Joomla Submenu dissapeared after changing order - joomla

We are using Joomla 2.5
A client of mine has accidentally selected most of the menu and the submenus and changed the order by clicking one of the blue arrows, now the sub menu is not showing anymore.
I have tried to rebuild the menu
I have tried to clear cache (both mine and joomla)
I have tried to change the order
I have tried to go into the menu module and made sure show sub menu was configured on
Does anyone have any suggestions on how this could be fixed? Would be highly appreciated.
The website is and as you can see none of the menus drop down, and here is a screenshot of the ordering just in-case that might help:
Kind regards

Usually the drop down is achieved with jQuery or CSS and to enable it you specify an extra CSS Class in the menu module. Check if there is one, then see your template's documentation to make sure it's the correct one.

Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function golf-tuition:38
Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function s5_flex_menu.js:79
You can see that there are a couple of errors in the chrome debug console. As you have both jquery and mootools on your page - so I'd suggest there may be some kind of jquery/mootools conflict going on. Although I'm not sure why it would only have been triggered now!
See my answer here on how to resolve it - but to sum it up:
disable the $ alias for jQuery completely as soon as you call the jquery library using
// Disable the $ global alias completely
And then for jQuery scripts use
// set a local $ variable only available in this block as an alias to jQuery
... here is your jQuery specific code ...
To be safe I'd also do the same sort of thing to your mootools scripts:
// set a local $ variable only available in this block as an alias
// to Mootools
... here is your Mootools specific code ...
The fact you haven't had these issues before means I can't be sure about whether this is a jQuery/mootools conflict or not - but often errors with the $ symbol do suggest there is such a conflict!


TYPO3 rte_ckeditor plugin

I try to insert a FontAwesome plugin in CKEditor.
resource: "EXT:siteconfig/Resources/Public/JavaScripts/RTE/Plugins/ckawesome/plugin.js"
I copied the Font Awesome fonts and CSS in that folder and the RTE gives a button which popups the dialog.
However the console gives me a "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function"
In plugin.js is:
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('ckawesome') + 'resources/select2/select2.full.min.js');
This path is correct, however should a script in this way be loaded on a different method with TYPO3 CKEditor?
First of all, perhaps this extension solves the issue
it add font awesome, so no need for you to reinvent that wheel :-)
Second, if you really want to found out why your own solution doesn't work, try and find out, what path
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('ckawesome') + 'resources/select2/select2.full.min.js');
resolves to, perhaps something is wrong there.

PhpStorm parameter hints in sass

I have a scss file that I call in
#import ..mixins
but when I try to call in methods from the mixin that is defined like this
#mixin myFunction($param1, $param2){
Phpstorm just gives a hint like
without any parameter information. Has anyone found any solutions to this?
Unfortunately it's not yet supported in current versions on PhpStorm/WebStorm (stable 2016.3 and upcoming 2017.1).
Watch these tickets (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress:
I came here searching for this myself, and it isn't supported even in 2018.
It's not going to give you hinting apparently, but, for often used mixins you can create a live template (snippet) with variables.
In your case:
1) - Navigate to Settings: File>Settings>Editor>Live Templates. Then click the '+' to add a new 'snippet'.
#mixin myFunction($$param1$, $$param2$);
The extra $ are for naming vars in Live Templates.
2) - Highlight the snippet of code to use for a new Live Template. Then press CTRL(CMD)-SHIFT-A and search "Save As Live Template". Double click or press enter to do '1)' much quicker if the code is already present.
That's a dirty workaround in the meantime.
What PHPStorm does support is: when you #include myMix, the hint will expand if you use the up, down arrows. Still not hinting, but almost.

