Moving data to hdfs using copyFromLocal switch - hadoop

I don't know what's going on here but I am trying to copy a simple file from a directory in my local filesystem to the directory specified for hdfs.
In my hdfs-site.xml I have specified that the directory for hdfs will be /home/vaibhav/Hadoop/dataNodeHadoopData using the following properties -
I am using the following command -
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/ /home/vaibhav/Hadoop/dataNodeHadoopData
to copy the file from it's local filesystem location to the directory that I specified as Hdfs directory. But when I do this, nothing happens - no error, nothing. And no file gets copied to the hdsf. Am I doing something wrong? Any permissions issue could be there?
Suggestions needed.
I am using pseudo distributed single node mode.
Also, on a related note, I want to ask that in my map reduce program I have set the configuration to point to the inputFilePath as /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/ So would it not automatically copy the file from given location to hdfs ?

I believe and have to point to two different and existing directories. Furthermore make sure you have formatted the namenode FS after changing the directories in the configuration.
While copying to HDFS you're incorrectly specifying the target. The correct syntax for copying a local file to HDFS is:
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal <local_FS_filename> <target_on_HDFS>
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/
This would create a file in your user's home directory in HDFS.
Before copying files to HDFS make sure, you master listing directory contents and directory creation first.


Error when uploading file from local file system to HDFS

I'm following Hortonworks Hadoop tutorial:
And I was able to create a directory in HDFS, but having a problem uploading a file from my local system to the directory.
I gave root access to read and write to the user directory with the command hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /user. And then I gave permissions to root with the following command hdfs dfs -chown root:hdfs /user/hadoop.
But for some reason when I'm trying to execute the command hdfs dfs -put sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv /user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013/sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv - I'm getting the error:
put: `/user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013/sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv': No such file or directory: `hdfs:// /user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013/sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv'
Could it be the problem with port 8020? I'm following the tutorial step by step and can not figure out what I may be missing here.
Here's my terminal view:
I can see the directory created in Ambari as well (created it twice):
The first one probably has a typo (upper-case H). But as I see the directory is empty but it exists.
You are trying to put in HDFS directory which is not there in HDFS. Its not with the permissions.
hdfs dfs -ls /user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013
The above directory is not there in HDFS, you are trying to put in the sf-salaries-2011-2013 directory but the directory in HDFS is like sf-salaries-2011-1013. check out the highlights in the below picture, you can find out what you are doing wrong here.

how to save data in HDFS with spark?

I want to using Spark Streaming to retrieve data from Kafka. Now, I want to save my data in a remote HDFS. I know that I have to use the function saveAsText. However, I don't know precisely how to specify the path.
Is that correct if I write this:
where ip_addr is the ip address of my hdfs remote server.
/home/hadoop/datanode/ is the DataNode HDFS directory created when I installed hadoop (I don't know if I have to specify this directory). And,
myNewFolder is the folder where I want to save my data.
Thanks in advance.
The path has to be a directory in HDFS.
For example, if you want to save the files inside a folder named myNewFolder under the root / path in HDFS.
The path to use would be hdfs://namenode_ip:port/myNewFolder/
On execution of the spark job this directory myNewFolder will be created.
The datanode data directory which is given for the in hdfs-site.xml is used to store the blocks of the files you store in HDFS, should not be referenced as HDFS directory path.

Hadoop copying file to hadoop filesystem

I have copied a file from a local to the hdfs file system and the file got copied -- /user/hduser/in
hduser#vagrant:/usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-1.2.1$ bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/hduser/afile in
1.How does hadoop by default copies the file to this directory -- /user/hduser/in ...Where is this mapping specified in the conf file?
If you write the command like above, the file gets copied to your user's HDFS home directory, which is /home/username. See also here: HDFS Home Directory.
You can use an absolute pathname (one starting with "/") just like in a Linux filesystem, if you want to write the file to a different location.
Are u using a default vm? Basically if you configure hadoop from binaries without using the preconfigure yum package. It doesnt have a default path. But if you use yum via hortin or cloudera vm. It comes with default path i guess
Check the hdfs-site.xml to see the default fs path. So "/" will point to the base URL set in the above mentioned XML. Any folder mentioned in the command without the use of home path will be appended to that.
hadoop picks the default path defined in hdfs-site.xml and write data.
below image clear how writes works in HDFS.

How to move Word and PDF documents to Hadoop HDFS?

I want to copy/upload some files from a local system (a system not in Hadoop cluster) onto Hadoop HDFS. The local system can be Windows system too.
I tried with Flume spool directory. It works fine with Text files. For other docs, the mime type is getting corrupted.
Please let me know different approaches to load a file(s) to HDFS.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <localsrc> URI
Check Hadoop documentation: copyFromLocal
Keep in mind, Apache Flume wasn't created to copy some files.
You can also use hadoop fs -put <localsrcpath> <hdfspath>
This is one of the alternative to copyFromLocal
In hadoop 2.0 (YARN) you can do as follows to transfer local files to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -put "localsrcpath" "hdfspath"
where hdfs is the command located in the bin directory.
Java code can do that easily. You don't require any tools for this. Check below, the piece of code that worked:
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
try {
conf.set("fs.defaultFS",<<namenode>>); //something like hdfs://server:9000 or copy from core-site.xml
FileSystem fileSystem= FileSystem.get(conf);
System.out.println("Uploading please wait...");
fileSystem.copyFromLocalFile(false, new Path(args[0]), new Path(args[1].trim()));//args[0]=C://file or dir args[1]=/imported
Prepare jar out of this and run on any OS. Keep in mind you no need to
have Hadoop running in the machine, where you are going to run this
code. If you need any help, add comments.
Don't forget to add dnsresolver line where you run this code. Open /drivers/etc/hosts (for Windows)
hadoopnamenode ip-address
slavenode ip-address
First you need to load docs from your Windows machine to linux machine using filezilla or other tool.
And then you need to use:
hadoop fs -put localsrcpath hdfspath
Following command will also work.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal localsrcpath hdfspath

Issues when using hadoop to copy files from grid to local

I am trying to copy some files from the hadoop HDFS to local. I used the following command
hadoop fs -copyToLocal <hdfs path> <local path>
The size of the file is just 80M. I had run a job before where I had no issue in copying files of size 70MB to local. However, this time I am having Input/Output error
copyToLocal: Input/output error
can anyone tell me what could have gone wrong?
It might be a space constraint on your machine. I had the same issue because the file was too big for it to be moved to my local machine. Once I made space, I was able to perform the copyToLocal operation.
