The same wixproj file only works in VS 2012 IDE, but not in VS command prompt - visual-studio-2010

I am trying the steps on this page. I have installed the wix binaries in a folder on my local machine.
So I got a wix installer project created by wix VS 2010 plugin. I can use the VS 2010 IDE to build it and generate the msi file, but I cannot do the same thing with Msbuild in the VS command prompt. When Msbuild try to compile, there is an error complaining the candle.exe cannot be found:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\MyFolder\Wix\candle.exe' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515) ---> System.NotSupportedException: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See for more information.
I am pretty sure the exe is at the right place because VS IDE can find it. I would like to know what am I missing for Msbuild?
Thank you!

I found answer from here:
Before unzip the binaries, right click on the zip file, select property and choose Unblock from the first tab. Then you unzip it as normal.

As per the page provided by you, the path entered in the lines of code will help the MSBuild script to identify the WIX binaries.
The important quote here goes like:
WixTargetsPath property value must be relative to the .wixproj project
file that uses it. The WixTasksPath property is used inside
wix.targets to load WixTasks.dll
The paths should be specified properly according to the folders where you unzipped your files. Otherwise there is a chance for this error to happen. Then also the project will be running fine from VS2010 since that is reffering the WIX binaries from the installed location of WIX. But, MSBuild will refer the values you provide in the above lines of code.
So, can you please provide values you are giving for WixToolPath, WixTargetsPath and WixTasksPath. As well the path to where you are unzipping the or
These information may help in solving this issue and accordingly I will correct this answer as well.


Visual Studio Could not load assembly

I have a C# project using MySql.Data and EntityFramework, and have used the Data Entity Model Wizard to create code based on an existing database. I created the project on a machine running MySql Server 8.0.25 (where I cannot control the installed version), so all my references for MySql packages are also version 8.0.25.
When I moved the project onto my own machine, running MySql Server version 8.0.31, the project successfully builds but has an error message, which Visual Studio says comes from a .edmx file:
Error 4: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) ... ScheduleModel.edmx 7
The file in question only contains the text "MySql.Data" in one place, and that's an un-versioned reference to "MySql.Data.MySqlClient", on line 7.
Since the project builds and appears to run correctly, I don't know if this error affects anything. Regardless, I would like to understand it and why it happens and ideally make it go away.
Here's what I've learned form searching for an answer and trying to investigate/fix the error:
There are no references to version 8.0.31 anywhere in my project, as using Visual Studio to search the entire project for "8.0.31" found no results.
Answers to others' questions tell me the version number in the error message specifies the version of a file that Visual Studio DID find. (Whereas I would have thought the given version number is the one that it is LOOKING for.)
Several places said that the found version is probably in the GAC. Originally, the error message said MySql.Data.EntityFramework (not just MySql.Data), and I did find MySql.Data.EntityFramework in the GAC. (No idea how it got there.) After removing it, the error message changed to just MySql.Data. However, MySql.Data is not in the GAC, and no MySql.Data.* are still there either.
There's a tool called fuslogvw.exe that supposedly can help with this issue, but I could not get it to work. When I run it, there is nothing in the log. When I click on options, all options are grayed out. The one person's recommended registry edit did not work either. (I tried closing and re-opening Visual Studio after said edit, then re-building.)
Process Monitor tells me that, during the build process, no processes accessed any files that include "MySql.Data" in the name except those under packages/MySql.Data.8.0.25 and the project's output directory; all files are version 8.0.25. This appears to conflict with #1, because how can Visual Studio have found version 8.0.31 if it never accessed any such file?
I tried using bindingRedirect in App.config to redirect from 8.0.31 to 8.0.25, which had no apparent effect.
Cleaning the solution and re-building ends up putting MySql.Data version 8.0.25 back into the output directory, so Visual Studio clearly is finding the correct version.
Deleting the packages folder results in everything being replaced (with the right version, again) but the error message persists. (The rebuild was strangely fast; I'd have thought everything would have to be re-downloaded, but it was too fast to have done that.)
How would I diagnose this issue? What might be causing Visual Studio to look for or to find a version that I cannot find any reference to, or any .dll file for?
I'm using Visual Studio Community 2019, Version 16.11.2.

Visual Studio 2017 How to add missing dll to C++ project?

I have a Visual Studio 2017 C++ project which depends on ffmpeg libraries. As of now it crashes at run time because of the missing dependency avformat-58.dll. I've tried adding this file into the project by dragging it into my project but that does not suffice. I tried looking at the Add Reference screen but it is empty. What can I do?
On the advice of #HansPassant I added the dll(s) to the project as existing external files. I think there should now be an option somewhere to "Copy to output directory" but I'm not seeing it. Here is what I see when I open property pages of one of the dlls.
#sellotape Here is a screenshot of the window when I just single click.
According to this documentation I can copy the necessary dlls to any directory in the PATH environment variable. There were many dlls already in C:/Windows/System32 already so I just put the ffmpeg dlls there as well and the executable runs.

Visual Studio error while trying to run project

I have the following scenario:
Visual Studio 2010 solution with one WPF-project, output file is "Tool.exe"
Eclipse Shared Library project, output file is "Tool.dll"
I place the dll in the same folder as the exe and then I try to debug using Visual Studio; but I get the following error:
Error while trying to run project: Could not load file or assembly 'Tool' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
I have managed to find a solution to the problem, rename the dll, apparently the exe and dll cannot have the same name. My question is, why is this error occuring in the first place? Why does the name of the dll affect Visual Studio? The error occurs before even trying to pinvoke the dll. If I run my application without Visual Studio it works perfectly, but I want to be able to debug it of course.
Right now renaming the dll is plan B, but before I do that I would like to know if there is anything else I can do to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance.
I found simple steps to solve this error.
1- change your windows.
2- install Symantec Endpoint Protection Client 12.1.6318.6100 x32 or x64 bit.
You can geting it software(32 bit) from link: ( Endpoint Protection Client 12.1.6318.6100 x86.rar)
drag and drop it to your software(IE ,....) to work.
3- install all driver on your computer.
4- install Visual studio.

