currency parsing and conversion using shell commands - shell

I'm looking for a shell one-liner that will parse the following example currency string PHP10000 into $245. I need to parse the number from the string, multiply it with a preset conversion factor then add a "$" prefix to the result.
So far, what I have is only this:
echo PHP10000 | sed -e 's/PHP//'
which gives 10000 as result.
Now, I'm stuck on how to do multiplication on that result.
I'm thinking awk could also give a solution to this but I'm a beginner at shell commands.
I tried:
echo PHP10000 | expr `sed -e 's/PHP//'` \* 2
and the multiplication works properly only on whole numbers. I can't use floating point numbers as it gives me this error: expr: not a decimal number: '2.1'.

printf -v converted '$%.2f' "$(bc <<< "${value#PHP} / $factor")"
echo $converted # => $244.98
the ${value#PHP} part is parameter expansion that removes the PHP string from the front of the $value string
the <<< part is a bash here-string, so you're passing the formula to the bc program
bash does not do floating point arithmetic, so call bc to perform the calculation
printf -v varname is the equivalent of other languages varname = sprintf(...)

One way:
echo "PHP10000" | awk -F "PHP" '{ printf "$%d\n", $2 * .0245 }'
Or to print to two decimal places:
echo "PHP10000" | awk -F "PHP" '{ printf "$%.2f\n", $2 * .0245 }'
Bash doesn't support floating point operations. Use bc instead:
echo "PHP10000" | sed 's/PHP\([0-9]\+\)/echo "scale=2; \1*.0245\/1" | bc/e'

Something like:
echo PHP10000 | awk '/PHP/ { printf "$%.0f\n", .0245 * substr($1,4) }'
It can be easily extended to a multi-currency version that converts into one currency (known as quote currency), e.g.:
awk '
/[A-Z]{3}[0-9.]+/ {
pair=substr($1,1,3) "USD"
print "USD" amount * rates[pair]
' <<EOF

Yet another alternative:
$ echo "PHP10000" | awk 'sub(/PHP/,""){ print "$" $0 * .0245 }'


Double quotes containing variable not working in sed [duplicate]

