Ruby Test script structure advise - ruby

I am writing an automated test suit for a program that has mailing lists. I am trying to decide on the best practice for structuring the tools that I am going to use. The tests need to send email to a variety of email addresses then use the application to perform an action (approve, reject, discard). Then the script finally needs to check its mail and compare the email it has received against the list of emails it expects to receive. Here is the list of tools I am using.
Selenium Webdriver,
What I wanted to do was to treat everything as a dependency (in rake) of the last step(checking the email). My problem came when tried to make every email unique. I plan to embed the time the test was run at and a number assigned to each email in the test into the email (this number will be the same for each run of the test so I can identify where it should go). I need a way to pass the time stamp from the beginning of the test to the end of the test.
The solutions I see to my problems are to get rid of rake (because I can't or don't know how to pass a variable between tasks) or to write to a file then access the file in the seperate tasks.
Any recommendations?

I would advise setting an ENV variable in your Rakefile before each test is run, like this:
You can then reference the variable anywhere in your scripts and Rakefile until you reset it again like any other Ruby variable:
assert_equal ENV['TIMESTAMP_CONTROL'], #email_response_text


Annoying Guard notification when testing

Recently I made a simple ruby application and have been using minitest to test it.
Following the advice of the Head First Ruby book, I automated this testing using Rake(I'll write what it told me to put in the Rakefile at the end of this post, in case that helps). The test seems to run fine (everything passes in a way I would expect it to), but I always get this notification at the end of it all:
rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/guard-2.14.0/lib/guard/notifier.rb:28: warning: instance variable #notifier not initialized
Testing things manually by telling ruby to include which files I want, does not have this issue, only when I use "rake test" to test things.
As far as I can tell, this is related to when I set up Guard when I was following Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial, at the end of chapter 3. I followed the directions for setting that up (correctly, as far as I can tell), and this was all in a completely different folder(ultimately my ruby and rails projects do have the same parent folder that they sit in, but are themselves in completely separate ruby_projects and rails_projects folders). If possible, I would like to stop this notification on my ruby application that I am testing. Is there a good way to do this?
Contents of the Rakefile I am using, if that helps:
require "rake/testtask" do |t|
t.libs << "lib"
My test file requires minitest/autorun, and the file for the application that I am testing, then has the normal tests
Seems like there's some weird conflict...
The reason is that Guard::Notifier.connect isn't connected. Normally, when you run guard, Guard.setup is called which does this.
If you're not using guard (e.g. interactively), then calling the following from your Rakefile should work around the problem:
Guard::Notifier.connect(notify: false, silent: true)
This will initialize the variable.
For a faster response, always report such issues on the project page on Github. If you can share the project where this occurs, maybe a better fix is possible. (It's best to provide a repository, since it really speeds up fixing things and often errors like this are very hard to simulate without the exact code).

Questions about automation testing using Testcomplete

I'm working on a project regarding website test automation and I hope someone can help me with this question?
How would you recommend setting up some automated test processes that would not constantly need to be updated to test each of the core flows to test the following for a website:
sign in with facebook
save an item
delete an item
test that the few key pages (both logged in and logged out) are working like
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if I understand well.
But here is an instance of project setup.
Split your KeywordTest section into two folders:
A Test folder: it should contain all the KeywordTests that are called when you run your testsuite. Each of those KeywordTests should test a specific feature (Verify_Login_Fail, Verify_Login_Success...)
A Library folder: it should contain all your KeywordTests that are reusable and that might be used often from your Test folder KeywordTests. It's a kind of function library. It avoids code repetition and is easier to maintain.
For instance, you can create a KeywordTest that takes as parameter a Login and Password and that proceeds with the actions on your website to log a user in.
Store the sensible data (that might change often) in file or a database rather than hardcode it. For instance a file Login.csv where you store all the combination of login and password you want to test.
You have to write all the steps into in a class which should be in your library package and then you have to call all the methods from your test class of test package. You should use testng in your test class then create a testsuit of test class and run the script.

Open mail client from cli ruby script like a mailto link

I have written a ruby cli script which takes a CSV and generates a PDF report, based on said CSV. I'm fairly new to Ruby, so while it's probably not the greatest code, I'm pretty proud of what I've made.
At any rate, what I would really like to do now, is make my script email said PDF as an attachment. I'm sure there is a library that understands SMTP and can send this on my behalf, but I would like to modify the email body, and review the attachments before sending. So it seems like the simplest thing would be to have the script start a new email in my system default mail client, providing the recipient, subject, and boiler plate text, and attaching the generated file, kind of like a mailto: link in a web page (does mailto support attachments?).
Seems like there could be a system command that does this, completely unrelated to Ruby, which I could have my Ruby script call. That would be fine. If it's platform dependent, I'm on OSX, but I move around, so am interested in Windows and Linux solutions, too.
I guess plan B would be a way to jam a simple CLI editor into my Ruby script, to let me edit the email text, and then use an SMTP library to send the email. That seems harder, unless it's already been done.
Actually you can execute any ruby file from command-line interface (CLI) using console_runner gem. If you already have written code you can run it from command line. All you need is to add annotations (YARD-like syntax) to your Ruby code and then execute it from command line:
$ c_run /path/your_file.rb say_hello
# #runnable
class MyClass
# #runnable
def say_hello
puts 'Hello!'

How should I test Mailman app

I'm trying to write some specs for my application aimed to process and resend incoming emails. It's built with Mailman App. I didn't find any good examples on how to do that. What am I actually trying is to create email (with Mail gem) and process it with Mailman. But there is only option of using stding for testing.
So, are there any examples of specs written to test the mailman apps?
I think it is useful to extract as much as possible out of your Mailman::Application block and put it into your app somewhere. Then test that processing.
This Railscast (pro-only, sorry) has an example of "An Alternative to Routing" that is pretty good.
Basically instead of doing something like: do
subject(/Update (\d+)/) do |ticket_id|
you just say: do
default do
Then the MailProcessor class would handle reading the message and calling the right other functions in your app (depending on the message's subject, recipient, sender, etc.) I would then RSpec test the MailProcessor class for doing the right thing.
This is similar to how I approach testing rake tasks (put the functionality in a lib file that you test, and have the rake task just call the lib file.) Then you can be fairly certain that the functionality is being tested properly. If you were paranoid about the rake task, you can try an approach like:

Running rspec against multiple targets

I've written an rspec test using Watir against a web application and it's running fine. However, I now want to be able to run this test against the web application running on different domain names.
My initial thought was that I'd be able to pass a value to spec at the command line to set a variable within my script, but I can't see any easy method of doing this. So my second thought was that I might need to add an array of domains into my script and have it test all of them - but I don't always want to test every domain, and the domains are constantly changing as we add and remove sites to be tested.
What are my options for allowing the choice of targets I want?
You can set an environment variable, as those get passed on. RSpec uses this for its rake tasks, btw.
In your spec you can do something like:
before { #host = ENV['TARGET'] || '' }
You can run it like this: spec .
Or: rake spec
