How to quickly initialize ruby project development environment? - ruby

How to specify gem dependencies in a way that user with only ruby, rake and rubygems installed could issue a single rake command to install all the dependencies required? Is it possible to use the same dependency specification when building gem with GemBuildTask?

It's actually pretty easy to set up a rake task that installs a bunch of gems:
task :install_gems do
require "rubygems"
require "rubygems/dependency_installer"
installer =
[["rack"], ["merb-core", "1.0.12"]].each do |args|
Of course, you could extract this into a method and write a prettier way to specify your dependencies, but this should work great.

I think currently you'd have to write a custom rake task that talked to the Gem library.
It's possible that rip, the (very) new kid on the block, will make it all easier, but it's very early days.
But someone else may have a better way...

If your app is packaged as a gem, you could add the dependencies to the gemspec and rubygems will attempt to install them for you when you install the gem.
There are a bunch of ways to make a gem out of some ruby code. Recently I have taken to using jeweler.
With it, you can install a project as a gem by running rake install. There are some instructions on how to do dependencies on its github wiki.


Calling another Gem as a program from my Gem

I'm working on a command line tool (a ruby gem) to quickly and easily generate custom jekyll repositories from some basic user input for my company. I would like to add a feature where the gem can automatically build the repo and output the finished directory, but the jekyll gem doesn't seem to provide any internal ruby interface to do that, at least not one that would be easy to implement.
Is there a way I could have my gem call their gem as a program, i.e. system 'jekyll build', but without having to worry about whether or not the user has the jekyll gem installed?
You can add jekyll to your gems list of dependencies, by adding the following to your gem's .gemspec file. That means whenever someone installs your gem, jekyll would also be installed.
spec.add_dependency 'jekyll'

build a ruby gem and conditionally specify dependencies

I am working on a gem that has needs to set dependencies conditionally when the gem is installed. I've done some digging around
and it looks like i'm not alone in this need.
Rubygems: How do I add platform-specific dependency?
this is a long thread
The only way I can see to add dependencies to a gem is to use add_dependency method within a Gem::Specifiction block in a .gemspec file do |s|
# ... standard setup stuff
# conditionally set dependencies
s.add_dependency "rb-inotify", "~> 0.8.8" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/i
s.add_dependency "rb-fsevent", "~>" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i
s.add_dependency "rb-fchange", "~> 0.0.5" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/i
Based on all of the docs and threads I found on the net, I would have expected that if you install the gem on
Linux, then, rb-inotify would be a dependency and auto-installed
Mac - rb-fsevent would be installed
Windows - rb-fchange would be installed
However, it seems that is not the case. The "if" statements within the block are evaluated at the time the gem is built and packaged. Therefore,
if you build and package the gem on Linux, then, rb-inotify is added as a dependency, Mac, then, rb-fsevent, Windows - rb-fchange.
Still needing a solution, I dug around in the rubygems code and it seems the following is a broad stoke of what happens.
build all of your code for your gem: foo.gem
create a foo.gemspec file
build, package, and release the gem to a gem server such as
let everyone know
developers install it locally via: gem install foo
the foo.gem file is downloaded, unpacked, and installed. all dependencies are installed as well.
everything should be set and we can beging using the gem.
It seems that when the gem is built and released the foo.gemspec file is loaded and the Gem::Specification block is evaluated and converted to YAML, compressed as
metadata.gz, and included in foo.gem. The ruby code is compressed into data.tar.gz and included as well. When the gem is installed on the local developer machine,
the YAML is extracted from metadata.gz and converted back into a Gem::Specification block, however, it is not converted back to the original block.
instead, you will see something like the following: do |s|
if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
s.specification_version = 3
if >='1.2.0') then
s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<rb-inotify>, ["~> 0.8.8"])
s.add_dependency(%q<rb-inotify>, ["~> 0.8.8"])
s.add_dependency(%q<rb-inotify>, ["~> 0.8.8"])
Ok. So, I have a bird's eye view of the process, however, that does not change my desire to build a single gem and conditionally specify dependencies for a range of OS targets.
If anyone has a solution other than building multiple .gemspec files for each target OS... I'm all ears!!
I have also stumbled upon this problem in the past. The only workaround I could find was to create a Rake task for installing the dependencies. Of course, at that stage, you might just want to let the user figure out on his own which gem he is missing based on the error message he is receiving. In my case, there were several platform-dependent dependencies to be installed, so that wasn't an option.
task :install do |t|
require './lib/library/installer'
module Library::Installer
require 'rubygems/dependency_installer'
def self.install
installer =
dependency = case RUBY_PLATFORM
when /darwin/i then ["rb-fsevent", "~>"]
when /linux/i then ["rb-inotify", "~> 0.8.8"]
when /mswin|mingw/i then ["rb-fchange", "~> 0.0.5"]
Then, the user can use rake install to get install appropriate dependencies.
Conditional dependency install (not just based on platform, but based on user input, for example) is cruelly missing to RubyGems. Let's hope it'll get implemented in the future!
i have never done this myself, but there are some gems that are available in platform specific versions:
from what i understand it's just a naming thing, which can be configured by setting the platform option of your gemspec. have a look at the doc:
I have looked into this as well and have come to the conclusion that is not possible by design. Having a single 'mega gem' for all platforms causes the problem of not knowing if a platform is supported until the gem is downloaded and installed. A Gem would have to be smart enough to determine what is correct way to install depending on the platform. If a platform is not supported at all, the gem may fail horribly, opening a big can of worms. There use to be a callback after a gem was installed that was removed for the same reason, no magic to get a gem to install correctly. Some people have hacked around this using mkmf, but I suggest following the worn path of a gem per platform as the better solution.
Based on this, in a project that builds a gem for ruby and jruby, I have to manually create each gem and upload them to RubyGem. Using Jeweler this is as simple as specifing the Gemfile, but I have to rebuild the gem spec each time I package a gem. Fairly trivial when supporting only 2 platforms, but the build process is straight forward enough that it could be automated to provide support multiple platform gems.