Building MSI from TFS Build

I am trying to build MSIs in a TFS Build by shelling out to DEVENV.exe (since MSBUILD does not support VSPROJs). In any case, my first installer project builds fine, the second one fails. If I reverse the order, same thing happends (i.e. the error does not follow the project). Looking at the output, I get the following errors:
Deserializing the project state for project '[MyProject].dbproj'
[MyProject].dbproj : error : Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
Also, I get:
Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestCaseManagement.QualityToolsPackage, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.TestCaseManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' failed to load
It looks as though the first build tries to serialize the DB project (and it says it succeeds, but there is no DBML file anywhere). Then the second build tries to deserialize the DB project and fails.
I've tried resetting env settings (using the /resetusersettings flag) as well as using the /resetskippkgs flag. Nothing works.
Any ideas?
When you shell out to DevEnv, are you building that specific project (.vdproj file), or are you building the solution? It sounds like VS is trying to open the solution on the build machine and the database and test project systems aren't present.
Have you considered porting your setup project to WiX?
Start simple. Unless you're well versed in the problem you're trying to solve it's usually best to try it "by hand" before getting it running as part of a TFS build. RDP into the build server and try running the necessary commands at the command line and see what happens. You can even go simpler than that and RDP into the build machine and load Visual Studio and build it.
Bottom line is that if you can't get it to build within Visual Studio or at the command line by calling devenv.exe it won't work as part of the team build.
I am using the below Exec task to do precisely what you are doing as part of a TFS build. So I know this works. Your platform and configuration may vary depending on what you're building. The nice thing about this is that you'll have a log file at C:\Temp\MSIBuildOutputLog.txt that you can analyze for additional errors and information.
<Exec Command=""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" "$(PathToSolution)\solution.sln" /Build "Release|Mixed Platforms" /out "C:\Temp\MSIBuildOutputLog.txt"" />
One important thing to note... There is a bug in VS2010 which causes MSI generation to fail when you try to run it at the command line using devenv.exe. This took me days to find and figure out, but you need this hotfix. Worked like a charm...
Actually it's the deployment projects that don't support msbuild. FWIW, this is all deprecated in the next release of Visual Studio so you might want to start looking at InstallShield Limited Edition and/or Windows Installer XML now before spending too much time on dead end, broken technology. Both of these alternatives have proper MSBuild support aswell as many other improvements.
It would be perhaps better and quicker to adopt WIX (Windows Installer XML) which is the technology MS now recommends to use within VS/MSBuild/TFSBuild environment to crate MSIs.
It is relatively easy to setup and integrate within your VS Solutions. It uses XML based files to describe your MSIs and uses these files to create your MSIs when you compile.
I would start by downloading Wix from
Once installed you would be able to use the VS2010 integration of Wix based projects to create MSIs. To get started quickly simply add a new Wix project to your solution and reference the projects whose output you wish to combine into an MSI. Next you can run a tool called "Heat" which is included with Wix toolkit to generate the XML files by scanning your projects.
Once you have these XML files, add them to your Wix project and compile.

NUnit tests in a separate project, same solution

I have a solution containing my main project and a test project using NUnit. Everything compiles but when I run NUnit I get the exception below after the tests load, and the tests fail. I've added the main project as a reference, and I have $(ProjectDir)bin/Debug/$(TargetName)$(TargetExt) in the arguments for NUnit in the external tools setup, with a blank initial directory.
System.BadImageFormatException : Could not load file or assembly 'MyMainProject,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its
dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
TearDown : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException : Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
----> System.BadImageFormatException : Could not load file or assembly
'ChickenPing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one
of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect
After scouring for hours the only thing I've found is a bug in VS2005 which mentions the /bin and /obj directories, but the answer provided didn't help.
Any solutions?
Instead of setting up NUnit as an External Tool, I set the unit test project as the StartUp project. In the project's Properties screen, set the Start Action to "Start external program" and point it to nunit.exe. In the Start Options section, I specify the test assembly (no path necessary) in the "Command line arguments" box. At this point, simply press F5 to start up NUnit.
Use the nunit-x86.exe instead of nunit.exe as your runner.
A better longer term solution may be to buy ReSharper that includes a much nicer test runner for NUnit that fully integrates into Visual Studio. It auto detects your .NET project type (x68 or x64). ReShaper comes with tons of other features of which unit testing is just one. Their test runner also integrates with their DotCover code coverage analyser.
You may find that you'll need a later version of Visual Studio to use ReSharper. The latest version works with Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition that you can get for free though I understand you may have issues upgrading some project features from such a rather old VS2005 project.
I don't have any affiliation with ReSharper.
Are you running on x64? You will get that error if loading a x64 bit from x86 and vise versa. Also, the path you are trying to create should be the $(TargetPath) macro.
Just set "Platform target" of Tests project to "x86".
Is your main project a .exe or a .dll? Older versions of .NET couldn't reference an .exe, so that might be the problem.
In either case, I'd expect problems if the main assembly didn't end up somewhere accessible by your test assembly (for example, in the same directory). You could check that, and if not make it so, perhaps by having Visual Studio copy the referenced (main) assembly to the local directory.
The "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format." makes me wonder if the "missing assembly" theory is right, but without more info, it's the best guess I can think of.
Go the the NUnit install (example: C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin) location and open nunit-86.exe.
