While trying to configure my c++ project using CMake I was faced with the following error message:
The C compiler identification is unknown
The CXX compiler identification is unknown
CMake Error at nestk/deps/eigen/CMakeLists.txt:71 (message):
Can't link to the standard math library. Please report to the Eigen
developers, telling them about your platform.
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Has anyone a hint of how to fix this problem?
Any help is much appreciated.
I'm using: Windows 7 x64, CMake, VS2010 Ultimate
This happens because
#include <cmath>
does not compile on your machine. You will have to get this on your path to get around the standard math library error (I am working in ubuntu, but I had to install the gcc compiler). Try compiling and running this program:
int main() { std::cout << std::sin(0.0) << std::endl; std::cout << std::log(0.0f) << std::endl; }
Once you can do that, then make sure to remove the build directory you were running cmake in and try to build again.
I have a configuration problem while compiling and building a program with Qt Creator and the imageprocessing library openCV on my Windows machine. OpenCV worked some time ago with Visual Studio, but now I want to build programs with Qt Creator. I am working with opencv-2.4.11 and Qt Creator 3.3.2
I started a new program and tried to compile the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
Mat Bild;
return 0;
This building process ends with the errors:
C:...\build-Test01-Desktop_Qt_5_4_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\main.o:-1: In function ZN2cv3MatD1Ev':
C:\opencv\build\include\opencv2\core\mat.hpp:278: Fehler: undefined reference tocv::fastFree(void*)'
C:...\build-Test01-Desktop_Qt_5_4_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\main.o:-1: In function ZN2cv3Mat7releaseEv':
C:\opencv\build\include\opencv2\core\mat.hpp:367: Fehler: undefined reference tocv::Mat::deallocate()'
collect2.exe:-1: Fehler: error: ld returned 1 exit status
My .pro file includes the “INCLUDEPATH” and the “LIBS”:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\opencv\build\include\ \
LIBS += -L C:\opencv\build\x86\vc12\lib\
SOURCES += main.cpp
What am I doing wrong – why do I always get an error :( ?
I tried also different other ways to define the include folders and libs, but I was not able to compile the testcode.
You are using MinGW compiler and OpenCV extraction doesn't contain libraries built by it. So, you'll have to manually build them using MinGW provided by Qt. Use the following post for help:
How to link opencv in QtCreator and use Qt library
Make sure you have all the environment variables for Qt, MinGW and OpenCV libraries set properly. With all these done you should be all set.
Hope this helps.
My problem is when debugging from Eclipse a program that uses Boost (even pure header) then the GDB debugger is unable to locate frame base for the function being trace into.
Please note that except this, the program works like a charm in debug and release mode. The problem is only for debugging and inspecting source code refering to Boost.
Please not also that the problem only affects OSX Yosemit.
The issue is that I can't see the value of the local variables. Below is the message I have in the "(x)= Variables" window of Eclipse :
Failed to execute MI command:
-data-evaluate-expression result
Error message from debugger back end:
Could not find the frame base for "main()".
The code is as simple as :
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int result = 1;
boost::regex reExpression("[a-z]+");
std::cout << "!!!Hello World !!!" << std::endl;
result ++;
cout << " Result = " << result << "\n";
return result;
The program is compiled using the command :
g++ -v -o -g bin/Essai-MACOS-Debug src/Essai.cpp -I/opt/local/include /opt/local/lib/libboost_regex-mt.a
If you remove the reference to Boost.Regex then everything is ok. I can inspect the value of the local variable result.
More interesting: I built a library with a single function relying on Boost, and call that function from main(). It happens that can inspect the code in main() and have the value of main's local variable but when I came inside the library's function, the one now referring to boost then again I can't see the local variables of that function.
So it seems that as soon as a source file is referring to Boost, GDB get confused.
I have installed GCC 4.9, GDB 7.7 and Boost 1.57 using MacPort on OSX Yosemit.
I've compile Boost from source with MacPort in order to use GCC instead of GCC using the command :
sudo port install -ns boost config.compiler=macport-gcc-4.9
I also tried with a version of Boost I compiled myself and I did have the same issue.
Does anyone knows about this problem ?
I've compiled and installed the last GDB version from sources (7.9) and have the same issue described here than with the 7.7.1 provided by MacPorts.
