jsplumb: Creating two connections from the same source anchor - jsplumb

I'm having a hell of a time with jsPlumb trying to create two connections from the same source anchor.
For example, in the JSFiddle below I'm trying to create two connections from the block 1 anchor to the two other blocks 2 and 3.
For some reason it works fine in the jsPlumb example here with the green dot anchors.
Can anyone tell my what I'm missing?
var endpointOptions = {
endpoint:["Dot", {radius:6}],
connectorStyle : { lineWidth: 4, strokeStyle:"#5b9ada" },
connector:[ "Bezier", { curviness:1 }],
[ "Arrow", { width:15, length:15, location:1, id:"arrow" } ],
[ "Label", { label:"", id:"label" } ]
jsPlumb.bind("ready", function() {
jsPlumb.addEndpoint('block1', endpointOptions);
jsPlumb.addEndpoint('block2', endpointOptions);
jsPlumb.addEndpoint('block3', endpointOptions);

A nice guy on Google groups helped me out on this one: the jsPlumb version I included from another sample is obsolete. If I include this one http://jsplumb.org/js/jquery.jsPlumb-1.3.16-all-min.js is works fine.

set maxconnections to a positive integer. that should do it.
and maybe you should make your endpoints bigger and give the connector lines a smallr z-index, than the enpoints, so you won't missclick on the canvas instead of the div
(the canvas blocks almost the whole div on Block 1 after a connection is established to Block 2 check it in your element inspector/firebug/etc)

Change the radius of the endPoint to endpoint
["Dot", {radius:1}],
and connectorStyle's line width to 1
connectorStyle : { lineWidth: 4, strokeStyle:"#5b9ada" }


How to freeze column header in KendoMVC Grid?

I have kendo MVC Grid and I have to set my page size to 50, so I need to freeze the column header while scrolling.
The question is : How can I freeze the column header while scrolling ?
When you create the Grid you should define the height in pixels as well as define scrollable as true.
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: ds,
scrollable: true,
height : "150px",
columns : [
See this working here : http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/uuPW5/
Maybe this is something you were looking for:
Works quite well and you don't have to have scrollbars in your grid which makes it easier to work with.
You simply link provided script to your view and call this method on load:
cacheHeaderHeight: true,
leftOffset: 1,
fixedOffset: ...
Parameters are optional but cacheHeaderHeight improves performance and I had to add leftOffset because of custom grid header borders and fixedOffset because of other sticky elements.
Just set the css of the grid header like this :
.k-grid-header {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
This answer has already been given for kendo UI, but here is how it's implemented for kendo MVC:
.Scrollable(scr => scr.Height(400))
It will give you a vertical scroll bar, allowing the user to scroll through the data while constantly seeing both the header and footer of the table. You can read more about it here: https://docs.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/html-helpers/data-management/grid/scrolling/overview.
Trouble with this solution, however, is that the grid will be 400px tall, even when there is only one row of data. You can solve this like so
.Scrollable(scr =>
if (data.Count() < 10)

jsPlumb: Large endpoint to make touch easier

My implementation has two lists of elements and you basically connect items from the list on the left to items from the list on the right.
We have set the endpoints to be transparent so on the desktop it looks like you just drag from elements on one side to the other.
It works brilliantly on desktop but on touch devices we need the endpoint to cover exactly the space of the element it is attached to in order for it to work as the user would expect. So in effect the whole element becomes an endpoint.
I can achieve this by making the endpoint a rectangle of the same size and anchoring in the center, but I want to anchor on the right/left. If I anchor in the right/left, then my large endpoint is then half covering the element.
Is there a way of anchoring on the right/left but have the endpoint covering the element entirely? Or offsetting the endpoint somehow so it still covers the element?
Thanks in advance for any help
Btw jsPlumb is awesome
You can do it using a transparent image. I did it that way.
endpoint:[ "Image", { src:"/javascript/project/img/c.png",
cssClass:'node' } ]
If you use jsPlumb.addEndpoint() you can add additional parameters for each endpoint you create.
I got this code from one of the examples:
var exampleGreyEndpointOptions = {
paintStyle:{ width:25, height:21, fillStyle: color }, // size and color of the endpoint
connectorStyle : { strokeStyle: color }, // color of the line AND the arrow
anchor: "BottomCenter"
var endpointOptions = {
fillStyle: color // color of the end point
beforeDrop: function(info){
return handleConnectionDrop(info);
dropOptions: exampleDropOptions,
maxConnections: 20,
anchor: "TopCenter"
function InitContainer(el, data) {
elem = $(el);
jsPlumb.addEndpoint(el, {
uuid: elem.attr("id")+"sr"
}, exampleGreyEndpointOptions);
jsPlumb.addEndpoint(el, {
uuid: elem.attr("id")+"tr",
parameters: data // store data in the drain Endpoint
}, endpointOptions);
in this function I added two endpoints to one element, each with different attributes.
The actual problem you have is that the surface of the endpoint needs to be offset from it's position so that it is within the element. This is mentioned in the API docs, but I didn't find an example yet:
You can change the position of a anchor, not only by the documented text (like "TopCenter") But also by a array:
anchor: [0.2, 1,0,1]
Give it a try, You'll be able to position the anchor relative to it's element

