Questions about automation testing using Testcomplete - testcomplete

I'm working on a project regarding website test automation and I hope someone can help me with this question?
How would you recommend setting up some automated test processes that would not constantly need to be updated to test each of the core flows to test the following for a website:
sign in with facebook
save an item
delete an item
test that the few key pages (both logged in and logged out) are working like
Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure if I understand well.
But here is an instance of project setup.
Split your KeywordTest section into two folders:
A Test folder: it should contain all the KeywordTests that are called when you run your testsuite. Each of those KeywordTests should test a specific feature (Verify_Login_Fail, Verify_Login_Success...)
A Library folder: it should contain all your KeywordTests that are reusable and that might be used often from your Test folder KeywordTests. It's a kind of function library. It avoids code repetition and is easier to maintain.
For instance, you can create a KeywordTest that takes as parameter a Login and Password and that proceeds with the actions on your website to log a user in.
Store the sensible data (that might change often) in file or a database rather than hardcode it. For instance a file Login.csv where you store all the combination of login and password you want to test.

You have to write all the steps into in a class which should be in your library package and then you have to call all the methods from your test class of test package. You should use testng in your test class then create a testsuit of test class and run the script.


Reuse Cucumber steps across features files in Cypress

Is there a way to reuse steps in our features from "other" step files?
I.e. I have a project with login page, and topbar that I want to test after login:
Got LoginPage.feature and LoginPage.js step file, everything works fine, all tests run correctly.
I would like reuse steps “Given user open TestPage login page” and “When user login using valid credentials” from LoginPage.js in TopBarCmp.feature:
But it always ends with error:
Long time ago I used Specflow(Cucumber for .net) and it was normal to ruse steps with same singatures across all features.
What is correct way of handling that kind of situations, where we would like to use some part that was already automated?
Looks like you can put them either on cypress/integration/common or in cypress/support/step_definitions and they will be available to share across features
this article explains it better

Common asserts in any automation project

Can anyone briefly explain what are the common asserts to consider in any automation project please. Whether it might be an in-house or public web application. For example presently i am using selenium (java) to automate an eCommerce web application. As this is my first website to automate, i am running out of ideas where i can verify things expect few which i know mentioned below:
1.Verify each page Title
2.Verify a button, text, link, image, custom text etc
Apart from these is there any thing else i can verify? please feel free to correct my question and if you have worked on various automation projects which areas did you add asserts to verify or validate something on a webpage.
basically, you do automation to decrease the execution time of regression cycles by automating the Test Cases relate to the functionality of the application. so, first develop test cases, using test design techniques like ECP, BVA etc.
Each test case must have an Assertion called expected result or functionality (otherwise it won't be called a Test case).
This assertion can be anything like,
Whether login successful after giving valid credentials
Showing an error message after entering wrong credentials etc.
Selenium helps us to automate web interactions (navigations, clicks, enter texts etc.) and don't perform any assertions for you.
Assertions are available by frameworks like JUnit, TestNG (in Java) with Assertions class. There is built-in support from programming languages like assert keyword in python & Java (
So, whatever you mentioned in your question like common assertions (Verify each page Title etc.), those are just web interactions. they don't decide whether a Test is PASS or FAIL. It is you who define the criteria whether a Test is PASS/FAIL.
For example, there is a test case related to successful login.
here, you automate web interactions like navigate to login page, enter credentials, click Submit button.
Then to validate whether you successfully logged in or not, you look for a web element in the Home Page of the user logged in (like, welcome user) in normal scenario. In Automation, you try to find the text welcome user using webelement. Then you use Assertions provided by frameworks, to assert whether the expected message is present in the webpage like
Assertions.assertEqual(expected_message, actual_message); // just an example.
If expected_message and actual_message is same, then the method don't throw any exception, which results in marking the testcase as PASS by the framework
If expected_message and actual_message is NOT same, then AssertionError is raised by the method assertEqual, which results in marking the test case as FAIL by the framework.

