Language for realtime, low-latency sound synthesis and fast processing? [closed] - performance

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm a IT student in the university, been programming in Visual Basic for a great time. Learnt Java here and C# by myself(really analog to Java). I am also a music producer, and I want to start working on a large project, just for myself, for fun and for expanding my knownledge.
I want to make a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) like Cubase, Reaper or Fruity Loops. Starting from small things like a Sound Sequencer. I already have some flow diagrams made.
I want to start coding it as soon as possible, but Java is an interpreted language as SuperCollider and Python, making it slow for processing. Visual Basic is not an option, I loved starting with it, but I don't like it anymore. I don't know if I should use C#, I, as a Linux lover, don't want to marry with Windows just because I need to use Visual Studio. I know there is Mono.
What is a good language for me? Could it be something:
Fast processing, non interpreted if its possible
Able to make my software crossplatform. Without the need of rewriting all the code, maybe just implementing some methonds for different systems.
With good documentation.
I know my question may be a little complicated, even can be seen as inmature. But I need help choosing a new language to learn.
Thanks for taking your time reading this. Every answer is appreciated.

Take a look at Juce, which is written in C++.
I know that one very popular DAW is written with Juce. C++ has the added bonus that it is powerful and portable.

Extempore is fast and very cool. It's a pretty new project, but it's been used for some very cool things.


Is Visual Basic a very useful Programming Language nowadays? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm just asking because very big companies such as Apple, Facebook or Electric Arts do not use it. And also I have another question: Is it good to learn Visual Basic or languages such as C, C++, Java, ect?
VB has many different versions and I would say not to bother learning VB6 but VB.Net would be good if you want to stay with VB (though I prefer C#). Just like any programing language the older it is the less a particular version gets used. I have a worked at a few companies that have most products in .Net but still a few legacy apps in VB6.
As for which to learn that is up to you, I recommend figuring out what kind of software you want to write and then learn what language is used the most for that.
There are definitely more jobs for what has become mainstream languages such as C++ or Java. Personally my first exposure to programming was VB and bash, so it really depends on why you want to learn a certain language.

What programming language is prefered for a simple program like this? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm planning to make a simple program which will basically web scrape and provide that information into a simple gui.
There'll be notification for new info, and a simple database to store history, favorite and such
What programming language is suitable/good for simple task like this? And can you please give a starting point about making the program?
I'm currently only using python, trying to find out how to make the gui. If anyone can give some resources, it'll be super usefull.
It would be best if you pick the programming language you know best.
Since you mentioned Python, you could use PyGTK, wxPython or similar GUI frameworks for Python.
I would personally do it in C# since the GUI designer in Visual Studio is one of the best I've used, but this is entirely up to you.
The choice of language depends on your experience with each language: In C++ it takes time, in Python it might be uncomfortable and in C# it might be hard to get it running on other platforms.
SQLite would be an excellent choice for the database. It is easy to set up and use in any language.

What programming languages are installed by default on Windows 7? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was planning on learning a way to create my own programming language and I wanted to know what language to write a compiler with. C? C++?
Windows Vista and newer come with the .NET Framework installed by default. That in turn already provides a compiler for the .NET languages (most notably C# and VB.NET). It's the only provided language you could possibly write an efficient compiler in. Other languages are VBScript and JScript (via windows Scripting Host) and batch files, so nothing you'd really want to implement more complicated stuff in.
Depending on the complexity of the language you want to create, a C++ implementation may provide better performance, though. No offense, but you don't quite make the impression that you really know how to implement a compiler for a new language. Greg Hewgill's link should give you some starting points there. The thing is, creating a new (formal) language is anything but a trivial task. Yes, the tools to do it are free, and so is the knowledge. But you should really already have a solid understanding of the programming language you want to write the compiler or interpreter in before even attempting to do it.
I suggest you use C#; DLR is great for this purpose.

Anybody tried the Crystal Programming Language (machine-code compiled Ruby)? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Like many others, I always hold true that "A pure compiler will never exist for Ruby because the language is far too dynamic for a static compiler to work."
But I recently stumbled upon these:
The Crystal programming language at GitHub
Statically compiled Ruby
Both projects seem to be very interesting. They could give us the speed of a native-compiled language (and the often commercially-required, obfuscated code of a compiled language) while keeping all (or most) of the elegance and flexibility of Ruby. Add a good support library (or, more likely, the possibility to access the existing C++ libraries) and you can easily understand why this stuff could be interesting.
Has anybody tried the Crystal language?
(I didn't yet, because of compilation problems with ruby-llvm)
Which was his/her feeling about it?
Do you think that, given those design choices, would it be actually possible to develop a native-code (machine-code) compiler for Ruby (with a reasonable effort and in a reasonable amount of time)? Would it be meaningful?
I'm the developer of crystal. Currently not everything is implemented from the bulleted point list. In fact classes were just started to be implemented.
I really like the idea of it though. But I need to think more about how to implement it. And I also need more time, hehe.
The second article has a completely different approach because it won't introduce a new language: it'll just try to compile a subset of Ruby, or maybe will be compiled to native code but still allow some dynamism with performance costs (I talked to the author of that article some months ago).
My feeling toward both approaches: I really with it could happen. We need a fast language with an elegant, readable, joy to use syntax and library (like what Ruby offers).
I'm the developer of Foundry; the second article is mine.
A more recent article on the same topic would be "A language for embedded developers"; or you could also track development progress by subscribing at
Please note, however, that my project is commercial, (at least initially) not open-source, and is primarily focused on embedded development. You could still use it on desktops or servers, of course.
I'm also one of ruby-llvm maintainers; please report the problems you've encountered as bugs on the project page.

Pitfalls to avoid when writing project specs [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm currently trying to write up some software specs for a large-ish project that I'd like to bid out on oDesk (maybe 3k-6k). I have a classical education in computer science, but minimal work experience and I've never worked in a corporate environment.
I've written up 15 pages of project specs for an API that I want to run on Google App Engine. I'm finding the subtleties difficult with issues such as: where to draw the line on what to specify and what not to; how to break the project up into pieces so that if one part goes wrong, other parts can still be used; where and how to set milestones; and how to screen for a candidate who has the skills to properly implement the specs.
I asked a friend what issues I should watch out for and he said:
Make sure specs do not have contradictory information
Make sure specs are not unnecessarily specific because this will turn off more skilled developers
What other pitfalls and common mistakes should I look out for while drawing up project specs?
While it is important to focus on the functionality of what you want to achieve, also keep in mind the non-functional requirements as well. Think about how you want it to perform, security considerations, etc.
One to add to the list
Make sure the specs are unambiguous. (Can only be interpreted one way...Hopefully)
I think these two links will help:
On Reqs And Specs:
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 2: What's a Spec?:
