Last byte in Huffman compression - algorithm

I am wondering about what is the best way to handle the last byte in Huffman Copression. I have some nice code in C++, that can compress text files very well, but currently I must write to my coded file also number of coded chars (well, it equal to input file size), because of no idea how to handle last byte better.
For example, last char to compress is 'a', which code is 011 and I am just starting new byte to write, so the last byte will look like:
011 + some 5 bits of trash, I am making them zeros for example at the end.
And when I am encoding this coded file, it may happen that code 00000 (or with less zeros) is code for some char, so I will have some trash char at the end of my encoded file.
As I wrote in first paragraph, I am avoiding this by saving numbers of chars of input file in coded file, and while encoding, I am reading the coded file to reach that number (not to EndOfFile, to don't get to those example 5 zeros).
It's not really efficient, size of coded file is increased for long number.
How can I handle this in better way?

Your approach (write the number of encoded bytes the to the file) is a perfectly reasonable approach. If you want to try a different avenue, you could consider inventing a new "pseudo-EOF" character that marks the end of the input (I'll denote it as □). Whenever you want to compress a string s, you instead compress the string s□. This means that when you build up your encoding tree, you would include one copy of the □ character so that you have a unique encoding for □. Then, when you write out the string to the file, you would write out the bits characters of the string as normal, then write out the bit pattern for □. If there are leftover bits, you can just leave them set arbitrarily.
The advantage to this approach is that as you decode the file, if at any point you find the □ character, you can immediately stop decoding bits because you know that you have hit the end of the file. This does not require you to store the number of bytes that were written out anywhere - the encoding implicitly marks its own endpoint.
The disadvantage to this setup is that it might increase the length of the bit patterns used by certain characters, since you will need to assign a bit pattern to □ in addition to all the other characters.
I teach an introductory programming course and we use Huffman encoding as one of our assignments. We have students use the above approach, since it's a bit easier than having to write out the number of bits or bytes before the file contents. For more details, you could take a look at this handout or these lecture slides from the course.
Hope this helps!

I know this is an old question, but still, there's an alternate, so it might help someone.
When you're writing your compressed file to output, you probably have some integer keeping track of where you are in the current byte (for bit shifting).
char c, p;
p = '\0';
int curr = 7;
while (infile.get(c))
std::string trav = GetTraversal(c);
for (int i = 0; i < trav.size(); i++)
if (trav[i] == '1')
p += (1 << curr);
if (--curr < 0)
p = '\0';
curr = 7;
if (curr < 7)
At the end of this block, (curr+1)%8 equals the number of trash bits in the last data byte. You can then store it at the end as a single extra byte, and just keep it in mind when you're decompressing.


`sum` function not working as expected in case of large strings

In Ruby, #sum is used to calculate
Sum of array
Sum of an array based on a function or condition
Sum of ASCII codepoints (ord) in a string (not char array) i.e. 'abcd'.sum # => 394
The problem with the third one is the following
For the string below,
which is large, (of 1000 characters), the following program doesn't work
putc gets.upcase.sum/~/$/
It works for all other strings of lesser size. The output of the above must be K. But it shows \9
But if I do this
putc gets.upcase.chars.sum(&:ord)/~/$/
It shows K. But the former one gives the correct output for all the other string except the large ones like this.
What is wrong here?
EDIT : Try it Online link
Try it online!
Sum of ASCII codepoints (ord) in a string (not char array) i.e. 'abcd'.sum # => 394
I've actually never heard of String#sum before, despite being fairly knowledgeable in the language. So I looked it up:
Returns a basic n-bit checksum of the characters in str, where n is the optional Integer parameter, defaulting to 16. The result is simply the sum of the binary value of each byte in str modulo 2**n - 1. This is not a particularly good checksum.
And sure enough, using your example input string, that's why we get:
# => 77090
# => 11554
The values are different because 77090 > 2**15. Moreover, 77090 % 2**15 == 11554.
If you use a larger value for n, the (check)sum is what you expected:
#=> 77090

Why should we use OutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len) instead of OutputStream.write(byte[] b)?

