Read line by line from a text file and print how I want in shell scripting - shell

I want to read below file line by line from a text file and print how I want in shell scripting
Text file content:
I want to print this as:
I tried the following:
while IFS= read -r line
do echo "$line"
done <printf '%s\n' "$file"

Create a script like below:
while IFS= read -r line
one=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $1}') ## This splits the line based on '#' and picks the 1st value. So, we get zero from 'zero#123456 '
len=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $2}'|wc -c) ## This takes the 2nd value which is 123456 and counts the number of characters
two=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $2}'| cut -c 1) ## This picks the 1st character from '123456' which is 1
three=$(echo $line| awk -F'#' '{print $2}'| cut -c $((len-1))) ## This picks the last character from '123456' which is 6
echo $one#$two-$three ## This is basically printing the output in the format you wanted 'zero#1-6'
done <"$file"
Run it like:
mayankp#mayank:~/$ sh
mayankp#mayank:~/$ cat output.txt
Let me know of this helps.

It's no shell scripting (missed that first, sorry) but using perl with combined lookahead and lookbehind for a number:
$ perl -pe 's/(?<=[0-9]).*(?=[0-9])/-/' file
Text file content:
Explained some:
s//-/ replace with a -
(?<=[0-9]) positive lookbehind, if preceeded by a number
(?=[0-9]) positive lookahead, if followed by a number

With sed:
sed -r 's/^(.+)#([0-9])[0-9]*([0-9])\s*$/\1#\2-\3/' readFile.txt
-r: using extented regular expressions (just to write some stuff without escaping them by a backslash)
s/expr1/expr2/: substitute expr1 by expr2
epxr1 is described by a regular expression, relevant matching patterns are caught by 3 capturing groups (parenthesized ones).
epxr2 retrieves captured strings (\1, \2, \3) and insert them in a formatted output (the one you wanted). seems to be interesting to start with them. Also you can check your own regexp with
Update: Also you could do that with awk:
awk -F'#' '{ \
gsub(/\s*/,"", $2) ; \
print $1 "#" substr($2, 1, 1) "-" substr($2, length($2), 1) \
}' < test.txt
I added a gsub() call because your file seems to have trailing blank characters.


Cut-n-paste while preserving last blank line for empty match (awk or sed)

I have a two-line "keyword=keyvalue" line pattern (selectively excised from systemd/networkd.conf file):
and need the following 2-line answer:
But all attempts using sed or awk resulted in omitting the newline if the last line pattern matching resulted in an empty match.
Oh, one last thing, this multiline-follow-cut result has to be stored back into a bash variable containing this same 'last blank-line" as well, so this is a two-step operation of preserving last-blank-line
multiline prepending-cut-out before (or save content after) the equal = symbol while preserving a newline ... in case of an empty result (this is the key here). Or possibly jerry-rig a weak fixup to attach a new-line in case of an empty match result at the last line.
save the multi-line result back into a bash variable
sed Approach
When performing cut up to and include that matched character in bash shell, the sed will remove any blank lines having an empty pattern match:
rawp="$(printf "%s\n" "$raw")"
kvs="$(echo "$rawp"| sed -e '/^[^=]*=/s///')"
echo "result: '${kvs}'"
gives the result:
without the corresponding blank line.
awk Approach
Awk has the same problem:
rawp="$(printf "%s\n" "$raw")"
kvs="$(echo "$rawp"| awk -F '=' -v OFS="" '{$1=""; print}')"
echo "result: '${kvs}'"
gives the same answer (it removed the blank line).
Please Advise
Somehow, I need the following answer:
in form of a two-line output containing and a blank line.
Other Observations Made
I also noticed that if I provided a 3-line data as followed (two with a keyvalue and middle one without a keyvalue:
Both sed and awk provided the correct answer:
Weird, uh?
The above regex (both sed and awk) works for:
a one-line with its keyvalue,
any-line provided that any lines have its non-empty keyvalue, BUT
last line MUST have a keyvalue.
Just doesn't work when the last-line has an empty keyvalue.
You can use this awk:
awk -F= 'NF == 2 {print $2}' <<< "$raw"
Following cut should also work:
cut -d= -f2 <<< "${raw%$'\n'}"
To store output including trailing line breaks use read with process substitution:
IFS= read -rd '' kvs < <(awk -F= 'NF == 2 {print $2}' <<< "$raw")
declare -p kvs
declare -- s="
Code Demo:

