Constants in Go established during init - go

In my Go program, there are configuration values that I want to be constant for the duration of program execution, but that I want to be able to change at the deployment site. As far as I can tell, there's no way to achieve this with the const keyword, since (again, as far as I can tell) its value must be a constant specified at compile time. This means that the only way to achieve what I want would be to declare normal variables and initialize them during the package's init function. It's not that that won't work, but rather that there will now be nothing to prevent these pseudo-constant's values from changing.
My two questions are:
Am I missing something about how const works?
Assuming I'm not, what's the preferred way to handle this? A public function that returns a private variable that I never expose, never changing it? Just hoping people don't alter the variables, since they're really configuration settings?

Create a file "config.go" and create the vars you want to expose.
Don't export them (make them all lower case). Instead create public (upper case) funcs that give access to each item.
package config
var x = 10
func X() int {
return x
When you want those variables you simply import ./config and use them in code as follows:
if config.X()
Obviously, you can set the variables in the package init.

The following code is almost the same as the second method of #Christopher, except that it is not a module, it located in the main package.
package main
import (
type Config struct {
debug bool
key string
proxyNumber int
func (c *Config) Debug() bool {
return c.debug
func (c *Config) Key() string {
return c.key
func (c *Config) ProxyNumber() int {
return c.proxyNumber
const (
CONFIG_NAME = "config.ini"
var config *Config
func init() {
if Exists(CONFIG_NAME) {
//try to save the config file
}else {
//try to load from the config file
func DefaultConfig() {
config = &Config{debug:true, key:"abcde",
//Exist: check the file exist
func Exists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil { return true }
if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false }
return false
you can use config to load and save the config file.

This is a very good question because it delves into what I suspect may be an omission from Go - immutable state.
From the language reference, "constant expressions may contain only constant operands and are evaluated at compile-time."
You cannot make vars constant, which is a shame. Joe's answer proposes encapsulation as a solution, which will work well - but it's verbose, tedious and might introduce errors.
By comparison, many impure functional languages combine mutable variables with single-assignment immutable values. For example, Scala has the keywords 'val' and 'var'; the meaning of Scala's 'var' is quite similar to Go's 'var'. Immutability is a useful tool in the toolbox because referentially-transparent side-effect-free functions can be written, alongside stateful mutable procedural code. Both have their place. Immutability is also an valuable tool for concurrency because there is no worry about possible race conditions if immutable values are shared between goroutines.
So in my opinion, amongst its many strengths, this is one of Go's shortcomings. It would presumably not be hard to support vals as well as vars, the difference being that the compiler checks that each val is assigned exactly once.
Until that feature is added, you have encapsulation as your only option.

You can do something like this:
package main
import (
var a string
func main() {
myvar, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
if err != nil {
and compile the program with
go build -ldflags '-X main.a 10' test.go
That way you can define a constant during compile time.

Just use standard go flags with iniflags. Standard go flags allow setting arbitrary config variables at program start via passing command-line flags, while iniflags "magically" add support for reading config variables from ini files.

You can wrap the variable in a function that returns its value:
func genConst(x int) func() int {
return func() int {
return x
var Constx = genConst(5)
var x1 = Constx()
This way the value cannot be changed by accident, even in the file where it's defined


Thread safe mutable configuration in Go

I'm surprised to see the lack of (in any) modules for a configuration module in Go which is thread safe for concurrent reads/writes.
I'm surprised there is no easy method to basically have something like, but thread safe.. where the Get/Set holds a Lock.
what's the right Go way to handle this without bloating code?
I normally use: however if the program for example as a GUI configuration is changeable during runtime, this package doesn't work.
I started doing the following
var config struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
myString string
myInt int
func main() {
_ = config.myString // any read
however this becomes very very tedious when accessing members to each time Lock/Unlock every single access for a read or a write and code becomes bloated and repetitive.
I typically use a configuration struct that is retrieved and updated atomically. This allows multiple fields to be updated in a single "transaction" and is easy to implement/use.
With Go1.18 and earlier this can be implemented with atomic.Value and wrap with some simple helper functions to convert the type from interface{} to your *config.
It is even simpler with atomic.Pointer in Go 1.19:
package main
import (
type config struct {
str string
num int
var cfg atomic.Pointer[config]
func main() {
// Store initial configuration.
cfg.Store(&config{str: "foo", num: 42})
// Clone and modify multiple fields.
newCfg := *cfg.Load()
newCfg.str = "bar"
// Retrieve a value.
_ = cfg.Load().str
With Go1.18 and earlier you can use atomic.Value and wrap them with some simple helper functions to convert the type from interface{} to your *config.

