need help to get started with bugzilla - windows-7

I have been searching for hours for a tutorial that would clearly explain how to install and start to use bugzilla on windows 7. All tutorials I found didn't help me: links are invalid, uses old versions or tells me to modify file that doesn't exist on my system. Could anyone guide me where to search for more clear step by step information about how to start working with bugzilla? Any help would be appreciated is a good description of installing Bugzilla, Apache and MySQL on Win32 platforms.
If you're looking to use IIS instead of Apache this may help

Bugzilla is provided by volunteers, so while it's unfortunate that no one has written an up-to-date document on how to do what you want, it also reflects that there are very few people who are trying to do the same thing.
Your best course of action depends on whether you're willing to pay for support. If you are willing to pay someone to help you, you might consult this list:
If you're not willing to pay for support, there are some approaches described here:
You can always create a bug here to report that the available documentation isn't current:

Related or Website and Forum

is there anybody who preserved the old Website of the Janusys company. Mostly known for their GridEX Winforms control but they had a complete suite of Winform Tools. Their support was (up until 'bankruptcy') very good and gave much more info on how to use their control in a non standard way.
I still use their components a lot in my projects and up until last year there was still a lookup method on to get ideas if I was stuck.
The site(s) are out of the air now, so I hope someone has made a 'copy'??
regards Sandor
I hope too.
I hope the site is reactivated or that someone has managed to make a backup

Documentation about AppScript and ModScript (Serena)

I'm currently working for a bank as an analyst developper. The bank uses SBM from Serena (recently buy back by Micro Focus). The problem is that the scripts are coded in AppScript (VBScript 4.0) and in ModScript (ChaiScript/C++) and I can't find any documentations on the Internet about those two. The only things I found was on the forum of Serena...
Either I look bad, or those languages are not well known.
Maybe someone here got some doc ? Would help me a lot !
I thank you already for the help you will bring me !
PS: Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
Documentation for Modscript and Appscript can be found online through the Documentation portal for MicroFocus/Serena.
Specifically the Composer help guide covers alot of ground for the scripting languages this is the latest version's guide (11.5)
However, you can switch versions and find plenty of documentation here:
Additionally there is community dedicated to the Serena-owned products at

What is Service-Now and how is it related to ITSM?

I'm new to Service-Now, can anyone help me to find out what is ITSM and how Service-Now is related to it.
What is the best way to learn this tool so that it is easy to know and understand.
Service-Now started out as an Cloud ITSM Tool, now it contains much more and you can also create custom application on the Platform. But I would suggest you check out there Wiki and Community which is actually pretty good.
ITSM is broad topic, it's about Incident, Change, Problem Management and a proper CMDB. You will find enough on the web. Like on Wikipedia.

SIMILE Timeline - hosting on your own server

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with hosting MIT's SIMILE Timeline on their own server. I have been trying to do so for a few days now, following the instructions provided via, but have not had any luck. I have downloaded the zip file which contains the files the instructions tell you to reference. I have searched google to the ends but have not found anything that is helpful.
If anyone has any knowledge of working with the SIMILE Timeline, I would greatly appreciate some advice/direction. Everything I have found seems to be pretty dated.
The best place to ask SIMILE-Widgets questions is here:!forum/simile-widgets
This documentation worked for me:
There are plenty of experienced and helpful users in that group. You will need to be clearer about what you're actually having trouble with. For example, are you getting a blank screen, an error message, etc. Are you able to provide a link to your attempt?

How do I get TiddlySnip to work in Firefox?

Since Google stopped supporting Notebooks, I decided to look for alternatives and so I gave TiddlyWiki + TiddlySnip a shot. However, when trying to install TiddlySnip2.1, I'm getting this error:
"TiddlySnip" will not be installed because it does not provide secure updates
I followed the procedure specified in the site which is to add in the Allowed sites-Add ons list but it still won't work.
And to add insult to injury, the support for the extension has been stopped as well.
My final workaround is to use an older version(1.21-beta), which I was able to find, but I'm finding it a bit unstable.
Did anyone have any success with this?
Thank you.
Eureka! Google has saved me! Their google group has a post on how to shoehorn it into Firefox 3.5.x:
Right Stumproot, however I just feel the need to look for alternatives.
OT, I went as far as going into the irc channel of tiddlywiki to find out and it seems that there's no other way around this issue than to use the older version.
I think that the TW community still plans to continue developing TiddlySnip but for now it's on hold so TW users will just have to make do with the beta version.