Bash + sed/awk/cut to delete nth character

I trying to delete 6,7 and 8th character for each line.
Below is the file containing text format.
Actual output..
#cat test
Expecting below, after formatting.
#cat test
Even I tried with below , no luck
#awk -F ":" '{print $1":"$2","$3}' test
#sed 's/^\(.\{7\}\).\(.*\)/\1\2/' test { Here I can remove only one character }
Even with cut also failed
#cut -d ":" -f1,2,3 test
Need to delete character in each line like 6th , 7th , 8th
Suggestion please
With GNU cut you can use the --complement switch to remove characters 6 to 8:
cut --complement -c6-8 file
Otherwise, you can just select the rest of the characters yourself:
cut -c1-5,9- file
i.e. characters 1 to 5, then 9 to the end of each line.
With awk you could use substrings:
awk '{ print substr($0, 1, 5) substr($0, 9) }' file
Or you could write a regular expression, but the result will be more complex.
For example, to remove the last three characters from the first comma-separated field:
awk -F, -v OFS=, '{ sub(/...$/, "", $1) } 1' file
Or, using sed with a capture group:
sed -E 's/(.{5}).{3}/\1/' file
Capture the first 5 characters and use them in the replacement, dropping the next 3.
it's a structured text, why count the chars if you can describe them?
$ awk '{sub(":..,",",")}1' file
remove the seconds.
The solutions below are generic and assume no knowledge of any format. They just delete character 6,7 and 8 of any line.
sed 's/.//8;s/.//7;s/.//6' <file> # from high to low
sed 's/.//6;s/.//6;s/.//6' <file> # from low to high (subtract 1)
sed 's/\(.....\).../\1/' <file>
sed 's/\(.{5}\).../\1/' <file>
s/BRE/replacement/n :: substitute nth occurrence of BRE with replacement
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS=""}{$6=$7=$8="";print $0}' <file>
awk -F "" '{OFS=$6=$7=$8="";print}' <file>
awk -F "" '{OFS=$6=$7=$8=""}1' <file>
This is 3 times the same, removing the field separator FS let awk assume a field to be a character. We empty field 6,7 and 8, and reprint the line with an output field separator OFS which is empty.
cut -c -5,9- <file>
cut --complement -c 6-8 <file>
Just for fun, perl, where you can assign to a substring
perl -pe 'substr($_,5,3)=""' file
With awk :
echo "18:40:12,,UP" | awk '{ $0 = ( substr($0,1,5) substr($0,9) ) ; print $0}'
If you are running on bash, you can use the string manipulation functionality of it instead of having to call awk, sed, cut or whatever binary:
while read STRING
echo ${STRING:0:5}${STRING:9}
done < myfile.txt
${STRING:0:5} represents the first five characters of your string, ${STRING:9} represents the 9th character and all remaining characters until the end of the line. This way you cut out characters 6,7 and 8 ...

