapi.dll"
.text:101119E6 call ds:LoadLibraryExW(x,x,x)
.text:101119EC mov [ebp+hLibModule], eax
.text:101119F2 test eax, eax
.text:101119F4 jz loc_10111BC3
.text:101119FA push offset ProcName ; "GetMappedFileNameW"
.text:101119FF push eax ; hModule
.text:10111A00 mov byte ptr [ebp+var_4], 1
.text:10111A04 call ds:GetProcAddress(x,x)
Another example, to find each stacks, the code just loops trhough all threads, get their TEB and call:
.text:1010F44C push offset aNttib_stackbas ; "NtTib.StackBase"
.text:1010F451 lea edx, [ebp+var_17C]
.text:1010F457 lea ecx, [ebp+var_CC]
.text:1010F45D call ExtRemoteTyped::Field(char const *)
There is a lot of fetching from _PEB, _TEB, _HEAP and other internal structures so it's not probably doable without going directly through those structures. So, I guess that some of the information returned by !address are not accessible through usual / common APIs.
You need to determine if the address you are interested in lies within a memory mapped file. Check out --> GetMappedFileName. Getting the heap and stack addresses of a process will be a little more problematic as the ranges are dynamic and don't always lie sequentially.
Lol, I don't know, I would start with a handle to the heap. If you can spawn/inherit a process then you more than likely can access the handle to the heap. This function looks promising: GetProcessHeap . That debug app runs as admin, it can walk the process chain and spy on any user level process. I don't think you will be able to access protected memory of kernel mode apps such as File System Filters, however, as they are dug down a little lower by policy.
