Does Xcode take care of multiple .git in sub-folders nicely? - xcode

For a new project Foobar in the ~/Code folder, Xcode creates the following in ~/Code/Foobar/:
For third party libraries, I put them in a ~/Code/Foobar/Vendor folder, for example:
cd ~/Code/Foobar/Vendor
git clone
There two .git folders:
In the future, will Xcode's Source Control > Commit Selected Files... feature work nicely with both .git repositories?

XCode 4 does know how to manage submodules, if you chose that approach (see "Xcode 4 workspace with two interdependent projects: should I also use git submodule?").
Such an approach is illustrated in "adding a simple library to an xcode 4 project".
But even without submodule, it should manage nested git repos just fine. The parent git repo would ignore the nested one.


Ios git merge conflict in xCode

I have two branches in my project, one is develop and other is master, accidently without merging develop into master I made app live and now I have two different versions on two different branches. Let's say 1.5 version on master and 1.6 on develop, now when I tried to merge these two branches git show merge conflicts in 3 different files,
after merge when I tried to open xCode project, it failed and show error "project cannot be load.." when tried to open files manually it just doesn't open in editText. I tried sublime editor but then again I couldn't locate conflict as there were a lot of lines of code.
If you want to replace master content with dev, you should:
do a merge from master to dev, keeping dev content
then do a trivial merge from dev to master
That is:
git checkout dev
git merge --ours master
git checkout master
git merge dev
You can resolve conflicts by keeping any version (keep mine or keep theirs) of this files as they save the xcode status but they don't have your code and should not have been tracked. But don't resolve the conflicts yourself, just choose one of the versions and the project should work.
You are having this problem because you should have created a .gitignore file in your repo before creating any other file to avoid having problems with files that your ide uses but don't have the code of your app.
To avoid problems from now on, you can create the git ignore file with this content and add it to the repo.
But there are files traked that should not be. So execute this commands:
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "use .gitignore file"
This will delete everything from the index and add the files again applying the gitignore rules.
Check that all is working and git push to your server and you should not have more conflicts with this files for saving the xcode status.
Hello #Najam you can make change in remote branch push it to master and then try to merge remote and master
git merge remote mater:master
or you can delete the remote branch and push your remote code to master branch.

Make a folder both a symlink and a git submodule

This my project structure in a nutshell:
+ A
| + some content
+ B
+ A
I want in my main git repo a submodule in B that points to A. But since the A project contains the main method, I want to be able to quickly test before committing, so I'd like a symlink (or rather a mklink since I'm on windows) that points to A so it gets updated without committing.
The problem is that A doesn't have just "some content".
It also has a .git subfolder in it, which a submodule does not.
If you can, use git worktree in order to checkout a branch in a separate folder (than the original A cloned folder)
Then you can try and use a symlink from B subfolder to A, after adding A as a submodule in B.
Note: since Windows 10 build 14972 (Dec. 2016), symlinks (mklink) can be created without needing to elevate the console as administrator.
A better approach is described in "Git: Possible to use same submodule working copy by multiple projects?".

Externals when migrating from SVN to GIT

Ok, I've read it all, and tried to find solutions to my problem to no avail, so was wondering if anyone would be able to give me the ultimate solution to the migration issue I'm having.
It's to do with using SVN externals in GIT, so hold on to your chairs.
I have looked at the following topics only to find that no one has the exact same setup as I have.
git submodule svn external
git: How do you add an external directory to the repository?
What happens when I clone a repository with symlinks on Windows?
Git Symlinks in Windows
Now my setup is really not that complicated, but I can't work out a way to get it working the way I need it. I have:
I then have in my main project
Core (external of Project1)
Libs (external of Project1)
Obviously this is fine on SVN, as you can use externals, but with sub-modules, you can only create them pointing to the root of the repository, which in this case doesn't quite work for me, since I have both Core and Libs on the same repository. Moving them out isn't an option at this point, since we're still in the migration process, and I need to keep constantly syncing them.
I then thought I could just go and use symlinks (notice I'm on a windows environment), as this way I would be able to checkout my Project1 repository at the same level as my MainProject, and via symlinks make sure my project still thinks everything is where it should.
This magically worked, however, upon doing git status I now noticed Project1 was marked as Untracked files, and by committing this and pushing, and checking out again, my symlink was gone, and I now had a hard copy of my Project1 repository copied into MainProject.
This obviously turned out to be a bit of a nightmare ow, so I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this, and maybe point me towards the right direction.
Thanks in advance,
While I believe Michael Geddes is working on supporting symlinks in a future msysgit2, there is one way to get that support right now (that you have mentioned)
"Git Symlinks in Windows"
It allows to restore symlinks on checkout in Windows.
If you add Project1 as a submodule of your main project:
it won't be displayed as untracked files in your git status.
you can add a symlink in MainFolder to (Project1/)Core in order to get the structure you want.

Changed folder structure in Xcode Project not reflected in Git Repository

I have an Xcode project that is under version control. I've grouped the classes in the project navigator into folders based on what the classes do (eg. Models, Views, Controllers, etc.). However, these folder structures seem local to my machine and it is not reflected in my own local git repository, or if I do a git pull from another machine, the folders that I've created or organized my classes into don't appear. So, How do you get the changes you make (organizing the classes into folders) to reflect in your local and remote repository?
Try this
# modified, new and deleted files
git add -A
I found that the adding a folder or directory manually inside the local repository to work for me. Create the folder in the repository,git add folder_name/ to actually track and add it to the repo. The files then can be moved into this folder. Depending on how you move it, you may need to do git rm <file_name> and git add </folder_name/file_name>.

Xcode Git Submodule Commit Issue

What I did
I made a new Single Page App project in my application called "parent".
I made a new Static library project called "child" and I've Added it as a git submodule in my parent project folder.
I have imported the child project into the parent project by dragging from the finder from submodule directory, the child project file to my parent project in Xcode window -> Parent Project file tree.
Now Is my problem
When I would like to do a commit through File -> Source Control -> Commit, I select files enter my message and do a commit all goes right.
Now When I make a change into my child project and try to commit by the same way, xcode make me know it success the commit
Now try a pull from File -> Source Control -> Pull, My child project is selectable but my parent project has "Uncommited Changes".
So I come back to the commit interface and I saw the items that should have been committed during the last commit. Especially the folder of my submodule project.
What I did to resolve the problem
I use git from the command line in my parent project folder:
git add .
git commit -am "Core has been modified"
When I use this, I can access my to repository from the pull interface, that confirm that all change has been committed.
The real Problem
My company would like to make that work only with the Xcode SCM tool.
The problem seems to be linked to the use of "Submodule"
How can I make it work without the use of the Command Line
We have the same problem. It's like a small bug in XCode. Our workaround at the moment is the same as you mentioned and the only solution would be a bugfix or enhancement how XCode support
Our workflow looks like the following :
-commit submodule changes with XCode
-commit main changes with XCode
-commit main directory change with CLI ( git commit )
-push main & submodule with XCode
we hope that this small bug would be fixed in the future directly in XCode
When you make a commit in a submodule, it shows up as a change in the parent.
The solution is to make changes to the submodule first, then commit the changes to the parent. This way all of your changes to the submodule will get bundled into the parent project commit.
