QuickSort debugging in Matlab - algorithm

I need help debugging QuickSort. As I was debugging, it actually sorts the array properly up to a point, but in the last couple of steps, it ends up doing unnecessary swaps and ends up returning an unsorted array. I've spent quite some time trying to figure out what's causing it, but I've made no progress.
I've chosen the partition as the first element (I know that's not optimal, but I'm just trying to understand QS).
A = [3 6 2 5 1 7 4];
rightIndex = length(A);
E = QuickSort(A,1,rightIndex);
function [pvt, B] = QuickSort(A,left,right)
if left < right
[B, pvt] = PartnPivot1(A, left, right); %chosen pivot
QuickSort(B, left, pvt-1);
QuickSort(B, pvt+1, right);
function [sortedSubArray, pivot] = PartnPivot1(subArray,leftIndex,rightIndex)
%% Initializations
S = subArray;
left = leftIndex;
right = rightIndex;
P = S(left); %pivot
i = left+1;
%% Partition
for j = i:right
if S(j) < P
temp1 = S(j); %
temp2 = S(i); % swap S(i) with S(j)
S(j) = temp2; %
S(i) = temp1; %
i = i+1; %increment i only when swap occurs
swap1 = S(left); %
swap2 = S(i-1); % final swap
S(left) = swap2; %
S(i-1) = swap1; %
sortedSubArray = S;
pivot = P;

The recursive calls to QuickSort need to assign the output to some variables, otherwise the sorted array never gets passed back. I also think you don't need to return the pivot.
I'm typing in a browser instead of testing in Matlab, but I think this will do it...
function A = QuickSort(A,left,right)
if left < right
[A, pvt] = PartnPivot1(A, left, right); %chosen pivot
A = QuickSort(A, left, pvt-1);
A = QuickSort(A, pvt+1, right);


K-means for color quantization - Code not vectorized

I'm doing this exercise by Andrew NG about using k-means to reduce the number of colors in an image. It worked correctly but I'm afraid it's a little slow because of all the for loops in the code, so I'd like to vectorize them. But there are those loops that I just can't seem to vectorize effectively. Please help me, thank you very much!
Also if possible please give some feedback on my coding style :)
Here is the link of the exercise, and here is the dataset.
The correct result is given in the link of the exercise.
And here is my code:
function [] = KMeans()
Image = double(imread('bird_small.tiff'));
[rows,cols, RGB] = size(Image);
Points = reshape(Image,rows * cols, RGB);
K = 16;
Centroids = zeros(K,RGB);
s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',0);
% Initialization :
% Pick out K random colours and make sure they are all different
% from each other! This prevents the situation where two of the means
% are assigned to the exact same colour, therefore we don't have to
% worry about division by zero in the E-step
% However, if K = 16 for example, and there are only 15 colours in the
% image, then this while loop will never exit!!! This needs to be
% addressed in the future :(
% TODO : Vectorize this part!
done = false;
while done == false
RowIndex = randperm(s,rows);
ColIndex = randperm(s,cols);
RowIndex = RowIndex(1:K);
ColIndex = ColIndex(1:K);
for i = 1 : K
for j = 1 : RGB
Centroids(i,j) = Image(RowIndex(i),ColIndex(i),j);
Centroids = sort(Centroids,2);
Centroids = unique(Centroids,'rows');
if size(Centroids,1) == K
done = true;
% imshow(imread('bird_small.tiff'))
% for i = 1 : K
% hold on;
% plot(RowIndex(i),ColIndex(i),'r+','MarkerSize',50)
% end
eps = 0.01; % Epsilon
IterNum = 0;
while 1
% E-step: Estimate membership given parameters
% Membership: The centroid that each colour is assigned to
% Parameters: Location of centroids
Dist = pdist2(Points,Centroids,'euclidean');
[~, WhichCentroid] = min(Dist,[],2);
% M-step: Estimate parameters given membership
% Membership: The centroid that each colour is assigned to
% Parameters: Location of centroids
% TODO: Vectorize this part!
