Bundler's rake release with geminabox? - ruby

Is there a way to configure bundler so that when I do rake release it would submit the gem to my own gem server (a gem in a box instance) rather than to rubygems?
Ideally this configuration would be something I can omit from my git repository.

Rubygems is actually hard-coded into bundler and I've found only one way around it.
The following monkeypatch should get you what you want:
module Bundler
class GemHelper
def rubygem_push(path)
if Pathname.new("~/.gem/nexus").expand_path.exist?
sh("gem nexus '#{path}'")
Bundler.ui.confirm "Pushed #{name} #{version} to https://<your-url-here>/."
raise "Your Nexus credentials aren't set. Run `gem nexus #{path}` to push your gem and set credentials."
The above is for Nexus instead of Geminabox, but the concept should apply to either.
As far as omitting it from git, I'm afraid we're out of luck. However, you can share this appropriately between projects so it will only have to be checked into one place rather than many. Hope this helps!

i made a dependency free gem for this which imitates the geminabox http post request and overwrites bundlers rake release with rake release:inabox

I managed to change the task which uploads the gem to rubygems, that's less intrusive then the solution provided by JohnIV, though the concept is the same.
namespace :release do
task :rubygem_push do
version = ModuleName::VERSION
name = 'module_name'
cmd = "gem nexus pkg/#{name}-#{version}.gem"
puts `#{cmd} 2>&1`

Add 'bundler_geminabox' to your Gemfile:
group :development do
gem 'bundler_geminabox'
Then, in your rakefile, instead of requiring 'bundler/gem_tasks':
require 'bundler_geminabox/gem_tasks'
You don't need to add any tasks to the rakefile; you will automatically get rake build, rake install, and rake release, the last of which uploads to the server listed in ~/.gem/geminabox. Otherwise, the behavior is the same as the equivalent tasks provided by bundler/gem_tasks.
Gem on Github: https://github.com/joshkrueger/bundler_geminabox


overriding bundler's release, but without putting it in the gem

I'm using bundler to manage my gem's dependencies, and I'm using geminabox to host my gems once they're ready. Using bundler's rake release is bad news, because my gems will go to rubygems, not to geminabox, however the additional functionality (push a tag etc) from that task are really helpful.
I wrote a gem which adds the ability to rake release geminabox and rake release rubygems, but now my library (which has nothing to do with geminabox) depends on this bundler/geminabox thing, which in turn depends on geminabox, and futher on sinatra, rack... all of a sudden my development requirements are huge and are only specific to my development situation. Some of these gems will be released publicly and these geminabox development dependencies will not be necessary to anyone else.
I realise that injecting a gem into a bundler gemset is specifically what bundler is intended to prevent, so what would you recommend as a way to have my own custom release functionality which is not tied to the gem itself?
I've redefined the default Bundler release task in my gem's Rakefiles along the lines below. You're right that you don't want to suck in Sinatra and a whole bloated stack.
You are left with 2 choices...
write custom rake tasks that do everything you need from scratch
redefine Bundler's default release task, since that's the only bit you want to behave differently.
require "bundler/gem_tasks"
Rake::TaskManager.class_eval do
def remove_task(task_name)
def remove_task(task_name)
remove_task :release # So we don't publish to rubygems.org
desc "release to geminabox"
task :release => [:build] do |t|
system "gem inabox"