In my bash script I have an external (received from user) string, which I should use in sed pattern.
REPLACE="<funny characters here>"
How can I escape the $REPLACE string so it would be safely accepted by sed as a literal replacement?
NOTE: The KEYWORD is a dumb substring with no matches etc. It is not supplied by user.
Warning: This does not consider newlines. For a more in-depth answer, see this SO-question instead. (Thanks, Ed Morton & Niklas Peter)
Note that escaping everything is a bad idea. Sed needs many characters to be escaped to get their special meaning. For example, if you escape a digit in the replacement string, it will turn in to a backreference.
As Ben Blank said, there are only three characters that need to be escaped in the replacement string (escapes themselves, forward slash for end of statement and & for replace all):
ESCAPED_REPLACE=$(printf '%s\n' "$REPLACE" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')
# Now you can use ESCAPED_REPLACE in the original sed statement
If you ever need to escape the KEYWORD string, the following is the one you need:
sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g'
And can be used by:
KEYWORD="The Keyword You Need";
ESCAPED_KEYWORD=$(printf '%s\n' "$KEYWORD" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g');
# Now you can use it inside the original sed statement to replace text
Remember, if you use a character other than / as delimiter, you need replace the slash in the expressions above wih the character you are using. See PeterJCLaw's comment for explanation.
Edited: Due to some corner cases previously not accounted for, the commands above have changed several times. Check the edit history for details.
The sed command allows you to use other characters instead of / as separator:
sed 's#"http://www\.fubar\.com"#URL_FUBAR#g'
The double quotes are not a problem.
The only three literal characters which are treated specially in the replace clause are / (to close the clause), \ (to escape characters, backreference, &c.), and & (to include the match in the replacement). Therefore, all you need to do is escape those three characters:
sed "s/KEYWORD/$(echo $REPLACE | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\//\\\//g; s/&/\\\&/g')/g"
$ export REPLACE="'\"|\\/><&!"
$ echo fooKEYWORDbar | sed "s/KEYWORD/$(echo $REPLACE | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\//\\\//g; s/&/\\\&/g')/g"
Based on Pianosaurus's regular expressions, I made a bash function that escapes both keyword and replacement.
function sedeasy {
sed -i "s/$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/\([[\/.*]\|\]\)/\\&/g')/$(echo $2 | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')/g" $3
Here's how you use it:
sedeasy "include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*" "include /apps/*/conf/nginx.conf" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
It's a bit late to respond... but there IS a much simpler way to do this. Just change the delimiter (i.e., the character that separates fields). So, instead of s/foo/bar/ you write s|bar|foo.
And, here's the easy way to do this:
sed 's|/\*!50017 DEFINER=`snafu`#`localhost`\*/||g'
The resulting output is devoid of that nasty DEFINER clause.
It turns out you're asking the wrong question. I also asked the wrong question. The reason it's wrong is the beginning of the first sentence: "In my bash script...".
I had the same question & made the same mistake. If you're using bash, you don't need to use sed to do string replacements (and it's much cleaner to use the replace feature built into bash).
Instead of something like, for example:
function escape-all-funny-characters() { UNKNOWN_CODE_THAT_ANSWERS_THE_QUESTION_YOU_ASKED; }
INPUT='some long string with KEYWORD that need replacing KEYWORD.'
A="$(escape-all-funny-characters 'KEYWORD')"
B="$(escape-all-funny-characters '<funny characters here>')"
OUTPUT="$(sed "s/$A/$B/g" <<<"$INPUT")"
you can use bash features exclusively:
INPUT='some long string with KEYWORD that need replacing KEYWORD.'
B='<funny characters here>'
Use awk - it is cleaner:
$ awk -v R='//addr:\\file' '{ sub("THIS", R, $0); print $0 }' <<< "http://file:\_THIS_/path/to/a/file\\is\\\a\\ nightmare"
http://file:\_//addr:\file_/path/to/a/file\\is\\\a\\ nightmare
Here is an example of an AWK I used a while ago. It is an AWK that prints new AWKS. AWK and SED being similar it may be a good template.
ls | awk '{ print "awk " "'"'"'" " {print $1,$2,$3} " "'"'"'" " " $1 ".old_ext > " $1 ".new_ext" }' > for_the_birds
It looks excessive, but somehow that combination of quotes works to keep the ' printed as literals. Then if I remember correctly the vaiables are just surrounded with quotes like this: "$1". Try it, let me know how it works with SED.
These are the escape codes that I've found:
* = \x2a
( = \x28
) = \x29
" = \x22
/ = \x2f
\ = \x5c
' = \x27
? = \x3f
% = \x25
^ = \x5e
sed is typically a mess, especially the difference between gnu-sed and bsd-sed
might just be easier to place some sort of sentinel at the sed side, then a quick pipe over to awk, which is far more flexible in accepting any ERE regex, escaped hex, or escaped octals.
e.g. OFS in awk is the true replacement ::
date | sed -E 's/[0-9]+/\xC1\xC0/g' |
mawk NF=NF FS='\xC1\xC0' OFS='\360\237\244\241'
1 Tue Aug 🤡 🤡:🤡:🤡 EDT 🤡
(tested and confirmed working on both BSD-sed and GNU-sed - the emoji isn't a typo that's what those 4 bytes map to in UTF-8 )
There are dozens of answers out there... If you don't mind using a bash function schema, below is a good answer. The objective below was to allow using sed with practically any parameter as a KEYWORD (F_PS_TARGET) or as a REPLACE (F_PS_REPLACE). We tested it in many scenarios and it seems to be pretty safe. The implementation below supports tabs, line breaks and sigle quotes for both KEYWORD and replace REPLACE.
NOTES: The idea here is to use sed to escape entries for another sed command.