Jquery Error in Joomla site

I am facing jquery errors on my joomla site in which i am using virtue mart but i am loading a jquery from jqueryLoadPlugin, to avoid jquery conflicts & disable virtue mart jquery it works good but when i enable scrollers it again giving me errors.
below i have mentioned the links of the pages, on which i am getting a jquery error for scrollers. kindly guide me what i have to do this to avoid this conflict.
Jquery.noconflict(); is already called on the page.
please need your help:(
(on the tabs, when you click on the LAtest Projects you will get an slider which stucks.)
(I call module here in the article it does'not works an where)
There are a few things you can try to get this working.
Be sure your script is being pulled into the page, one way to check is by using the 'sources' tab in the Chrome Debugger and searching for the file else in the html head section
Be sure that you've included the other script after you've included jQuery, as it is most certainly dependant upon that.
Check whether jQuery is included properly and once only.
Watch out for jQuery conflicts. There is some other library which is overridding $, so your code is not working because $ is not an alias for jQuery anymore. You can use jQuery.noConflict() to avoid conflicts with other libraries on the page which use the same variable $.
Try using jQuery Easy rather.

Magento - Not able to resolve - jQuery / jCarousel Conflict Issue

I am trying all ways possible to resolve the JQuery Conflict issue in magento. Verified a few forums too but of no help.
I have tried the following:
1.Added jQuery.noConflict(); at the end of the jquery files (still didnt work)
2.Created a variable for noConflict and used all functions (still didnt work)
I can see the Js and CSS files required for jCarousel to function in the output source code, however along with that i get the following error:
jQuery("#mycarousel").jcarousel is not a function
Line 80
Not sure what I'm missing.
I am a newbie to magento. Is there a possibility that I'm missing on some important files to update.
Please assist as soon as possible.
I'm Following the examples of JCarousel as closely as possible. It works fine without Magento, but in Magento error as mentioned above is returned.
Check out the view source and make sure that the JCariusel scripts are inserted after JQuery.
I had the same problem, the it would not load within the magento site. I did however figure it out. I found that my code:
btnNext: ".next_time",
btnPrev: ".prev_time",
circular: false,
visible: 4,
Was not being loaded into the theme due to it not having a
jQuery(document).ready(function() {}
I also made sure that the jcarousel had a no conflict within the file and that it was loaded before the slider itself in the page.xml file.
Hope this helps. I also found that i had trouble with my no conflict in jQuery. If this doesn't help that is where the problem lies.

Extension Development: Frozen Firefox scrollbar and dis-functional hot-keys

I am writing a Firefox extension which creates a Java applet in the page.
function addApplet(aDocument,url,classfile,archive) {
if (navigator.javaEnabled()) {
var anApplet,body;
body = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
anApplet = aDocument.createElement('applet');
The JAR file loaded from the applet is 500KB in size. I noticed that sometimes the extension causes Firefox's vertical scrollbar to freeze and the hot-keys to stop working. The scroll-bar and hot-keys work fine if I prevent the extension to append the applet to the page.
Another weird behavior is -- on the frozen page if I click inside any text/search box or even address bar the scroller and the hotkeys begin to work again. The same thing happens if I switch tabs or minimize the browser window.
I am using Firefox 3.6.12 on WindowsXP.
Please help me if you have an idea regarding this or if I should provide more information.
(Hey guys this problem is still not solved....please help me out with this......)
See if something similar happens if you load the applet from an html page that includes the tag and its children as static content, rather than content added to the DOM.
I imagine it's a problem of Firefox and java, not your code.
Applets can be tricky. I would suggest creating a page of pure HTML that works, first.
As far as suggestions for change go, 1st thing to change is the width/height of the applet. An applet with 0 size can cause all sorts of problems. Instead, give it a WxH of 20 (then later hide it using CSS).
Ok this has worked:
This behavior is the default since JDK 1.3. However you might need to prevent the applet from getting focus on startup, for example, if your applet is invisible and does not require focus at all. In this case, you can set to false the special parameter initial_focus in the HTML tag, as follows:
<applet code="MyApplet" width=50 height=50>
*<param name=initial_focus value="false">*</applet>