Sorry, everybody. It's a Java beginner question, but I think it will be helpful for a lot of java learners.
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len;
while(( != -1){
os.write(buffer, 0, len);
The code above is part of FileSenderClient class which is for sending files from client to a server using and
My question is that: in the above code, why should we use
os.write(buffer, 0, len)
instead of
In another way to ask this question: what is the point of having a "len" parameter for "OutputStream.write()" method?
It seems both codes are working fine.
while(( != -1){
os.write(buffer, 0, len);
Because you only want to write data that you actually read. Consider the case where the input consists of N buffers plus one byte. Without the len parameter you would write (N+1)*1024 bytes instead of N*1024+1 bytes. Consider also the case of reading from a socket, or indeed the general case of reading: the actual contract of is that it transfers at least one byte, not that it fills the buffer. Often it can't, for one reason or another.
It seems both codes are working fine.
No they're not.
It actually does not work in the same way.
It is very likely you used a very small text file to test. But if you look carefully, you will still find there is a lot of extra spaces in the end of you file you received, and the size of the file you received is larger than the file you send.
The reason is that you have created a byte array in a size of 1024 but you don't have so many data to put (or read()) into that byte array. Therefore, the byte array is full with NULL in the end part. When it comes to writing to file, these NULLs are still written into the file and show as spaces " " in Windows Notepad...
If you use advanced text editors like Notepad++ or Sublime Text to view the file you received, you will see these NULL characters.

how bytes are used to store information in protobuf

i am trying to understand the protocol buffer here is the sample , what i am not be able to understand is how bytes are being used in following messages. i dont know what this number
1 2 3 is used for.
message Point {
required int32 x = 1;
required int32 y = 2;
optional string label = 3;
message Line {
required Point start = 1;
required Point end = 2;
optional string label = 3;
message Polyline {
repeated Point point = 1;
optional string label = 2;
i read following paragraph in google protobuf but not able to understand what is being said here , can anyone help me in understanding how bytes are being used to store info.
The " = 1", " = 2" markers on each element identify the unique "tag" that field uses in the binary encoding. Tag numbers 1-15 require one less byte to encode than higher numbers, so as an optimization you can decide to use those tags for the commonly used or repeated elements, leaving tags 16 and higher for less-commonly used optional element.
The general form of a protobuf message is that it is a sequence of pairs of the form:
field header
For your question, we can largely forget about the payload - that isn't the bit that relates to the 1/2/3 and the <=16 restriction - all of that is in the field header. The field header is a "varint" encoded integer; "varint" uses the most-significant-bit as an optional continuation bit, so small values (<=127, assuming unsigned and not zig-zag) require one byte to encode - larger values require multiple bytes. Or in other words, you get 7 useful bits to play with before you need to set the continuation bit, requiring at least 2 bytes.
However! The field header itself is composed of two things:
the wire-type
the field-number / "tag"
The wire-type is the first 3 bits, and indicates the fundamental format of the payload - "length-delimited", "64-bit", "32-bit", "varint", "start-group", "end-group". That means that of the 7 useful bits we had, only 4 are left; 4 bits is enough to encode numbers <= 16. This is why field-numbers <= 16 are suggested (as an optimisation) for your most common elements.
In your question, the 1 / 2 / 3 is the field-number; at the time of encoding this is left-shifted by 3 and composed with the payload's wire-type; then this composed value is varint-encoded.
Protobuf stores the messages like a map from an id (the =1, =2 which they call tags) to the actual value. This is to be able to more easily extend it than if it would transfer data more like a struct with fixed offsets. So a message Point for instance would look something like this on a high level:
1 -> 100,
2 -> 500
Which then is interpreted as x=100, y=500 and label=not set. On a lower level, protobuf serializes this tag-value mapping in a highly compact format, which among other things, stores integers with variable-length encoding. The paragraph you quoted just highlights exactly this in the case of tags, which can be stored more compactly if they are < 16, but the same for instance holds for integer values in your protobuf definition.

How to find all brotherhood strings?