Go package Global Variable usage within imports

I am creating a package that will be called from other services that I have in Go. If a service imports this package, and this package has global variables, will the component store the global variables in its' own memory?
So if my package looks something like this,
var global1 = ""
var global2 = ""
var global3 = ""
var global4 = ""
func setAllGlobalValues() error {
// some logic that checks if globals are nil
// if not setting it to a value after some computation.
// returns nil or an actual error.
func DoesSomethingUsingGlobalVars() (bool, error) {
// sets and uses the global vars.
// Does some sort of computation and returns a bool, nil or nil,error
Then in the service I would import this package and use the doesSomethingUsingGlobalVars function.
Will the component using this package store the global variables in its own memory? I can't really test it now with my services with the way things are set up so I'm just curious if anyone knows.
Essentially, will this work or will the global vars be nil each and every-time anything is called from a service that imports this package?
Thanks in advance all!
When your program imports this package, the globals will be set when you call SetAllGlobalValues(), and later, when you call DoesSomethingUsingGlobalVars(), those values will already be set. Note that the first letter of those function names must be capitalized so that they are exported and available for use by other packages. If the variables are not exported, as shown in your code snippet, you will not be able to access them directly from the caller.
It seems as if you are trying to reinvent objects. Instead of your code, do
something like this:
package some
import "fmt"
type Thing struct {
One string
Two string
Three string
Four string
func NewThing() Thing {
return Thing{"One", "Two", "Three", "Four"}
func (t Thing) Print() {
fmt.Println(t.One, t.Two, t.Three, t.Four)
Then, the "global variables" are only calculated once, when you call NewThing.

Change struct field in function or return the value

In the end, this question will surely depend on personal preferences. Nevertheless, I would like to dare an attempt to find out which style is the preferred one.
I have recently noticed inconsistencies in my code. I have a struct with some fields. The question now is what is the idiomatic way to edit this field when I need to call a function to get the value I want to set. Do I set the value inside the function, or do I return it and set it in my calling function?
type SuperStruct struct {
OneValue string
AnotherValue string
func (s *SuperStruct) makeAnotherValue() {
s.AnotherValue = "Hello there"
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{}
or (with the same struct)
func (s *SuperStruct) makeAnotherValue() string {
return "Hello there"
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{}
superStruct.AnotherValue = superStruct.makeAnotherValue()
I know that there are cases where only one of these ways makes sense. But I often find myself in a situation where both are possible. I guess the second way would allow for better guarding, but sometimes that's not an issue.
I think the idiomatic go way would be to remove your function entirely:
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{AnotherValue:"Hello there"}
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{}
superStruct.AnotherValue = "Hello there"
Don't build getters/setters/create functions unless they are absolutely necessary, just do the work required. If you're just setting a simple field, you don't need a factory to make the field value in most cases. If you think the function is necessary, it would need to be a lot more complex than this (at least a few lines) and would typically be called NewAnotherValue and not attached to the parent struct.
Every indirection through another function/struct makes the code harder to follow.

Return input variables in golang

I just got started with Golang, and I saw the typical swap function example:
func swap(x, y string) (string, string) {
return y, x
I automatically thought that the named returns could have solved it and that it was a sweeter example, so I tried the shorter version:
package main
import "fmt"
func swap(z, y int) (z, y int) {
func main() {
fmt.Println(swap(2, 3))
But to by my surprise it didn't compile complaining about a duplicate argument. Why is not possible to return an input argument? Am I doing something wrong or it is just not supported?
I thought this was a totally valid use case and that it could have been many other examples for this usage.
I'm also a Golang beginner. Here's what I managed to find out.
The problem is essentially, that you declare two variables named z, then expect them to be unified. This is not supported, and in fact would go against the main goal of named return types, which is to document the meaning of the values returned.
To explain in more detail, this is a bit like writing the following code:
func badFunction(a int) int {
var a int = 0
return a
A variable is declared twice, and this is confusing for Go. If we look at what the 'tour of go' has to say about named return values, we can see the issue. It's not the greatest source, but it's a source nonetheless:
Go's return values may be named. If so, they are treated as variables defined at the top of the function.
That is to say, your example is almost exactly like badFunction. To the compiler, it looks a bit like this:
func swap(a, b int) (int, int) {
var a int = 0
var b int = 0
return b, a
Naturally, the compiler complains about a redeclared in block, which is a related though admittedly not equal error. The error message you receive there appears to essentially be a pre-check to prevent the user from seeing the code produced when desugared.
As this Stackoverflow question reports, named return values should essentially be for documentation only. However, it does mention the possibility of accidental shadowing. It may be that an earlier Go version supported this, but has since been changed to prevent bugs due to this kind of name collision, however I have not found anything pertaining to this.
The effective go section on the topic also has something to say:
The return or result "parameters" of a Go function can be given names and used as regular variables, just like the incoming parameters. When named, they are initialized to the zero values for their types when the function begins; if the function executes a return statement with no arguments, the current values of the result parameters are used as the returned values.
The names are not mandatory but they can make code shorter and clearer: they're documentation.
TL;DR: The compiler doesn't unify names in the way you might expect. This kind of implicit shadowing not supported, and should be actively avoided to prevent certain easily avoidable bugs.
I guess problem is not in returning input argument, but in names duplication: y and z are declared twice on the same level and compiler cannot distinguish.
When you declare a variable in return type, Go compiler would consider that, you are declaring the variable there for future use.
Now when the compiler sees the same variable name in both input & return part, it will report a duplicate argument issue.
You can try the working example below, if you want to
func swap(x, y string) (a string, b string) {
a = y
b = x
You can do this way
func checkError(err *error) (bool, *error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return false, nil
or if you really want to use variable, this way
func checkError(err *error) (result bool, err_msg *error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return false, nil