One set of tests for few projects with different parameters

i'm using Protractor and Jasmine and would like to organize my E2E test in the best way.
There is a set of the tests for check registration function (registration with right credentials, register as existed user, etc.).
I need to run those tests in three different projects. Tests are same, but credentials are different. For one project it could be 3 fields in the registration form, in another one - 6.
Now everything is organized in a very complicated way:
each single test is made not as "it" but as a function
there is a function which contains all tests (functions which test)
there is a file with Describe function in each
in that file there is one "it" which call the function which contains all tests
there is test suite for each project
I believe that there is a practice how to organize everything in a right way, that each test was in own "it". So will be happy to see some links or advice.
Thank you in advance!
Since it's a broad question, i will redirect you to few links. You should probably be looking at page-object model of Protractor. It will help you simplify and set a standard to organise your tests in a way that is readable and easy to use. Here's the link to it as described by Protractor team.
page-object model
However if you want to know why do we need to use such a framework, there are many shortcomings to it, which can be solved by using such framework. A detailed explanation is here
shortcomings of protractor and how to overcome them
EDIT: Based on your comments i feel that you are trying make a unified file/function that can cater to all the suites that will be using it. In order to handle such things try adding a generalised function (to fill form fields in your case), export that function and then require it into your test suites. Here's a sample link to it -
Exports and require
Hope this helps.

Multiple feature inside single feature file

My current Cucumber file looks like this:
Feature: Test Online application Page
Scenario: Visit application home page and test links
Scenario: Visit application Login and Validate login
So now I would like to add few more scenarios may be for API testing in the same file. So i was thinking to create a new Feature for that instead of using the Feature: Test Online application Page. This way i dont need to create a separate feature file for API testing.
Feature: Test Online application Page
Scenario: Visit application home page and test links
Scenario: Visit application Login and Validate login
Feature: Test application API's
Scenario: validate Login API
Is it possible to have multiple features within a single feature file and is that a good practice? I just need to test one API and I will run API tests along with online tests. I will still separate them using #online and #api tags.
It is not possible to have multiple feature inside single feature file. If you create multiple feature inside single feature file, you will get Gherkin Parser exception while running cucumber scenarios. So the answer is NO.
C:/Users/ABC/RubymineProjects/XYZ.feature: Lexing error on line 47: 'Feature test google'. See for more information. (Cucumber::Core::Gherkin::ParseError)
Well, it is obviously not a good practice. It is best to put a single feature in a feature file. You should create new feature files for doing this. But you can add any number of scenarios in a single feature file.
The corresponding steps may or may not be in a single step file.
In BDD, cucumber is designed for the non-technical audience as well.
Writing scenario and steps definition in Gherkin Language or simple English is must support other audience.
All scenario should be executed Independently. No dependency on other scenario or feature file
In my past experience, Adding more complexity will add more flaky tests and High Maintenance cost
Agree with #philip John
You can create a text file with the features
and when executing the file it adds all the files in the order defined in the file.
In this example, the file was created in the project root. file content
"scripts": {
"test:company": "cucumber-js #order-execution.txt --tags \"#company\" -f json:result/records/company.json",
this is the same as riding this way
"scripts": {
"company": "cucumber-js ./features/records/country.feature ./features/records/company.feature --tags \"#company\" -f json:result/records/company.json",

data factory for cucumber, watir

We have a isolated test automation team responsible for automating only watir+cucumber functional test cases. Their code base is not attached with the rails app that other developers are working on, but kept separate. We have automated several test cases so far, and now what problem we have is, some (watir/cucumber specs)test cases require some data to be preexist into db, so it(testcase) should focus only on the problem stmt, and not creating any data-require itself.
Example, say if it has to check whether rating is working for a post, it requires a post object should preexist and it just checks rating. And not creating 1st post object and then checking its rating.
What are the best approaches here? Like we have fixtures and factory-girl for rails unit testing, what is there for cucumber specs? Or Shall we make use of features only here? These testers may not have idea of all models that exist, do they be aware of them so to make use of fixtures by calling Rails-Model interface.
My idea was, when we write feature file, it should not point or talk about any Model which looks meta stuff. Watir/specs test cases should only be aware of "Web-application"/browser only as the interface to talk/deal with the application. They should not know any other interface(fixture/Models). Hence they should create their own data on their own, by making use of the single interface they know.
Again, what I want to know that, is there any ruby lib/code, given table names, column names, and values(all most like fixtures yml), along with db parameters. It will simply insert them into db, without context of rails environment. And so testers those are having their environment isolated from rails web developers would able to work on their own. Rails fixtures, or factory girls seem to be well coupled with rails. Or am I incorrect?
Like Chirantan said you could use Factory girl with cucumber.
As require your factories in test unit or RSpec, you can do the same in the cucumber's env.rb file or any custom config file.
When using cucumber, the Given statement sets the test situation up:
Given I have a basic user with a password
and the When statement triggers the test:
When the user logs in
and the Then statement checks the test results
Then they see the basic menu
The data gets loaded in the Given statement.
