Windows Azure Websites Latency - windows

for a client a run a website on Windows Azure (Websites). I run in reserved mode and have two medium insances. I run these PHP sites on Windows and I have a separate MySQL server (running on Windows). Memory enough, no high utilization, but once every minute or two minutes I have an explained higher latency (3 seconds, instead of 300 milliseconds).
Does one experience the same behaviour, or recognize this?
All happens within one Windows Azure datacenter.
When I loadtest it with a tool, the tool thinks my website runs in Redmond, how come?

I believe what you are seeing is an artifact of hot and cold websites. Windows Azure websites use a concept of hot websites for an active connection and after few seconds when there are no active connections to Azure websites, the websites becomes cold. And when a website is in cold mode it may take little longer to start in its first time however after subsequent connection the load time is very fast.
Similar discussion are found here:
Very slow opening MySQL connection using MySQL Connector for .net


Unexplained memory usage on Azure Windows App Service Plan - Drill down missing

We have a memory problem with our Azure Windows App Service Plan (service level is P1v3 with 1 instance – this means 8 GB memory).
We are running two small .NET 6 App Services on it (some web APIs), that use custom containers – without problems.
They’re not in production and receive a very low number of requests.
However, when looking at the service plan’s memory usage in Diagnose and Solve Problems / Memory Analysis, we see an unexplained 80% memory percent usage – in a stable way:
And the real problem occurs when we try to start a third app service on the plan. We get this "out of memory" error in our log stream :
ERROR - Site: app-name-dev - Unable to start container.
Error message: Docker API responded with status code=InternalServerError,
response={"message":"hcsshim::CreateComputeSystem xxxx:
The paging file is too small for this operation to complete."}
So it looks like docker doesn’t have enough mem to start the container. Maybe because of the 80% mem usage ?
But our apps actually have very low memory needs. When running them locally on dev machines, we see about 50-150M memory usage (when no requests occur).
In Azure, the private bytes graph in “availability and performance” shows very moderate consumption for the biggest app of the two:
Unfortunately, the “Memory drill down” is unavailable:
(needless to say, waiting hours doesn’t change the message…)
Even more strange, stopping all App Services of the App Service Plan still show a Memory Percentage of 60% in the Plan.
Obviously some memory is being retained by something...
So the questions are:
Is it normal to have 60% memory percentage in an App Service Plan with no App Services running ?
If not, could this be due to a memory leak in our app ? But app services are ran in supposedly isolated containers, so I'm not sure this is possible. Any other explanation is of course welcome :-)
Why can’t we access the memory drill down ?
Any tips on the best way to fit "small" Docker containers with low memory usage in Azure App Service ? (or maybe in another Azure resource type...). It's a bit frustrating to be able to use ony 3GB out of a 8GB machine...
Further details:
First app is a .NET 6 based app, with its docker image based on aspnet:6.0-nanoserver-ltsc2022
Second app is also a .NET 6 based app, but has some windows DLL dependencies, and therefore is based on aspnet:6.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Thanks in advance!
I added more details and changed the questions a bit since I was able to stop all app services tonight.

ASP.NET 5 Web API application intermittently unresponsive

We are working on an ASP.NET 5 Web API project that is in production now but we are experiencing an issue where it becomes unresponsive intermittently throughout the day.
A few notes about the application architecture. It is an ASP.NET Web API project using a MariaDB database on a separate EC2 instance within the same private network. The connection string uses the private IP of the database server to avoid any name resolution issues. The site is hosted via IIS 10.
The application itself has been developed carefully following the best practices provided by Microsoft. Heavy focus on async operations, minimizing query response times and offloading more expensive operations into background services.
The app is extremely responsive. It performs with sub 100ms responses on almost all requests, even the more complicated requests, and all the way up until it becomes unresponsive this high level of performance remains the same. We tend to see between 10-30 requests per second and 300-500 select queries per second at peak usage so not too extreme. However, randomly (2-3 times over a 24 hour period) it will begin hanging on requests and simply not respond to the request. During this time, the database is still extremely responsive and we are never over 300 connections out of our 512 connection limit.
The resources on the application server itself are never really taxed much at all. The CPU never gets above ~20% and the memory usage sits around 20-30%.
If I were to stop the site in IIS and start it again while this is happening, it will quickly come back online. If I don't it will be down for a few minutes until IIS finally kills it due to a failed health check. There are no real errors generated as a response to the issue other than typical errors caused by the hanging of the process such as connection terminated errors. The only thing I have seen before that gave me pause was the fact that there a few connection timeouts when getting the connection from the pool, but like I said, the connections to the server are never close to the limit.
Also, this app and version has been in production for months and it wasn't until the traffic volume started to grow that we started seeing these issues. At this point, I am at a loss for next steps of troubleshooting and I'm seeking suggestions.
In IIS App Pool advanced settings set Start Mode to AlwaysRunning
I never found a root cause for this issue, however, after updating to newer versions of .NET MVC this issue went away. My best guess is that changes with the Kestrel possibly resolved this issue, although, I have no idea what specific change that might have been. I have gone through the change logs a few times and didn't see anything that specifically jumped out at me.

