Inherit Windows ThreadHandle - windows

I just realized that it is NOT possible to Suspend/Resume/Terminate a thread OUTSIDE its own application (address space?!) if you know the right ThreadHandle Value for it... As far as I guess you will not be able to use WaitForSingleObject either.
However I see that ProcessExplorer is able to Suspend/Resume/Terminate every thread of each process. So I was wondering if there is a method to Inherit a ThreadHandle from a different Process.

If you can get the handle of the originating process, you can use DuplicateHandle() to create a handle to any kernel object within that process that you have access to.


Detect the Application which requests "services.exe" to start a service in Windows

As a part of my project, I get an event notification every time a Service is Started or Stopped using the WMI class Win32_Service through an EventSink.
I want to detect the application which had requested "services.exe" to start a particular service.
Till now, I tried Monitoring ALPC calls between any process and "services.exe" and got a Message_ID every time a process communicates (sends/receives) any information to/from "services.exe" using the ALPC Class. I would like to know what these messages are so that I can decode a StartService() or a StopService() procedure.
Is there any way to detect which application starts/stops a service?
The best way to do this, in my opinion, would be from kernel-mode using the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine/Ex/Ex2 kernel-mode callback.
If you're going to be using PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine, you will receive less information than if you were using the Extended version of the kernel-mode callback (the Ex one). However, you can still query information such as the image file path of the parent process (or the one being created) by using PsLookupProcessByProcessId to get a pointer to the _EPROCESS structure and then relying on SeLocateProcessImageName (undocumented, however it is accessible in WDK by default).
The SeLocateProcessImageName routine will rely internally on that _EPROCESS structure, since information like the path of the process image on-disk is all tracked by the Windows kernel there.
If you're going to be using the Ex version of the kernel-mode callback, then you eliminate the need to do what is mentioned above. The Ex version of the routine is more recent than the non-Ex version.
The routine prototype for the callback routine will be:
HANDLE ProcessId,
As seen above, you get a pointer to the _PS_CREATE_NOTIFY_INFO structure. You can then access the ImageFileName and CommandLine fields to filter for services.exe (make sure you filter properly to not catch it for a rogue copy - so ensure full path indicates its the real one) and gain more insight into why it was being invoked (if such information is exposed via the command-line... I cannot remember - nonetheless, you can still detect its creation and be aware of who spawned it).
To determine the parent who was responsible for the process creation operation of services.exe (e.g. if it relied on the Service Manager which in turn resulted in the spawning of it), you can rely on the ParentProcessId field (under the _PS_CREATE_NOTIFY_INFO structure as well). The SeLocateProcessImageName trick will work perfectly here.
SeLocateProcessImageName is undocumented so here is the routine prototype:
At-least with the latest Windows 10 WDK, it's already available by default. If you wanted to though, you can use a dynamic import with MmGetSystemRoutineAddress.

Creating child process without getting memory rights to parent

I'm trying create child process without getting PROCESS_VM_WRITE rights to parent that way:
Using kernel driver with ObRegisterCallbacks I remove PROCESS_VM_WRITE access when parent try to get handle of starting child process:
In parent process I use CreateProcess function to start child process, but it fails with error that I'm not having rights.
I'm also tried to use RtlCreateUserProcess and this succeed, but as you may know process now running without subsystem and it doesn't work properly.
So for all these reasons I have three questions:
Maybe it is possible to use some ntdll.dll function which will create process properly without writing in child memory?
Maybe it is possible to hook some Nt functions and elevate all write requests during process creating to my kernel driver? If yes, what functions do I need to hook? I hooked NtWriteVirtualMemory, but ntdll.dll checks access right before call it
Maybe it is possible to finish proper process creating myself after using RtlCreateUserProcess? If yes, what function I need to use?
Not getting memory access to parent process is very critical for me as I need to protect child memory from all UserMode tricks, ObRegisterCallback is good for it, but parent process (launcher) is a big hole.
Maybe it is possible to hook some Nt functions and elevate all write requests during process creating to my kernel driver? If yes, what
functions do I need to hook? I hooked NtWriteVirtualMemory, but ntdll.dll
checks access right before call it
Yes, that's all you need to do. Hook NtWriteVirtualMemory, which is called from CreateProcessInternalW. This avoids STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED and in this case all will work.
ntdll.dll checks access right before call it
You're mistaken - nothing like this happens.
In ObjectPreCallback are you checking that the request is from your parent process and removing PROCESS_VM_WRITE only if it is? During process creation CsrClientCallServer is called, and as result csrss.exe also opens a child process. Are you sure that you're not removing PROCESS_VM_WRITE here?
Of course its also possible use RtlCreateUserProcess, but in this case you will be need connect to csrss by yourself and use undocumented and probably unstable interfaces. I think this is not the best way, but it is possible.
And no there isn't another ntdll API for creating processes with csrss connected.

