Cassandra as a Windows Service - windows

I just installed Apache Casandra 1.2.1 on Windows Server 2012 (It's a VM). I double clicked cassandra.bat and it worked without an error.
How can I run Cassandra.bat as a Windows Service, so I can sign out from cumputer?

cassandra.bat file also helps you to run Cassandra as a Windows Service. You just need Commons Daemon Service Runner Windows binaries.
You will need to create a folder named daemon under the bin directory and extract the correct version (32/64 bit) of prunsrv.exe to this directory (bin\daemon).
Run command prompt and change directory to the bin. Type;
cassandra.bat install
Then run services.msc command to see cassandra(yes, lowercased) as a Windows Service.
You can also download
Datastax Community Edition
which easily install, configure and run Apache Cassandra as a Windows Service.


Docker Desktop installation on windows 7 is not working

I've downloaded docker desktop from the website but was unable to open the installer.
My operating system is windows 7.
What are the steps required to install docker desktop on windows 7?
Docker Desktop is not supported on windows 7, you can use Docker toolbox instead.
Do following steps:
Install hyper-v
Install Docker Toolbox and try to follow link instructions
Run Docker Quickstart as admin.
After following above steps, you may not be able to run Docker Quickstart Terminal properly. If so, follow below steps:
Go to window's Start.
type: Environment
click: Edit the system environment variables
Make sure you have VBOX_INSTALL_PATH (should point to VirtualBox installation folder. i.e. C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox)
Make sure you have VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH (should point to VirtualBox installation folder. i.e. *C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox*)
Make sure you have VBOX_USER_HOME (e.g. C:\Users\Sara.VirtualBox)
Make sure you have DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH in your User variables (i.e. C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox)
Restart your computer.
Try Running Kitematic. If its not working and you are receiving an error about "default" already existing or config.json missing, do the following:
close Docker Quickstart Terminal if open.
open task manager -> processes.
End process VBoxHeadless.exe
add an empty config.json file manually in %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default if config.json is missing.
Run in CMD: docker-machine rm -f default
Run in CMD: docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default
If the above CMD commands failed:
delete folder %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default manually
restart computer
run Docker Quickstart Terminal as admin
folder %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default should have been created properly at this point.
open kitematic. UI should be presented properly
Problem with "default" project
Failure on "default"
As far as I know, Docker desktop require Windows 10.
System Requirements
Windows 10 64-bit: Pro, Enterprise, or Education (Build 15063 or later).
You will need Win10 pro to install Docker on PC, but otherwise you can still install Docker on PC by downloading Docker Toolbox for Win7,8,10. Link to download Docker Toolbox at: /get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/Docker-Toolbox.shtml

Copy files from Jenkins server (Linux) to Windows 2003 Share location

I am trying to connect to a Windows 2003 server from Jenkins box (Linux).
Adding a Jenkins slave is kind of difficult as I am struggling to install Java version to work with the agent. I am also not able to get the exact steps to install ssh server for windows which might solve my problem.
Thanks in advance.

How Can i Run jboss EAP-7.0.0 as windows service on windows 7 x64?

I have installed Jboss EAP-7.0.0 on windows 7 x64 operating system.
When i run Jboss EAP-7.0.0 via standalone.bat file inside bin direcotry it starts without any problem and deployed .war files also work without any problem, but when i try to run serice.bat install command inside bin direcotry it gives following output in console: Please install native utilities into expected location D:\jboss EAP-7.0.0\EAP-7.0.0\..\jbcs-jsvc-1.0
I tried googling this issue. I also tried to follow this link: Failed to start EAP 7 as Windows service. (you might need to login on in webpage to see whole discussion) and this link 4.3. CONFIGURING JBOSS EAP AS A SERVICE IN MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER but the products dropdown is empty (please see the image)
I am really confused and need your help: How do i download and install jbcs-jsvc-1.0 ?
Disclaimer: I didn't confirm this on Windows 7 but it works under Windows Server 2016. I.e. since there shouldn't be any relevant difference, it should be fine.
The service.bat included in JBoss EAP 7 expects a prunserv.exe at one of the following locations:
%JBOSS_HOME%\..\jbcs-jsvc-1.0\sbin\prunsrv.exe or
If you don't have the proper subscription/permission to download the JBoss Core Services Jsvc (e.g. because you just have a developer subscription), you can just download the prunsrv.exe as part of the freely available Apache commons-daemon package:
Download "", e.g. from
Unzip it into the %JBOSS_HOME%\bin folder
Run service.bat install
Instead of an error message, you get notified that your Windows Service has been successfully installed as "JBossEAP7" (unless you already have one with that name).
I am afraid you have to log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal JBoss Software Downloads page, in order to download and install the JBoss Core Services Jsvc package.
After downloading the appropriate zip file (latest version, correct platform and architecture), extract it into the directory "containing" your JBoss EAP installation directory. In other words, the new "jbcs-jsvc-" directory should be at the same depth as your JBoss EAP installation directory.
Then, go on and install the service the same as EAP 6.x

Docker for Windows Server 2016 requires update KB3176936

I want to install Docker on a physical Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Evaluation (Version 14393). I tried following the instructions from Quick Start Windows Server but installation fails:
Error message
The docker installer requires update KB3176936, which I installed then. Even after rebooting, the error message persists and I can't install docker.
I've enabled the Container feature and Hyper-V in Windows Feature Selection.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I've could sucessfully setup docker on Windows 10.
You need to do a full Windows Update. I actually have a PR to add this step to the docs.
Run sconfig, then choose option 6 and then A and A to install all updates. This works for Server 2016 in no-desktop installs as well as with the UI.

Upgrading Apache on Windows Server 2008 R2

I am currently running Apache 2.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2. I would like to upgrade Apache to version 2.4.9 so that I can run mod_security2. I installed Apache 2.2 via an installer. I don't, however, see an installer for Apache v2.4.9. I can find the full Apache Windows binaries on ApacheLounge. I'm just not clear on how to seamlessly upgrade to version 2.4.9. Here's what I'm thinking of doing:
download version 2.4.9 Windows binaries from ApacheLounge
stop Apache 2.2 service
rename C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2 to Apache2.2_OLD
create Apache2.4 folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\
copy contents of downloaded Windows binaries to Apache2.4 folder
set up httpd.exe within the Apache2.4\bin folder as a Windows service
copy httpd.conf file from Apache2.2\conf over to Apache2.4\conf
modify httpd.conf file to point to new Apache installation location
copy any modules from Apache\modules that are missing (and needed) from Apache2.4\modules
start Apache2.4 Windows service
Am I over-simplifying? What steps are missing? I'm relatively new to Apache, so it's possible I'm overlooking the obvious.