Elasticsearch speed vs. Cloud (localhost to production)

I have got a single ELK stack with a single node running in a vagrant virtual box on my machine. It has 3 indexes which are 90mb, 3.6gb, and 38gb.
At the same time, I have also got a Javascript application running on the host machine, consuming data from Elasticsearch which runs no problem, speed and everything's perfect. (Locally)
The issue comes when I put my Javascript application in production, as the Elasticsearch endpoint in the application has to go from localhost:9200 to The speed of the application runs fine within the company, but when I access it from home, the speed drastically decreases and often crashes. However, when I go to Kibana from home, running query there is fine.
The company is using BT broadband and has a download speed of 60mb, and 20mb upload. Doesn't use fixed IP so have to update A record whenever IP changes manually, but I don't think is relevant to the problem.
Is the internet speed the main issue that affected the loading speed outside of the company? How do I improve this? Is cloud (CDN?) the only option that would make things run faster? If so how much would it cost to host it in the cloud assuming I would index a lot of documents in the first time, but do a daily max. 10mb indexing after?
UPDATE1: Metrics from sending a request from Home using Chrome > Network
Queued at 32.77s
Started at 32.77s
Resource Scheduling
- Queueing 0.37 ms
Connection Start
- Stalled 38.32s
- DNS Lookup 0.22ms
- Initial Connection
- Request sent 48 μs
- Waiting (TTFB)
- Content Download 0.58 ms
The stalling period seems to been much lesser when I use a VPN?

AWS: EC2 micro, not enough for a .NET MVC 3 application?

I used elastic beanstalk to manage/deploy my .NET MVC 3 application on an EC2 micro instance (has 613 MB memory). It's mainly a static site for now as it is in Beta with registration (including email confirmation) and some error logging (ELMAH).
It was doing fine until recently, I keep getting notifications of CPU Utilization greater than 95.00%.
Is the micro instance with 613MB memory not enough to run an MVC application for Production use?
Added info: Windows Server 2008 R2, running IIS7.5
I've tried running Jetbrains teamcity (which uses Tomcat I think) and was on a linux box using an ec2 micro instance and there wasn't enough memory available to support what it needed.
I did try running a server 2008/2012 box on a micro instance as well and it was pointless took minutes to open anything.
I think you're going to find that running windows on one of those boxes isn't really a viable option unless you start disabling services like crazy and get really creative with you're tweaking.
A micro instance is clearly not enough for Production.
The micro instances have a low I/O limit, and once this limit is reached (for the month I think), all later operations are throttled.
So, I advise you to use at least a small instance for production. And keep your micro for your dev/test/preprod environments!
Edit: I got those info from an Amazon guy.
Make sure your load balancer is pinging a blank html file. I got that message because it was pinging my home page which had db loads. When I set it to ping a blank html file it ran smoothly

ASP.NET MVC lost in finding botleneck

I have ASP.NET MVC app which accept file uploads and has result pooling using SignalR. The app hosted on Prod server with IIS7, 4 Gb Ram and two cores CPU.
The app on Dev server works perfectly but when I host it on Prod server with about 50 000 users per day the app become unrresponsible after five minutes of running. The web page request time increase dramatically and it takes about 30 seconds to load one page. I have tried to record all MvcApplication.Application_BeginRequest event call and got 9000 hits in 5 minutes. Not sure is this acceptable number of hits or not for app like this.
I have used ANTS Performance Profiler(not useful in Prod app profiling, slow and eats all memory) to profile code but profiler do not show any time delay issues in my code/MSSQL queries.
Also I have tried to monitored CPU and RAM spike problems but I didn't find any. CPU percentage sometimes goes to 15% but never up and memory usage is normal.
I suspect that there is something wrong with request or threads limits in ASP.NET/IIS7 but don't know how to profile it.
Could someone suggest any profiling solutions which could help in this situation? Tried to hunt the problem for two week already without any result :(
You may try using the MiniProfiler and more specifically the MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package which is specifically created for ASP.NET MVC applications. It will show you all kind of useful information such as the time spend for different methods in the execution of the request.
