How to copy one exe file to client and run this file with server? - windows

How to copy one exe file to client and run this file with server?
I have a large network and i want to run one exe file in totall client.
How can help me?

From PsExec:
PsExec is a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software.
You can execute psexec <remotehost> -c <path\to\executable\on\local\host>


How to run a bat script on multiple windows servers at once?

I am trying to run a .bat script that uninstall 32/64 bit agents and re-install 64-bit agents on almost 100 window servers.
Can you please guide me how this can be done?
I already tried running for one server to test
psexec \\<windows server> -u <username> -p <password> <command>
But fails with error
COULD NOT START PSEXESVC service on <windows server>
Do we need such service on all machines? Please suggest any other way?
PSEXEC is not a standard windows feature /service.
If you wish to use PS Exec you will need to install it on all of the relevant systems first.
Otherwise, your options are:
A) Does the "Agent" Installer you are using allow you to install / uninstall to a given server in it's command line syntax?
If so utilize that.
B) Put the Installer in central location (the Active Directory Netlogon Folder is great for this) along with a CMD script to run the uninstall and install processes.
Then Use SCHTasks to connect to each server and create a Scheduled task that runs using an administrative Username and password for that server, and set it to run with the highest privileges, set the action to be the path to the CMD script in netlogon that you have previously tested and nwo is working, set the task to run 1 minute in the future, or on demand (If on demand you then run schtasks again to execute the task).
Work on getting a working CMD Script to run and use Invoke Command to run that command script on the remote systems. As in Option B from CMD options you can keep the CMD script and Agent installer in the netlogon folder.

obtain a full remote file size from a running remote process using command line tools

I need to get the filesize of a remote executable file which its process is running on a remote xp machine.
it must be done from a Windows system using only a batch file and only from a command line.
sigcheck.exe cannot be used because it does not take control over remote files.
I can not even map the remote disk to do that.
Hope someone have a good solution.
thanks in advance.

Run batch scripts on a remote server (windows) from jenkins

I've got a continuous integration server (Jenkins ) which builds my code (checks for compilation errors) and runs tests and then deploys the files to a remote server (not a war file, but the actual file structure) I do this with a Jenkins plugin which allows me to transfer files via samba, it does this nightly.
Now, what I need to do is run an ant command on the remote server. And after that I need to start the application server on the remote server, the application server is started by running a .bat file from the command line.
I'm pretty clueless how to accomplish this, I know Jenkins is capable of running batch commands, but how do I make them run in the context of the server and not the context of the build server?
If Jenkins on Windows, remote on *nix, use plink.exe (which is essentially command line PuTTy)
If Jenkins on Windows, remote on Window, use psexec.exe
If Jenkins on *nix, remote on *nix, use ssh
If Jenkins on *nix, remote on Windows, (update 2015-01) Ansible has support for calling Windows commands, eg powershell, from a unix/linux machine,
Tell me what OSes are involved (both on Jenkins and remote), and I will flash this out further.
The download page for psexec.exe lists all command line options. You will want something along the lines of:
psexec \\remotecomputername -u remoteusername -p remotepassword cmd /c <your commands here>
Replace <your commands here> with actual commands as you would execute them from command prompt.
Note that psexec first needs to install a service, and required elevated command prompt/admin remote credentials to do so.
Also, you need to run psexec -accepteula once to accept the EULA prompt.
Following Slav's answer above, here is a simpler solution for Jenkins (*nix) to remote (windows):
Install an SSH server on your remote windows (MobaSSH home edition worked well for me)
Make sure your Jenkins user, on your Jenkins machine, has the required certification to open an SSH connection with your remote (you can simply open a terminal and ssh to your remote once, then accept the certification. Make sure it is saved for the Jenkins user).
You can now add an execute shell build phase in your Jenkins job which can SSH to your remote windows machine.
Notes :
The established connection might require some additional work - you might have to set windows environment variables or map network drivers in order for your executed commands or batch files to work properly on your windows machines.
If you wish to run GUI related operations this solution might not be relevant (Following my work on running automation tests which require GUI manipulation).
Using Jenkins SSH plugin is an issue, as seen here.
1、i install (MobaSSH home ) on my remote windows server .
2、and install jenkins ssh plugin
3、edit shell eg: go build project
4、it seems something wrong ,
" go: creating work dir: CreateFile C:\WINDOWS\system32\bsh\tmp: The system cannot find the path specified."
I ended up going with a different approach after trying out psexec.exe for a while.
Psexec.exe and copying files over the network was a bit slow and unstable, especially since the domain I work on has a policy of changing password every months (which broke the build).
In the end I went with the master/slave approach, which is faster and more stable. Since I don't have to use psexec.exe and don't have to copy files over the network.

Exec a program on client runs a programm on server

First of all I have spent over 4 hours researching this topic..
So I have a Windows 2008 r2 root server at the moment. I connect to it via Remote Desktop.
Now I want to write a program that runs batch files on the server but the program is at client side, I have tried to setup an SSH server on my Windows server with Freesshd.
That seems to work but the programs are not shown. (In Taskmanager are they)
Is there way (prefer SSH) to let them show normally?
The goal is to restart programs (Gameservers).
My Program will work so: if I press restart server it will connect (if SSH) via Putty to the server to exec the batch file.
Or will start another program with parameters something like this:
Clientprogramm -ip 95.25.115.** -user Administrator -p xxxxxx C:\gameserverdir\start.bat
Simple and fine. I have done that already for Linux and there it isn't that hard.
So if you have an idea that can help me would be nice to know.
Both system are Windows!
If you are using SSH, the tool you need is plink. It's putty for command line.
Or, as indicated in comments, you can use psexec, or powershell, or vbscript, or .... BUT started programs are only "visible" in the same session from where they were started.

How do I remotely get a checksum for a file on a Windows machine?

I'm trying to check, using an automated discovery tool, when JAR files in remote J2EE application servers have changed content. Currently, the system downloads the whole JAR using WMI to checksum it locally, which is slow for large JARs.
For UNIXy servers (and Windows servers with Cygwin), I can just log in over SSH and run md5sum foo.jar. Ideally, I'd like to avoid installing extra software on the remote servers (there may be thousands), so is there a good way to do this on vanilla Windows servers?
You could try the Sysinternals PSExec tool. You would need a checksum utility available on the remote machine. Unfortunately since they became part of Microsoft they don't make any source code available.
Alternatively, you could install the Cygwin SSH daemon on the remote machines and use ssh but that's a bit more involved.
Microsoft has a free checksum tool you could run with PSExec above.