OldCentroids = Centroids;
for i = 1 : K
PointsInCentroid = Points((find(WhichCentroid == i))',:);
NumOfPoints = size(PointsInCentroid,1);
% Note that NumOfPoints is never equal to 0, as a result of
% the initialization. Or .... ???????
if NumOfPoints ~= 0
Centroids(i,:) = sum(PointsInCentroid , 1) / NumOfPoints ;
% Check for convergence: Here we use the L2 distance
IterNum = IterNum + 1;
Margins = sqrt(sum((Centroids - OldCentroids).^2, 2));
if sum(Margins > eps) == 0
Centroids ;
% Load the larger image
[LargerImage,ColorMap] = imread('bird_large.tiff');
LargerImage = double(LargerImage);
[largeRows,largeCols,NewRGB] = size(LargerImage); % RGB is always 3
% TODO: Vectorize this part!
% Replace each of the pixel with the nearest centroid
NewPoints = reshape(LargerImage,largeRows * largeCols, NewRGB);
Dist = pdist2(NewPoints,Centroids,'euclidean');
[~,WhichCentroid] = min(Dist,[],2);
NewPoints = Centroids(WhichCentroid,:);
LargerImage = reshape(NewPoints,largeRows,largeCols,NewRGB);
% for i = 1 : largeRows
% for j = 1 : largeCols
% Dist = pdist2(Centroids,reshape(LargerImage(i,j,:),1,RGB),'euclidean');
% [~,WhichCentroid] = min(Dist);
% LargerImage(i,j,:) = Centroids(WhichCentroid,:);
% end
% end
% Display new image
UPDATE: Replaced
for i = 1 : K
for j = 1 : RGB
Centroids(i,j) = Image(RowIndex(i),ColIndex(i),j);
for i = 1 : K
Centroids(i,:) = Image(RowIndex(i),ColIndex(i),:);
I think this may be vectorized further by using linear indexing, but for now I should just focus on the while loop since it takes most of the time.
Also when I tried #Dev-iL's suggestion and replaced
for i = 1 : K
PointsInCentroid = Points((find(WhichCentroid == i))',:);
NumOfPoints = size(PointsInCentroid,1);
% Note that NumOfPoints is never equal to 0, as a result of
% the initialization. Or .... ???????
if NumOfPoints ~= 0
Centroids(i,:) = sum(PointsInCentroid , 1) / NumOfPoints ;
E = sparse(1:size(WhichCentroid), WhichCentroid' , 1, Num, K, Num);
Centroids = (E * spdiags(1./sum(E,1)',0,K,K))' * Points ;
the results were always worse: With K = 16, the first takes 2,414s , the second takes 2,455s ; K = 32, the first takes 4,529s , the second takes 5,022s. Seems like vectorization does not help, but maybe there's something wrong with my code :( .
for i = 1 : K
for j = 1 : RGB
Centroids(i,j) = Image(RowIndex(i),ColIndex(i),j);
for i = 1 : K
Centroids(i,:) = Image(RowIndex(i),ColIndex(i),:);
I think this may be vectorized further by using linear indexing, but for now I should just focus on the while loop since it takes most of the time.
Also when I tried #Dev-iL's suggestion and replaced
for i = 1 : K
PointsInCentroid = Points((find(WhichCentroid == i))',:);
NumOfPoints = size(PointsInCentroid,1);
% Note that NumOfPoints is never equal to 0, as a result of
% the initialization. Or .... ???????
if NumOfPoints ~= 0
Centroids(i,:) = sum(PointsInCentroid , 1) / NumOfPoints ;
E = sparse(1:size(WhichCentroid), WhichCentroid' , 1, Num, K, Num);
Centroids = (E * spdiags(1./sum(E,1)',0,K,K))' * Points ;
the results were always worse: With K = 16, the first takes 2,414s , the second takes 2,455s ; K = 32, the first took 4,529s , the second took 5,022s. Seems like vectorization did not help in this case.
However, when I replaced
Dist = pdist2(Points,Centroids,'euclidean');
[~, WhichCentroid] = min(Dist,[],2);
(in the while loop) with
Dist = bsxfun(#minus,dot(Centroids',Centroids',1)' / 2 , Centroids * Points' );
[~, WhichCentroid] = min(Dist,[],1);
WhichCentroid = WhichCentroid';
the code ran much faster, especially when K is large (K=32)
Thank you everyone!

Fastest solution for all possible combinations, taking k elements out of n possible with k>2 and n large

I am using MATLAB to find all of the possible combinations of k elements out of n possible elements. I stumbled across this question, but unfortunately it does not solve my problem. Of course, neither does nchoosek as my n is around 100.