Replacing/removing excess white space between columns in a file

I am trying to parse a file with similar contents:
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
I want the out file to be tab delimited:
I am a string\t12831928
I am another string\t41327318
A set of strings\t39842938
Another string\t3242342
I have tried the following:
sed 's/\s+/\t/g' filename > outfile
I have also tried cut, and awk.
Just use awk:
$ awk -F' +' -v OFS='\t' '{sub(/ +$/,""); $1=$1}1' file
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
-F' +' # tell awk that input fields (FS) are separated by 2 or more blanks
-v OFS='\t' # tell awk that output fields are separated by tabs
'{sub(/ +$/,""); # remove all trailing blank spaces from the current record (line)
$1=$1} # recompile the current record (line) replacing FSs by OFSs
1' # idiomatic: any true condition invokes the default action of "print"
I highly recommend the book Effective Awk Programming, 4th Edition, by Arnold Robbins.
The difficulty comes in the varying number of words per-line. While you can handle this with awk, a simple script reading each word in a line into an array and then tab-delimiting the last word in each line will work as well:
while read -r line || test -n "$line"; do
arr=( $(echo "$line") )
for ((i = 0; i < nword - 1; i++)); do
test "$i" -eq '0' && word="${arr[i]}" || word=" ${arr[i]}"
printf "%s" "$word"
printf "\t%s\n" "${arr[i]}"
done < "$fn"
Example Use/Output
(using your input file)
$ bash < dat/tabfile.txt
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
Each number is tab-delimited from the rest of the string. Look it over and let me know if you have any questions.
sed -E 's/[ ][ ]+/\\t/g' filename > outfile
NOTE: the [ ] is openBracket Space closeBracket
-E for extended regular expression support.
The double brackets [ ][ ]+ is to only substitute tabs for more than 1 consecutive space.
Tested on MacOS and Ubuntu versions of sed.
Your input has spaces at the end of each line, which makes things a little more difficult than without. This sed command would replace the spaces before that last column with a tab:
$ sed 's/[[:blank:]]*\([^[:blank:]]*[[:blank:]]*\)$/\t\1/' infile | cat -A
I am a string^I12831928 $
I am another string^I41327318 $
A set of strings^I39842938 $
Another string^I3242342 $
This matches – anchored at the end of the line – blanks, non-blanks and again blanks, zero or more of each. The last column and the optional blanks after it are captured.
The blanks before the last column are then replaced by a single tab, and the rest stays the same – see output piped to cat -A to show explicit line endings and ^I for tab characters.
If there are no blanks at the end of each line, this simplifies to
sed 's/[[:blank:]]*\([^[:blank:]]*\)$/\t\1/' infile
Notice that some seds, notably BSD sed as found in MacOS, can't use \t for tab in a substitution. In that case, you have to use either '$'\t'' or '"$(printf '\t')"' instead.
another approach, with gnu sed and rev
$ rev file | sed -r 's/ +/\t/1' | rev
You have trailing spaces on each line. So you can do two sed expressions in one go like so:
$ sed -E -e 's/ +$//' -e $'s/ +/\t/' /tmp/file
I am a string 12831928
I am another string 41327318
A set of strings 39842938
Another string 3242342
Note the $'s/ +/\t/': This tells bash to replace \t with an actual tab character prior to invoking sed.
To show that these deletions and \t insertions are in the right place you can do:
$ sed -E -e 's/ +$/X/' -e $'s/ +/Y/' /tmp/file
I am a stringY12831928X
I am another stringY41327318X
A set of stringsY39842938X
Another stringY3242342X
Simple and without invisible semantic characters in the code:
perl -lpe 's/\s+$//; s/\s\s+/\t/' filename
-l: remove LF during processing (in this case)
-p: loop over records (like awk) and print
-e: code follows
remove trailing whitespace
change two or more whitespace to tab
Tested on OP data. The trailing spaces are removed for consistency.

