Oracle virtual box acces host and host vpn - macos

I have Oracle virtualbox running on macbook OSX 10.8.2. I have a Windows 8 VM. I would like to accomplish 2 things:
access from the vm the webserver which is running from my host
access from the vm to webservers of my company. I can access these from my host by a VPN, can I access those hosts from my vm via the VPN which is running on my host ?
I tried bridged, host-ony adapters but that didn't do the trick so far.

Bridge adapter should work. How are you trying to access the VMs ? I suppose the IP will be dynamic each time so try it with host name.


Can ping server, but not browse

I'm trying to set up a personal cloud server on a Surface Pro, but I'm running into a networking issue that has me completely stumped.
My setup looks like this: I've installed a Nextcloud server on a VMWare virtual machine that's running Ubuntu 16.04, and I have it configured to use NAT so the virtual machine shares a fixed ip address with the host machine. I've forwarded ports 80, 443, etc. on the host machine's NAT device so requests go to the virtual machine. Additionally I've configured my router to have a static ip address, and I've forwarded all the relevant ports to the Surface Pro on my router.
So the trouble is that I can't connect to my server from my browser. HOWEVER, I am able to ping my server, I can SSH in to both the virtual machine and the host machine from the internet, and I am able to access the server in my browser from any computer that's connected to LAN, no problem.
This all sounds like it could be a firewall issue to me (maybe port 80 is blocked on the host machine for some reason??) but the fact that I have no trouble accessing the server from LAN is confusing the issue, and also deactivating the firewall on the host machine doesn't solve the issue.
Any thoughts?
I solved the problem! It turns out the NAT device was improperly configured to use its own DHCP service rather than using the local DHCP service. Basically it was assigning a LAN IP address to the virtual machine, while everything else was configured to expect that the virtual machine's IP address was fixed at

Cannot ping ubuntu VM from mac os

I have an ubuntu VM running in VirtualBox. I am trying to ping it, but cannot. I have the network setting changed from 'NAT' to 'bridged'.
here is the screenshot of the ip address info:
and here is the result of a ping....
i did some google searching, but have not been able to pinpoint the issue yet.... thanks
When you use NAT mode, you will never ping the virtual machine from the host machine because it is the NAT restriction. But when you use the bridged mode, you should be able to ping the virtual machine because it will create a direct path as if both of the machine directly connected. If the ping is fail, perhaps there is some program or application that are blocking the network like a firewall.

From Win 8 host machine can't access Oracle on VMWARE using WS 2008

I've just created a vmware virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 and intalled Oracle XE 11g.
On the host system (Windows 8.1), I am trying to connect to this Oracle Server through SQL Developer, without any success. The error I get is:
Status: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
The network is set to Host-only: A private network shared with the host, and I can ping to it from the host machine.
Also I have already disabled the firewall in the VM.
Can anyone help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
Faced the same problem, I was need to connect from host to vm oracle database, my solution below
Use network bridge adapter om VM
Set static IP address on VM
Disable vm firewall or forward port (1521)
Stop database instance, listener etc
Edit ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and
RACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora to change localhost on
static ip
Start database

How to access Oracle DB in VirtualBox from Host (windows)

I installed VirtualBox with a Oracle VM.
Now I simply try to access the Oracle Database of the VM from the host environment, but it doesn't work.
ipconfig on my host shows an IP number, but when I try to open this (Port 80), i get the content of localhost of the host system instead of the content of the server in the VirtualBox.
Which is the proper network setting ?
- Use Host-Only Networking on your guest machine
- See if the server (WEB, DB etc.) is running.
- Mouse-over network icon on status bar to note ip address
- From your host browser send a request to your quest server
I usually do a bridged connection so the vm will pick up an ip address from my router's dhcp; if that option is not available, your other option is to employ port forwarding where you assign an unused port on the host machine to forward to the port on the vm. The virtual box manual has a lot of useful info on both of these options. Let us know if you need additional info or examples.
Turn off the Windows Firewall on the Virtual PC. I've just fixed my HTTP request from Host to VM by turning off the firewall.
In the virtual box go to the settings->Network->Adapter and select Bridge Adapter for (Attached to) field. Don't forget to turn off your firewall in the machine.

Is it possible to make localhost work through a Virtual Machine?

I am using a Macbook running 10.6. I am using VMware Fusion to run an Ubuntu Server minimal virtual machine. Ubuntu Server is running your basic LAMP stack.
I do my development in Mac OS. I have VMware share a directory from Mac OS to the Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Server uses that directory for apache.
I access my server is Mac OS in firefox using the ip address of my virtual machine. This is a pain because I have to find out what the ip address is of my virtual machine each time I boot it up. I could set a static ip address but this causes problems if I move my Macbook from network to network.
Is there any configuration (NAT or Bridged or something) that would let me access my virtual machine from the Mac OS using localhost or something similar?
NAT should be OK. Your VM is on a different subnet that way, you can give it the static IP you like, and it won't interfere with the (dynamic) IP on your real network.
What you are looking for is the host-only networking adapter as opposed to the NAT or bridged adapters. This creates a network interface on the virtual machine that only connects the actual host. It is perfectly safe to set an IP address for this interface that does not change, and there will be no tricky NAT getting in the way. It's a little network that only exists for communication between the real host and the virtual host. It's exact purpose is so you can do development like this. I use the same feature on VirtualBox all the time, but VMWare has it as well.
Now, with a host-only adapter you might be worried that your VM now has no access to the Internet. The answer is simple. Just make two adapters. eth0, eth1. Make one of them a bridged or NAT adapter for Internet access. Make the other one the host-only adapter for your development. Most modern Linux distros will automatically route accordingly. I know for a fact that Ubuntu does, because I do it all the time. Again, this is with VirtualBox. Your mileage may vary with VMWare, but I can't imagine it's that different.
I'm using Virtual Box and typing in the computer local address (for instance instead of localhost did the trick.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question but why not just add an entry in your hosts file for the virtual machine? That way you can access it with some arbitrarily assigned name (like testmachine) instead of the IP.
This is the first tutorial I found through google:
This would work best if your VM has a static IP, BTW (either no DHCP or configure the DHCP server to give that MAC the same IP every time). That way you don't have to worry about changing the hosts entry every time the DHCP server gives the VM a different IP.