Truth is, I don't need all of the possible combinations at the same time. I will explain what I need, as there might be an easier way to achieve the desired result. I have a matrix M of 100 rows and 25 columns.
Think of a submatrix of M as a matrix formed by ALL columns of M and only a subset of the rows. I have a function f that can be applied to any matrix which gives a result of either -1 or 1. For example, you can think of the function as sign(det(A)) where A is any matrix (the exact function is irrelevant for this part of the question).
I want to know what is the biggest number of rows of M for which the submatrix A formed by these rows is such that f(A) = 1. Notice that if f(M) = 1, I am done. However, if this is not the case then I need to start combining rows, starting of all combinations with 99 rows, then taking the ones with 98 rows, and so on.
Up to this point, my implementation had to do with nchoosek which worked when M had only a few rows. However, now that I am working with a relatively bigger dataset, things get stuck. Do any of you guys think of a way to implement this without having to use the above function? Any help would be gladly appreciated.
Here is my minimal working example, it works for small obs_tot but fails when I try to use bigger numbers:
value = -1; obs_tot = 100; n_rows = 25;
mat = randi(obs_tot,n_rows);
while value == -1
posibles = nchoosek(1:obs_tot,i);
[num_tries,num_obs] = size(possibles);
num_try = 1;
while value == 0 && num_try <= num_tries
check = mat(possibles(num_try,:),:);
value = sign(det(check));
num_try = num_try + 1;
i = i - 1;
obs_used = possibles(num_try-1,:)';
As yourself noticed in your question, it would be nice not to have nchoosek to return all possible combinations at the same time but rather to enumerate them one by one in order not to explode memory when n becomes large. So something like:
enumerator = CombinationEnumerator(k, n);
currentCombination = enumerator.Current;
Here is an implementation of such enumerator as a Matlab class. It is based on classic IEnumerator<T> interface in C# / .NET and mimics the subfunction combs in nchoosek (the unrolled way):
% Enumerates all combinations of length 'k' in a set of length 'n'.
% enumerator = CombinaisonEnumerator(k, n);
% while(enumerator.MoveNext())
% currentCombination = enumerator.Current;
% ...
% end
%% ---
classdef CombinaisonEnumerator < handle
properties (Dependent) % NB: Matlab R2013b bug => Dependent must be declared before their get/set !
Current; % Gets the current element.
function [enumerator] = CombinaisonEnumerator(k, n)
% Creates a new combinations enumerator.
if (~isscalar(n) || (n < 1) || (~isreal(n)) || (n ~= round(n))), error('`n` must be a scalar positive integer.'); end
if (~isscalar(k) || (k < 0) || (~isreal(k)) || (k ~= round(k))), error('`k` must be a scalar positive or null integer.'); end
if (k > n), error('`k` must be less or equal than `n`'); end
enumerator.k = k;
enumerator.n = n;
enumerator.v = 1:n;
function [b] = MoveNext(enumerator)
% Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
if (~enumerator.isOkNext),
b = false; return;
if (enumerator.isInVoid)
if (enumerator.k == enumerator.n),
enumerator.isInVoid = false;
enumerator.current = enumerator.v;
elseif (enumerator.k == 1)
enumerator.isInVoid = false;
enumerator.index = 1;
enumerator.current = enumerator.v(enumerator.index);
enumerator.isInVoid = false;
enumerator.index = 1;
enumerator.recursion = CombinaisonEnumerator(enumerator.k - 1, enumerator.n - enumerator.index);
enumerator.recursion.v = enumerator.v((enumerator.index + 1):end); % adapt v (todo: should use private constructor)
enumerator.current = [enumerator.v(enumerator.index) enumerator.recursion.Current];
if (enumerator.k == enumerator.n),
enumerator.isInVoid = true;
enumerator.isOkNext = false;
elseif (enumerator.k == 1)
enumerator.index = enumerator.index + 1;
if (enumerator.index <= enumerator.n)
enumerator.current = enumerator.v(enumerator.index);
enumerator.isInVoid = true;
enumerator.isOkNext = false;
if (enumerator.recursion.MoveNext())
enumerator.current = [enumerator.v(enumerator.index) enumerator.recursion.Current];
enumerator.index = enumerator.index + 1;
if (enumerator.index <= (enumerator.n - enumerator.k + 1))
enumerator.recursion = CombinaisonEnumerator(enumerator.k - 1, enumerator.n - enumerator.index);
enumerator.recursion.v = enumerator.v((enumerator.index + 1):end); % adapt v (todo: should use private constructor)
enumerator.current = [enumerator.v(enumerator.index) enumerator.recursion.Current];
enumerator.isInVoid = true;
enumerator.isOkNext = false;
b = enumerator.isOkNext;
function [] = Reset(enumerator)
% Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element.
