Externals when migrating from SVN to GIT - windows

Ok, I've read it all, and tried to find solutions to my problem to no avail, so was wondering if anyone would be able to give me the ultimate solution to the migration issue I'm having.
It's to do with using SVN externals in GIT, so hold on to your chairs.
I have looked at the following topics only to find that no one has the exact same setup as I have.
git submodule svn external
git: How do you add an external directory to the repository?
What happens when I clone a repository with symlinks on Windows?
Git Symlinks in Windows
Now my setup is really not that complicated, but I can't work out a way to get it working the way I need it. I have:
I then have in my main project
Core (external of Project1)
Libs (external of Project1)
Obviously this is fine on SVN, as you can use externals, but with sub-modules, you can only create them pointing to the root of the repository, which in this case doesn't quite work for me, since I have both Core and Libs on the same repository. Moving them out isn't an option at this point, since we're still in the migration process, and I need to keep constantly syncing them.
I then thought I could just go and use symlinks (notice I'm on a windows environment), as this way I would be able to checkout my Project1 repository at the same level as my MainProject, and via symlinks make sure my project still thinks everything is where it should.
This magically worked, however, upon doing git status I now noticed Project1 was marked as Untracked files, and by committing this and pushing, and checking out again, my symlink was gone, and I now had a hard copy of my Project1 repository copied into MainProject.
This obviously turned out to be a bit of a nightmare ow, so I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this, and maybe point me towards the right direction.
Thanks in advance,

While I believe Michael Geddes is working on supporting symlinks in a future msysgit2, there is one way to get that support right now (that you have mentioned)
"Git Symlinks in Windows"
It allows to restore symlinks on checkout in Windows.
If you add Project1 as a submodule of your main project:
it won't be displayed as untracked files in your git status.
you can add a symlink in MainFolder to (Project1/)Core in order to get the structure you want.


git on windows says untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout but they don't exist

This is a weird one, and I have tried everything both in git and in windows but can't get the message to go away.
I have a folder in my repo as follows:-
but for some reason, somehow, at some point, git has appeared to have decided I have 2 other, very similar files, and won't let me checkout my main branch, it forever complains:
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you switch branches.
I don't have any such named files (and don't believe I ever did), and the situation is totally compounded by the fact that a trailing "." on a folder name is not something windows plays ball with! If I try to rename my startup folder from "startup" to "startup." it just ignores the change.
I've git cleaned with every flag / flags known to man, git forced everything that can be forced, I've even deleted the entire repo and recloned.
I've checked my central repo too, in all branches (master, the current develop, and my own current branch that I'm stuck in), and of course the "startup." files aren't listed - just the "startup" folder as expected.
So I'm at a loss, and putting this out to the community in the hope that someone else can help.

Extra directories and files added to git repository

I had always used Git locally on Mac OSX and decided to try out Github and Bitbucket. I had some issues getting it working and tried a few fixes that others suggested who had similar problems. I was able to push to Github and Bitbucket, but I also managed to somehow add extra directories and files to my repository in the process.
I'm using Xampp to develop locally, and I have a folder in there that I created my repository with, so the file structure is something like this
myproject -this is was originally the repository that I had been using
One thing to note. Not every single directory and file in htdocs was added to my repository. There were only 3 added, and about 7 other folders.
Prior to trying out github my repository just consisted of myproject located in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/myproject. Now, there are a bunch of other directories and files added to it. I know this, because in conjunction with the command line I also used GitX for a visual reference. Now, all of these extra files and directories are showing up.
Maybe I don't fully understand how git repositories works. Prior to this, I had only used add, commit and checkout commands. All I know is that my repository appears to be different in GitX and matches on Bitbucket/Github.
What folder did you initialize the Git repo from? It sounds like you meant to init from the myproject folder, but instead you did it from the Applications folder.
Does GitHub show all those extra directories?
Where is the hidden .git folder?
Is this a private repo just for you, or just for you and a few known others? Are you willing to rewrite history?