f_reverse_string() {
: 'Do a string reverse.
To undo just use a reversed string as STRING_INPUT.
STRING_INPUT (str): String input.
F_REVERSE_STRING_R (str): The modified string.
F_REVERSE_STRING_R=$(echo "x${STRING_INPUT}x" | tac | rev)
# [Ref(s).: ]
f_power_sed_ecp() {
: 'Escape strings for the "sed" command.
Escaped characters will be processed as is (e.g. /n, /t ...).
F_PSE_VAL_TO_ECP (str): Value to be escaped.
F_PSE_ECP_TYPE (int): 0 - For the TARGET value; 1 - For the REPLACE value.
F_POWER_SED_ECP_R (str): Escaped value.
local F_PSE_VAL_TO_ECP=$1
local F_PSE_ECP_TYPE=$2
# NOTE: Operational characters of "sed" will be escaped, as well as single quotes.
# By Questor
if [ ${F_PSE_ECP_TYPE} -eq 0 ] ; then
# NOTE: For the TARGET value. By Questor
F_POWER_SED_ECP_R=$(echo "x${F_PSE_VAL_TO_ECP}x" | sed 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g' | sed "s/'/\\\x27/g" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
# NOTE: For the REPLACE value. By Questor
F_POWER_SED_ECP_R=$(echo "x${F_PSE_VAL_TO_ECP}x" | sed 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' | sed "s/'/\\\x27/g" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
# [Ref(s).: ,
# ,
# ,
# ,
# ,
# ,
# ]
f_power_sed() {
: 'Facilitate the use of the "sed" command. Replaces in files and strings.
F_PS_TARGET (str): Value to be replaced by the value of F_PS_REPLACE.
F_PS_REPLACE (str): Value that will replace F_PS_TARGET.
F_PS_FILE (Optional[str]): File in which the replacement will be made.
F_PS_SOURCE (Optional[str]): String to be manipulated in case "F_PS_FILE" was
not informed.
F_PS_NTH_OCCUR (Optional[int]): [1~n] - Replace the nth match; [n~-1] - Replace
the last nth match; 0 - Replace every match; Default 1.
F_POWER_SED_R (str): Return the result if "F_PS_FILE" is not informed.
local F_PS_TARGET=$1
local F_PS_REPLACE=$2
local F_PS_FILE=$3
local F_PS_SOURCE=$4
local F_PS_NTH_OCCUR=$5
if [ -z "$F_PS_NTH_OCCUR" ] ; then
if [ ${F_PS_NTH_OCCUR} -lt -1 ] ; then
f_reverse_string "$F_PS_TARGET"
f_reverse_string "$F_PS_REPLACE"
f_reverse_string "$F_PS_SOURCE"
f_power_sed_ecp "$F_PS_TARGET" 0
f_power_sed_ecp "$F_PS_REPLACE" 1
local F_PS_SED_RPL=""
if [ ${F_PS_NTH_OCCUR} -eq -1 ] ; then
# NOTE: We kept this option because it performs better when we only need to replace
# the last occurrence. By Questor
# [Ref(s).: ,
# ]
elif [ ${F_PS_NTH_OCCUR} -gt 0 ] ; then
# [Ref(s).: ]
elif [ ${F_PS_NTH_OCCUR} -eq 0 ] ; then
# NOTE: As the "sed" commands below always process literal values for the "F_PS_TARGET"
# so we use the "-z" flag in case it has multiple lines. By Quaestor
# [Ref(s).: ]
if [ -z "$F_PS_FILE" ] ; then
F_POWER_SED_R=$(echo "x${F_PS_SOURCE}x" | eval "sed -z $F_PS_SED_RPL")
if [ ${F_PS_REVERSE_MODE} -eq 1 ] ; then
f_reverse_string "$F_POWER_SED_R"
if [ ${F_PS_REVERSE_MODE} -eq 0 ] ; then
eval "sed -i -z $F_PS_SED_RPL \"$F_PS_FILE\""
tac "$F_PS_FILE" | rev | eval "sed -z $F_PS_SED_RPL" | tac | rev > "$F_PS_FILE"
f_power_sed "F_PS_TARGET" "F_PS_REPLACE" "" "F_PS_SOURCE"
echo "$F_POWER_SED_R"
f_power_sed "{ gsub(/,[ ]+|$/,\"\0\"); print }' ./ and eliminate" "[ ]+|$/,\"\0\"" "" "Great answer (+1). If you change your awk to awk '{ gsub(/,[ ]+|$/,\"\0\"); print }' ./ and eliminate that concatenation of the final \", \" then you don't have to go through the gymnastics on eliminating the final record. So: readarray -td '' a < <(awk '{ gsub(/,[ ]+/,\"\0\"); print; }' <<<\"$string\") on Bash that supports readarray. Note your method is Bash 4.4+ I think because of the -d in readar"
echo "$F_POWER_SED_R"
# "TARGET" value.
f_power_sed_ecp "F_PSE_VAL_TO_ECP" 0
# "REPLACE" value.
f_power_sed_ecp "F_PSE_VAL_TO_ECP" 1
IMPORTANT: If the strings for KEYWORD and/or replace REPLACE contain tabs or line breaks you will need to use the "-z" flag in your "sed" command. More details here.
f_power_sed_ecp "{ gsub(/,[ ]+|$/,\"\0\"); print }' ./ and eliminate" 0
f_power_sed_ecp "[ ]+|$/,\"\0\"" 1
NOTE: The f_power_sed_ecp and f_power_sed functions above was made available completely free as part of this project ez_i - Create shell script installers easily!.
Standard recommendation here: use perl :)
echo KEYWORD > /tmp/test
REPLACE="<funny characters here>"
perl -pi.bck -e "s/KEYWORD/${REPLACE}/g" /tmp/test
cat /tmp/test
don't forget all the pleasure that occur with the shell limitation around " and '
so (in ksh)
Var=">New version of \"content' here <"
printf "%s" "${Var}" | sed "s/[&\/\\\\*\\"']/\\&/g' | read -r EscVar
echo "Here is your \"text\" to change" | sed "s/text/${EscVar}/g"
If the case happens to be that you are generating a random password to pass to sed replace pattern, then you choose to be careful about which set of characters in the random string. If you choose a password made by encoding a value as base64, then there is is only character that is both possible in base64 and is also a special character in sed replace pattern. That character is "/", and is easily removed from the password you are generating:
# password 32 characters log, minus any copies of the "/" character.
pass=`openssl rand -base64 32 | sed -e 's/\///g'`;
If you are just looking to replace Variable value in sed command then just remove
sed -i 's/dev-/dev-$ENV/g' test to sed -i s/dev-/dev-$ENV/g test
I have an improvement over the sedeasy function, which WILL break with special characters like tab.
function sedeasy_improved {
sed -i "s/$(
echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\([[\/.*]\|\]\)/\\&/g'
| sed -e 's:\t:\\t:g'
echo "$2" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g'
| sed -e 's:\t:\\t:g'
)/g" "$3"
So, whats different? $1 and $2 wrapped in quotes to avoid shell expansions and preserve tabs or double spaces.
Additional piping | sed -e 's:\t:\\t:g' (I like : as token) which transforms a tab in \t.
An easier way to do this is simply building the string before hand and using it as a parameter for sed
sed -i $rpstring test.txt