enumerator.isInVoid = true;
enumerator.isOkNext = (enumerator.k > 0);
function [c] = get.Current(enumerator)
if (enumerator.isInVoid), error('Enumerator is positioned (before/after) the (first/last) element.'); end
c = enumerator.current;
properties (GetAccess=private, SetAccess=private)
k = [];
n = [];
v = [];
index = [];
recursion = [];
current = [];
isOkNext = false;
isInVoid = true;
We can test implementation is ok from command window like this:
>> e = CombinaisonEnumerator(3, 6);
>> while(e.MoveNext()), fprintf(1, '%s\n', num2str(e.Current)); end
Which returns as expected the following n!/(k!*(n-k)!) combinations:
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 2 6
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 3 6
1 4 5
1 4 6
1 5 6
2 3 4
2 3 5
2 3 6
2 4 5
2 4 6
2 5 6
3 4 5
3 4 6
3 5 6
4 5 6
Implementation of this enumerator may be further optimized for speed, or by enumerating combinations in an order more appropriate for your case (e.g., test some combinations first rather than others) ... Well, at least it works! :)
Problem solving
Now solving your problem is really easy:
n = 100;
m = 25;
matrix = rand(n, m);
k = n;
cont = true;
while(cont && (k >= 1))
e = CombinationEnumerator(k, n);
while(cont && e.MoveNext());
cont = f(matrix(e.Current(:), :)) ~= 1;
if (cont), k = k - 1; end

MATLAB program takes more than 1 hour to execute

The below program is a program for finding k-clique communities from a input graph.
The graph dataset can be found here.
The first line of the dataset contains 'number of nodes and edges' respectively. The following lines have 'node1 node2' representing an edge between node1 and node2 .
For example:
2500 6589 // number_of_nodes, number_of_edges
0 5 // edge between node[0] and node[5]
The k-clique( aCliqueSIZE, anAdjacencyMATRIX ) function is contained here.
The following commands are executed in command window of MATLAB:
x = textread( 'amazon.graph.small' ); %% source input file text
s = max(x(1,1), x(1,2)); %% take largest dimemsion
adjMatrix = sparse(x(2:end,1)+1, x(2:end,2)+1, 1, s, s); %% now matrix is square
adjMatrix = adjMatrix | adjMatrix.'; %% apply "or" with transpose to make symmetric
adjMatrix = full(adjMatrix); %% convert to full if needed
[X,Y,Z]=k_clique(k,adjMatrix); %%
% The output can be viewed by the following commands
The above program takes more than 1 hour to execute whereas I think this shouldn't be the case. While running the program on windows, I checked the task manager and found that only 500 MB is allocated for the program. Is this the reason for the slowness of the program? If yes, then how can I allocate more heap memory (close to 4GB) to this program in MATLAB?
The problem does not seem to be Memory-bound
Having a sparse, square, symmetric matrix of 6k5 * 6k5 edges does not mean a big memory.
