AWS: EC2 micro, not enough for a .NET MVC 3 application? -

I used elastic beanstalk to manage/deploy my .NET MVC 3 application on an EC2 micro instance (has 613 MB memory). It's mainly a static site for now as it is in Beta with registration (including email confirmation) and some error logging (ELMAH).
It was doing fine until recently, I keep getting notifications of CPU Utilization greater than 95.00%.
Is the micro instance with 613MB memory not enough to run an MVC application for Production use?
Added info: Windows Server 2008 R2, running IIS7.5

I've tried running Jetbrains teamcity (which uses Tomcat I think) and was on a linux box using an ec2 micro instance and there wasn't enough memory available to support what it needed.
I did try running a server 2008/2012 box on a micro instance as well and it was pointless took minutes to open anything.
I think you're going to find that running windows on one of those boxes isn't really a viable option unless you start disabling services like crazy and get really creative with you're tweaking.

A micro instance is clearly not enough for Production.
The micro instances have a low I/O limit, and once this limit is reached (for the month I think), all later operations are throttled.
So, I advise you to use at least a small instance for production. And keep your micro for your dev/test/preprod environments!
Edit: I got those info from an Amazon guy.

Make sure your load balancer is pinging a blank html file. I got that message because it was pinging my home page which had db loads. When I set it to ping a blank html file it ran smoothly


Unexplained memory usage on Azure Windows App Service Plan - Drill down missing

We have a memory problem with our Azure Windows App Service Plan (service level is P1v3 with 1 instance – this means 8 GB memory).
We are running two small .NET 6 App Services on it (some web APIs), that use custom containers – without problems.
They’re not in production and receive a very low number of requests.
However, when looking at the service plan’s memory usage in Diagnose and Solve Problems / Memory Analysis, we see an unexplained 80% memory percent usage – in a stable way:
And the real problem occurs when we try to start a third app service on the plan. We get this "out of memory" error in our log stream :
ERROR - Site: app-name-dev - Unable to start container.
Error message: Docker API responded with status code=InternalServerError,
response={"message":"hcsshim::CreateComputeSystem xxxx:
The paging file is too small for this operation to complete."}
So it looks like docker doesn’t have enough mem to start the container. Maybe because of the 80% mem usage ?
But our apps actually have very low memory needs. When running them locally on dev machines, we see about 50-150M memory usage (when no requests occur).
In Azure, the private bytes graph in “availability and performance” shows very moderate consumption for the biggest app of the two:
Unfortunately, the “Memory drill down” is unavailable:
(needless to say, waiting hours doesn’t change the message…)
Even more strange, stopping all App Services of the App Service Plan still show a Memory Percentage of 60% in the Plan.
Obviously some memory is being retained by something...
So the questions are:
Is it normal to have 60% memory percentage in an App Service Plan with no App Services running ?
If not, could this be due to a memory leak in our app ? But app services are ran in supposedly isolated containers, so I'm not sure this is possible. Any other explanation is of course welcome :-)
Why can’t we access the memory drill down ?
Any tips on the best way to fit "small" Docker containers with low memory usage in Azure App Service ? (or maybe in another Azure resource type...). It's a bit frustrating to be able to use ony 3GB out of a 8GB machine...
Further details:
First app is a .NET 6 based app, with its docker image based on aspnet:6.0-nanoserver-ltsc2022
Second app is also a .NET 6 based app, but has some windows DLL dependencies, and therefore is based on aspnet:6.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Thanks in advance!
I added more details and changed the questions a bit since I was able to stop all app services tonight.

Ubuntu instance gets unresponsive while performing cap deployment

I have a small ruby on rails application which i have deployed on an amazon ec-2 instance using capistrano, my instance is a t2.small instance with nginx installed on it and local postgress db installed on the server too. i have a development instance on which i do frequent deployments, recently whenever i try to do a capistrano deployment on my ec-2 instance the cpu-utilization has an enormous spike, usually is its between 20-25% but during deployment for some reason it goes upto 85% which makes my instance unresponsive and i have to do a hard restart on my server to get it back working
I dont know why is this happening and what should i do to solve this because load balancing and auto scaling makes no sense in this scenario as the issue occurs only during deployment
I have attached a screenshot of my server cpu utilization and the 2 high peaks are both when i performed cap deployment
The only solution i can think of is increasing the instance type, but i want to know what other options do i have to solve this. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance
If this is interim spike (only during installation) and you don't need high CPU during application usage, you may try t2.unlimited approach.
If t2.unlimited couldn't support your need, I think increasing the instance type is the only option left for you.