I have a string, and another text file which contains a list of strings.
We call 2 strings "brotherhood strings" when they're exactly the same after sorting alphabetically.
For example, "abc" and "cba" will be sorted into "abc" and "abc", so the original two are brotherhood. But "abc" and "aaa" are not.
So, is there an efficient way to pick out all brotherhood strings from the text file, according to the one string provided?
For example, we have "abc" and a text file which writes like this:
then "abc", "cba", "acb" are the answers.
Of course, "sort & compare" is a nice try, but by "efficient", i mean if there is a way, we can determine a candidate string is or not brotherhood of the original one after one pass processing.
This is the most efficient way, i think. After all, you can not tell out the answer without even reading candidate strings. For sorting, most of the time, we need to do more than 1 pass to the candidate string. So, hash table might be a good solution, but i've no idea what hash function to choose.
Most efficient algorithm I can think of:
Set up a hash table for the original string. Let each letter be the key, and the number of times the letter appears in the string be the value. Call this hash table inputStringTable
Parse the input string, and each time you see a character, increment the value of the hash entry by one
for each string in the file
create a new hash table. Call this one brotherStringTable.
for each character in the string, add one to a new hash table. If brotherStringTable[character] > inputStringTable[character], this string is not a brother (one character shows up too many times)
once string is parsed, compare each inputStringTable value with the corresponding brotherStringTable value. If one is different, then this string is not a brother string. If all match, then the string is a brother string.
This will be O(nk), where n is the length of the input string (any strings longer than the input string can be discarded immediately) and k is the number of strings in the file. Any sort based algorithm will be O(nk lg n), so in certain cases, this algorithm is faster than a sort based algorithm.
Sorting each string, then comparing it, works out to something like O(N*(k+log S)), where N is the number of strings, k is the search key length, and S is the average string length.
It seems like counting the occurrences of each character might be a possible way to go here (assuming the strings are of a reasonable length). That gives you O(k+N*S). Whether that's actually faster than the sort & compare is obviously going to depend on the values of k, N, and S.
I think that in practice, the cache-thrashing effect of re-writing all the strings in the sorting case will kill performance, compared to any algorithm that doesn't modify the strings...
iterate, sort, compare. that shouldn't be too hard, right?
Let's assume your alphabet is from 'a' to 'z' and you can index an array based on the characters. Then, for each element in a 26 element array, you store the number of times that letter appears in the input string.
Then you go through the set of strings you're searching, and iterate through the characters in each string. You can decrement the count associated with each letter in (a copy of) the array of counts from the key string.
If you finish your loop through the candidate string without having to stop, and you have seen the same number of characters as there were in the input string, it's a match.
This allows you to skip the sorts in favor of a constant-time array copy and a single iteration through each string.
EDIT: Upon further reflection, this is effectively sorting the characters of the first string using a bucket sort.
I think what will help you is the test if two strings are anagrams. Here is how you can do it. I am assuming the string can contain 256 ascii characters for now.
#define NUM_ALPHABETS 256
int alphabets[NUM_ALPHABETS];
bool isAnagram(char *src, char *dest) {
len1 = strlen(src);
len2 = strlen(dest);
if (len1 != len2)
return false;
memset(alphabets, 0, sizeof(alphabets));
for (i = 0; i < len1; i++)
for (i = 0; i < len2; i++) {
if (alphabets[dest[i]] < 0)
return false;
return true;
This will run in O(mn) if you have 'm' strings in the file of average length 'n'
Sort your query string
Iterate through the Collection, doing the following:
Sort current string
Compare against query string
If it matches, this is a "brotherhood" match, save it/index/whatever you want
That's pretty much it. If you're doing lots of searching, presorting all of your collection will make the routine a lot faster (at the cost of extra memory). If you are doing this even more, you could pre-sort and save a dictionary (or some hashed collection) based off the first character, etc, to find matches much faster.
It's fairly obvious that each brotherhood string will have the same histogram of letters as the original. It is trivial to construct such a histogram, and fairly efficient to test whether the input string has the same histogram as the test string ( you have to increment or decrement counters for twice the length of the input string ).
The steps would be:
construct histogram of test string ( zero an array int histogram[128] and increment position for each character in test string )
for each input string
for each character in input string c, test whether histogram[c] is zero. If it is, it is a non-match and restore the histogram.
decrement histogram[c]
to restore the histogram, traverse the input string back to its start incrementing rather than decrementing
At most, it requires two increments/decrements of an array for each character in the input.
The most efficient answer will depend on the contents of the file. Any algorithm we come up with will have complexity proportional to N (number of words in file) and L (average length of the strings) and possibly V (variety in the length of strings)
If this were a real world situation, I would start with KISS and not try to overcomplicate it. Checking the length of the target string is simple but could help avoid lots of nlogn sort operations.
target = sort_characters("target string")
count = 0
foreach (word in inputfile){
if target.len == word.len && target == sort_characters(word){
I would recommend:
for each string in text file :
compare size with "source string" (size of brotherhood strings should be equal)
compare hashes (CRC or default framework hash should be good)
in case of equity, do a finer compare with string sorted.
It's not the fastest algorithm but it will work for any alphabet/encoding.
Here's another method, which works if you have a relatively small set of possible "letters" in the strings, or good support for large integers. Basically consists of writing a position-independent hash function...
Assign a different prime number for each letter:
Write a function that runs through a string, repeatedly multiplying the prime associated with each letter into a running product
long long key(char *string)
long long product=1;
while (*string++) {
product *= prime[*string];
return product;
This function will return a guaranteed-unique integer for any set of letters, independent of the order that they appear in the string. Once you've got the value for the "key", you can go through the list of strings to match, and perform the same operation.
Time complexity of this is O(N), of course. You can even re-generate the (sorted) search string by factoring the key. The disadvantage, of course, is that the keys do get large pretty quickly if you have a large alphabet.
Here's an implementation. It creates a dict of the letters of the master, and a string version of the same as string comparisons will be done at C++ speed. When creating a dict of the letters in a trial string, it checks against the master dict in order to fail at the first possible moment - if it finds a letter not in the original, or more of that letter than the original, it will fail. You could replace the strings with integer-based hashes (as per one answer regarding base 26) if that proves quicker. Currently the hash for comparison looks like a3c2b1 for abacca.
This should work out O(N log( min(M,K) )) for N strings of length M and a reference string of length K, and requires the minimum number of lookups of the trial string.
master = "abc"
wordset = "def cba accb aepojpaohge abd bac ajghe aegage abc".split()
def dictmaster(str):
charmap = {}
for char in str:
if char not in charmap:
charmap[char] += 1
return charmap
def dicttrial(str,mastermap):
trialmap = {}
for char in str:
if char in mastermap:
# check if this means there are more incidences
# than in the master
if char not in trialmap:
trialmap[char] += 1
return False
return trialmap
def dicttostring(hash):
if hash==False:
return False
str = ""
for char in hash:
str += char + `hash[char]`
return str
def testtrial(str,master,mastermap,masterhashstring):
if len(master) != len(str):
return False
if (trialhashstring==False) or (trialhashstring != masterhashstring):
return False
return True
mastermap = dictmaster(master)
masterhashstring = dicttostring(mastermap)
for word in wordset:
if testtrial(word,master,mastermap,masterhashstring):
print word+"\n"