Subtract big number in bash

I Want to do a sub with two big number
my purpose is
I try with
echo $((1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289-3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480))
My result is:
but it's not correct.
I can do the similar operation in console chrome
and I Have
How can I do this operation in bash?
I tried even with expr, but without lucky
It's ok to check if a number is greater then another
in shell
echo $((1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289>3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480))
result: 1
same operation in chrome
And chrome is right
The ARITHMETIC EVALUATION section of bash's manual explains why you get this result with $((...)) :
Evaluation is done in fixed-width integers with no check for overflow
You may be able to use expr (depending on compile-time options, check #Benjamin W's comment), but you need spaces between the operator and its operands :
$ expr 1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289 - 3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480
As #PesaThe mentions you can also use bc, one of its main features being able to handle arbitrary precision arithmetics :
bc <<< "1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289 - 3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480"
You can use Perl
$ perl -le ' BEGIN { use Math::BigInt; my $x=Math::BigInt->new("1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289"); my $y=Math::BigInt->new("3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480"); print $x->bsub($y) } '
$ perl -le ' BEGIN { use Math::BigInt; my $x=Math::BigInt->new("1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289"); my $y=Math::BigInt->new("3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480"); printf("%g\n",$x->bsub($y)) } '
If you want to pass echo output to Perl, then
$ echo "1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289-3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480" | perl -ne ' BEGIN { use Math::BigInt } /(\d+)-(\d+)/; $x=Math::BigInt->new($1); $y=Math::BigInt->new($2); printf("%g\n",$x->bsub($y)) '
As #PesaThe mentioned you can use bc also
$ bc <<< "1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289-3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480"
If you're feeling adventurous you can use that good old dc (desk calculator, a cute RPN calculator):
dc <<< "1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289 3369574570478873127315415525946742317481702644901195284480 - p"
Answer is: -1564240459109596641570771505625190846034512613946145199191
Mac OSX awk can also handle big numbers:
awk 'BEGIN{print 1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289 - \
Or by using printf:
awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.5e\n", 1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289 - \
On the other hand GNU awk needs -M switch to support big numbers so use:
gawk -M 'BEGIN{print 1805334111369276485744644020321551471447190030955050085289 - \

evaluate program output as an integer in bash

I have an application which outputs a string with a number, like this:
output number is 20.
I have a code which parses output and cutting out only the number:
result=$(./my_script | awk 'print $4')
echo $result
the result output will be "20" as expected, but now, if I would try to use it as an integer, for example:
then I will get an error:
13915: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "20")
Using it as a seq argument will also give an error
$(seq 0 $result)
seq: invalid floating point argument: ‘\033[?25h\033[?0c20’
trying to print it with %q will give the same result:
printf '%q' $result
So, it looks like there are some unexpected characters in the string, but I'm not sure how to trim them?
Thank you!
You can try to get the number by using Regex.
It worked for me:
result=$(bash | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')
echo $r
Hope this helps.
Or, simply, change the field separator
result=$(./my_script | awk -F '[. ]' '{print $4}')
echo $result