The provided code has many for loops and is heavily recursive in the tail function transfer_nodes()
Add a "Stone-Age-Profiler" into the code
To show the respective times spent on a CPU-bound sections of the processing, wrap the main sections of the code into a construct of:
tic(); for .... end;toc()
which will print you the CPU-bound times spent on relevent sections of the k_clique.m code, showing the readings "on-the-fly"
Your original code k_clique.m
function [components,cliques,CC] = k_clique(k,M)
% k-clique algorithm for detecting overlapping communities in a network
% as defined in the paper "Uncovering the overlapping
% community structure of complex networks in nature and society"
% [X,Y,Z] = k_clique(k,A)
% Inputs:
% k - clique size
% A - adjacency matrix
% Outputs:
% X - detected communities
% Y - all cliques (i.e. complete subgraphs that are not parts of larger
% complete subgraphs)
% Z - k-clique matrix
nb_nodes = size(M,1); % number of nodes
% Find the largest possible clique size via the degree sequence:
% Let {d1,d2,...,dk} be the degree sequence of a graph. The largest
% possible clique size of the graph is the maximum value k such that
% dk >= k-1
degree_sequence = sort(sum(M,2) - 1,'descend');
%max_s = degree_sequence(1);
max_s = 0;
for i = 1:length(degree_sequence)
if degree_sequence(i) >= i - 1
max_s = i;
cliques = cell(0);
% Find all s-size kliques in the graph
for s = max_s:-1:3
M_aux = M;
% Looping over nodes
for n = 1:nb_nodes
A = n; % Set of nodes all linked to each other
B = setdiff(find(M_aux(n,:)==1),n); % Set of nodes that are linked to each node in A, but not necessarily to the nodes in B
C = transfer_nodes(A,B,s,M_aux); % Enlarging A by transferring nodes from B
if ~isempty(C)
for i = size(C,1)
cliques = [cliques;{C(i,:)}];
M_aux(n,:) = 0; % Remove the processed node
M_aux(:,n) = 0;
% Generating the clique-clique overlap matrix
CC = zeros(length(cliques));
for c1 = 1:length(cliques)
for c2 = c1:length(cliques)
if c1==c2
CC(c1,c2) = numel(cliques{c1});
CC(c1,c2) = numel(intersect(cliques{c1},cliques{c2}));
CC(c2,c1) = CC(c1,c2);
% Extracting the k-clique matrix from the clique-clique overlap matrix
% Off-diagonal elements <= k-1 --> 0
% Diagonal elements <= k --> 0
CC(eye(size(CC))==1) = CC(eye(size(CC))==1) - k;
CC(eye(size(CC))~=1) = CC(eye(size(CC))~=1) - k + 1;
CC(CC >= 0) = 1;
CC(CC < 0) = 0;
% Extracting components (or k-clique communities) from the k-clique matrix
components = [];
for i = 1:length(cliques)
linked_cliques = find(CC(i,:)==1);
new_component = [];
for j = 1:length(linked_cliques)
new_component = union(new_component,cliques{linked_cliques(j)});
found = false;
if ~isempty(new_component)
for j = 1:length(components)
if all(ismember(new_component,components{j}))
found = true;
if ~found
components = [components; {new_component}];
function R = transfer_nodes(S1,S2,clique_size,C)
% Recursive function to transfer nodes from set B to set A (as
% defined above)
% Check if the union of S1 and S2 or S1 is inside an already found larger
% clique
found_s12 = false;
found_s1 = false;
for c = 1:length(cliques)
for cc = 1:size(cliques{c},1)
if all(ismember(S1,cliques{c}(cc,:)))
found_s1 = true;
if all(ismember(union(S1,S2),cliques{c}(cc,:)))
found_s12 = true;
if found_s12 || (length(S1) ~= clique_size && isempty(S2))
% If the union of the sets A and B can be included in an
% already found (larger) clique, the recursion is stepped back
% to check other possibilities
R = [];
elseif length(S1) == clique_size;
% The size of A reaches s, a new clique is found
if found_s1
R = [];
R = S1;
% Check the remaining possible combinations of the neighbors
% indices
if isempty(find(S2>=max(S1),1))
R = [];
R = [];
for w = find(S2>=max(S1),1):length(S2)
S2_aux = S2;
S1_aux = S1;
S1_aux = [S1_aux S2_aux(w)];
S2_aux = setdiff(S2_aux(C(S2(w),S2_aux)==1),S2_aux(w));
R = [R;transfer_nodes(S1_aux,S2_aux,clique_size,C)];

Permutations with order restrictions

Let L be a list of objects. Moreover, let C be a set of constraints, e.g.:
C(1) = t1 comes before t2, where t1 and t2 belong to L
C(2) = t3 comes after t2, where t3 and t2 belong to L
How can I find (in MATLAB) the set of permutations for which the constraints in C are not violated?
My first solution is naive:
orderings = perms(L);
toBeDeleted = zeros(1,size(orderings,1));
for ii = 1:size(orderings,1)
for jj = 1:size(constraints,1)
idxA = find(orderings(ii,:) == constraints(jj,1));
idxB = find(orderings(ii,:) == constraints(jj,2));
if idxA > idxB
toBeDeleted(ii) = 1;
where constraints is a set of constraints (each constraint is on a row of two elements, specifying that the first element comes before the second element).
