I have the following input:
myinput1 can be also first or last. for example: line="myinput1,after" or line="before,myinput1"
Im trying to get only the myinput1 value (which can be changed). tried this:
line | grep -o -E ',.{0,7}.,'
which its returned the following value: ,myinput1,. The issue its not working if the value is first or last because the missing ,.
is there any other way to do that?
Using grep, a regex for 8 characters (assuming you only want an 8 character string) is \w{8}. Using OR operators | the three cases needed (start of line, end of line and somewhere in the middle of the line) can be expressed as:
egrep -o ',\w{8},|^\w{8},|,\w{8}$'
To catch fields of 8 characters in a comma delimited string, you can use awk:
awk -v RS=, 'length()==8' <<< "$line"
RS sets the record separator to the comma ,.
awk length() function gives the size of the current record.
With bash :
(IFS=',';set -- $line;for i;do [ ${#i} -eq 8 ] && echo $i ;done)
The following shell command returns an output with 3 items:
cred="$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::01234567899:role/test --role-session-name s3-access-example --query '[Credentials.AccessKeyId, Credentials.SecretAccessKey, Credentials.SessionToken]')"
echo $cred returns the following output:
[ "ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT", "trttr435", "DF/////eraesr43" ]
How do I retrieve the value between double quotes? For example, trttr435
How to achieve this? Use regex? or other options?
IFS=', ' credArray=(`echo "$cred" | tr -d '"[]'`)
Simple as ... that
cred='[ "ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT", "trttr435", "DF/////eraesr43" ]'
IFS=', ' credArray=(`echo "$cred" | tr -d '"[]'`)
for i in "${credArray[#]}"; do echo "[$i]"; done
echo "2nd parameter is ${credArray[1]}"
2nd parameter is trttr435
Tested on Mac OS bash and CentOS bash
I didn't quite catch if the [ and ] are in the $cred or not, or what is your expected output but this will return everything between double quotes:
$ awk '{while(match($0,/"[^"]+"/)){print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2);$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)}}' file
You could and probably would like to:
$ echo "$cred" | awk ... # add above script here
Edit: If you just want to get the quoted string from second field ($2):
$ awk -F, '{match($2,/"[^"]+"/);print substr($2,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)}' file
or even:
$ awk -F, '{gsub(/^[^"]+"|"[^"]*$/,"",$2);print $2}' file
Or use python, because the content of cred is already a valid python array:
cred='[ "ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT", "trttr435", "DF/////eraesr43" ]'
python-script() {
local INDEX=$1
echo "arr=$cred"
echo "print(arr[$INDEX])"
item() {
local INDEX=$1
python-script "$INDEX" | python
echo "item1=$(item 1)"
echo "item2=$(item 2)"
Another crude but effective way of extracting the values you need would be to use awk with " as the split delimiter. The valid positions, in this case, would be $2, $4, $6
OUT="[ \"ASRDTDRSIJGISGDT\", \"trttr435\", \"DF/////eraesr43\" ]"
echo $OUT | awk -F '"' '{print $4}'
I would advise you to use python if you need to do a lot of string parsing.
So I have a file that contains some lines of text separated by ','. I want to create a script that counts how much parts a line has and if the line contains 16 parts i want to add a new one. So far its working great. The only thing that is not working is appending the ',' at the end. See my example below:
Original file:
Expected result:
This is my code:
while read p; do
if [[ $p == "HEA"* ]]
IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$p"
echo ${#ADDR[#]}
if [ "${arrayCount}" -eq 16 ];
sed -i "/$p/ s/\$/,xx/g" $f
done <$f
What im doing wrong? I'm sure its something small but i cant find it..
It can be done using awk:
awk -F, 'NF==16{$0 = $0 FS "xx"} 1' file
-F, sets input field separator as comma
NF==16 is the condition that says execute block inside { and } if # of fields is 16
$0 = $0 FS "xx" appends xx at end of line
1 is the default awk action that means print the output
For using sed answer should be in the following:
Use ${line_number} s/..../..../ format - to target a specific line, you need to find out the line number first.
Use the special char & to denote the matched string
The sed statement should look like the following:
sed -i "${line_number}s/.*/&xx/"
I would prefer to leave it to you to play around with it but if you would prefer i can give you a full working sample.
I'm looking for a shell one-liner that will parse the following example currency string PHP10000 into $245. I need to parse the number from the string, multiply it with a preset conversion factor then add a "$" prefix to the result.