Bash Text file formatting

I have some files with the following format:
555584280113;01-04-2013 00:00:11;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
552185022741;01-04-2013 00:00:13;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
5511965271852;01-04-2013 00:00:14;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
5511980644500;01-04-2013 00:00:22;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
553186398559;01-04-2013 00:00:31;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
555584280113;01-04-2013 00:00:41;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
558487839822;01-04-2013 00:01:09;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
I need to have them with a sequence of 10 digits long at the beginning, removed the prefix 55 on the second column (which I have done with a simple sed 's/^55//g') and reformat the date to look like this:
0000000001;555584280113;20130401 00:00:11;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000002;552185022741;20130401 00:00:13;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000003;5511965271852;20130401 00:00:14;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000004;5511980644500;20130401 00:00:22;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000005;553186398559;20130401 00:00:31;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000006;555584280113;01-04-2013 00:00:41;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
I have the date part in a separate way:
cat file.txt | cut -d\; -f2 | awk '{print $1}' |awk -v OFS="-" -F"-" '{print $3$2$1}'
And it works, but I don't know how to put all of them together, the sequence + sed for the prefix + change the date format. The sequence part I'm not even sure how to do it.
Thanks for the help.
awk is one of the best tool out there used for text parsing and formatting. Here is one way of meeting your requirements:
awk '
BEGIN { FS = OFS = ";" }
printf "%010d;", NR
$1 = substr($1,3)
split($2, tmp, /[- ]/)
$2=tmp[3]tmp[2]tmp[1]" "tmp[4]
}1' file
We set the input and output field separator to ;
We use printf to format your first column number requirement
We use substr function to remove the first two characters of column 1
We use split function to format the time
Using 1 we print rest of the statement as is.
0000000001;5584280113;20130401 00:00:11;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000002;2185022741;20130401 00:00:13;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000003;11965271852;20130401 00:00:14;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000004;11980644500;20130401 00:00:22;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000005;3186398559;20130401 00:00:31;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000006;5584280113;20130401 00:00:41;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000007;8487839822;20130401 00:01:09;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
If the name of the input file is input, then the following command removes the 55, adds a 10-digit line number, and rearranges the date. With GNU sed:
nl -nrz -w10 -s\; input | sed -r 's/55//; s/([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})/\3\2\1/'
If one is using Mac OSX (or another OS without GNU sed), then a slight change is required:
nl -nrz -w10 -s\; input | sed -E 's/55//; s/([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})/\3\2\1/'
Sample output:
0000000001;5584280113;20130401 00:00:11;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000002;2185022741;20130401 00:00:13;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000003;11965271852;20130401 00:00:14;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000004;11980644500;20130401 00:00:22;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000005;3186398559;20130401 00:00:31;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000006;5584280113;20130401 00:00:41;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
0000000007;8487839822;20130401 00:01:09;0,22;889;30008;1501;sms;/xxx/yyy/zzz
How it works: nl is a handy *nix utility for adding line numbers. -w10 tells nl that we want 10 digit line numbers. -nrz tells nl to pad the line numbers with zeros, and -s\; tells nl to add a semicolon after the line number. (We have to escape the semicolon so that the shell ignores it.)
The remaining changes are handled by sed. The sed command s/55// removes the first occurrence of 55. The rearrangement of the date is handled by s/([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})/\3\2\1/.
You could actually use a Bash loop to do this.
while read f1 f2; do
IFS=\; read n d <<< $f1
printf "%010d;%d;%d %s\n" $i $n $d $f2
done < file.txt

How to execute awk command in shell script

I have an awk command that extracts the 16th column from 3rd line in a csv file and prints the first 4 characters.
awk -F"," 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}'
This works fine.
But when I execute it from a shell script, I get and error
YEAR=awk -F"," 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}'
Error message:
-F,: not found
Use command substitution to assign the output of a command to a variable, as shown below:
YEAR=$(awk -F"," 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}')
you are asking the shell to do :
VAR=value command [arguments...]
which means: launch command but pass it the VAR=value environment first
(ex: LC_ALL=C grep '[0-9]*' /some/file.txt : will grep a number in file.txt (and this with the LC_ALL variable set to C just for the duration of the call of grep)
So here : you ask the shell to launch the -F"," command (ie, -F, once the shell interpret the "," into , with arguments 'NR==3.......... and with the variable YEAR set to the value awk for the duration of the command invocation.
Just replace it with :
YEAR="$(awk -F',' 'NR==3{print $16}' sample.csv|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|awk '{print substr($0,1,4)}')"
(I didn't try it, but I hope they work for you and your sample.csv file)
(Note that you use "0" to match character position 1, which works in many awk implementation but not all (ie most (but not all) assume 1 when you write 0))
From your description, it looks like you want to extract the year from the 16th field, which might contain leading spaces. You can accomplish it by calling AWK once:
YEAR=$(awk -F, 'NR==3{sub(/^[ \t]*/, "", $16); print ">" substr($16,1,4) "<" }')
Better yet, you don't even have to use awk. Since you are already writing shell script, let's do it all in shell script:
{ read line; read line; read line; } < sample.csv # Get the third line
IFS=, set $line # Breaks line into comma-separated fields
IFS=" " set ${16} # Trick to remove leading spaces, field 16 becomes field 1
YEAR=${1:0:4} # Extract the first 4 char from field 1
Do this:
year=$(awk -F, 'NR==3{sub(/^[ \t]+/,"",$16); print substr($16,1,4); exit }' sample.csv)