highcharts mark points after graph is drawn

I am using highcharts to graph multilple series (several lines with multiple points each on one chart). The user selects one or more points on multiple lines. Data about the selected points is shown in a gridview on my asp page. After some server side logic I would like to redraw the page and put an image, marker, flag or some other way of showing the user the redrawn graph with those points "marked".
I have been playing with jquery to add an image (small circle) to the div where the chart is rendered but not having much luck with the X/Y position of the image within the div.
Any advice or examples on how I might do this? Not married to image in DIV other suggestions appreciated.
I figured it out. I made a function that is called when the point is clicked passing the whole point object. An if statement toggles the marker of the ponit and using the acumulate = true it shows all the points on my curve that have been selected. Likewise if it is already selected it toggles the marker off. Much easier than what I was trying.
Here is my function to toggle point and make them all seleted
function ChartClicked(oPointObject) {
if (oPointObject.selected) {
oPointObject.select(false, true);
else {
oPointObject.select(true, true);
Here is a snipet of my graph. It is in the plotOptions I call the click event
plotOptions: {
series: {
cursor: 'pointer',
point: {
events: {
click: function () {
Hope this helps someone else.

CustomMapper in Cytoscape.js?

I need to create a graph where the edge width is based on one of the edge property values. By looking at https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js/wiki/StyleObject, I see Cytoscape has a discreteMapper/passthroughMapper/continuousMapper but none of these let me access the edge properties. However, looking at the source code there's also a customMapper, which based on previous Cytoscape documentation(http://cytoscapeweb.cytoscape.org/documentation/mappers) would allow me to access the edge properties and return the width based on them. How do I do this? Inside the style object I tried:
width: { customMapper: { functionName: "widthMapper" } },
var widthMapper = function(data)
before the initialization call. By setting a breakpoint to the function I see it never gets called. What am I doing wrong, do I need to add the mapper function somewhere in the Cytoscape object so it can see it?
the right syntax was
width: { customMapper: widthMapper },

turning pointLabels on and off in jqplot

I am trying to turn pointLabels on and off programmatically. I thought it would work something like this:
var data_ = [[1,1],[2,5],[4,9]];
var graph = $.jqplot(id_graph, [data_], {
series:[{pointLabels: { show:true } }]
However, this still displays the point labels.
Thanks for any help!
althoug this post is old I found a solution for the problem:
var data_ = [[1,1],[2,5],[4,9]];
var graph = $.jqplot(id_graph, [data_], {
series:[{pointLabels: { show:true } }]
Instead of using
In my case this worked.
Adding to Boro's answer, if you want to toggle the marker on a single series, it would be quicker to do:
graph.drawSeries({markerOptions:{show:false}},seriesIndex); //redraw single series
Calls to replot can be expensive with a large number of series.
Revved fiddle here.
I think what you want is actually showMarker option. Since in this code you are not setting point labels therefore they will never be show. The showMarker will let you switch the dots of the graph on/off.
Is that what you are in fact after? Otherwise please provide an example that you use.
Here is a sample made for a similar issue.
Please see this sample. There on the button click the change of makers visibility occurs.
This sample shows the solution, which uses the approach presented above, i.e. re-plotting the plot while changing the 'pointLabels' new parameter.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var data = [
[1, 1],
[2, 5],
[4, 9]
var graph;
var isShowPointLabels = true;
function makePlot(showPointLabels) {
graph = $.jqplot("chart", [data], {
series: [{
pointLabels: {
show: showPointLabels
$("#click").click(function () {
isShowPointLabels = !isShowPointLabels;
In this case I couldn't figure out how to use drawSeries(...) to re-plot just a single series, as #Mark shows for marker, which would be a good practice to do here.
