Swipe Gesture Not Working in StageWebview - flex4

I am developing reader application in flex 4.6 and i displaying my content in StageWebView. I implemented swipe gesture in that view but its not working.
when I 'swipe' below the StageWebView, it works fine, when I 'swipe' on the StageWebView it does not recognize it.
My Code:
private function handleSwipe(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
// Swipe was to the right
if (event.offsetX == 1 )
{ // or -1 for the left
webView.viewPort = null;
How can i do this....

if you want to capture swipe gesture in StageWebView you should use a javascript method to detect gesture.
And this has to be coded in the page your are loading in the StageWebView space.
Hope it helps :)


Nativescript swipe gesture not working on Android with ScrollView

I am using a swipe gesture to turn pages. It works great on ios. However, the Android version isn't working where there is a scrollview in play.
I am using Nativescript Pro UI to have a side-drawer. I want to put the gesture on the
Inside of the tkMainContent there is a scrollview.
Swipe doesn't even log a console.log event when I swipe inside the scrollview area. Is there a way to get it to work for Android?
Here is my typescript code:
let cbView = this.contentbody.nativeElement;
cbView.on('swipe', (args: SwipeGestureEventData) =>{
console.log("Swipe Direction: " + args.direction);
let topNextView = cbView.getViewById('topNext');
let topBackView = cbView.getViewById('topBack');
if(args.direction === 1) {
topBackView.notify({eventName: 'tap', object: topBackView});
if(args.direction === 2) {
topNextView.notify({eventName: 'tap', object: topNextView});
As I said I"m not getting Swipe Direction 2 when swiping on Android. If I swipe above where I have the scrollview start, such as in the heading of my document, then it picks up the swipe.

Disable ScrollView bounce NativeScript

Looking for a way to disable the ScrollView bounce or overflow that happens when scrolling reaches the top or bottom of the scroll view.
here how to set the settings in android.
Android scrollview remove blue light
Here is a code snippet that might do the trick for you:
if (this.content.ios instanceof UIScrollView) {
this.content.ios.alwaysBounceVertical = false;
Of course you need to get an instance of the <ScrollView> component from NativeScript and then the native iOS instance.
I have a small utility library that has this function and some other handy functions baked into it.
import {SwissArmyKnife} from 'nativescript-swiss-army-knife/nativescript-swiss-army-knife';
let scrollView = page.getViewById('myScrollView');
Here is how to do it on iOS and Android.
let scrollView = page.getViewById('myScrollView');
if (app.android) {
else if (app.ios) {
scrollView.ios.bounces = false;

Navigation Drawer back button Xamarin

I am using this binding for this awesome Material Drawer Library by MikePenz.
I have implemented the Navigation Drawer with this library and I have also managed to change the hamburger menu to the back arrow when I go level deep. Now I have some problems to get the back arrow to work correctly. When I click on the back arrow, rather than going back to the previous page, it opens up the navigation drawer.
After looking into the original library, I have identified, the following code is responsible to manage the back arrow button. I would appreciate , if someone can help me a bit to write this listener code in C#.
.withOnDrawerNavigationListener(new Drawer.OnDrawerNavigationListener() {
public boolean onNavigationClickListener(View clickedView) {
//this method is only called if the Arrow icon is shown. The hamburger is automatically managed by the MaterialDrawer
//if the back arrow is shown. close the activity
//return true if we have consumed the event
return true;
Here is the binding libray that I use : MaterialDrawer-Xamarin
And this is the link to the original Library : MaterialDrawer
Try something like this:
var result = new DrawerBuilder()
//Add some items here
new DividerDrawerItem()
and implement Drawer.IOnDrawerNavigationListener in your activity like this:
public bool OnNavigationClickListener(View clickedView)
return true;

Show modal page on only a portion of the screen

I am developing an iPad app using Xamarin.Forms.
I would like my settingspage to be modal so it lay over the previous page like a popup.
I have been trying all solutions I could find and most of them seems to recommend me to call this from a button:
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(ModalSettingsPage);
What happens when I use it is that my settingspage comes in from below as a modal page but not as a popup, it covers the entire screen.
This is my current code:
//Setup button (action bar)
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
// Text = "Setup",
Icon = "settings1.png",
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Default,
Command = new Command(() => Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ModalSettingsPage())) //Action to perfome on click , open modal view
Also, does anyone now if there is any good way to positions the ToolbarItems? I have two items and would like each one to be positioned at each side, but by default they are both positioned to the right.
With the evolution of Forms (currently 4.5.0), it has now become simple to push a modalpage which is not fullscreen. Use the following in your code-behind of your xaml contentpage:
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific;
namespace YourAppWithAModalPage
public class ModalPage : ContentPage
public ModalPage()
// iOS Solution for a ModalPage (popup) which is not fullscreen
There is nothing pre-made in Forms to give you a popup like I think you want. Instead, you would have to create this or use a third-party solution. For example, here is a "popup" implementation that might work for you.

In NativeScript on Android, how do I prevent a SearchBar from gaining focus on page load?

I have a SeachBar inside a ScrollView. In iOS all is good. On Android the ScrollView automatically scrolls to the SearchBar, adds focus to it and displays the soft keyboard. I can hide the softkeyboard by adding android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" as an activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file but I can't work out how to prevent the focus (and hence the auto scroll). Any help would be much appreciated.
Using Angular2:
<StackLayout (loaded)="onSearchLayoutLoaded($event)">
<SearchBar hint="search here" (loaded)="onSearchBarLoaded($event)">
onSearchLayoutLoaded(event) {
if (event.object.android) {
onSearchBarLoaded(event) {
if (event.object.android) {
This eliminates unnecessarily having to use template reference variables.
For Android you need to do a couple of things. If you were using a native Android layout, lets say LinerLayout you would set android:focusableInTouchMode="true" and that should work for most use cases. So with NativeScript you're going to use the associated method on the parent of your SearchBar and then call `clearFocus() on the searchbar.
function removeSearchFocus() {
// get the parent of the searchbar
var parent = page.getViewById('parentLayout');
var searchBar = page.getViewById('mySearchBar');
if (parent.android) {
Then attach this function to one of the page navigation event, or dump the important pieces into a current page event you might already have in your app. Just assign the parent an ID and the SearchBar so you can get it by the ID and this should work.
How about adding a endEditing to the page loaded or loading event?
searchBar = page.getViewById('your-searchbar');
or set focus to another element, where you want the focus to be, e.g.
somethingElse = page.getViewById('your-top-bar');
