Full page background image with scroll inside of the div - image

I am looking to make a "10 foot" useable site for TV. Ideally it would have a full screen background image a small header where the nav will be placed and under it a container for the content. I would like for the container itself to have a scroll bar, as oppose to the browser having the scroll bar, since this would lose my top header.
Basically top header should be fixed, an image for a background, and a container that scrolls inside itself. I have tried finding templates or a starting point online for this with very poor results. The best i have found so far is http://css-tricks.com/examples/FullPageBackgroundImage/progressive.php
This is almost what I need except the container overflows the screen so the scroll bar is in the browser. Also this article was written in 2010, maybe there is a better way to achieve this now?

You can use CSS to style the div.
div.scroll {
Then... all you have to do is position that div as you want.


Foundation 5 Data-Interchange background images

I already have data-interchange images on the page - they work fine.
Now that I want to put a background image in a 'div' - I can't get it to work.
What actually happens the image will not show until I put some content in the div. And, of course it only shows enough image to cover the block element in front of it.
I'm guessing I have to some custom CSS to fix this. I actually want the div to be content free, but just show the background image/s based on screen size via data-interchange.
Can anyone help please.
a little vague but from what you have said. have you tried adding the class
on the div with your image in.

how to hide scrollbar without overflow: hidden

So as far as I'm concerned, overflow:hidden does hide the scrollbar, but makes it impossible to scroll (at least scrolling doesn't work in Firefox).
I have a scroller-slider on my homepage - it scrolls automaticaly to lower full-screen elements one by one and then comes back to the first element and starts over. It looks really nice in my opinion, but the scrollbar is visible - I would like to make it invisible. With overflow: hidden the scrolling mechanism doesn't work.
Any idea how to do it?
You can hide scrollbar with CSS - wrap your scrollable container into another one with overflow:hidden and less height/width (depending on scroll you want to hide - vertical or horizontal one). This way helps if you have static container/content sizes. If container can be resized or size depends on content - you will have to use JS solution to calculate container size.

Modal backdrop with opacity causing google chrome to lag

We have a simple modal in our web application.
It's nothing special and is built on twitters bootstrap library.
It contains a backdrop that is a semi transparent white background with position: fixed and width and height set to 100%.
The modal itself, however, is not statically positioned but absolutely positioned, this is because the modal might be taller than the viewport and we don't want scrolling in the modal.
Here's the dilemma, when the backdrop is present the scrolling is far from smooth in Google Chrome, if I change the position of the backdrop to absolute everything is fine.
This has the obvious downside of not covering the entire page.
I tried to reproduce it with a JSFiddle but I couldn't (most likely due to the fact that we a lot more content on our site).
Nonetheless here is my attempt: http://jsfiddle.net/LdC4w/
So, any ideas?
Oh, and I can add that having a background image instead of opacity is not an option.

Workaround for firefox 'background-size: cover' bug

I've got a really simple page which uses a photo as a full-screen background. I'm using the following to define it:
body {
background-image: url('../Images/Backgrounds/Hillside.jpg') ;
background-size: cover;
margin: 0px;
The image, obviously, takes a little while to load after changing page so I've implemented a noddy jQuery $.load() to update the content without the overhead of a full page reload.
Unfortunately, firefox seems to have an issue when the new content causes the length of the page to change. Firefox correctly realises that the scale of the background image has to change and repaints the page behind the content div appropriately - but doesn't repaint the rest of the page - hence it looks like 2 differently scaled images are overlaid.
Resizing the window or causing a repaint fixes it. Unfortunately, I can't take a screenshot as it never shows the problem - presumably it does a repaint behind the scenes.
To demonstrate the problem, visit the site, shrink your browser window so that content forces a scrollbar. Change URL using the menu. Look at the image behind the main content in comparison to the rest of the page (About us and Sample Ads are long pages, contact us/prices are short).
How can I force firefox to do a full repaint? I suppose I'm looking for the equivalent of WinForm's Me.Invalidate(). Is there a better way to do the background image?
NB: I've shrunk/degraded the photo to reduce file size but haven't spent a lot of time on it yet - I know it can be much better.
Environment: FF9.0.1 Win7 Ultimate x64.
Steps to reproduce:
Browse here
Resize the window so that the white content area is just above the bottom of the browser window (Also, it's handy to make sure you can see some land in the background to make the effect more obvious)
Click on the "Sample Ads" link
Click back and forth between Sizes & Prices/Sample Ads
As you do so, you'll notice that anything to the right of the menu doesn't scale but the image under the menu/content does.
There are two solutions I got.
The first is simply on loading new content do the following:
document.body.backgroundSize = 'auto';
document.body.backgroundSize = 'cover';
Just tells it to recalculate the cover area.
The second is very hacky and literally just tells FF to reapply all the styles.
for(var ss = 0, len = document.styleSheets.length; ss < len; ss++) {
document.styleSheets[ss].disabled = true;
document.styleSheets[ss].disabled = false;
That said, I would also report this as a bug to FF (if you haven't already or if it does not exist in the system).
I see a problem which probably attributes to your issue. Add this to your stylehseet:
html, body {min-height:100%;}
You see, background-size:cover; is only covering the body's physical dimensions. Let's say your body is actually only 400px with its content, but your window has 1000px of height. The browser first applies background-size:cover; which it does so for the 400px tall body, then it sees there's 600px more of space in the window, and kindly applies the background further; in this case, tiling/repeating it. By giving the html/body a min-height of 100%, as above, your body will always fill the available height.

WP7 WebBrowser's transparent background (workaround)

It's not possible to set transparent background for WebBrowser of WP7. To make impression of transparent background I want to do the following workaround. I want:
To find a position and size of WebBrowser on the page.
To get page's background image.
Crop it with values what I found on step 1.
To save result in IsolatedStorage
To parse HTML and place <body background="RESULTBACKGROUND">
I think this should be a workaround of transparent background and should work.
For now I am trying just to place any .jpg image (let's say test.jpg) on step 5.
But fail. I have "Build Action" property of file set to "Content". It is placed in the root of the project. And <body background="test.jpg"> not working. Back of the WebBrowser is still white.
What I am doing wrong?
Step 5 is solved.
2Claus: No! Not only from web. I saved both html file and image file to IsolatedStorage and WebBrowser can show image as a backgroud.
Now the problem is that background cannot be fixed. I tried many differrent things with styles. I also tried to add a fixed div behind my text. Nothing works. The picture is always scrolling with a text. I tried to add onscroll event and pass it scrolled value to move the div in an opposite direction, but div is glued to the page :(
Any ideas?
So assuming you're talking about the WebBrowser control, you're forgetting that the HTML only can refer to urls on the world wide web.
So either you need to host your background images on a website, or you need to inject a CSS style that sets the background to either white or black (the two default background-colours of the platform).
For WebBrowser, You don't actually have to save it to the ISO to make changes on the page. You can load it navigate to it normally, and then use InvokeScript to make the changes via custom JS code. It can be a little tricky though, as you will probably need to heavily rely on the eval and stringization. The problem mentioned by Claus is still there - but you need to do some experiments. With the Mango release and SDK 7.1+, the platform support IsoltatedStorage imagesources in the form of is://path/file - maybe - maybe - maybe squared - the webbrowser's renderer udnerstands them too - then setting your bkg's url to such would work. I doubt though, as it could be seen as some minor security breach, etc
I now bumped into the same background fixed image problem. For someone wandering here I solved it placing content into a fixed-height container (div) therefore the container contents is being scrolled and not the html page, leaving background picture "fixed".
background-position:-20px -150px;
Of course background-position and div height is set specifically for a WebBrowser position in page and it's size.
