Visual Studio 2017 How to add missing dll to C++ project? - visual-studio

I have a Visual Studio 2017 C++ project which depends on ffmpeg libraries. As of now it crashes at run time because of the missing dependency avformat-58.dll. I've tried adding this file into the project by dragging it into my project but that does not suffice. I tried looking at the Add Reference screen but it is empty. What can I do?
On the advice of #HansPassant I added the dll(s) to the project as existing external files. I think there should now be an option somewhere to "Copy to output directory" but I'm not seeing it. Here is what I see when I open property pages of one of the dlls.
#sellotape Here is a screenshot of the window when I just single click.

According to this documentation I can copy the necessary dlls to any directory in the PATH environment variable. There were many dlls already in C:/Windows/System32 already so I just put the ffmpeg dlls there as well and the executable runs.


How to rename build output file in Visual Studio 2019

So I just made some c++ application, using NotificationIcon sample from Microsoft as a reference, and thus I'm stuck with the NotificationIcon.exe output file. The name is really lame and I'd like to change it. I've tried renaming the exe, renaming the solution, the project - whatever else - and my programm just exited with code 0x00 after building. What else should I try?
I tried to do the same thing, but there were a few steps I had to follow in VS2019 just to get set up. If you are not in a similar state, the rest of the answer might not apply.
Downloading the sample: I had to install the Windows 7 SDK, as the download page didn't seem to exist anymore. I'm not sure if you found it elsewhere, in which case you might be starting from different sources.
Converting the .vcproj file to .vcxproj. Visual Studio no longer supports .vcproj, and opening the solution triggered this conversion automatically.
Now, once I have a .vcxproj file, there are two routes to setting the name of the exe:
Right-click the project in VS, click Properties, and find the Target Name field. This defaults to $(ProjectName) so I would have expected that renaming the .vcxproj would have renamed the .exe file.
Edit the .vcxproj file directly, adding <TargetName>Foo</TargetName> into the section that starts with <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">

Prevent Visual Studio from using cached .pdbs

I did the following experiment: I created a statically linked C++ library solution MyLibrary (I took the code from the MSDN example: and built it. Then I created another C++ solution MyConsoleApp, using the console application template in Visual Studio (2017). I copied the MyLibrary.lib file to the root of MyConsoleApp project and added MyLibrary.lib to Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies (also had to copy over the headers too of course). What I didn't do was to copy over the MyLibrary.pdb file.
I would've expected to get a linker warning about the missing .pdb file but this was not the case. Then I moved only MyConsoleApp to another machine and tried to build it again, this time getting a missing .pdb linker warning. It seems that Visual Studio is storing the .pdb files when building a solution somewhere on the machine and is able to use those .pdb files when linking other solutions on the same machine.
I would like to be able to disable this behaviour or to be able to remove the cached .pdbs so that I could be sure that when sharing work with other developers they won't get warnings that I'm not getting on my own machine.
Visual Studio doesn't cache the .pdb file. What happens here is that the absolute path to the original .pdb file is stored in the build outputs (.exe, .dll or .obj files) and Visual Studio is able to took it up based on that.
Check this answer for a way to prevent that: Remove PDB references from released file.

Visual Studio not able to run ".lib" file?

I am trying to build a project from the following Source Code (it accompanies a book I am currently reading). Unfortunately, visual studio can not run a library with the name "cyclone_d.lib". I believe this is because visual studio simply can not locate the file. I have spent several hours trying to fix this problem by changing the settings in the linker and project, for example adding Additional Directories, but I have not been able to get any results.
Please let me know how I can fix this problem and compile the code.
Thank You!
Your link to source points only to some Unix-style source files but no VS project files. So I can only guess and give general help.
A VS solution contains one or more projects. Each project has a build target, in most cases a EXE, DLL, or static library LIB. When you have a solution that includes an project with an EXE build target set the option "Set as StartUp Project" at that project in the solution tree.
If you don't have an EXE change your project setup to create a Win32 executable instead a library. For this task the most simple approach is creating a new project (Win32 Console Application or Win32 Project) and add all the source files.