Visual Studio C++ 2008 Manipulating Bytes?

I'm trying to write strictly binary data to files (no encoding). The problem is, when I hex dump the files, I'm noticing rather weird behavior. Using either one of the below methods to construct a file results in the same behavior. I even used the System::Text::Encoding::Default to test as well for the streams.
StreamWriter^ binWriter = gcnew StreamWriter(gcnew FileStream("test.bin",FileMode::Create));
(Also used this method)
FileStream^ tempBin = gcnew FileStream("test.bin",FileMode::Create);
BinaryWriter^ binWriter = gcnew BinaryWriter(tempBin);
Writing that sequence of bytes, I noticed the only bytes that weren't converted to 0x3F in the hex dump were 0x81,0x8D,0x90,0x9D, ... and I have no idea why.
I also tried making character arrays, and a similar situation happens. i.e.,
array<wchar_t,1>^ OT_Random_Delta_Limits = {0x00,0x00,0x03,0x79,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x88};
0x88 would be written as 0x3F.
If you want to stick to binary files then don't use StreamWriter. Just use a FileStream and Write/WriteByte. StreamWriters (and TextWriters in generally) are expressly designed for text. Whether you want an encoding or not, one will be applied - because when you're calling StreamWriter.Write, that's writing a char, not a byte.
Don't create arrays of wchar_t values either - again, those are for characters, i.e. text.
BinaryWriter.Write should have worked for you unless it was promoting the values to char in which case you'd have exactly the same problem.
By the way, without specifying any encoding, I'd expect you to get non-0x3F values, but instead the bytes representing the UTF-8 encoded values for those characters.
When you specified Encoding.Default, you'd have seen 0x3F for any Unicode values not in that encoding.
Anyway, the basic lesson is to stick to Stream when you want to deal with binary data rather than text.
EDIT: Okay, it would be something like:
public static void ConvertHex(TextReader input, Stream output)
while (true)
int firstNybble = input.Read();
if (firstNybble == -1)
int secondNybble = input.Read();
if (secondNybble == -1)
throw new IOException("Reader finished half way through a byte");
int value = (ParseNybble(firstNybble) << 4) + ParseNybble(secondNybble);
output.WriteByte((byte) value);
// value would actually be a char, but as we've got an int in the above code,
// it just makes things a bit easier
private static int ParseNybble(int value)
if (value >= '0' && value <= '9') return value - '0';
if (value >= 'A' && value <= 'F') return value - 'A' + 10;
if (value >= 'a' && value <= 'f') return value - 'a' + 10;
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid nybble: " + (char) value);
This is very inefficient in terms of buffering etc, but should get you started.
A BinaryWriter() class initialized with a stream will use a default encoding of UTF8 for any chars or strings that are written. I'm guessing that the
calls are binding to the Write( char) overload so they're going through the character encoder. I'm not very familiar with C++/CLI, but it seems to me that these calls should be binding to Write(Int32), which shouldn't have this problem (maybe your code is really calling Write() with a char variable that's set to the values in your example. That would account for this behavior).
0x3F is commonly known as the ASCII character '?'; the characters that are mapping to it are control characters with no printable representation. As Jon points out, use a binary stream rather than a text-oriented output mechanism for raw binary data.
EDIT -- actually your results look like the inverse of what I would expect. In the default code page 1252, the non-printable characters (i.e. ones likely to map to '?') in that range are 0x81, 0x8D, 0x8F, 0x90 and 0x9D