Start and monitor multiple instances of one process in Windows

I have a Windows application of which I need multiple instances running, with different command line parameters. The application is quite unstable and tends to crash every 48 hours or so.
Since manual checking for failure and restarting in case of one isn't what I love to do I want to write a "manager program" for this. It would launch the program (all its instances) and then watch them. In case a process crashes it would be restarted.
In Linux I could achieve this with fork()s and pids, but this obviously is not available in Windows. So, should I try to implement a CreateProcess version or is there a better way?
When you call CreateProcess, you are returned a handle to the new process in the hProcess member of the process information struct that you pass to CreateProcess. You can use this handle to detect when the process terminates.
For instance, you can create another thread and call WaitForSingleObject(hProcess) and block until the process terminates. Then you can decide whether or not to restart it.
Or your could call GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exitcode) and test exitcode. If it has the value STILL_ACTIVE then your process has not terminated. This approach based on GetExitCodeProcess necessitates polling.
If it can be run as a daemon, the simplest way to ensure it keep running is Non-Sucking Service Manager.
It will allow to run as win32 service applications not designed as services. It will monitor and restart if necessary. And the source code is included, if any customization is needed.
All you need to do is define each of your instances as a service, with the required parameters, at it will do the rest.
If you have some kind of security police limitation and can't use third party tools, then coding will be necessary. The answer from David Heffernan gives you the appropiate direction.
Or it can be done in batch, vbs or js without need of anything out of the system. WMI Win32_Process class should allow you to handle it.

how to prevent multiple program loading in windows?

I am developing an windows application.
what I want is to prevent this application running multiple in single OS.
(e.g. we can run multiple instance of notepad.exe, calc.exe at the same time... but I don't want this)
what is the most effective way to implement this?(preventing multiple instance of process running at same time)
I'd rather not use methods like checking process names or sharing some global file as a signal... since it is too easy to circumvent
thank you in advance
This is typically done with mutexs. When your process launches you call CreateMutex and check the return value. If it succeeded then this is the first launch, otherwise there is another instance of your process alive. Your mutex should be in the Global\ namespace. Also make sure to ReleaseMutex when your program finishes running.
What framework are you using? I'm assuming it's .Net? Here's a post from an msdn foum on the same thing.
You mentioned you don't want to check current process names or use a global file.
Lock the current executable
.NET example code:
The FileShare.None keeps any other process (like Windows Explorer) from executing the file until the app closes or the file handle (returned object) is explicitly closed.
Global Mutex
If the mutex is a named mutex and the object existed before this
function call, the return value is a handle to the existing object,
GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, bInitialOwner is ignored,
and the calling thread is not granted ownership. However, if the
caller has limited access rights, the function will fail with
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and the caller should use the OpenMutex function.
Global mutex is the easiest way. To clarify another answer you don't just check the return value you check the GetLastError value as well.

How to override an application's single instance limit in Windows?

I am trying to override the singe instance limit of an application for which I don't have the source. I know that the app is using the good ol' trick of using CreateMutex to determine whether there is another instance running. (If the mutex is created successfully it proceeds, if getlasterror says that the mutex has been created it quits immediately). I found that through sniffing the Win32 api calls.
I thought using Detours would do the trick, but it doesn't quite work out. I am intercepting CreateMutexW, but for some reason, it doesn't catch the first four calls to it. (Again I know what these calls are by sniffing win32 calls and looking at the name of the mutexes). I do get the fifth one intercepted, but the one I actually want to intercept is the first one.
I am using detours through the sample application withdll. I wonder if the problem is that detours is kicking in too late or because of some kind of protection these calls may have. Is detours the best approach? Perhaps using something else may be a better idea?
There might be several reasons for the situation you describe. Here are the most probable of them:
The CreateMutexW call you need to catch occurs within the DllMain
method of one of the DLLs that are imported by the process, and you
are using the DetoursCreateProcessWithDll() function to inject your
code. Detours injects your DLL by placing it at the end of the
process executable import list, and hence all the DLLs that are
imported by the process would be loaded and initialized within the
process prior to yours. In order to overcome this, try using
CreateProcess(CREATE_SUSPENDED) and CreateRemoteThread()-based
injection, although this method raises its own challenges.
The API that is used in the first call is different. Have you tried
overriding CreateMutexExW? Are you sure ANSI methods call Unicode
Hope this helps.