Gemfile - separating Production gems from Development gems

So I know that in a Gemfile I can do something like this:
group :development, :test do
gem 'gem1'
gem 'gem2'
What I am looking to accomplish is something like this:
group :production do
gem 'gem1'
gem 'gem2'
group :development, :test do
gem 'gem1', :path => '/Documents/Code/gem1/'
gem 'gem2', :path => '/Documents/Code/gem2/'
So our application uses 2 gems that we also develop locally. In order to improve time while developing on our local machines, we want to be able to point our dev environments to the local copies of the gems - this way it picks up all changes without needing to restart our rails server. Otherwise we would have to rebuild the gem, re-install the gem, and restart rails with every development change in the gem.
However, doing this gives me the following error:
You cannot specify the same gem twice coming from different sources. You specified that gem1 (>= 0) should come from an unspecfied source and source at /Documents/Code/gem1
I have tried even running something like bundle install --without production and I get the same error.
Does anyone know if it IS possible to do what I would like to do?
i think that there is a supported way to do it and some hacks to work around it.
supported way:
use bundle config with the local option as described here: http://bundler.io/v1.3/man/bundle-config.1.html
hacky way:
use env vars and execute bundler before using in production: http://www.cowboycoded.com/2010/08/10/using-2-sources-for-a-gem-in-different-environments-with-bundler/
there is a feature-request for this problem on github with several related issues and lots of comments: https://github.com/carlhuda/bundler/issues/396
the github issue phoet linked to is resolved, and is consistent with the supported way.
I dug around through the docs, you'll need to set the config variable and updated your gemfile to reference the branch as well.
edit your Gemfile:
gem <gem_name>, git: <git_url>, branch: <branch>
on command line:
bundle config local.<gem_name> <local_path_to_gem>
I solved this by creating a new Gemfile that's identical to the original except for the target gem's source. Then, in config/boot.rb, I used:
require 'rails'
if Rails.env.development?
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../DevGemfile', __FILE__)
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../ProdGemfile', __FILE__)

How to use gems not in a Gemfile when working with bundler?

When using bundler with a project in general and Rails specifically, you have access only to gems defined in your Gemfile. While this makes sense, it can be limiting. Mostly I find it limiting when I want to use a certain RSpec formatter that the rest of the team doesn't use. Unless it's in the Gemfile, it isn't accessible.
Any way around it or I have to add it to Gemfile?
Update: my problem wasn't Bundler but Spork. When running RSpec without Spork I had no problem of using whatever formatter I wanted.
Update #2: it looks like that using Bundler is still the cause of the problem. The difference between using Spork and not using Spork, is that when running RSpec without Spork, it loads the formatter before loading your project and getting into the Bundler "sandbox".
With Bundler:
$ bundle exec irb
>> require 'fivemat'
LoadError: cannot load such file -- fivemat
from (irb):1:in `require'
from (irb):1
from /Users/arikfr/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
Without Bundler:
$ irb
>> require 'fivemat'
=> true
In ChiliProject we allow users to create a Gemfile.local which is included into the main Gemfile on load. This allows users to specify additional gems without having to change our Gemfile to ease updates.
For that, we have included the following code at the bottom of our Gemfile.
gemfile_local = File.expand_path('Gemfile.local', __dir__)
if File.readable?(gemfile_local)
puts "Loading #{gemfile_local}..." if $DEBUG
