How to use app delegate xcode - xcode

how do you call the app delegate methods in the view controller. i want to save my app data before the application terminates. in another app ive created an instance of the delegate and a variable inside it, so every few seconds it checks the delegate if this is true (it sets it to true when the application will resign active) but this doesn't seem the most efficient way to do it.

if you want to save your app data before the application terminates,hen save your data in applicationWillTerminate method of application life cycle.
there is no need to more one delegate, apple already providing you this facility then why you are creating new one. just write your code in applicationWillTerminate method
just reference your viewController from appdelegate & you can call to method in which you want to processing save data.


Why isn't application:openFile: called when the application is already running?

I would like to handle open events when a user double-clicks on a file that was created by my application, or drags such a file onto the dock icon.
I've therefore implemented NSApplicationDelegate's application:openFile: and application:openFiles: methods, which work as expected when the application is not running.
However, if the application is already running when the open event occurs, the application becomes focused, but the above methods are never called (breakpoints inside them are not hit) and the files do not open.
I also tried implementing application:openURLs:. This method has the same behaviour: it is not called if the application is already running when the event occurs.
Do I need to implement different functions to handle opening files when the application is already running, or is there something else I need to do/set in order for the existing functions to be called in those circumstances?
This is not mentioned in the documentation, but according to this answer the way that application:openFile: works is that it NSApplication forwards odoc Apple Events to its delegate.
Armed with this knowledge, I was able to find the following old Carbon call in the app:
osError = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,
I'm presuming this existing event handler consumed the Apple Event before NSApplication had a chance to deal with it. However, when the app is not already running, NSApplication handles the event before the line above setting up the event handler is called, hence the different behaviour.
Removing this old code from the build caused the NSApplicationDelegate methods to be called, thus fixing the issue.
Does the following method work?
- (void)application:(NSApplication *)application
openURLs:(NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls;
If your delegate implements this method, AppKit does not call the
application:openFile: or application:openFiles: methods.

How to add new managed object from other app?

I have used Core Data just creating projects with "Use Core Data" checked, using the code that XCode creates by default and, if necessary, adding or modifying just a few things.
Now I have a "main" app and I have created a helper app (status bar item app, LSUIElement = 1 and Login item). The helper app is Build as main app target dependency and copied into the main app "Resources" folder.
When the status bar icon is clicked the helper app shows a window to the user to collect some info to create a new managed object according to the main app Core Data Model.
But, how can I create a new managed object from the helper app for the main app?
By now I´m thinking to:
check if main app is open or not (I don´t know if it´s possible)
if it´s open, let the main app to perfom a selector with a dictionary with the info sent from helper app (I don´t know if it´s possible)
if it´s close then (in the helper app) create a persistent store coordinator, manage object model and manage object context using the model and persistent store files from main app. Create the new managed object. And I don´t know if it´s better to terminate MOC, MOM and PSC each time the user creates a new MO to avoid conflicts when main app opens or it´s not optimal and could affect performance...
It´s a good approach? Any point to start? Thanks in advance
Do you have to create a managed object? If you're just collecting simple data in the helper app it would be much simpler to pass that input to the main app via the userinfo dictionary in a Distributed Notification. Then the main app could create the managed object and you don't have to deal with merging changes between the two contexts.
Otherwise you'd have to pass the helper app a path to your MOM, create a MOC in the helper app, create the object, save the MOC while notifying the main app to merge changes by passing the IDs of the changed objects, reloading your main app's model objects, and so on. I've gotten it to work, but it's a huge headache and prone to errors. I'd avoid that route if possible.
Edit: I just realized you want to be able to write to your main app's store even if it's not running. It sounds like you need to re-think this before writing any code. If the helper app executes on its own, it's not really a helper app. Could you go into more detail about what you're actually trying to accomplish? This kind of hackery is not really a good idea and could lead to data corruption.

Programmatically changing a connection made in IB (OSX)

I have a simple Document based Core Data app (built around the standard Apple tutorials). At the moment I have a button connected to the add: method of a controller (Sheet Controller) that drops down a modal sheet from the main document window. The connection is made in IB (see below from MyDocument.xib). There is also another controller (Another Controller)
My question is how do I programatically change the buttons action method to point to a method in 'Another Controller' instead of the 'Sheet Controller it is wired up to in IB
Many Thanks
Just use the NSControl setTarget and setAction methods.
There is some special magic associated with making the connections hang together in the first place, but once it's all wired up in the running application a connection is a connection regardless of how it was originally made.
Although -- it's worth considering whether you could allow the responder chain to take care of things rather than explicitly retargeting the action yourself. That, at least in part, is what it's there for...

What's the accepted way to implement export functionality in a document-based Cocoa app?

I have a simple document-based Cocoa app that acts as a viewer for .wav files, to do a bit of frequency analysis. I'd like to be able to export the data gleaned from opened files to CSVs for further analysis in other programs.
The document-based application framework in Cocoa lets you override
- (NSData *)dataOfType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outError
to implement the default Save/Save As... workflow, but I don't want to write the files that I open.
The obvious thing to do is implement an export workflow in my document, to present a file save sheet, build some NSData, and write it to a file path, but there is not an obvious way to connect an outlet in the MainMenu nib to an action on a document controller.
So, then, what is the accepted way to implement such functionality in a document-based Cocoa app?
You can create a new action in MainMenu.nib's "First Responder" object, called "export:", and connect to it. Then, implement an export: method in your document subclass. This will call your method.
The reason this works is that messages sent to the magic first responder object go through the entire responder chain, looking for some object that handles them. One of the items in that responder chain is the document, and so when the currently selected control, view, superview, window, etc, all do not handle the message, the document gets a chance. (The document controller is also on that chain, so you could use it, too.)
Take a look in Apple's responder chain docs - figure 1.10 covers this particular path.

Loading data into a Cocoa view before the application loads

I want to load some data from mysql into my cocoa application view before the application starts.
I am sure that this should happen in the controller so that it can send the required data to the view.
I am looking for a method or common technique that is used for this sort of thing.
Many Thanks
Sounds like you're looking for the awakeFromNib function.
Cocoa gives you many places to perform tasks before and after objects are loaded from a nib, but it's important to read the documentation carefully to make sure things are happening in the order you expect. Usually I use the following strategy when I'm working on a Cocoa application:
Where appropriate I implement the
+(void)initialize method, which is called before any instances of a class are created. I'll probably set the app's default preferences here, for example.
In my application controller (app delegate), I implement the applicationDidFinishLaunching: delegate method to load my data file. If this works okay, I then create the window controller(s) and display any windows I want to show at launch.
In the window/view controllers, I override windowDidLoad: or loadView to perform tasks involving objects loaded from a nib. If I need to create any instance variables that don't involve the nib, I also override the init method and do that there.
If I need to do anything in my view objects after they're loaded from a nib, I'll override awakeFromNib.
You can use the - applicationDidFinishLaunching: or - applicationWillFinishLaunching: delegate messages, by implementing one of them in your application delegate/controller, and do whatever initialization you want there.
