Zoom (magnifying glass) effect in OS X - macos

I'm trying to create Magnifying Glass App very similar to build in in OS X (Mountain Lion).
I'm wondering how can I acheive this effect, using which frameworks?
What do you think, could it be a custom cursor? The image displayed in this rectange is just zoomed portion of backgound-spapped screen? I think that kind of implementation can run sluggish, and it could be difficult to change cursor whole System not only in "zooming" application.
Or maby it is use some quartz functionality is not known for me :)
I found one thing tha is interesting about Apples implementation (build in OS X), when I enter in zoom-mode and do a ScreenShot using Ctrl+Cmd+4 and next Space the image captured is like that:
With out any content of screen only the border of zooming area. So it tells me that it is some kind of transparent window abowe the screen but it is not taking over the focus.
Have you got any idea how to do that ?


Highlighting Windows or MacOs Screen without impacting clickable area

I want to know if there is a way to highlight specific points on the windows or Mac screen without impacting on application that is running and its clickable area.
To better understand the question, imagine some area of the LCD of laptop is malfunctioning, e.g. pressed and highlighted with purple color. We can still see what is going on underneath the purple area and it is clickable and regardless what is the color of item on that point, it shows purple.
Is it possible to do it by software and programmatically ? Is there any API or something to manipulate output of graphic card for specific point, draw something or highlight without impaction on the application running under it.
I know that I could write it better way, but excuse me since English is not my first language...

OS X: update draw during fullscreen animation

I am currently programmatically enabling fullscreen in an OS X 10.7+ app, via the techniques described in this apple guide, that uses OpenGL to renderer its views. Is it possible to enable per-frame screen updates during the full screen animation? Currently, it seems like a screenshot is taken before and after fullscreen is entered and there is an automatic alpha fade between the two.
I would like to instead redraw the content at every frame so that there is a smooth fade between the two sizes.
You probably want to look at the Custom Full-Screen Presentation Animations section in NSWindowDelegate documentation

DirectDraw application goes black after screen orientation change

I have a directdraw application (in c) that becomes black in color once the user rotates the screen using a button on the application. The button uses enumdisplaysettings to do this. I have tested this on both Nvidia and ATI, the problem persists.
Is there a way to make a directdraw application "displaysettings-proof"? Can I add some code to get back the display once the screen is rotated?
You can use IDirectDraw::RestoreDisplayMode to reset the display mode to whatever it was before IDirectDraw::SetDisplayMode was called. I'm not quite sure if this is what you want however.

Why does this text look "less bold" in OS X 10.5 compared to 10.7?

I built a very simple application with nothing but a single NSTextView in it in xcode / interface builder. I've done nothing to the text view other than change the font face to "Arial" and increase the font size. However, it looks a lot less bold on OS X 10.5 than it does on 10.7. What's going on here?
(10.5 in the top window, 10.7 in the bottom window)
I've tested with Helvetica and got the same results, so it's not something to do with this specific font.
If you enlarge that image enough, you'll see color fringing on the 10.7 sample. This indicates that the text was rendered with subpixel antialiasing, more specifically, using a RGB subpixel ordering. The 10.5 sample uses grayscale antialiasing. While it is generally a good idea to use subpixel rendering, it can look bad on low-resolution screens or CRTs, and it can't be used in a multi-monitor setup where there is more than one subpixel arrangement to contend with. This means that some users will have subpixel rendering enabled for their system, and some won't. Don't try to circumvent that setting in any way, either by overriding the system preference for font smoothing, or by pre-rendering the text into an image. Users are far more likely to notice the one app whose text looks wrong on their system than they are to notice the difference in rendering between two different machines.

How to dim os x desktop using Cocoa/Core Animation

Is there a way to control the brightness of the OS X desktop programmatically using Cocoa or Core Animation?
Create a semi-transparent full-screen view behind your main window.
In case you were actually interested in doing a fade-out or fade-in of the whole screen, here is a link describing how to do that.
The linked document contains examples for how to fade all displays (or a single display) to black (you can change the color), capture the display (where you can display what you'd like), and then fade back. This uses CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation() mentioned in the comment to my other answer.
Is this more like what you were looking for?