The Gemfile.local itself is excluded from the repository via .gitignore.
I assume that none of these answers have been chosen as correct because they don't do a great job of solving the problem: having additional gems that you can use that by default don't require any changes to files already in the repository to achieve. That is, you don't have to modify any files, and you don't have to live with remembering not to check in your local changes. Here's how I do it.
The idea is basically inverting the dependencies of Holger's answer, such that there's no need to modify the shared Gemfile. Bundler allows one to specify which file is to be used as the gemfile, but strangely the documented methods do not apparently work with its configuration file and will not be fixed. There is a somewhat obscured feature of Bundler that any of the configuration options can be set in an environment variable or passed on the command line. Running all of your commands as bundle [command] --gemfile [yourgemfile] or BUNDLE_GEMFILE="[yourgemfile]" bundle [command] will cause Bundler to read whatever gemfile you want it to. I highly recommend using the environment variable approach, and either creating an alias or exporting the variable for your current session, particularly as I was unable to use the command line switch with the "exec" command.
Therefore, I run rspec like this: BUNDLE_GEMFILE="[mygemfile]" bundle exec rspec [filename], and I have the first part of this aliased as bem in my bashrc. Works like a charm.
Then, you should setup your source control to ignore your Gemfile, either in the project's .gitignore or, to keep the project entirely hygienic without changing even its .gitignore, to your personal global ignore file (which is by default in ~/.config/git/ignore and has the same format as a project's gitignore file).
One other thing to note is that Bundler will create a lockfile based on the Gemfile's name. This is super handy, as it keeps you from overwriting your project's Gemfile.lock if it's checked in, but you need to ignore this new lock file as well. If your gemfile is Foo.bar, look for Foo.bar.lock.
Finally, you can do something similar to Holger's suggestion in your custom Gemfile:
source "http://rubygems.org"
gem "fivemat"
instance_eval(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/Gemfile"))
and you're good to go, as long as you remember to specify your Gemfile.
You can use something like this in your Gemfile:
gem 'foo' if ENV['ENABLE_FOO_GEM']
Then just set ENABLE_FOO_GEM in your environment.
The gem will be disabled by default, but easily turned on (permanently) by anyone who wants to use it.
Add to .gitignore
Add to the project a Gemfile.local.sample file with the following content:
# Include gems that are note meant to be part of the project but for development purposes
# That's why Gemfile.local and Gemfile.local.lock must be git-ignored
# To use these gems:
# 1. Create a "Gemfile.local" file (at same level of "Gemfile")
# 2. Prepend "BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.local" before "bundle install" or "bundle exec rails c" and so forth.
eval_gemfile "./Gemfile"
group :development, :test do
# Suggested gems
gem "awesome_print", require:"ap"
gem "hirb"
gem "pry"
gem "pry-byebug"
gem "pry-rails"
gem "meta_request"
# My gems
gem "fivemat"
I believe the gem Devpack provides the functionality you are looking for.
The gem allows you to add a single gem to your Gemfile which will permit any developer to configure their own preferred set of development gems either for an individual project or globally by creating a .devpack file containing a list of gems.
(I am the author of this gem; I came across this post while developing it so thought it may be worth adding).
In case you still decide to do this (horrible idea):
You can add ruby code to your Gemfile to load a ~/.gemfile (or such) if it exists.
Something like:
eval(IO.read('~/.gemfile'), binding) if FileTest.exists?("~/.gemfile")

