nvd3.js stackedAreaChart chart transitions. Like on nvd3.org - d3.js

So my question is pretty simple.
How to achieve the same smoothness as on nvd3.org for stackedAreaChart.
When you click on it, it changes its states slowly and smoothly.
In my project if I use latest nv.d3.js from https://github.com/novus/nvd3 I have no smoothness. If I replace it with nv.d3.js from nvd3.org everything works fine.
Any suggestions? Maybe it can be somehow achieved through d3.js API?

It seems that the transitions were very recently disabled for stackedAreaCharts in the repository, as pointed out in this issue: https://github.com/novus/nvd3/issues/45
This change has not made it to the version hosted on nvd3.org yet. This explains why the transitions work on using the version hosted there while they don't work in the latest build from Github.


Migrating to NativeScript 7

I'm migrating a typescript/angular based NativeScript project over to the latest version of NativeScript, and am running into an issue. Before, I was using the tns-platform-declarations plugin (https://preview.npmjs.com/package/tns-platform-declarations) so I could get intellisense (I'm using VS Code) for things like UITextView and other native calls. But when updating my project, this module is removed from package.json. And if I add it back in, it says my project is not compatible with 7.x.
Do I just need to wait until the plugin is updated, or is there another way to get intellisense going, but still use NS 7.x?
Extending on Matthew's answer. Make sure you are including in your tsconfig the references.d.ts file, the one that points to either tns-platform-declarations or #nativescript/types, depending on your NativeScript version.
When you migrate the project it will change your tns-platform-declaration to #nativescript/types

Why is the Camera of AreaLearning Demo Sence different from Gankino and IKariotikos Version? Is there a special reason?

Hello? I am a Korean developer who is developing using the Tango Unity SDK.
I'm using the GanKino version and are now updating to the IKarioTikos version.
Is there a specific reason to use TangoCamera instead of Tango ARCamera in IKarioTikos's Demo Sence, AreaLearning?
Actually the change has been made since Gankino's update in may 2017. If you look at the release notes, it says:
SDK updates: The Tango Unity SDK now has a single TangoCamera prefab
that supports the TangoARCamera and TangoDeltaCamera use cases.
What I understand is that they just grouped the different prefabs they used to have (TangoARCamera, TangoDeltaCamera) into one single prefab called TangoCamera. The point is that they didn't update the examples so AreaLearning example still uses the now deprecated TangoARCamera.
Except the fact that they say it is now deprecated, I personnally have no problem of still using TangoARCamera prefab in my app. I might change when the examples and tutorials will be fully updated.
TangoARCamera and TangoDeltaCamera have been deprecated in the latest release. You can just use TangoCamera now. Just remember to enable the TangoARScreen script component in order to enable AR functionality.
I've successfully built and run AR apps with TangoSDK_Ikariotikos_Unity5 on Unity 5.6.3f1 using the above approach. Do note that initial releases of Unity 2017 does not support the Tango downloaded package so best to use 5.6.xxx

Label Image scale issue in Codename one library 3.3

We are using the following code to download image from our server and display it with a label:
ImageDownloadService.createImageToStorage(IconSrc, label, IconSrc,
new Dimension(width,height), ImageDownloadService.PRIORITY_NORMAL);
After upgrading to the latest library 3.3, theimages are no longer scaled properly. It either only shows one corner of the image or scales the image up to fill the entire space.
This issue does not occur once I fall back to the older library 3.2.
Looking at the code of ImageDownloadService I don't quite understand how this functionality worked in the past.
We don't really use that class internally and have recommended that developers migrate to the far superior URLImage class. I'll have a look at trying to fix that regression but I'd strongly suggest you migrate your code to the newer API.

THREE.js seems to not work on localhost server

I am just starting out with THREE and have come across some odd failures which I believe are due to localhost / same-origin-poicy.
In short I created my own animation using armatures in Blender and exported using the three.js exporter plugin. The model displays but the animation doesn't run.
I used the online skinning animation example as the basis for the code and thought I may have incorrectly stripped out certain code that was causing it to fail but after looking for a couple of hours I have come to the conclusion I haven't ripped out anything incorrectly so...
To test if the example code worked locally I copied the online skinning animation example code including the buffalo.js/png files, modified the file references to map to my local copy and tried to run it in a local IIS server and all I get is the stats and no animation or model.
I checked the firebug console and only had a coupe of depreciation warnings no errors. I also checked with my model and code and I get no errors or warnings...
Anyone had this experience before? (I tested in chrome/firefox both had same behaviour)
Am happy to post code but the JSONLoader(ed) model is massive.
Thanks (and sorry for the long windedness of this SO question)
When it comes to running things on your local machine, have you tried the steps on this wiki page? How to run things locally
One example on the page suggests: chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
It's possible that your issue is related to the steps taken during your export. Without the exact errors or screenshots it's difficult to know where the issue originates from. Things to look out for:
Is your model being exported at the first frame?
Do you have the latest .py export plugin for Blender?
Using the latest version of Three.js?
Tried using THREE.SkinnedMesh?
Here is an article that gives you a brief overview of what is required for animated meshes within Three.js: Skeletal Animation
This second article provides a much more detailed tutorial, complete with example code at the bottom of the page: Skeletal Animation +1
In order to rule out same origin policy you can actually disable the security checks chrome uses when it starts up by adding this to the target window on your shortcut properties
see here for more information : Disable same origin policy in Chrome

KineticJS-saveImagedata() , Problems updating to new kineticjs library

I used kinetic-v3.10.4.js for almost all my work.
Now the requirement changed and I need to add few more functionality that are available in newer versions.
So I started using kinetic-v4.0.1.js.
I made a sample file and it is working fine but few functions like saveImageData();,DetectionType.etc. are not working in 4.0.1 as they have been updated and instead of saveImageData(), createBufferImage() is the new function.
I am redoing everything with kinetic v4.0.1 now.
I can't find the old example in the website that was using createBufferImage() for image event detection as it has been updated to 4.3.3
So anyone having any old example that help in pixel detection/image detection with 4.0.1
How about searching from archived internet contents, archive.org