Reference DLL file not copying to bin with deployment project, causing error

We have several external DLL files being referenced in our Web Application Project. We have a deployment project for installing on the hosting servers. When we were using .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 the DLL files were being copied to the bin folder. Since we have upgraded to .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 this no longer happens, and we are getting server errors since the references cannot be found.
CopyLocal is set to true, and I cannot find anything inside the web.config which suggests this is being set elsewhere.
There is a bug in Visual Studio 2010. By default the XML in the solution file looks like this:
<Reference Include="DevExpress.SpellChecker.v11.1.Core,
Whereas MSBuild is expecting this below, so that the DLL file will be included in the deployment:
<Reference Include="DevExpress.SpellChecker.v11.1.Core,
The trick is to set Copy Local to False, save the project and then reset it to True - save again. This includes the Private node correctly, which MSBuild respects.
It appears that the default for no included private node (Copy Local) in Visual Studio 2010 is True, while MSBuild reads that missing node as False.
I was getting the same problem and rather than add a "BeforeBuild" step I created a test that simply did this
public void ReferenceAssemblyThatDoesNotCopyToBuildFolder()
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.Logging.LoggingExceptionHandler referenceThisButDoNotUseIt = null;
And that fixed the error The type 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.Logging.LoggingExceptionHandler...' cannot be resolved
Something weird had happened to my deployment project. When I saw it had no detected dependencies, I removed the primary output and re-added it.
The dependencies are now showing up and being placed in the bin folder when installed.
I was getting exactly the same issue. We have a Visual Studio 2008 project which references the EnterpriseLibrary. When we run our integrated build using TFS and our Web deployment project, all the DLL files are copied over. When we upgraded to Visual Studio 2010, TFS 2010 and WDP 2010, some of the DLL file's were missing. Strangely, this only occurs to some DLL files and not others.
For example, we get the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.dll copied in both cases, but not the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.Logging.dll.
As a workaround I copied the files accross using a "BeforeBuild" step.
It now seems to build OK.
I just had the same issue and wanted to share what I found as it might help someone:
The reason in my case was that the assembly was installed in the GAC during an installation of some third-party application.
If the DLL file is in the GAC, the compiler won't bother to copy it to the destination folder, unless you specifically mark it for "copy local" using the "Private" node in the project file as mentioned by Junto.
The thing is that if you don't add that node, and you develop on one machine and build on a different one, and the DLL file is only in the GAC of the build machine, the default behavior without the private node will cause the file to be copied correctly on the development machine, but not on the build machine.
The bigger problem is if the DLL file is not referenced directly, but the project references a second project that in turn references the DLL file. In that case, you cannot mark the DLL file to be "copy local" in the project, as it is not referenced by it. So if the DLL file exists in the GAC - it won't get copied to your output folder.
Possible solutions to this case are:
Uninstall the DLL file from the GAC
Add a direct reference to the DLL file in the end project(s)
Re-sign the DLL file with a new strong name, which will differentiate it from the DLL file in the GAC.
I am not sure how it was set up in Visual Studio 2008, but I am almost positive that you might have been using the Post-Build event command line. In there you can tell to copy the DLL files you need for deployment. An example is given below:
mkdir $(SolutionDir)\Deployment
copy "$(SolutionDir)Your_Library_Name\Your_Dll_ForDeployement.dll"
I didn't meet the same problem but similar. I had WPF main project and referenced project where the referenced did not copy. I found that in my case the main project was set for NET 4.0 Client Profile and the referenced for NET 3.5. When I set the main project to 3.5 the compiled dll of the referenced project started to copy.
(I don't know why because I solved it by practice)
I too ran into a similar issue where referenced dlls were not copied into the bin in published folder. I was using a TFS checked out copy that didn't include the bin folder into the application.
-> So just included the bin folder.
-> Built the referenced applications
-> Published the website project
Now I see all the referenced dlls in bin in the published folder
I had a similar issue with VS 2012 Express. I used Tesseract libraries in my project. Everything worked well until I used this project in a solution where were more than one project. Problem was that some DLLs (liblept168.dll, libtesseract302.dll) that are normally placed in folders bin/debug/x86 or bin/debug/x64 were copied only when I rebuilt whole solution.
Changing a single line and building it again caused that the DLLs were deleted and not copied back.
I solved this issue by adding a reference of the project that creates missing DLLs to the startup project.
rzen and others, thanks - your comments led to a solution for us.
We have a project that targets version 10 of the Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll assemblies (separate "libs" folder we created at the 'src' level). But when we did a build, the output included version 12, which was recently installed on the build server.
Using comments here, we ensured that 'Copy Local' was set to True and that the flag was set in the project file. However, it was still deploying version 12. So what we found that did the trick was ensuring that the 'Specific Version' property was also set on the two references. Voila, version 10 of each file is now being deployed!
There was much rejoicing.
If your project does not directly load the library, it won't always be deployed, even if it is referenced explicitly! I got confused because I could see it in a local Bin directory but not when deployed. The dll in the Bin directory was an old file that wasn't removed during Clean which is why I was confused.
A full clean and rebuild and it wasn't in my local Bin folder either which showed me the problem (I only use it in web.config). I then referenced the dll file itself in the project and set it to copy to output to make sure it gets deployed.
We can use the <Private>False</Private> to not to copy the referenced DLL files to the bin directory. This is useful when we are building applications in a separate TFS build server where we need to build the application and not to copy the DLL files to the bin directory.
Check the framework of the project in which the DLL file has been referenced. The framework should be .NET 4.0. Please correct it if the framework is Client Profile.
Adding the parameter
to the msbuild command line fixed the issue.
Got a similar issue when upgrading old WebSites into WebApplications.
The "Clean Solution" command would wipe out all external DLL files I purposely left in my bin folders.
Besides, it was not possible to bring those DLL back automatically simply by referencing them all, since many of them have the same file name (it happens when you work with many language specific resources)
Like stevie_c did, I took advantage of the Pre-Build command, but made it simpler:
I just used a xcopy command in the Pre-Build operation of the WebApplication project's properties. This way I could bring over the necessary external DLL files just before the build would start.

Adding libraries to Visual Studio problem

Can someone link me a good guide for using libraries in a c or c++ project?
Right now I'm trying to add OpenCV to a newly created project. I've added all the directories I can think of in "Project and Solutions -> VC++ Directories" and to make sure I've dragged and dropped all the .lib and .dll files into the project.
The project builds but when I run the simple "Hello, World program" it gives me this error message:
"cv.exe unable to locate component.
This application has failed to start because cv200.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
How can I really add this cv200.dll? I've dragged&dropped it into the project..
You need to make sure that cv200.dll is in the DLL search path at run time. The easiest way to do this is to put it in the same directory as the built executable. Dragging and dropping a DLL or LIB file into your project has no effect.
MSDN has a good description of the full DLL search order when loading libraries at runtime.
By default during installation OpenCV create env. variable path \bin.
All dll assumed to be in that dir. However you are using OpenCV 2.0, and OpenCV 2.0 installation doesn't include lib and dll files for Visual Studio. You seems already built all dll's and lib's. If you installed OpenCV correctly just move all dll's into \bin (for example C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin)
If for some reason you are missing some dll or libs here is instruction how to build them
