maven-antrun-plugin skip target if any of two possible conditions holds - maven

I can pass two properties A and B to maven via
mvn test -DA=true
mvn test -DB=true
If either A or B is defined i want a target to be skipped. I found it was possible when only A was considered like this:
<target name="anytarget" unless="${A}">
<echo message="This should be skipped if A or B holds" />
Now B has to be considered too. Can this be done?

I would do that with an external build.xml file allowing you to define multiple target combined with antcall and so using one additional dummy target, just to check the second condition.
<target name="anytarget">
<ant antfile="build.xml"/>
and the build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="SkipIt" default="main">
<target name="main" unless="${A}">
<antcall target="secondTarget"></antcall>
<target name="secondTarget" unless="${B}">
<echo>A is not true and B is not true</echo>
Alternative solution if you only have 2 conditions: using the <skip> configuration attribute for one condition (i.e. maven stuff) and the unless (i.e. ant stuff) for the other condition:
<target name="anytarget" unless="${B}">
<echo>A is not true and B is not true</echo>


How to create a folder if not exist in Maven?

I am writing pom.xml newly and i am trying to Delete a folder already existing and create a new folder.Is there a way to do this? I am looking something like this:
<if><!-- I need to check if the folder exists and delete->
<fileset dir="target/resources"/>
<mkdir dir="target/resources"/>
using maven antrun plugin.
<mkdir dir="${}/target/resources" />
Another option would be to use exec-plugin

building a Maven project with Ant project as a child

am trying to build a parent pom in Maven which includes a child which is built in ant. I am getting the below exception,
Execution default of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run
My code is:
<ant dir="SampleJava/projectBuilder.xml" />
and it got resolved with the below code:
<ant antfile="../SampleJava/projectBuilder.xml" target="makejar"/>

Maven antrun plugin not executing target [duplicate]

I can pass two properties A and B to maven via
mvn test -DA=true
mvn test -DB=true
If either A or B is defined i want a target to be skipped. I found it was possible when only A was considered like this:
<target name="anytarget" unless="${A}">
<echo message="This should be skipped if A or B holds" />
Now B has to be considered too. Can this be done?
I would do that with an external build.xml file allowing you to define multiple target combined with antcall and so using one additional dummy target, just to check the second condition.
<target name="anytarget">
<ant antfile="build.xml"/>
and the build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="SkipIt" default="main">
<target name="main" unless="${A}">
<antcall target="secondTarget"></antcall>
<target name="secondTarget" unless="${B}">
<echo>A is not true and B is not true</echo>
Alternative solution if you only have 2 conditions: using the <skip> configuration attribute for one condition (i.e. maven stuff) and the unless (i.e. ant stuff) for the other condition:
<target name="anytarget" unless="${B}">
<echo>A is not true and B is not true</echo>

what is the equivalent of "ant -f" command in maven?

I have an xml file called MakeJar.xml in the location ${basedir}/codebase.
On my shell if I have to run that file i used to use the command "ant -f MakeJar.xml".
Now if I have to run this file using pom.xml how can I do that?
I prepared a following pom.xml. But it dosent work!!!
<ant antfile="${basedir}/codebase/MakeJar.xml"/>
Looking at the ant task definition the attribute antfile is described as "the buildfile to use. Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected to be a filename relative to the dir attribute given."
So you probably have to use:
<ant dir="${project.basedir}" antfile="codebase/MakeJar.xml" />
Also do not forget to specify a <phase> in the plugin section (is missing in your code). The following definition works for me:
antfile="codebase/MakeJar.xml" />

Copy a jar file with maven

I'm trying to copy the .jar, created by Maven 3, to another location.
Currently, I'm using Ant's copy task, but Maven simply doesn't copy the file.
<copy file="target/myfile.jar" tofile="D:/Bukkit/plugins/myfile.jar"/>
<copy file="target/myfile.jar" tofile="D:/Bukkit/plugins/myfile.jar"/>