So far, what I have is only this:
echo PHP10000 | sed -e 's/PHP//'
which gives 10000 as result.
Now, I'm stuck on how to do multiplication on that result.
I'm thinking awk could also give a solution to this but I'm a beginner at shell commands.
I tried:
echo PHP10000 | expr `sed -e 's/PHP//'` \* 2
and the multiplication works properly only on whole numbers. I can't use floating point numbers as it gives me this error: expr: not a decimal number: '2.1'.
printf -v converted '$%.2f' "$(bc <<< "${value#PHP} / $factor")"
echo $converted # => $244.98
the ${value#PHP} part is parameter expansion that removes the PHP string from the front of the $value string
the <<< part is a bash here-string, so you're passing the formula to the bc program
bash does not do floating point arithmetic, so call bc to perform the calculation
printf -v varname is the equivalent of other languages varname = sprintf(...)
One way:
echo "PHP10000" | awk -F "PHP" '{ printf "$%d\n", $2 * .0245 }'
Or to print to two decimal places:
echo "PHP10000" | awk -F "PHP" '{ printf "$%.2f\n", $2 * .0245 }'
Bash doesn't support floating point operations. Use bc instead:
echo "PHP10000" | sed 's/PHP\([0-9]\+\)/echo "scale=2; \1*.0245\/1" | bc/e'
Something like:
echo PHP10000 | awk '/PHP/ { printf "$%.0f\n", .0245 * substr($1,4) }'
It can be easily extended to a multi-currency version that converts into one currency (known as quote currency), e.g.:
awk '
/[A-Z]{3}[0-9.]+/ {
pair=substr($1,1,3) "USD"
print "USD" amount * rates[pair]
' <<EOF
Yet another alternative:
$ echo "PHP10000" | awk 'sub(/PHP/,""){ print "$" $0 * .0245 }'
I have a file that has two columns of floating point values. I also have a C program that takes a floating point value as input and returns another floating point value as output.
What I'd like to do is the following: for each row in the original, execute the C program with the value in the first column as input, and then print out the first column (unchanged) followed by the second column minus the result of the C program.
As an example, suppose c_program returns the square of the input and behaves like this:
$ c_program 4
and suppose data_file looks like this:
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
What I'd like to return as output, in this case, is
1 9
2 7
3 3
4 -3
To write this in really sketchy pseudocode, I want to do something like this:
awk '{print $1, $2 - `c_program $1`}' data_file
But of course, I can't just pass $1, the awk variable, into a call to c_program. What's the right way to do this, and preferably, how could I do it while still maintaining the "awk one-liner"? (I don't want to pull out a sledgehammer and write a full-fledged C program to do this.)
you just do everything in awk
awk '{cmd="c_program "$1; cmd|getline l;print $1,$2-l}' file
This shows how to execute a command in awk:
ls | awk '/^a/ {system("ls -ld " $1)}'
You could use a bash script instead:
while read line
FIRST=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1`
SECOND=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2`
OUT=`expr $SECOND \* 4`
echo $FIRST $OUT `expr $OUT - $SECOND`
The shell is a better tool for this using a little used feature. There is a shell variable IFS which is the Input Field Separator that sh uses to split command lines when parsing; it defaults to <Space><Tab><Newline> which is why ls foo is interpreted as two words.
When set is given arguments not beginning with - it sets the positional parameters of the shell to the contents of the arguments as split via IFS, thus:
while read line ; do
set $line
subtrahend=`c_program $1`
echo $1 `expr $2 - $subtrahend`
done < data_file
Pure Bash, without using any external executables other than your program:
while read num1 num2
(( result = $(c_program num2) - num1 ))
echo "$num1 $result"
As others have pointed out: awk is not not well equipped for this job. Here is a suggestion in bash:
while read column_1 column_2 the_rest
((result=$(c_program $column_1)-$column_2))
echo $column_1 $result "$the_rest"
done < $data_file
Save this to a file, say myscript.sh, then invoke it as:
sh myscript.sh data_file
The read command reads each line from the data file (which was redirected to the standard input) and assign the first 2 columns to $column_1 and $column_2 variables. The rest of the line, if there is any, is stored in $the_rest.
Next, I calculate the result based on your requirements and prints out the line based on your requirements. Note that I surround $the_rest with quotes to reserve spacing. Failure to do so will result in multiple spaces in the input file to be squeezed into one.