go how to check if a function exists

Is there any way to check if a func exists in Go?
In PHP I might do something like
if(function_exists('someFunction')) {
but I have not been able to figure out how to do this in Go
Any help on this will be greatly received.
A little more context on what you're trying to do would help.
As you note in your own comment, if you try to call a function Go checks at compile-time if the function exists, most of the times.
One exception that comes to my mind is when you use interface{} and you want to check that a method exists before calling it. For this you can use type checks.
package main
import "fmt"
// a simple Greeter struct
// with a Hello() method defined
type Greeter struct {
Name string
func (m *Greeter) Hello() string {
return "hello " + m.Name
var x interface{}
func main() {
x = Greeter {Name:"Paolo"} // x is a interface{}
g,ok := x.(Greeter) // we have to check that x is a Greeter...
if ok {
fmt.Println(g.Hello()) // ...before being able to call Hello()
Another scenario I can think of is that you're creating your own tool for Go that requires parsing go files before compiling them. If so, Go provides help in the for of the parser package
There's no way to do that (and for good!). The reason is that Go is a compiled language and does not support loadable modules (yet, at least) so functions can't come and go at runtime, and hence whether or not a top-level function exists, you know by defintion: if a given source file imports a package containing the function of interest1, that function is visible in this source file. Or this function is declared in the same package this source file belongs to and hence it's also available. In all the other cases the function is not available. Note that a function might be compiled in the program but still not visible in a given source file while compiling, so the whole definition of visibility as you put it does not exist in Go.
On the other hand you might want some generality. Generality in Go is achieved via interfaces. You might define an interface and then require a type to implement it. Checking that a type implements an interface is done via a neat trick.
An update from 2021-12-29.
The support for loadable modules was added in Go 1.8 in the form of the plugin package and has since then matured to support most mainline platforms except Windows.
Still, this solution is not without problems—for instance, see #20481.
1Without renaming that module to nothing, but let's not touch this for now.
Provided your thing is an interface value, type assert, something like this:
if Aer, ok := thing.(interface{MethodA()}); ok {
If thing is a struct, assign it to an interface variable first,
because type assertions only work on interface values.
It wouldn't hurt to define a named interface instead of using the
nonce one, but for simple cases like this it's not worth it.
Recently I had a need for figuring out if a struct has a particular function or not.
Here is another way using reflection :
package main
import (
type FuncRegistry struct {}
func (fr FuncRegistry) Hi() {
fmt.Println("function Hi")
func (fr FuncRegistry) Hello() {
fmt.Println("function Hello")
func functionExists(obj interface{},funcName string) bool {
mthd := reflect.ValueOf(obj).MethodByName(funcName)
if mthd.IsValid() {
fmt.Printf("Function '%s' exists \n",funcName)
return true
fmt.Printf("Function '%s' does not exist\n",funcName)
return false
// Main function
func main() {
var fr FuncRegistry
This sounds a lot like a XY problem. Please tell what you are trying to do. As far as I know, this is something you can't really do the same way as in PHP.
However, you could create a map with function names as keys. Add the functions there manually or generate the contents by parsing the source files before the compilation or at run time. Parsing the source seems like a dirty hack though.