Making an executable GEM from a script

I started developing ruby lately and I really like it, But I feel somehow lost. I developed a script that does "whatever" and that scripts requires many gems like nokogiri and colorize. I now want to deploy the script, so after reading a while I found many people saying that deploying as a gem is the best approach. So my question is simple? Is there any tool that I can use to create a gem of my script file and include all the gem dependencies(nokogiri) in the new gem?
I am using ubuntu!
Thanks alot
Building a gem consists of basically creating a simple directory structure for your script, and a special file known as a gemspec that will list all its dependencies. That gemspec can be used with rubygems to create a gem file (*.gem), which can be installed using rubygems or uploaded to for public consumption.
There are several tools that automate part of this process. A relatively simple one is the Bundler gem, which will both take care of dependencies during development, and make it easy for you to package your gem. This article contains enough information to get you started with gem development using bundler.
The best way to make a gem is to use the bundler program to build a skeleton:
# bundler gem (gem_name)
bundler gem geil_gem
This will create a template gemspec file and give you the basic structure needed for your gem to have a setup command, a console and be ready to build into a working gem (both found in the bin folder of your skeleton project). From here you can add a command binary or build out the gem as a library using the lib directory or start with tests by adding rspec to the gemspec and creating a test folder.

How to create a new Ruby gem?

To create a new Ruby gem, should I use Jeweler or should I use Bundler's built-in gem skeleton to create a base gem? What are the differences that matter?
Use Bundler
From the command line:
bundle gem your_new_gem
This will create a directory called your_new_gem with just a basic set of files and directory structure that are now considered best-practice. It's quick, easy, and a great place to start.
Creating a Gem isn't that difficult and I would advise to try building a gem from scratch, without any tools. After you know what's involved (creating a gemspec, building and pushing it to, you can use tools to speed up the process. My guess is you won't because making a gem is hardly the trouble at all.
I would go with Jeweler. The Bundler skeleton is only going to give you the basics. Jeweler has alot more options to work with and many helpful rake tasks for versioning, pushing to github, creating the gemspec, building and installing.
If you are working with Rails 3 engines, I have a Jeweler fork (definitely a work-in-progress) that will generate the app skelaton and include the engine file. You just have to run the jeweler command with --rails3-engine as an option. Here is the fork if you are interested:
I would recommend using the built-in bundler command.
bundle gem your_gem_name
There are some rules that you should follow when creating a gem. Such as naming conventions and versioning rules.
I recently wrote a post on creating gems in netguru's blog. I think you'll find what you need in there.
Hope this helps.
Here's an alternative that's worth looking at: ore
Bundler gives you a single template for ruby gems, whereas ore has multiple built in templates, plus the ability to create your own. It also supports Git, SVN (urgh) and Mercurial.
You can build a gem in RubyMine too. File > New Project > New Gem. It is that easy. But I want to make some notes about this approach:
For debugging, RubyMine will use the Fast Debugger gem, ruby-debug-ide. I know that most people now are using Pry with Byebug, but ruby-debug-ide is an interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT), NetBeans and RubyMine.
Under Run > Edit Configurations > + > Ruby, I add a new debug configuration, according to the documentation here:
Under Configuration, under 'Ruby Script', I add the path to the ruby gem file under lib: lib/my_gem.rb
Under Configuration, under 'Ruby SDK', I specify an RVM gemset I am using.
Under Bundler section, I check 'Run the script in context of bundler'. This would use bundle exec, which will read the dependencies in my Gemfile in my project's root. Now for gems, the Gemfile contains a method call "gemspec", which in turn reads the dependencies in dependencies in my_gem.gemspec. There, I have dependencies passed to the block:
spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.7"
spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 10.0"

Questions about building a new gem using Wycats template

I'm writing a new gem I'm basing off of Yehuda's new gem template and I'm slightly confused. Having a Gemfile with dependencies, and also specifying a gemspec with dependencies seems redundant to me. Can someone explain why this is desirable and if it's truly necessary?
Note, this is the first gem I've ever written so I'm new to all of this.
The .gemspec dependencies tell rubygems what it needs to grab to resolve the dependencies when a user installs your gem. The Gemfile is to manage the dependencies while you develop the gem. Rubygems and Bundler aren't connected, at least not yet.
The gemspec is required to build the gem. The Gemfile is more of a convenience, so that people who are working on your gem can easily pull in all the dependencies via Bundler. In the case that you're developing multiple related gems at once, you may also want to put git sources in the Gemfile, so all of the HEAD versions can be tested against.
