How to execute awk command in shell script - shell

I have an awk command that extracts the 16th column from 3rd line in a csv file and prints the first 4 characters.
awk -F"," 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}'
This works fine.
But when I execute it from a shell script, I get and error
YEAR=awk -F"," 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}'
Error message:
-F,: not found

Use command substitution to assign the output of a command to a variable, as shown below:
YEAR=$(awk -F"," 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}')

you are asking the shell to do :
VAR=value command [arguments...]
which means: launch command but pass it the VAR=value environment first
(ex: LC_ALL=C grep '[0-9]*' /some/file.txt : will grep a number in file.txt (and this with the LC_ALL variable set to C just for the duration of the call of grep)
So here : you ask the shell to launch the -F"," command (ie, -F, once the shell interpret the "," into , with arguments 'NR==3.......... and with the variable YEAR set to the value awk for the duration of the command invocation.
Just replace it with :
YEAR="$(awk -F',' 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,1,4)}')"
(I didn't try it, but I hope they work for you and your sample.csv file)
(Note that you use "0" to match character position 1, which works in many awk implementation but not all (ie most (but not all) assume 1 when you write 0))

From your description, it looks like you want to extract the year from the 16th field, which might contain leading spaces. You can accomplish it by calling AWK once:
YEAR=$(awk -F, 'NR==3{sub(/^[ \t]*/, "", $16); print ">" substr($16,1,4) "<" }')
Better yet, you don't even have to use awk. Since you are already writing shell script, let's do it all in shell script:
{ read line; read line; read line; } < sample.csv # Get the third line
IFS=, set $line # Breaks line into comma-separated fields
IFS=" " set ${16} # Trick to remove leading spaces, field 16 becomes field 1
YEAR=${1:0:4} # Extract the first 4 char from field 1

Do this:
year=$(awk -F, 'NR==3{sub(/^[ \t]+/,"",$16); print substr($16,1,4); exit }' sample.csv)


Writing the output of a command to specific columns of a csv file, unix

I wanted to write the output of command to specific columns (3rd and 5th) of the csv file.
echo -e "Value,1\nCount,1" >> file.csv
echo "Header1,Header2,Path,Header4,Value,Header6" >> file.csv
sed 'y/ /,/' input.csv >> file.csv
input.csv in the above snippet will look something like this
1234567890 /training/folder
0325435287 /training/newfolder
Current output of file.csv
Expected Output of file.csv
All the operations can be done in a single awk:
awk -v OFS=, -v pre="Value,1\nCount,1" -v hdr="Header1,Header2,Path,Header4,Value,Header6" '
BEGIN {print pre; print hdr}
{print "", "", $1, "", $2, ""}
' input.csv
With sed you could try following code. Which is using sed's capability of back reference.
sed -E 's/(^[^ ]*) +(.*$)/,,\2,,\1,/' Input_file
Explanation: Using -E option of sed to enable ERE(extended regular expressions) first. Then in main program using s option to perform substitution operation. In 1st part of substitution creating 2 back references(capability to catch values by using regex and keep them in temp buffer memory to be used later on while substituting it with in 2nd part of substitution). In 2nd part of substitution substituting whole line with 2 commas followed by 2nd capturing group\2 followed by 2 commas followed by 1st capturing group \1 following by ,.
You can use awk instead of sed
cat input.csv | awk '{print ",," $1 "," $2 ","}' >> file.csv
awk can process a stdin input by line to line. It implements a print function and each word is processed as a argument (in your case, $1 and $2). In the above example, I added ,, and , as an inline argument.
You can trivially add empty columns as part of your sed script.
sed 'y/ /,/;s/,/,,/;s/^/,,/;s/$/,/' input.csv >> file.csv
This replaces the first comma with two, then adds two up front and one at the end.
Your expected output does not look like valid CSV, though. This is also brittle in that it will fail for any file names which contain a space or a comma.