I was wondering whether there exists a simpler (and more efficient) solution.
Thanks in advance.
I'd say that's a pretty good solution you have so far.
There is a few optimizations I see though. Here's my variation:
NN = 9;
L = rand(1,NN-1);
while numel(L) ~= NN;
L = unique( randi(100,1,NN) ); end
% Some bogus constraints
constraints = [...
L(1) L(2)
L(3) L(6)
L(3) L(5)
L(8) L(4)];
% METHOD 0 (your original method)
orderings = perms(L);
p = size(orderings,1);
c = size(constraints,1);
toKeep = true(p,1);
for perm = 1:p
for constr = 1:c
idxA = find(orderings(perm,:) == constraints(constr,1));
idxB = find(orderings(perm,:) == constraints(constr,2));
if idxA > idxB
toKeep(perm) = false;
orderings0 = orderings(toKeep,:);
% METHOD 1 (your original, plus a few optimizations)
orderings = perms(L);
p = size(orderings,1);
c = size(constraints,1);
toKeep = true(p,1);
for perm = 1:p
for constr = 1:c
% break on first condition breached
if toKeep(perm)
% find only *first* entry
toKeep(perm) = ...
find(orderings(perm,:) == constraints(constr,1), 1) < ...
find(orderings(perm,:) == constraints(constr,2), 1);
orderings1 = orderings(toKeep,:);
orderings = perms(L);
p = size(orderings,1);
c = size(constraints,1);
toKeep = true(p,1);
for constr = 1:c
% break on first condition breached1
if any(toKeep)
% Vectorized search for constraint values
[i1, j1] = find(orderings == constraints(constr,1));
[i2, j2] = find(orderings == constraints(constr,2));
% sort by rows
[i1, j1i] = sort(i1);
[i2, j2i] = sort(i2);
% Check if columns meet condition
toKeep = toKeep & j1(j1i) < j2(j2i);
orderings2 = orderings(toKeep,:);
% Check for equality
all(orderings2(:) == orderings1(:))
Elapsed time is 17.911469 seconds. % your method
Elapsed time is 10.477549 seconds. % your method + optimizations
Elapsed time is 2.184242 seconds. % vectorized outer loop
ans =
ans =
The whole approach however has one fundamental flaw IMHO; the direct use of perms. This inherently poses a limitation due to memory constraints (NN < 10, as stated in help perms).
I have a strong suspicion you can get better performance, both time-wise and memory-wise, when you put together a customized perms. Luckily, perms is not built-in, so you can start by copy-pasting that code into your custom function.

Number distribution

Problem: We have x checkboxes and we want to check y of them evenly.
Example 1: select 50 checkboxes of 100 total.
Example 2: select 33 checkboxes of 100 total.
Example 3: select 66 checkboxes of 100 total:
But we're having trouble to come up with a formula to check them in code, especially once you go 11/111 or something similar. Anyone has an idea?
Let's first assume y is divisible by x. Then we denote p = y/x and the solution is simple. Go through the list, every p elements, mark 1 of them.
Now, let's say r = y%x is non zero. Still p = y/x where / is integer devision. So, you need to:
In the first p-r elements, mark 1 elements
In the last r elements, mark 2 elements
Note: This depends on how you define evenly distributed. You might want to spread the r sections withx+1 elements in between p-r sections with x elements, which indeed is again the same problem and could be solved recursively.
Alright so it wasn't actually correct. I think this would do though:
Regardless of divisibility:
if y > 2*x, then mark 1 element every p = y/x elements, x times.
if y < 2*x, then mark all, and do the previous step unmarking y-x out of y checkboxes (so like in the previous case, but x is replaced by y-x)
Note: This depends on how you define evenly distributed. You might want to change between p and p+1 elements for example to distribute them better.
Here's a straightforward solution using integer arithmetic:
void check(char boxes[], int total_count, int check_count)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < total_count; i++)
boxes[i] = '-';
for (i = 0; i < check_count; i++)
boxes[i * total_count / check_count] = 'x';
total_count is the total number of boxes, and check_count is the number of boxes to check.
First, it sets every box to unchecked. Then, it checks check_count boxes, scaling the counter to the number of boxes.
