Start and monitor multiple instances of one process in Windows - windows

I have a Windows application of which I need multiple instances running, with different command line parameters. The application is quite unstable and tends to crash every 48 hours or so.
Since manual checking for failure and restarting in case of one isn't what I love to do I want to write a "manager program" for this. It would launch the program (all its instances) and then watch them. In case a process crashes it would be restarted.
In Linux I could achieve this with fork()s and pids, but this obviously is not available in Windows. So, should I try to implement a CreateProcess version or is there a better way?

When you call CreateProcess, you are returned a handle to the new process in the hProcess member of the process information struct that you pass to CreateProcess. You can use this handle to detect when the process terminates.
For instance, you can create another thread and call WaitForSingleObject(hProcess) and block until the process terminates. Then you can decide whether or not to restart it.
Or your could call GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exitcode) and test exitcode. If it has the value STILL_ACTIVE then your process has not terminated. This approach based on GetExitCodeProcess necessitates polling.

If it can be run as a daemon, the simplest way to ensure it keep running is Non-Sucking Service Manager.
It will allow to run as win32 service applications not designed as services. It will monitor and restart if necessary. And the source code is included, if any customization is needed.
All you need to do is define each of your instances as a service, with the required parameters, at it will do the rest.
If you have some kind of security police limitation and can't use third party tools, then coding will be necessary. The answer from David Heffernan gives you the appropiate direction.
Or it can be done in batch, vbs or js without need of anything out of the system. WMI Win32_Process class should allow you to handle it.


Why is WmiPrvSE.exe holding onto a handle to my Process' Job Object?

I have a .NET application which spawns multiple child 'worker processes'. I am using the Windows Job Object API and the JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE setting to ensure the child processes always get killed if the parent process is terminated.
However, I have observed a number of orphaned processes still running on the machine after the parent has been closed. Using Process Explorer, I can see they are correctly still assigned to the Job, and that the Job has the correct 'Kill on Job Close' setting configured.
The documentation for JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE states:
"Causes all processes associated with the job to terminate when the last handle to the job is closed."
This would seem to imply that a handle to the Job was still open somewhere... I did a search for handles to my Job object, and found instances of WmiPrvSE.exe in the results. If I kill the relevant WmiPrvSE.exe process, the outstanding handle to Job is apparently closed, and all the orphaned application processes get terminated as expected.
How come WmiPrvSE.exe has a handle to my Job?
You may find this blog in sorting out what WmiPrvSE is doing.
WmiPrvSE is the WMI Provider host. That means it hosts WMI providers, which are DLLs. So it's almost surely the case that WmiPrvSE doesn't have a handle to your job, but one of the providers it hosts does. In order to figure out which provider is the culprit, one way is to follow the process here and then see which of the separate processes holds the handle.
Once you have determined which provider is holding the handle you can either try to deduce, based on what system components the provider manages, what kind of query would have a handle to your Job. Or you can just disable the provider, if you don't care about losing access to the management of the components the provider provides.
If you can determine what kind of query would be holding a handle, you may be able to deduce what program is issuing the query. Or maybe the eventlog can tell you that (first link above).
To get more help please provide additional details in the OP, such as which providers are running in WmiPrvSE, any relevant eventlog events, and any other diagnostics info you obtain.
EDIT 1/27/16
An approach to find out what happened that caused WMIPrvSE to obtain your job's handle is to use Windbg's !htrace extension. You need to run !htrace -enable after you load you .EXE but before you execute it in Windbg. Then you can break in later and execute !htrace <handle> to see stack traces when the handle was manipulated. You may want to start with this article on handle implementation.

Is there a way to monitor a Windows service and alert people when it hangs/stops?

We have a service running on a Windows Server 2003 machine. This service watches a particular folder on an FTP server, and when files appear there, it invokes one of a few different executables to process them.
I've been asked to find a way for staff to be alerted in some way when this service hangs or stops.
Can anyone suggest anything with just this much information? If not, what else would you need to know?
Seems we could write ANOTHER service to watch THIS service, but then there's a chance THAT one would stop ... so we haven't resolved anything.
About the only thing that I know if is writing another application or service that monitors if that service is running; something like that shouldn't have any unexpected behavior and stop, hopefully.
Another thing to do is go to the service in Windows, go to its properties, and then go to recovery options. From here, you can set the behavior of a service if it is to fail. The options in Windows 7 are to restart the service or computer, or run a program. This program could send some sort of notification. However, I don't know if any or all of these options exist in Server 2003. This would also not likely work if the service were to just hang, but a service watching it probably wouldn't either.
Also, if you have the source code, you can override some of the service-related methods such as OnStop() (for C#) to send a notification, but I don't believe this works with a failure.
My personal choice would be to set the recovery options just to restart the service on failure, unless it repeatedly fails, which there is also an option for. But just do what you think will work best for you; there isn't really a fail-safe method to do it.
I did check, and Server 2003 does indeed have the same recovery options in the service manager. As the guys said above, you can deal with that, but it is only in C++ from what I have seen; there is also a command prompt way to do it:
sc failure [servicename] reset= 0 actions= restart/60000
I found that command here and you can look at it more in its MSDN documentation. You could call this command from C# or other languages if you are not using C++, or use it directly from the command prompt if you do not have the source code.
Use ChangeServiceConfig2() to define Failure Actions for your service. You could use that to invoke an external command to issue the alert (or do pretty much anything else you want) if the service terminates unexpectedly.
The SCM (the component which handles services) has built-in auto-restart logic that you can take advantage of to restart your service, as necessary. Additionally and/or alternatively, you can configure 'custom actions' to be associated with a failure of the service - the custom action can include launching a program of your own, which could then log the failure, and perhaps manually restart your service.
You can read more about such custom actions on MSDN by looking at the documentation of the structure used to configure such actions: SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS. Once you fill that structure, you notify the SCM by calling the ChangeServiceConfig2 function.
Please don't ask "well, what happens if my failure handler program crashes" :)

What process API do I need to hook to track services?