Read line by line from a text file and print how I want in shell scripting

I want to read below file line by line from a text file and print how I want in shell scripting
Text file content:
I want to print this as:
I tried the following:
while IFS= read -r line
do echo "$line"
done <printf '%s\n' "$file"
Create a script like below:
while IFS= read -r line
one=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $1}') ## This splits the line based on '#' and picks the 1st value. So, we get zero from 'zero#123456 '
len=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $2}'|wc -c) ## This takes the 2nd value which is 123456 and counts the number of characters
two=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $2}'| cut -c 1) ## This picks the 1st character from '123456' which is 1
three=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $2}'| cut -c $((len-1))) ## This picks the last character from '123456' which is 6
echo $one#$two-$three ## This is basically printing the output in the format you wanted 'zero#1-6'
done <"$file"
Run it like:
mayankp#mayank:~/$ sh
mayankp#mayank:~/$ cat output.txt
Let me know of this helps.
It's no shell scripting (missed that first, sorry) but using perl with combined lookahead and lookbehind for a number:
$ perl -pe 's/(?<=[0-9]).*(?=[0-9])/-/' file
Text file content:
Explained some:
s//-/ replace with a -
(?<=[0-9]) positive lookbehind, if preceeded by a number
(?=[0-9]) positive lookahead, if followed by a number
With sed:
sed -r 's/^(.+)#([0-9])[0-9]*([0-9])\s*$/\1#\2-\3/' readFile.txt
-r: using extented regular expressions (just to write some stuff without escaping them by a backslash)
s/expr1/expr2/: substitute expr1 by expr2
epxr1 is described by a regular expression, relevant matching patterns are caught by 3 capturing groups (parenthesized ones).
epxr2 retrieves captured strings (\1, \2, \3) and insert them in a formatted output (the one you wanted). seems to be interesting to start with them. Also you can check your own regexp with
Update: Also you could do that with awk:
awk -F'#' '{ \
gsub(/\s*/,"", $2) ; \
print $1 "#" substr($2, 1, 1) "-" substr($2, length($2), 1) \
}' < test.txt
I added a gsub() call because your file seems to have trailing blank characters.

how to select the last line of the shell output

Hi I have a shell command like this.
s3=$(awk 'BEGIN{ print "S3 bucket path" }
/Executing command\(queryId/{ sub(/.*queryId=[^[:space:]]+: /,""); q=$0 }
/s3:\/\//{ print "," $10 }' OFS=',' hive-server2.log)
The output of the above command like this.
echo $s3
I want to select the last line only. I need the last output like this.
I tried like this.
awk -v $s3 '{print $(NF)}'
Not working.Any help will be appreciated.
In general, command | tail -n 1 prints the last line of the output from command. However, where command is of the form awk '... { ... print something }' you can refactor to awk '... { ... result = something } END { print result }' to avoid spawning a separate process just to discard the other output. (Conversely, you can replace awk '/condition/ { print something }' | head -n 1 with awk '/condition/ { print something; exit }'.)
If you already have the result in a shell variable s3 and want to print just the last line, a parameter expansion echo "${s3##*$'\n'}" does that. The C-style string $'\n' to represent a newline is a Bash extension, and the parameter expansion operator ## to remove the longest matching prefix isn't entirely portable either, so you should make sure the shebang line says #!/bin/bash, not #!/bin/sh
Notice also that $s3 without quotes is an error unless you specifically require the shell to perform whitespace tokenization and wildcard expansion on the value. You should basically always use double quotes around variables except in a couple of very specific scenarios.
Your Awk command would not work for two reasons; firstly, as explained in the previous paragraph, you are setting s3 to the first token of the variable, and the second is your Awk script (probably a syntax error). In more detail, you are basically running
awk -v s3=firstvalue secondvalue thirdvalue '{ print $(NF) }'
^ value ^ script to run ^ names of files ...
where you probably wanted to say
awk -v s3=$'firstvalue\nsecondvalue\nthirdvalue' '{ print $(NF) }'
But even with quoting, your script would set v to something but then tell Awk to (ignore the variable and) process standard input, which on the command line leaves it reading from your terminal. A fixed script might look like
awk 'END { print }' <<<"$s3"
which passes the variable as standard input to Awk, which prints the last line. The <<<value "here string" syntax is also a Bash extension, and not portable to POSIX sh.
much simple way is
command | grep "your filter" | tail -n 1
or directly
command | tail -n 1
You could try this:
echo -e "This is the first line \nThis is the second line" | awk 'END{print}'
another approach can be, processing the file from the end and exiting after first match.
tac file | awk '/match/{print; exit}'
Hi you can do it just by adding echo $s3 | sed '$!d'
s3=$(awk 'BEGIN{ print "S3 bucket path" }/Executing command\(queryId/{ sub(/.*queryId=[^[:space:]]+: /,""); q=$0 } /s3:\/\//{ print "," $10 }' OFS=',' hive-server2.log)
echo $s3 | sed '$!d'
It will simply print:-
Hope this will help you.

