Is it possible to develop Windows Phone 8 applications using the WP8 SDK on Windows 7 - windows

Is there any work around so developers who does not have Windows 8 can develop for windows phone using Windows Phone SDK 8.0?

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to develop for Windows Phone 8 on Windows 7. In the system requirements of Windows Phone 8 SDK it states you need to have Windows 8 to develop Windows Phone 8 apps.
Directly from MSDN:
Windows Phone SDK 8.0 requires 64-bit Windows 8 Pro or higher. You can't develop Windows Phone 8 apps on Windows 7, on Windows Server 2008, or on Windows Server 2012. The Windows Phone 8 Emulator has special hardware, software, and configuration requirements. For more info, see System requirements for Windows Phone Emulator.
This is mainly because of the Hyper-V emulator that is in windows 8. Be sure if you buy Windows 8 you get the Pro (64bits) version because the normal version has no Hyper-V in it also your BIOS has to support virtualization to run the emulator in Hyper-V.


Is it possible to develop windows phone 8.0/8.1 applications using the windows phone 7.1 sdk

I'm using Windows 7 and don not want to migrate to windows 8. I also want to develop Windows Phone applications. But Windows 8 SDK requires Windows 8. So Windows Phone SDK 7.1 can develop applications for Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 Phones.
You can develop Windows Phone 7.1 apps that will run on Windows Phone 8/8.1 devices. But you'll only be able to use features available in the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK.
You can not develop apps for Windows Phone 8/8.1 using Windows Phone 7.1 SDK. And to dvelop for Windows Phone 8.1/Windows 8.1 you need to have a Windows 8.1 installation . For Windows Phone 8 you need at least Windows 8. So you have to update your OS to do so.
I suggest a dual boot system as the best option, or you can install Windows 8.1 on a virtual Machine and then install Visual Studio 2013 and WP SDK in it. but it is very painful to develop like that and you will need a lot of resources in RAM and processing power. Best way if to go for a dual-boot system.

Is It Possible To Run the windows 7.1 apps in windows phone 8

i have windows 7(OS), visual studio 2010, windows sdk 7.1, my phone is Nokia Lumia 525
could you please tell me whether my apps run in my device or not?. and also is it possible to install windows sdk 8 and visual studio 2012 for windows phone in windows 7(OS), if it is possible, tell me stepwise and also send download link about windows sdk 8 and visual studio 2012 for windows phone
Thank you
No to both questions.
It is not possible to run Windows apps on Windows Phone. This is regardless of the versions of either.
If it not possible to install the SDK for "Windows Phone 8.0" on a Windows 7 machine. (system requiements)
However, according to the system requirements you can install the 8.1 SDK on Windows 7
Note also though that Windows 7 is out of support in a few months (on 13/01/2015) so you should probably consider upgrading. Especially as the 8.1 SDK lets you build "universal" apps for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1

How to register windows phone8 with windows phone7 sdk?

I have a windows 7 PC and i want to develop windows phone 7 apps. So i have installed windows phone 7 SDK, everything is working fine.
But i have a windows phone 8 physical device. So to debug my apps with my windows phone 8 physical device, i have to register my phone with "Windows Phone Developer Registration".
my problem is: i have a windows phone 7 SDK and windows phone 8 device. but i could not able to register my windows phone 8 with windows phone 7 SDK.
Any body encountered with this situation?
You can't do that, directly, however there is a few hacks to install Windows Phone 8 sdk on a Windows 7 computer. Read this article. You can't register or deploy on Windows Phone 8 device without Windows Phone SDK 8.
You can use windows 8 and install windows phone 8 sdk.With this you can make apps for windows phone 7.5 and windows phone 8 both.

Develop Windows Phone on Visual Studio 2013 On Windows 7

I own a Windows 7 (Home Premium) and Visual Studio 2013.
As a part of a project for Uni, we are required to write an application for Windows Phone, basically - they require for Windows Phone 8, but I even think that Windows Phone 7 will do.
My question is this:
Other than installing Visual Studio 2012 + WindowsPhone7 SDK or Installing Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2013, or using a VM with one of these -
Is there a way to develop for Windows Phone 7 or 8, under Windows 7???
I don't currently have a physical windows phone and will have to use an emulator for that.
Windows phone 8/windows store apps under windows 7 OS is not possible, you need a windows 8 OS
You can develop for windows phone 8/windows phone 7 (7.1) with windows 8 OS
Windows 7 OS obviously supports windows phone 7 development
See this post
there are other hardware requirements such as Hyper V for windows phone 8 emulator support in windows 8 OS
You can keep both versions of VisualStudio on the same machine, but keep in mind that if you want to develop applications for Windows8 or WindowsPhone8 on Windows7 operating systems this is not possible because you miss the new framework WindowsRuntime, so I advise you to keep windows 8 as operating system, VisualStudio 21012 + sdk for WindowsPhone7 and VisualStudio 2013 SDK for windowsphone 8 and developments already built for Windows Phone8.
You cannot develop a WP8 app on Windows 7. You can develop a WP7 app on Windows 7 using VS 2010 plus the WP7 SDKs - WP 7.1 SDK, WP7.1.1 SDK, WP7.8 SDK -

How Can I Develop Windows Phone Application Through (Windows7(32bit))

I need to know if I can develop windows phone applications through the vs2012 with my computer
my computer has :
1- windows 7 OS .
2- 32 bit .
3- VS2012 .
I heard that you cannot develop windows phone 8 application through windows 7?
Can I use windows phone 7?
How can I download it ?
Windows Phone 8 development is possible on a Windows 7 OS using Visual Studio 2012. The Windows Phone 8 emulator, however, requires Window 8 64bit to run.
System requirements for Windows Phone Emulator:
The Windows Phone SDK 8.0 setup program checks the prerequisites for running Windows Phone 8 Emulator. It displays warnings if the prerequisites are not present, but it does not require them.
If your computer or your network doesn't support all the requirements for running the emulator, you can still install the SDK and develop apps for Windows Phone 8. You can only debug and test them, however, on a registered Windows Phone 8 phone.
In short, the requirements for writing Windows Phone 8 applications on Windows 7 are:
Visual Studio 2012
Windows Phone 8 SDK
Registered Windows Phone 8 device
Windows Phone Developer Account