I need to track to a log when a service or application in Windows is started, stopped, and whether it exits successfully or with an error code.
I understand that many services do not log their own start and stop times, or if they exit correctly, so it seems the way to go would have to be inserting a hook into the API that will catch when services/applications request a process space and relinquish it.
My question is what function do I need to hook in order to accomplish this, and is it even possible? I need it to work on Windows XP and 7, both 64-bit.
I think your best bet is to use a device driver. See PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine.
Windows Vista has NotifyServiceStatusChange(), but only for single services. On earlier versions, it's not possible other than polling for changes or watching the event log.
If you're looking for a user-space solution, EnumProcesses() will return a current list. But it won't signal you with changes, you'd have to continually poll it and act on the differences.
If you're watching for a specific application or set of applications, consider assigning them to Job Objects, which are all about allowing you to place limits on processes and manage them externally. I think you could even associate Explorer with a job object, then all tasks launched by the user would be associated with your job object automatically. Something to look into, perhaps.

Windows Service exits when calling an child process using _execv()

I have a C++ Windows application that was designed to be a Windows service. It executes an updater periodically to see if there's a new version. To execute the updater, _execv() is used. The updater looks for new versions, downloads them and stops the Windows service (all of these actions are logged), replaces the files, and starts the service again. Doing that in CLI mode (not going into service mode) works fine that way. According to my log files, the child process is launched, but the parent process (the Windows service) exits.
Is it even "allowed" to launch child processes in Windows services, and, why does the service exit unexpected then? My log files show no error (I am even monitoring for segfaults etc which is written to the log).
Why are you using _execv() rather than doing it the windows way and using CreateProcess()?
I assume you've put some debug into your service and you aren't getting past the point where you call _execv() in your service?
_execv replaces the existing process with a new one running the file you pass as the parameter. Under Unix (and similar) that's handled directly/natively. Windows, however, doesn't support that directly -- so it's done by having the parent process exit and arrange for a child process to be started as soon as it does.
IOW, it sounds like _execv is doing exactly what it's designed to -- but in this case, it's probably not what you really want. You can spawn a process from a service, but you generally want to use CreateProcessAsUser to create it under a specified account instead of the service account (which has a rather unusual set of rights assigned to it). The service process will then exit and restart when it's asked to by the service manager when your updater calls ControlService, CreateService, etc.

Best secure single running app guard on windows

I would like to improve the way how an application is checking that another instance is not already running. Right now we are using named mutexes with checking of running processes.
The goal is to prevent security attacks (as this is security software). My idea right now is that "bulletproof" solution is only to write an driver, that will serve this kind of information and will authenticate client via signed binaries.
Does anyone solved such problem?
What are your opinions and recommendations?
First, let me say that there is ultimately no way to protect your process from agents that have administrator or system access. Even if you write a rootkit driver that intercepts all system calls (a difficult and unsafe practice in of itself), there are still ways to use admin access to get in. You have the wrong design if this is a requirement.
If you set up your secure process to run as a service, you can use the Service Control Manager to start it. The SCM will only start one instance, will monitor that it stays up, allow you to define actions to execute if it crashes, and allow you to query the current status. Since this is controlled by the SCM and the service database can only be modified by administrators, an attacking process would not be able to spoof it.
I don't think there's a secure way of doing this. No matter what kind of system-unique, or user-unique named object you use - malicious 3rd party software can still use the exact same name and that would prevent your application from starting at all.
If you use the method of checking the currently executing processes, and checking if no executable with the same name is running - you'd run into problems, if the malicious software has the same executable name. If you also check the path, of that executable - then it would be possible to run two copies of your app from different locations.
If you create/delete a file when starting/finishing - that might be tricked as well.
The only thing that comes to my mind is you may be able to achieve the desired effect by putting all the logic of your app into a COM object, and then have a GUI application interact with it through COM interfaces. This would, only ensure, that there is only one COM object - you would be able to run as many GUI clients as you want. Note, that I'm not suggesting this as a bulletproof method - it may have it's own holes (for example - someone could make your GUI client to connect to a 3rd party COM object, by simply editing the registry).
So, the short answer - there is no truly secure way of doing this.
I use a named pipe¹, where the name is derived from the conditions that must be unique:
Name of the application (this is not the file name of the executable)
Username of the user who launched the application
If the named pipe creation fails because a pipe with that name already exists, then I know an instance is already running. I use a second lock around this check for thread (process) safety. The named pipe is automatically closed when the application terminates (even if the termination was due to an End Process command).
¹ This may not be the best general option, but in my case I end up sending data on it at a later point in the application lifetime.
In pseudo code:
numberofapps = 0
for each process in processes
if path to module file equals path to this module file
increment numberofapps
if number of apps > 1
See for details on how to enumerate processes.