How do I extract the content of quoted strings from the output of a shell command

The following shell command returns an output with 3 items:
cred="$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::01234567899:role/test --role-session-name s3-access-example --query '[Credentials.AccessKeyId, Credentials.SecretAccessKey, Credentials.SessionToken]')"
echo $cred returns the following output:
[ "ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT", "trttr435", "DF/////eraesr43" ]
How do I retrieve the value between double quotes? For example, trttr435
How to achieve this? Use regex? or other options?
IFS=', ' credArray=(`echo "$cred" | tr -d '"[]'`)
Simple as ... that
cred='[ "ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT", "trttr435", "DF/////eraesr43" ]'
IFS=', ' credArray=(`echo "$cred" | tr -d '"[]'`)
for i in "${credArray[#]}"; do echo "[$i]"; done
echo "2nd parameter is ${credArray[1]}"
2nd parameter is trttr435
Tested on Mac OS bash and CentOS bash
I didn't quite catch if the [ and ] are in the $cred or not, or what is your expected output but this will return everything between double quotes:
$ awk '{while(match($0,/"[^"]+"/)){print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2);$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)}}' file
You could and probably would like to:
$ echo "$cred" | awk ... # add above script here
Edit: If you just want to get the quoted string from second field ($2):
$ awk -F, '{match($2,/"[^"]+"/);print substr($2,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)}' file
or even:
$ awk -F, '{gsub(/^[^"]+"|"[^"]*$/,"",$2);print $2}' file
Or use python, because the content of cred is already a valid python array:
cred='[ "ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT", "trttr435", "DF/////eraesr43" ]'
python-script() {
local INDEX=$1
echo "arr=$cred"
echo "print(arr[$INDEX])"
item() {
local INDEX=$1
python-script "$INDEX" | python
echo "item1=$(item 1)"
echo "item2=$(item 2)"
Another crude but effective way of extracting the values you need would be to use awk with " as the split delimiter. The valid positions, in this case, would be $2, $4, $6
OUT="[ \"ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT\", \"trttr435\", \"DF/////eraesr43\" ]"
echo $OUT | awk -F '"' '{print $4}'
I would advise you to use python if you need to do a lot of string parsing.

How to use sed to extract a string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
BASH extract value after string in variable Not file [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I need to extract a number from the output of a command: cmd. The output is type: 1000
So my question is how to execute the command, store its output in a variable and extract 1000 in a shell script. Also how do you store the extracted string in a variable?
This question has been answered in pieces here before, it would be something like this:
line=$(sed -n '2p' myfile)
echo "$line"
if [ `echo $line || grep 'type: 1000' ` ] then;
echo "It's there!";
Store output of sed into a variable
String contains in Bash
EDIT: sed is very limited, you would need to use bash, perl or awk for what you need.
This is a typical use case for grep:
output=$(cmd | grep -o '[0-9]\+')
You can write the output of a command or even a pipeline of commands into a shell variable using so called command substitution:
In comments it appeared that the output of cmd contains more lines than the type : 1000. In this case I would suggest sed:
output=$(cmd | sed -n 's/type : \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p;q')
You tagged your question as sed but your question description does not restrict other tools, so here's a solution using awk.
output = `cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}'`
Alternatively, you can use the newer $( ) syntax. Some find the newer syntax preferable and it can be conveniently nested, without the need for escaping backtics.
output = $(cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}')
If the output is rigidly restricted to "type: " followed by a number, you can just use cut.
var=$(echo 'type: 1000' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
Obviously you'll have to pipe the output of your command to cut, I'm using echo as a demo.
In addition, I'd use grep and then cut if the string you are searching is more complex. If we assume there can be all kind of numbers in the text, but only one occurrence of "type: " followed by a number, you can use the command:
>> var=$(echo "hello 12 type: 1000 foo 1001" | grep -oE "type: [0-9]+" | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
>> echo $var
You can use the | operator to send the output of one command to another, like so:
echo " 1\n 2\n 3\n" | grep "2"
This sends the string " 1\n 2\n 3\n" to the grep command, which will search for the line containing 2. It sound like you might want to do something like:
cmd | grep "type"
Here is a plain sed solution that uses a regualar expression to find the number in your string:
cmd | sed 's/^.*type: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/g'
^ means from the start
.* can be any character (also none)
\([0-9]\+\) are numbers (minimum one character)
\1 means it takes the first pattern it finds (and only in this case) and uses it as replacement for the whole string