I have:
-cygwin 1.7.25 on windows 7/32bit
-g++ --version --> g++ (GCC) 4.8.2
-libstdc++.a --> gcc-g++-4.8.2-1
Tried to make a c++
Hello World:
#include <string>
int main()
std::string s = "123";
int i = std::stoi(s);
compiling gives:
$ g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp
main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:6:10: error: ‘stoi’ is not a member of ‘std’
int i = std::stoi(s);
I searched for hours but I still could not find a solution. What's the issue here?
That's a bug, possibly an incomplete port of some library code to cygwin (it's a cplusplus11 feature) - some stuff has to be changed after all. Make sure to report it.
The solution is easy of course: #include <cstdlib> strtol(s.c_str(),0,10);
A similar mingw bug is mentioned also here
std::stoi doesn't exist in g++ 4.6.1 on MinGW
I have the same problem yesterday. "error: 'stoi' is not a member of 'std'."
First, I made sure c++11 was enabled. Then, I updated the g++ compiler to the newest version. After that, this error disappeared.
The compiler is not being taken seriously. On windows your best bet is to probably use visual studio, as it is always kept up to date . The bug here is that the macro defs are wrong to begin with. The problem starts from iomanip.h and iosbase . So they would have to changed all of there code. There are user made patches for this but I would not trust them at all, as they may contain even more bugs then the original copies. But it's up to you , I just stick with visual studio express edition.
stoi works correct only on mingw64 for me.
If you use Codeblocks, don't forget to check if your projects compiler is set to mingw64.
Well, I am working with -std=c++98, not -std=c++11 but I solved it with the following:
int i = std::atoi(input.c_str());
atoi() is waiting for c type null-terminated string, c_str() makes it null-terminated char*. To use atoi I also() added the following library:
#include <cstdlib>
my system is:
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
so, I'm trying to compile Gwen in Windows, for use with a project I have coming up. I downloaded the source from Garry's GitHub, and followed his instructions on building the compilation before importing it to Code::Blocks to compile. I import the .cbp file, start compiling, and after a few minutes I get:
Error: '_asm' was not declared in this scope.
The error comes from some code after a line containing #ifdef _WIN32.
Exact file: gwen.cpp, line 49.
More information:
OS: Windows 7 64bit.
Compiler: Latest gcc from the MinGW, 4.7.2 (MinGW32)
I think it is because MinGW doesn't understand the assembler, it should be asm for that compiler. I think this is cause by using _WIN32 instead of WIN32. The former is the platform and the latter is API.
Try changing it to:
void AssertCheck(bool b, const char* strMsg)
if (!b)
Msg("Assert: %s\n", strMsg);
#ifdef WIN32
MessageBoxA(NULL, strMsg, "Assert", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);
_asm { int 3 }
EDIT: Alternatively you could try Gwork, which is a tidied up version of GWEN.
I wrote a c++ program using boost library in Xcode. Here is my code. It is very simple.
#include <iostream>
#include </usr/local/include/boost/math/special_functions/beta.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::math;
int main (int argc, char * const argv[])
double a = 100.0;
double b = 100000.0;
double x = 0.3;
double result = beta(a, b, x);
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
But when I tried to build it in the Xcode, there popped up a lot of errors related to the library linking stuff. I noticed that the compiler that Xcode was using was "System Default: gcc 4.2". And all other options are gcc or LLVM gcc (I have no idea what this is).
I later tried to compile the file simply using terminal. Weird thing happened. If I compile it with g++, without any extra flags, the compilation completed successfully and the the program could be ran normally; but if I compile it with gcc, there are pages of errors.
So, to sum it up, while using g++, everything is OK; while using gcc, everything is not OK. Since the Xcode is using gcc, the program could not be compiled using Xcode.
(And I kind of need to use the Xcode because this is just a test program, I actually have a much bigger project to handle and I depend on the debugger of Xcode.)
So my question is, WHAT THE HELL is the difference between gcc and g++? Or how can I change the compiler of Xcode to g++?
gcc is a C compiler.
g++ is a C++ compiler.
You're trying to compile C++, ergo, you need to use a c++ compiler.
Googling "Using XCode for c++" brings up lots of results, but this one seemed fairly straightforward and had pictures:
The gcc command compiles C files (although you can use -libstdc++) to link C++ files as well but I don't recommend it.
The g++ command works for C++ files which is why it worked in your case.
For XCode you have to change the compiler from GCC to G++ for it to successfully work.