How to diagnose why a web server with idle applications becomes unresponsive?

I have a Digital Ocean droplet (512MB RAM, 20GB SSD Disk, Ubuntu 13.10 x64) on which
a MongoDB instance and
a Tomcat 7 server
On the Tomcat server, following applications are installed
Apache CXF-based application, which takes processes web service requests, interacts with the database and executes scheduled jobs,
Vaadin application,
JSF (Primefaces) application and
Psi Probe.
When I
restart Tomcat,
use the Vaadin and/or JSF application,
then for several weeks do nothing on that machine (it basically is idle during that time),
then try to open the JSF and/or Vaadin application,
I find the site unresponsive (nothing is displayed after I enter the URL in the browser).
When I restart Tomcat (sudo service tomcat7 restart), everything works again. I don't see any obvious problems in the Tomcat logs.
How can I find out,
whether the problem is on the Tomcat side (one of the applications consumes too many resources even if idle) or on the OS side (nothing happens on the machine and therefore the OS puts itself into a "hibernating" mode) and
if the problem is with Tomcat, exactly which of the application is causing it?
Please start from top to bottom.
then try to open the JSF and/or Vaadin application,
I find the site unresponsive (nothing is displayed after I enter the
URL in the browser).
Check if the service is still running before restarting sudo service tomcat7 status and/or ps -ef | grep tomcat
Check with netstat -patune | grep <portnumber, e.g. 443> if the server is listening on the configured ports
Check your httpd/Apache/Tomcat access logs if the request reaches the server and if yes, check if there are errors or timeouts related to the requests
Check if the DB connection is still possible
To force some error logs, try to change your maxIdle, maxActive and maxWait attributes of your Tomcat's Connection Pool configuration. maxWait default is -1, connections created sometimes during these weeks will wait forever.
#Patrick provided some excellent basic tests.
I notice that you only have 512 MB of RAM. With some fairly beefy software such as tomcat, plus MongoDB on top of that, your machine may simply be overloaded.
Based on that, I would propose a couple additional things to check:
sudo free
Should tell you how much memory is being used, and how much swap space you use.
sudo top
Will tell you which process is using the most memory. You may want to sort the output of top by memory (default is usually by CPU utilization).
Most importantly, check the log files in /var/log (in particular /var/log/messages). You may find indications that the kernel killed one of your processes (probably tomcat).

Windows Azure Websites Latency

for a client a run a website on Windows Azure (Websites). I run in reserved mode and have two medium insances. I run these PHP sites on Windows and I have a separate MySQL server (running on Windows). Memory enough, no high utilization, but once every minute or two minutes I have an explained higher latency (3 seconds, instead of 300 milliseconds).
Does one experience the same behaviour, or recognize this?
All happens within one Windows Azure datacenter.
When I loadtest it with a tool, the tool thinks my website runs in Redmond, how come?
I believe what you are seeing is an artifact of hot and cold websites. Windows Azure websites use a concept of hot websites for an active connection and after few seconds when there are no active connections to Azure websites, the websites becomes cold. And when a website is in cold mode it may take little longer to start in its first time however after subsequent connection the load time is very fast.
Similar discussion are found here:
Very slow opening MySQL connection using MySQL Connector for .net

AppFabric velocity as a state server

Is anybody using Windows AppFabric Server for out of process state management?
Any feedback, advice would be appreciated.
Using AppFabric Caching. We tried this and it appeared to work, was easy to setup etc. There are some very strange settings when setting up the cache about peristance which need to be read carefully.
Our issue was on two server we installed IIS and Appfabric Caching and told app to try the local one first. When we went into production is just started to fail. It appears that with only two servers there is a lead server which if it goes down things stop working, we read that if needed to scale to 3 or more servers to get the behaviour we wanted. Not an option when just gone live and not working so we switched to SQL server for now while we look at nCache and ScaleOut and Memchached
The other issue is that caching and session state are not the same animal, if you loose your cache it should not be the end of the world just put it back together, we need to keep session state for the lotted time period at all costs.
