Send a file to Windows server directory in Oracle Data Integrator - oracle

I have a interface which is a database to file Interface.
After processing the records, I put the generated file on a Unix directory path. My requirement is to send the output file to a Windows Server directory instead of Unix in Oracle Data Integrator.
How can I achieve this?

Here are (2) options:
After generating the file on the ODI/Unix server, use an [OdiFtpPut] step to FTP the file to the Windows server
Write a Java app that will reside on the ODI/Unix server, after generating the file, use a an OS Command step to invoke the Java app (using parameters) to perform the file move or FTP


What command to use to transfer file from one server to another server

I want to automate the process of transferring files between servers that is done using WinSCP. Can we automate this process through jmeter using OS process sampler. Please help me with the command to transfer files and how to connect to servers using jmeter and transfer files.
Use Jmeter Plugin jmeter-ssh-sampler for this:
And then can use SCP command to transfer file from one server to another server.
To copy a file from a local to a remote system run the following command:
Commad : scp file.txt remote_username#
Below is the link to the plugin:
jmeter-ssh-sampler link

Run post processing commands on remote server from informatica cloud

I am running a job on informatica cloud. It picks up a file from a server (remote) and dumps the data into salesforce. I want to run post processing commands from informatica cloud on the source file which is present in the remote server after the informatica job finishes. Is it possible?
Files need to present in the Agent installed machine.
Post processing command file cannot be present in remote location.

Ftp saying `R:ICMP port unreachable` with special chars in file name when ftping to Windows

I am trying to transport a file from a Linux server to a Windows server using a cron job to kick off an ftp request. If the file is named archive-2015-11-11-2.tar.gz the ftp works great, however, when I copy this file under the name archive-2015-11-12-00:00:01.tar.gz and try to ftp from my Windows box I get the error > R:ICMP port unreachable. Is there a way I can transfer the file without renaming? I tried both get and mget but neither works.
OS: Windows
Terminal: Cygwin
Colon is not a valid character in a Windows file spec. The error message may be misleading but if you're trying to create a file named archive-2015-11-12-00:00:01.tar.gz on a Windows box that will not work.

How to copy one exe file to client and run this file with server?

How to copy one exe file to client and run this file with server?
I have a large network and i want to run one exe file in totall client.
How can help me?
From PsExec:
PsExec is a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software.
You can execute psexec <remotehost> -c <path\to\executable\on\local\host>

push file to remote system through telent using ruby

I have a remote embedded system which it is telnet-able. How can I download a binary file from the host to it? I can read file from the system, but have no idea how to write to it.
you probably want to do this with ftp
If there is no ftp server on the target system try using kermit
