Error when uploading file from local file system to HDFS - hadoop

I'm following Hortonworks Hadoop tutorial:
And I was able to create a directory in HDFS, but having a problem uploading a file from my local system to the directory.
I gave root access to read and write to the user directory with the command hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /user. And then I gave permissions to root with the following command hdfs dfs -chown root:hdfs /user/hadoop.
But for some reason when I'm trying to execute the command hdfs dfs -put sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv /user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013/sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv - I'm getting the error:
put: `/user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013/sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv': No such file or directory: `hdfs:// /user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013/sf-salaries-2011-2013.csv'
Could it be the problem with port 8020? I'm following the tutorial step by step and can not figure out what I may be missing here.
Here's my terminal view:
I can see the directory created in Ambari as well (created it twice):
The first one probably has a typo (upper-case H). But as I see the directory is empty but it exists.

You are trying to put in HDFS directory which is not there in HDFS. Its not with the permissions.
hdfs dfs -ls /user/hadoop/sf-salaries-2011-2013
The above directory is not there in HDFS, you are trying to put in the sf-salaries-2011-2013 directory but the directory in HDFS is like sf-salaries-2011-1013. check out the highlights in the below picture, you can find out what you are doing wrong here.


permission denied error on hdfs hile using put command

While trying to use the put command to add patternsToSkip file to hdfs, I get an error saying: Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode="/user":hdfs:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x
In the image below, you can see the sequence of commands written along with the error:
I tried to user access as biadmin, root, and even hdfs but with no luck! (details in the image)
please help me fix this error. Thanks folks.
Reason, it is giving permission issue is because you are trying to put the file inside /user directory in hdfs since you are using 2 dots in put statement. You need to login as supergroup to access or copy file inside that particular directory.
What i would suggest is try running below commands to copy file to hdfs.
Target with one dot
hadoop fs -put patternsToSkip .
Giving complete target directory path
hadoop fs -put patternsToSkip /user/<instance_name>/output

Hortonworks Practice Exam - Copy File from local machine to hdfs ERROR

I am currently working on the Hortonworks practice exam and I am getting errors I have not been able to troubleshoot.
During the first step the prompt asks Put the three files from the home/horton/datasets/flight delays directory on the local machine into the user/horton/flight delays directory in hdfs permission denied error. When on the node that hdfs is installed on (root#namenode). I run the simple command:
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/horton/datasets/flightdelays/flight_delays1.csv /user/horton/flightdelays
This returns the error /home/horton/datasets/flightdelays/flight_delays1.csv no such file or directory
When I run the same exact command above from the command line on the local machine instead of running it after being ssh'd onto the namenode (horton#some-ip) I get a permission denied error:
permission denied user=horton access=WRITE inode='/user/horton/flightdelays":hdfs:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x
If anyone has done this practice exam before or knows what this error is and could lend any assistance it would be greatly appreciated. When researching online a lot of people are running into the same issue with the permission denied but im going to assume that on a practice exam that they set up you shouldn't be needing to use sudo for every command you run.
Again any help would be fantastic thanks!!
Try this on CLI
sudo -u hdfs hdfs -copyFromLocal /input/file/path /hdfs/path/
Try this in your command line
hadoop fs -put /localfile.txt /hdfs path
The issue is that the folder you're trying to write to has ownership and permssions of hdfs:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x meaning it is owned by the 'hdfs' user and group. Only the hdfs user has write permissions to that folder everyone else has read and execute permissions only. Thus writing to that folder as the 'horton' user will not work.
You need to run the command as hdfs like so:
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/horton/datasets/flightdelays/flight_delays1.csv /user/horton/flightdelays

hive hadoop permissions not correct

I installed apache kylin which requires Hadoop, hove, hbase and java to work. All things are installed correctly. Now when I try to run this example. I get error after the first command ie ${KYLIN_HOME}/bin/
and below is the error I am getting
Loading data to table default.kylin_sales
Failed with exception Unable to move source file:/usr/lib/kylin/sample_cube/data/DEFAULT.KYLIN_SALES.csv to destination hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hive/warehouse/kylin_sales/DEFAULT.KYLIN_SALES.csv
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask
I have set 777 permissions for both the above path and I am operating as root
Check the hdfs directory permission. If it is not like below, change permission like below
hdfs dfs -chmod g+w /user/hive/warehouse

Permission denied issue in mapreduce?

I have tried the below query.
hadoop jar /home/cloudera/workspace/para.jar word.Paras examples/wordcount /home/cloudera/Desktop/words/output
map reduce is started after that its showing below error. can anyone please help on this issue.
15/11/04 10:33:57 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201511040935_0008_m_000002_0, Status : FAILED Permission denied: user=cloudera, access=WRITE, inode="/":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x
Do I need to change anything config file or in cloudera manager.
The exception suggests that you are trying to write to the HDFS root directory "/" which you (user:cloudera) does not have permission to do.
Without knowing what your specific jar does:
I guess that the last argument ("/home/cloudera/Desktop/words/output") is where you wish to place the output.
I guess this is supposed to be within HDFS where /home does not exist.
Try to change this to somewhere where you can write, possibly "/user/cloudera/words/output"
There are set of default directories to be created before you start using the hadoop cluster,
do, it should show you the directories
$ hadoop fs -ls /
sample user, if you want to run as cloudera you need on hdfs
/user/cloudera -- the user running the program
/user/hadoop -- your hadoop file system user
/user/mapred -- your mapred user
/tmp -- temporary which needs to have permission hdfs chmod 1777
The last argument that you are passing should be the output path of HDFS not the default file system.
As you are running with cloudera user, you can point to the /user/cloudera/words/output. But first you need to check whether you have cloudera in your HDFS and you have write permission by issuing the following
hadoop fs -ls /user/
Once you have it change your command to following:
hadoop jar /home/cloudera/workspace/para.jar word.Paras examples/wordcount <path_where_you_have_write_permission_in_HDFS>

Moving data to hdfs using copyFromLocal switch

I don't know what's going on here but I am trying to copy a simple file from a directory in my local filesystem to the directory specified for hdfs.
In my hdfs-site.xml I have specified that the directory for hdfs will be /home/vaibhav/Hadoop/dataNodeHadoopData using the following properties -
I am using the following command -
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/ /home/vaibhav/Hadoop/dataNodeHadoopData
to copy the file from it's local filesystem location to the directory that I specified as Hdfs directory. But when I do this, nothing happens - no error, nothing. And no file gets copied to the hdsf. Am I doing something wrong? Any permissions issue could be there?
Suggestions needed.
I am using pseudo distributed single node mode.
Also, on a related note, I want to ask that in my map reduce program I have set the configuration to point to the inputFilePath as /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/ So would it not automatically copy the file from given location to hdfs ?
I believe and have to point to two different and existing directories. Furthermore make sure you have formatted the namenode FS after changing the directories in the configuration.
While copying to HDFS you're incorrectly specifying the target. The correct syntax for copying a local file to HDFS is:
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal <local_FS_filename> <target_on_HDFS>
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/
This would create a file in your user's home directory in HDFS.
Before copying files to HDFS make sure, you master listing directory contents and directory creation first.