Working copy location of xCode SVN repository

Reference version: xCode 4.5.2
In Organizer-Repositories I see for each repository a "Root" folder and one or more folders related to the root. How I can see the working copy location related to each folder?
By right-clicking the folders I see only the link to the help and no options to see the actual location of the directory on my computer.
The reason why I'm asking this is that I added folders in my repository from different locations in my local filesystem. Now I need to find all the locations, remove them and put my working copy in a single directory tree to avoid mixing SVN working copy files with non-versioned files.
Many thanks for the help.
The xCode-Repositories interface for SVN seems incomplete (as appears from other questions/answers on it).
So I've resolved by removing the repository from xCode interface and re-creating it.
I now use "xcrun svn ..." command line interface for all the operations except the simple checkout/commit commands.

Xcode thinks a remote svn repos is git

I'm running Xcode 4.1 at work and home. I've successfully checked out a project from a remote svn repository (work) on my home setup. The repos was updated, so when I got home, I did an update on the local checkout.
The status of the updated files got flagged "U" (good) and a page appeared showing changes to accept, but when I hit accept, I get a popup that says:
The working copy "ABRA-D" failed to pull. fatal: Not a git repository
(or any of the parent directories): .git
Well, yes... the repo is svn, not git! Closing Xcode and restarting removes the "U" tags and I'm back where I started. Sounds like Xcode is confused about the repo type, though it knew enough to query the svn repo and find out what had been updated. Anyone know a cure?
That issue, already mentioned in "Error : Fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git", has a somewhat curious solution described here:
Recently I created a new project and at some point I uploaded it to SVN. I am not quite sure how to reproduce this situation but somehow the versioning support of Xcode 4 decided to interpret the project as a git repository.
Each time I tried to copy a file per drag and drop into my project I got following error:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
The result was that the file got copied into the project folder, but the reference didn't get set in the project. I had to go into the folder and drag and drop the file again and uncheck the copy option this time, so that the reference gets set.
The Solution
Open Xcode and go to Window > Organizer
Find under repositories your project. It might be two entries if you use something like SVN.
Make sure it says "Type Git"
Mark the repository entry and hit backspace or delete (on mac)
In my case, when i created my project it was using git. But later i removed all git files from my SVN repository. Then took an update.
Now, when i tried to add files, it gives me same error.
Solution: I removed all repositories against my project in XCode Organizer. Now when i added new files, it works fine.
I had a git and svn against the same project and tried removing the git and got this error
In the end went and manually edited xcshareddata found at and removed all the entries which had anything to do with the git repositoy.

Building Qt once added to subversion?

I need to make some changes to Qt 4.7.1, so I need to add it to my subversion server to track my changes. However, once it's added, the configure script fails. I'm guessing it's choking on the .svn files.
I'm using Windows. Is there any way to add Qt to subversion, delete all the .svn folders, configure and build it, recreate the .svn folders, and then submit my changes?
Or is there any other work around? The error I get is 'Couldn't update default mkspec'
Here is what I would have done:
Install Qt in some folder.
Make sure that auto-props and global-ignores are set up properly.
Rename the whole folder.
Create an empty repository.
Create an empty folder having the same name as the original one.
Import the empty folder into the repository.
Remove the folder.
Check out the folder.
Copy the contents of the backup to the working copy.
Carefully add everything you want to be source controlled, probably using the -N or --depth options.
Put everything else into appropriate svn:ignore properties.
Compare the working copy and the backup.
If there are any differences, wipe both the working directory and the repository, then repeat from the step 2, correcting the mistakes.
It may seem a bit of overkill, but importing such a large project into an SVN repository isn't a trivial task.
The problem is if .svn folders exist in /mkspecs/default and /mkspecs-win32-msvc2008 then configure fails to run with the error 'Couldn't update default mkspec'
If I move the .svn folders, configure, then replace them, I can then build.
