broken image in chrome and firefox works in safari - image

I have a logo that shows up in Safari but in Chrome it appears as a broken link and simply does not show up at all in Firefox.
<img src="images/logo-01.png"/>
I have re-uploaded it many times and have even tried alternative paths and file names.
anyone know how i might be screwing this up?

I ran into this same problem. For me, it turns out the image was corrupt. If i tried to open the png file up in photoshop, i would get an error saying it could not parse the file.
For whatever reason, safari could display the corrupt file, but chrome could not. This is how i fixed my issue. I noticed "preview" on my macbook could open the file fine. If you are using windows, possibly try paint or gimp or some other program besides photoshop.
I downloaded the corrupt file onto my macbook, opened it with preview (open with > preview)
In the preview app, go to file > duplicate, which makes a copy of your image
Save that duplicated image
As a test, i tried opening that new copied image in photoshop and i was able to!
Upload new file to website. I was able to view the image in chrome now.
Hope that helps anyone who ran into the same problem.

It could be an issue with your file structure. Right now your links are using relative paths (e.g. href="index.html"). This is fine if the file you're referencing is in the same directory as the current page file. But if your current page is located elsewhere, like in a 'pages' directory or something, then you need to tell the links to start from the site root. That would look like href="/index.html" (note the slash). So for the image, you'd have:
<img src="/images/logo-01.png"/>


images not appearing online but appears offline. I am uploading via Filezilla

I am uploading my website using Filezilla, and some images are not appearing. I have checked that the file names are all lower case and that the file type is set to auto instead of ASCII. I have cleared the cache too and I am still not seeing the same images not appearing.
I have got a 403 and 404 error on these images in the console, please see screenshot image for this.error image
All images work fine when testing locally on my computer but some random images are not appearing. Anyone any ideas why this could be?
image not appearing
Could you maybe provide some code with examples?
It could e.g be that the path on the server is different. If you use absolute paths it may work on your host where the homepage is under /. But if it is under /user/ or something similar (so not in the root), the paths can be broken and images will not appear. So check if you provide the paths differently for the pictures that work as opposed to the ones which fail.

Dreamweaver Zip, not locating files correctly

I've created a website in Dreamweaver that consists of images and pages. You can navigate through the pages via a taskbar and the images are viewable on certain pages. It all works fine on my local laptop but, when I zip the file and try to open it from my desktop computer, the text comes up but all of the images and links are broken.
Is there anyway I can fix this without restarting my whole website?
You need to unzip your files first. That's where your problem is.

Three.js Example code, from StackOverflow, not working

I copied and pasted the Three.js code given here into an HTML file and downloaded the three.js package from the website, and configured the <script> tag to point to the location of the file three.min.js.
Nonetheless, when I open the HTML file, it displays a blank white screen.
What am I missing?
well I tryed the exact same thing and I'm seeing the wireframe cube rotating on screen. A few things to try.
1) drop the three.min.js right in the root folder and copy/paste the example code again without any alterations.
2) did you get the three.min.js from the zip package under the build directory? Or did you navigate the git repo and copy/paste it? If copy/paste was used be sure to click the "Raw" button to get the code without the wrapper HTML.
3) try the latest Firefox or Chrome browsers first. If it works there but not in say Safari, there are a few steps you need to take to enable WebGL in Safari first.
4) your video card may be blacklisted due to driver incompatibilities.
If none of these help, then post up the code, where you got the Three.js package, what browser and video card your using and I'll see what else I can do to help :)
I had the same problem. Windows hides the file extensions by default. I change it in folder options and it worked.

Interface Builder doesn't show some of my resource images

I have almost 20 images in PNG format added to my current project on Xcode (under the proper group, Resources). Unfortunately, library window's Media tab doesn't show some of them. And if I create an UIImageView and set one of these invisible images from code, nothing shows up. I also tried from IB with adding a UIImageView and set its source image.
Is this problem a image format related issue or is there a tiny detail I'm missing.
What log says:
Could not load the "07_clock_icon.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle
The solution to this is a bit silly, but it definitely works:
Close XCode and the Interface Builder. Now, instead of opening XCode then opening the project, navigate to the project in Finder and double click on the project. When you open your xib file the blue file not found images will flash up, then be replaced with the correct images and the dropdown will show all your images in the Inspector.
Heyy! I figured it out. It's a refreshing bug. So just copy and replace those images that did not load into your project folder, and then hold Shift Command K (to clean your project). After Clean Up it should work perfectly! Enjoy!
If you dragged the images from the Finder into the Resources folder in XCode the images should show up in IB as well. At least it does so in my setup.
Maybe the images are 8-bit PNG images. I believe Cocoa requires them to be 24-bit because of the alpha transparency. PNG 8-bit doesn't support the alpha channel, as it's more like a GIF image.
But from the error you posted It seems IB couldn't find the resource at all. Which is understandable if it doesn't load the resources from XCode in its library.
Assuming you selected the option to let XCode copy the files into your project and neither XCode nor the Finder complain when you make the copy... I wonder if there might be some file corruption? Maybe try recreating them or opening and resaving them from another graphics application (or even
btw- 8-bit PNGs have worked fine for me.
Same problem was encountered by me. The problem is with the image. The image has been some how corrupted.Try to open the image in photoshop and you will see it doesn't open with photoshop.
I solved the problem by changing the image format to PNG-24 and everything works fine for me.
Hope this will solve your issue.
Rupesh R Menon

Visual Studio 2008 Web Project problem with PNG files

I've added a PNG file to a directory in my VS2k8 webforms project, and when I run the app, it refuses to render my image - it even knows the dimensions but renders a box with a red X.
Oddly enough, if I double click the PNG file within VS2k8, it opens up in the IDE and displays fine (but only within the IDE).
Does anyone have any clues?
The path is correct.. I just have a basic default.aspx page with this in the body
<img src="img/logo.png" />
if i navigate to img/logo.png in the browser, it shows a box with the same dimensions as my image, but a red x. Its finding the image, just not rendering it. It's showing up in IE running under the vs2k8 web server (localhost:5512/default.aspx)
I've dropped a JPG in the same directory, and it shows up just fine.
I'm not sure what type of PNG it is, but here is the kicker.... If i make an HTML file that references that image, copy both this HTML file and PNG file to my webserver (or just double click on the HTML page), it comes up JUST FINE.
Its leading me to believe that the Visual Studio web server may not recognize PNG files (at least this one) properly?
Try changing the path to:
<img src="/img/logo.png" />
Try to use Firebug on the running page. It will let you change the path dynamically so that you can see if there is a problem with the path. Alternatively you can also just copy your dev path, say "http://localhost:<someport>/img/logo.png" and see whether it loads there.
As a third alternative you could use the <asp:Image id="imageLoge" runat="server" ImageUrl="..."/>. The advantage is that it will let you browse in the folders and select your image. In this way you're guaranteed that it is not a problem with your path.