build a ruby gem and conditionally specify dependencies

I am working on a gem that has needs to set dependencies conditionally when the gem is installed. I've done some digging around
and it looks like i'm not alone in this need.
Rubygems: How do I add platform-specific dependency?
this is a long thread
The only way I can see to add dependencies to a gem is to use add_dependency method within a Gem::Specifiction block in a .gemspec file
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
# ... standard setup stuff
# conditionally set dependencies
s.add_dependency "rb-inotify", "~> 0.8.8" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/i
s.add_dependency "rb-fsevent", "~>" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i
s.add_dependency "rb-fchange", "~> 0.0.5" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/i
Based on all of the docs and threads I found on the net, I would have expected that if you install the gem on
Linux, then, rb-inotify would be a dependency and auto-installed
Mac - rb-fsevent would be installed
Windows - rb-fchange would be installed
However, it seems that is not the case. The "if" statements within the block are evaluated at the time the gem is built and packaged. Therefore,
if you build and package the gem on Linux, then, rb-inotify is added as a dependency, Mac, then, rb-fsevent, Windows - rb-fchange.
Still needing a solution, I dug around in the rubygems code and it seems the following is a broad stoke of what happens.
build all of your code for your gem: foo.gem
create a foo.gemspec file
build, package, and release the gem to a gem server such as rubygems.org
let everyone know
developers install it locally via: gem install foo
the foo.gem file is downloaded, unpacked, and installed. all dependencies are installed as well.
everything should be set and we can beging using the gem.
It seems that when the gem is built and released the foo.gemspec file is loaded and the Gem::Specification block is evaluated and converted to YAML, compressed as
metadata.gz, and included in foo.gem. The ruby code is compressed into data.tar.gz and included as well. When the gem is installed on the local developer machine,
the YAML is extracted from metadata.gz and converted back into a Gem::Specification block, however, it is not converted back to the original block.
instead, you will see something like the following:
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
s.specification_version = 3
if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then
s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<rb-inotify>, ["~> 0.8.8"])
s.add_dependency(%q<rb-inotify>, ["~> 0.8.8"])
s.add_dependency(%q<rb-inotify>, ["~> 0.8.8"])
Ok. So, I have a bird's eye view of the process, however, that does not change my desire to build a single gem and conditionally specify dependencies for a range of OS targets.
If anyone has a solution other than building multiple .gemspec files for each target OS... I'm all ears!!
I have also stumbled upon this problem in the past. The only workaround I could find was to create a Rake task for installing the dependencies. Of course, at that stage, you might just want to let the user figure out on his own which gem he is missing based on the error message he is receiving. In my case, there were several platform-dependent dependencies to be installed, so that wasn't an option.
task :install do |t|
require './lib/library/installer'
module Library::Installer
require 'rubygems/dependency_installer'
def self.install
installer = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new
dependency = case RUBY_PLATFORM
when /darwin/i then ["rb-fsevent", "~>"]
when /linux/i then ["rb-inotify", "~> 0.8.8"]
when /mswin|mingw/i then ["rb-fchange", "~> 0.0.5"]
Then, the user can use rake install to get install appropriate dependencies.
Conditional dependency install (not just based on platform, but based on user input, for example) is cruelly missing to RubyGems. Let's hope it'll get implemented in the future!
i have never done this myself, but there are some gems that are available in platform specific versions: http://rubygems.org/gems/libv8/versions
from what i understand it's just a naming thing, which can be configured by setting the platform option of your gemspec. have a look at the doc: http://guides.rubygems.org/specification-reference/#platform=
I have looked into this as well and have come to the conclusion that is not possible by design. Having a single 'mega gem' for all platforms causes the problem of not knowing if a platform is supported until the gem is downloaded and installed. A Gem would have to be smart enough to determine what is correct way to install depending on the platform. If a platform is not supported at all, the gem may fail horribly, opening a big can of worms. There use to be a callback after a gem was installed that was removed for the same reason, no magic to get a gem to install correctly. Some people have hacked around this using mkmf, but I suggest following the worn path of a gem per platform as the better solution.
Based on this, in a project that builds a gem for ruby and jruby, I have to manually create each gem and upload them to RubyGem. Using Jeweler this is as simple as specifing the Gemfile, but I have to rebuild the gem spec each time I package a gem. Fairly trivial when supporting only 2 platforms, but the build process is straight forward enough that it could be automated to provide support multiple platform gems.

How to quickly initialize ruby project development environment?

How to specify gem dependencies in a way that user with only ruby, rake and rubygems installed could issue a single rake command to install all the dependencies required? Is it possible to use the same dependency specification when building gem with GemBuildTask?
It's actually pretty easy to set up a rake task that installs a bunch of gems:
task :install_gems do
require "rubygems"
require "rubygems/dependency_installer"
installer = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new
[["rack"], ["merb-core", "1.0.12"]].each do |args|
Of course, you could extract this into a method and write a prettier way to specify your dependencies, but this should work great.
I think currently you'd have to write a custom rake task that talked to the Gem library.
It's possible that rip, the (very) new kid on the block, will make it all easier, but it's very early days.
But someone else may have a better way...
If your app is packaged as a gem, you could add the dependencies to the gemspec and rubygems will attempt to install them for you when you install the gem.
There are a bunch of ways to make a gem out of some ruby code. Recently I have taken to using jeweler.
With it, you can install a project as a gem by running rake install. There are some instructions on how to do dependencies on its github wiki.