Replacing a field in text file with the result of a system command

Using Bash commands, I would like to substitute field 3 of each line of a text file with the result of a command which takes the original field 3 as an argument. Fields are /-delimited.
Input file:
Desired output file (don't print field 1 and 2, field 3 will be result of Unix command, print remaining fields):
Command to translate field 3 into normal path components:
hostx#lfs fid2path /scratch [0x134000564f:0x4c:0x0]
Maybe use awk to grab the relevant field then sed with command substitution then spit out the new line?
This prints out the bit I need but not sure how to substitute into the lines of the file:
awk -F "/" '{ system("/bin/lfs fid2path /scratch " $3) }' outfile.70.sample.tmp
The following awk one-liner would help to achieve your goals:
awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"; OFS="/" } { cmd = "/bin/lfs fid2path /scratch "$3; cmd | getline path; close(cmd); for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++) { path = path""OFS""$i};print path }' your_input_file.txt
Here we assign the field separator FS and output field separator OFS built-in variables to a slash / in the BEGIN rule before any output is read and processed.
Then we create a command cmd variable based on your desired shell call with the third field $3 as argument.
We execute cmd shell command and pipe its output into the built-in command getline and put it in the variable path.
The close() function is called to close cmd after it produced its output and to ensure the command runs for each record.
Then using a for loop we concatenate the values starting with the 4th field until the end of the line to path variable separated with OFS.
Finally we print out the desired, changed path. Since I don't have the /bin/lfs command installed i just tested it with cmd = "echo "$3" | cut -d':' -f2" to see the results and it looks fine.
For example paths.txt:
Example call:
awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"; OFS="/" } { cmd = "echo "$3" | cut -d':' -f2"; cmd | getline path; close(cmd); for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++) { path = path""OFS""$i};print path }' paths.txt
Produces the result:
Where a specific part is extracted from the third awk field $3 using a shell command cut -d':' -f2. That is the 2nd field from the colon (:) separated string: 0x134000564f:0x4c:0x0.
I hope understand your problem correct, otherwise tell me to delete this
answer please.
If you do not mind using Perl then you can do that very easy and straightforward
Consider the following one-liner
perl -F'/' -ne '$F[2]="add-some-text/"; print #F[2..$#F]' file
It reads the file line by line, and substitutes the filed 2 with add-some-text which has this output:
Now if you want to use a command, just instead of a simple text use a command but with back-stick operator in Perl:
perl -F'/' -ne '$F[2]=`date "+%H:M:S"`; print #F[2..$#F]' file
or qx() which is more readable:
perl -F'/' -ne '$F[2]=qx(date "+%H:M:S"); print #F[2..$#F]' file
Also if you want to pass an argument you can do it as well:
perl -F'/' -ne '$F[2]=qx(echo -n $F[2]/); print #F[2..$#F]' file
and eventually for substitution just use -i.bak before -F. It will create a back-up file like file.bak and modify your original one.
while IFS=/ read first second fid remainder
REAL=`/bin/lfs fid2path /scratch $fid`
echo "$REAL/$remainder"
done <"input.70" >$OUTFILE03

how to pass in a variable to awk commandline

I'm having some trouble passing bash script variables into awk command-line.
Here is pseudocode:
for FILE in $INPUT_DIR/*.txt; do
filename=`echo $FILE | sed -n 's/^.*\(chr[0-9A-Z]*\).*.vcf$/\1/p'`
egrep -v "^#" $FILE | awk '{print $2,$4,$5}' > $OUTPUT_FILE
The final line where I awk the columns, I would like it to be flexible or user input. For example, the user could want columns 6,7,and 8 as well, or column 133 and 138, or column 245 through 248. So how do I custom this so I can have that 'print $2 .... $5' be a user input thing? For example the user would run this script like : bash input_dir output_dir [user inputs whatever string of columns], and then I would get those columns in the output. I tried passing it in, but I guess I'm not getting the syntax right.
With awk, you should declare the variable before use it. This is better than the escape method (awk '{print $'$var'}'):
awk -v var1="$col1" -v var2="$col2" 'BEGIN {print var1,var2 }'
Where $col1 and $col2 would be the input variables.
Maybe you can try an input variable as string with "$2,$4,$5" and print this variable to get the values (I am not sure if this works)
The following test works for me:
A="\$3" ; ls -l | awk "{ print $A }"