Caveat: this is left-biased rather than right-biased like in your examples. That is, it prints x--x-- rather than --x--x. You can turn it around by replacing
boxes[i * total_count / check_count] = 'x';
boxes[total_count - (i * total_count / check_count) - 1] = 'x';
Assuming 0 <= check_count <= total_count, and that boxes has space for at least total_count items, we can prove that:
No check marks will overlap. i * total_count / check_count increments by at least one on every iteration, because total_count >= check_count.
This will not overflow the buffer. The subscript i * total_count / check_count
Will be >= 0. i, total_count, and check_count will all be >= 0.
Will be < total_count. When n > 0 and d > 0:
(n * d - 1) / d < n
In other words, if we take n * d / d, and nudge the numerator down, the quotient will go down, too.
Therefore, (check_count - 1) * total_count / check_count will be less than total_count, with the assumptions made above. A division by zero won't happen because if check_count is 0, the loop in question will have zero iterations.
Say number of checkboxes is C and the number of Xes is N.
You example states that having C=111 and N=11 is your most troublesome case.
Try this: divide C/N. Call it D. Have index in the array as double number I. Have another variable as counter, M.
double D = (double)C / (double)N;
double I = 0.0;
int M = N;
while (M > 0) {
if (checkboxes[Round(I)].Checked) { // if we selected it, skip to next
I += 1.0;
checkboxes[Round(I)].Checked = true;
M --;
I += D;
if (Round(I) >= C) { // wrap around the end
I -= C;
Please note that Round(x) should return nearest integer value for x.
This one could work for you.
I think the key is to keep count of how many boxes you expect to have per check.
Say you want 33 checks in 100 boxes. 100 / 33 = 3.030303..., so you expect to have one check every 3.030303... boxes. That means every 3.030303... boxes, you need to add a check. 66 checks in 100 boxes would mean one check every 1.51515... boxes, 11 checks in 111 boxes would mean one check every 10.090909... boxes, and so on.
double count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < boxes; i++) {
count += 1;
if (count >= boxes/checks) {
checkboxes[i] = true;
count -= count.truncate(); // so 1.6 becomes 0.6 - resetting the count but keeping the decimal part to keep track of "partial boxes" so far
You might rather use decimal as opposed to double for count, or there's a slight chance the last box will get skipped due to rounding errors.
Bresenham-like algorithm is suitable to distribute checkboxes evenly. Output of 'x' corresponds to Y-coordinate change. It is possible to choose initial err as random value in range [0..places) to avoid biasing.
def Distribute(places, stars):
err = places // 2
res = ''
for i in range(0, places):
err = err - stars
if err < 0 :
res = res + 'x'
err = err + places
res = res + '-'
Quick html/javascript solution:
<div id='container'></div>
var cbCount = 111;
var cbCheckCount = 11;
var cbRatio = cbCount / cbCheckCount;
var buildCheckCount = 0;
var c = document.getElementById('container');
for (var i=1; i <= cbCount; i++) {
// make a checkbox
var cb = document.createElement('input');
cb.type = 'checkbox';
test = i / cbRatio - buildCheckCount;
if (test >= 1) {
// check the checkbox we just made
cb.checked = 'checked';
Adapt code from one question's answer or another answer from earlier this month. Set N = x = number of checkboxes and M = y = number to be checked and apply formula (N*i+N)/M - (N*i)/M for section sizes. (Also see Joey Adams' answer.)
In python, the adapted code is:
N=100; M=33; p=0;
for i in range(M):
k = (N+N*i)/M
for j in range(p,k-1): print "-",
print "x",
which produces
- - x - - x - - x - - x - - [...] x - - x - - - x where [...] represents 25 --x repetitions.
With M=66 the code gives
x - x x - x x - x x - x x - [...] x x - x x - x - x where [...] represents mostly xx- repetitions, with one x- in the middle.
Note, in C or java: Substitute for (i=0; i<M; ++i) in place of for i in range(M):. Substitute for (j=p; j<k-1; ++j) in place of for j in range(p,k-1):.
Correctness: Note that M = x boxes get checked because print "x", is executed M times.
What about using Fisher–Yates shuffle ?
Make array, shuffle and pick first n elements. You do not need to shuffle all of them, just first n of array. Shuffling can be find in most language libraries.
